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Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

Clawed Pleasure: 7 + 2 + 23 = 32 Pleasure = Orgasm. Drains 32 HP and 32 EP.

The demon suddenly spurted into her mouth, filling her mouth with its sweet cum and allowing her to drain the creature dry of its energies, sucking the life and spirit energy from it almost as fast as she sucked its sperm out. The creature collapses, spent completely, and Maria can't help but want more, her eyes straying to the other two clawed demons, and to her captive woman.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria shakily looks at the man with a smile on her face, licking her lips as she starts to move towards the next one, a hand already reaching out for it's crotch, "Is that enough~? Or shall I finish off the rest of them~?" She started to let her more lustful nature show, after all, there wasn't as much point in trying to hide it now...
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

"Knock yourself out, succubus." The man says, a hint of mirth in his voice.

The other two demons are already erect, their cocks sticking out for Maria to grasp and play with as she sees fit.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria grins and starts on the next demon, gently taking the first's member into her mouth, eager to start pleasuring it and draining energy from the demon. Her other hand begins to try to pleasure the other demon, stroking up and down it's cock with in rhythm with her head. She began blushing heavily as she felt like she was degrading herself, but at the same time she was enjoying it so immensely...
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Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

Clawed Pleasure: 3 + 2 + 23 = 28 Pleasure = Orgasm. Drains 28 HP and 28 EP.
Clawed Pleasure: 3 + 2 + 23 = 28/2 = 14 Pleasure. Drains 7 HP and 7 EP.

Maria barely has the demons cock in her mouth before she feels it throb, and then erupt in down her throat, leaching the energy from it even as it fills her mouth with its sweet seed. The one in her mouth collapses as she drains the last of its cum and energies, though this one is still alive, having just a few dregs of its life energies remaining. The other demon humps her hand as she strokes it, and she can feel warm precum dripping onto her fingers as she drains some of its energy as well. Maria begins to feel quite invigorated, as she is taking in a great deal more energy than usual.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria blushes and moves away slightly, surprised at how fast it came, of course, knowing what it was designed to do, this was probably an advantage for it... She shrugs and concentrates on the remaining demon, using both her hands to pleasure it as she smiles at it, whispering quietly to it "I think I'll just have you cum all over my face instead~" She was surprised at herself a little as well, about how invigorating this was feeling, she always just assumed that the feeding was to keep her alive and sane, didn't know it worked like this too..
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

Clawed Pleasure: 2 + 2 + 23 = 27/2 = 13 Pleasure = Orgasm. Drains 12 HP and 14 EP.

The creature pants as Maria strokes its cock, the thick appendage quickly growing slick from the demons precum. After another moment, the demon lets out a high growl, and Maria snaps her eyes shut as the demon sprays its release all over he face, thick ropes of demon cum splattering across the bridge of her nose, all over her lips, and on her right cheek. The demon seems to have a little energy left, but pants in exhaustion, cum dribbling from its cock.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria smiles at the demon as she slowly gets up, looking over her handiwork, then turns to the man, "Is that proof enough? Or do I have to start on you too~?" She shakes her head a little, trying to retain her sanity as she inwardly groans, ashamed as the reality of what she had just done hit her like a brick...
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

"Yes, that's quite enough. Will you be taking her with you, or would you prefer to leave her here?" The man says, indicating the woman Maria had been carrying around. He didn't seem to notice her shame, or at all uncomfortable with the fact that her face was covered in cum.

(Gained a total of 15 corruption.)
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria looks at the woman, then bends down and picks up her up and smiles, "I've been carrying her around for so long already, plus the overzealous adventurer would still kill her. I prefer to take her with me." She gently wipes some of the cum off with one hand as she smiles, "So, where are we going?"
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

"Why, to hell of course." The man says, laughing, and suddenly grabs her arm. Before she can do anything, she and her burden become substance-less, immaterial. She is dragged through the shadows across town to the center of the factory district. She rematerialized in front of a massive black and purple vortex, the man swooning slightly next to her. The area around the portal was devastated, and Maria could literally feel the corruptive powers of the dark gateway.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria looks at the man, blinking, "Hell? How do we..." Before she could get her answer, she was suddenly dragged towards the middle of town, trying hard not to scream, she closes her eyes tightly until they stop. Opening her eyes, she looks at the giant portal, this was the origin of the invasion... and for her, it was both amazing and at the same time horrifying. She looks at the man, "So... am I suppose to go through that...?"
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

The man groans; "Uhhhh... Never done three at once before. What? Yes, you have to go through it, you dolt." He snaps, though he sighs afterward. He striaghtens, and says; "Come on, might as well get you through orientation. You'll only be the third of our wayward kin to rejoin us you know, though you're the first that's a descendant, rather than a survivor."
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria looks at the man, a little confused, but nods and walks through the gate slowly, closing her eyes as she does so, "A survivor? You mean... of the last invasion?" She briefly stops and waits for the answer, hoping that going through the gate wasn't going to spell the end for her...
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

"Yep, not many got out of there alive, and of those only two have survived all this time, as far as we know. Oh, right, you're new. We're immortal. And once you're through your orientation, you will be too." The man replies, seemingly impatient to be on the other side of the gate.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria nods slowly, then walks through the gate, holding onto the woman tightly not wanting to lose her on the way there, and hoping that whatever was waiting on the other side for her would well... accept her...
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

The gateway seems to work like any other door, and Maria only experiences a brief lightness as she steps through, her passenger remaining unconscious. The landscape she is greeted with is both horrifying and stunning, a twilight sky with not a single star that fades to a crimson glow, and vast fields of short scraggly grass with a few trees here and there. There are collections of ruins in the area, most of which seem deserted, but one of which has a small collection of people gathered around it. the man steps through next to her, and his armor fades, revealing a rather handsome man who seems to be barely out of his twenties, his face just starting to show worry lines.

Upon seeing those gathered around the nearby hill, he groans, and says; "Oh, voids cursed... Did one of them really have to show up? Now nothing's going to get done."
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria stares and gawks for awhile, unsure of what to say about this new setting, it definitely felt like home for some strange reason, but at the same time, she was a little scared of it. Fixing the woman's position so that she wouldn't slip, she looks at the man, surprised, then speaks, "What's going on? What appeared? Those people?"
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

"No, not the people. The damned dog they're gathered around. One of the Hellfangs. I can smell its pompous dog breath from here." The man says, his voice sounding tired and annoyed.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria nods and looks at the crowd, then back at the man, questioningly, "And what's bad about that?"