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Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

"The entire area's going to smell like god shit for months, that's what's bad about it. And everyone's going to be kissing the foul beasts ass until it decides to go somewhere else to be fawned over. Just because there's only twenty of the damn things doesn't make them so damned special, it's still just a dog." The man says, bitterness creeping into his voice.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria nods a little, a little less confused, but still rather confused, she simply nods and looks at the man, "You don't seem to like it very much... we should get going." She lowers her head a little, sniffing the air a few times and then looking at the woman again, trying to shift around a little.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

"Yeah, might as well." The man says, sighing. He starts walking down the hill on which the portal rests, and leads her toward a set of ruins adjacent to the one the people were gathered around. She could see a massive black skinned, hairless dog sitting on the hill, easily twice as tall as she was while sitting. A young woman approached it, and Maria couldn't take her eyes off of her, the woman was so beautiful. She had glowing golden hair and a perfect body, her large but visibly firm breasts and well toned body incredibly eye catching even from so far off.

She approached the hound slowly, her every motion accentuating the curves of her body, and once she'd reached it, she slowly turned around. She got on her hands and knees, and raised her ass in the air, as though offering herself to the massive beast, and the dog seemed to understand. It took to its massive feet with fluid grace like Maria had never seen, and slowly stepped forward as if to mount the woman right then and there. A shock of horror and revulsion swept over Maria, however, as the dogs massive jaws suddenly shot forward and clenched over the womans head, cleanly decapitating her.

The man she'd been following let out a disgusted grunt, having apparently been watching as well, and said; "Such a waste on nothing more than a damn dog. Stupid arrogant beast."
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Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria shakes her head as she follows the man, trying not to look, but finding it hard to resist turning every once in awhile, "What did she have to gain from that? It looked... painful..." She shudders, getting raped was one thing... losing a body part was... well... she didn't want to think about it.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

"Some people consider it an honor to bare one of the stupid beasts litters. But the creatures usually only choose the best of their supplicants to mate with, and either kill the rest, or throw them to it's children as a plaything." The man says, anger evident in his voice. The pair starts ascending a hill, and Maria finds herself starting to sweat due to the weight of the woman she was carrying.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria simply nods as she tries to shift the weight of the woman so that she could be carried more easily, peering up at the top of the hill as she continues to follow, "What a waste of perfectly good lives..."
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

"That's what I said, but does anyone listen to me? Noooo..... They just fawn over the stupid things, all too happy to have their heads torn off or to be raped to death. The beasts can't even talk!" the man says, apparently intent on rambling on for a while as the two ascend the small hill. Reaching the top, a small ruined building made of white stone stands, one of its walls gone but still structurally intact. "Well, here we are." The man says, turning to her.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria continues to nod as she listens to the man, checking the woman's position on her back every once in awhile to ensure she hadn't fallen off. This realm was very strange and alien to her, not in environment, or even the feeling, but just the way things were done around here...

She looks up at the building and then at the man, "Anything I should remember to say? Or not to say? And are you going to go in with me or am I going in by myself?" She hoped the man would come along, she had no idea what she was going to do at this point, she didn't even think earlier in the day when she woke up that she was really going to meet a demon under these circumstances....
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

"Not particularly, and I'm going in there with you. Just don't say anything stupid, which doesn't seem to be too much of a problem so far, and she shouldn't vaporize you or eat you or anything like that." the man replies, grinning slightly, though he adds; "I would recommend you leave that outside though." While gesturing toward the woman she carried. He then turns and starts heading toward an opening in the ruin that might have held a door at some point.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria nods and sets the woman down near the door, looking her over, then takes a quick look around, "I'll be back soon..." She quickly follows the man inside, not wanting to offend whoever this 'she' was that the man was talking about.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

(Giant wall of text, ahoy!)

Maria follows the man into the building, finding that it is all just one large room with a throne on the far side. The room is lighted by strange green glowing things hanging from the ceilings and the support pillars, giving the whole of the place a very alien appearance. A woman sits on the throne, dressed only in a revealing crimson gown, and she stares constantly at the man as he approaches, and then kneels before her.

"Why have you brought a pregnant mortal to my chamber, Able? Am I to clean up after your every idiotic decision?" The woman says, her voice deep and authoritative. The man, apparently called Able, replies; "It's nice to see you too, Natalie. And if you'd look past your nose for a minute you'd realize that this is no ordinary mortal. I had no idea that she was pregnant, but at the moment that hardly matters. She is a descendant of our race, her blood coming from one of those that survived the last mass suicide you call an invasion. I know this beyond any reasonable doubt, for I have seen what she is capable of." Able replies, looking up at her as he speaks.

The womans gaze shifts to Maria, and Maria couldn't help but realize just how... Normal, she looked. She had black hair down to her shoulders, fairly thin but at least a little curvy, and had large friendly dark brown eyes, as opposed to the red she'd seen in every other demon. Had she been standing, Maria guessed that she'd probably be only a little bit over five feet tall. "Is that so? What would you have me do about? And more importantly, why should I care enough to do it?" The woman says.

Able replies; "I would have you awaken the power within her blood. Make her one of us. And as for why you should do it: She has lived her whole life in the other world. She could tell us when and where to strike before the full invasion so as to soften their defenses and make our conquest realistically possible, for once. She would also likely make a valuable ally, and at no cost to us. She is sincere in her wish to regain her heritage, in point of fact she came here to do just that."

The woman raised an eyebrow at that, ignoring the mans impertinence and giving Maria the idea that they knew each other fairly well. She turned once more to Maria and said; "Is this true? Would you become one of us, abandoning your own world that you have grown in your whole life, for a heritage you clearly know very little about?"
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria stands there, quietly, looking around every once in awhile and remaining quiet just as the man, who she learned was named Able, spoke to the woman. She listens to the two of them talk, blushing a little as she was quickly reminded that she was indeed pregnant, as well as being glad that the man was helping her make her case.

She was surprised at some of what was being said though, her help them figure out which were strategic points? She knew of some places, and had heard of complaints of others, but she was no tactician, would she even be able to help? She jumps slightly as Natalie, the woman, addresses her, she thinks for a moment, then begins to speak, "I've lived my life as a human, when I found out where I really came from... I had already decided there and then to abandon that world." It was true, mostly, she had run away and left everything in order to make sure her family and loved ones were not killed by her, it was for the best...
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

Natalie gives Maria an amused smile, which does a good deal to put Marias mind at least, and replies; "Very well then. But know that there can be no going back from this. Once you are changed, you will one of us, forevermore. And you must aid us in the conquest of your world, however you are able to, in exchange for the power which I will grant you. Do you understand?"
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria nods again as she watches the woman, she would've gladly done this even without the promise of power, plus this way, she could much easier prevent those that raised her from being killed. She could simply capture them to ensure they survived, "Of course, I understand."
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

"Good." Natalie says, and rises to walk toward Maria. Power seems to gather around her as she approaches, coalescing into a sphere of pure blackness hovering an inch above her upraised hand. She slowly approaches Maria, and without any sort of warning shoves the sphere into Marias chest. For a split second, nothing happens, but then a wave of unimaginable agony spreads across her body, starting in her chest and spreading to the rest of her body. The pain is unimaginable, and she doesn't even realize that she has collapsed to the stone floor and has started screaming in agony. The pain causes her to pass out, and her nearly broken mind gladly accepts the blackness.

A short while later, she awoke to find herself alone on a soft mat, covered by a blanket. The room she was in was dark, suggesting that she had either been there for a while, or had been put into a less damaged structure with fully solid walls.

(Maria has gained the Full Blooded Demon mutation.)
Full Blood Demon: The character gets a permanent +10 to Body and Spirit and +20 to Mind, one free Talent from the Succubus Talent pool, and ceases to gain corruption, but must choose 5 other mutations. Also gain the special ability: Hypnotize - Once every three rounds, the character can make an opposed Mind check against a single enemy. If they win, their opponent loses their next action.
Succubi only.

(Edit: added something to your mutation that should have been there from the start.)
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Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria takes a half step back as the woman approaches not sure what would happen. Her screams pierces the air as she doubles over in pain, briefly wondering it she had been betrayed.

She wakes up with a start, still a little sore as she looks around, groaning, "U..ugh... where am I...?"

(should I make the edits to my char sheet?)
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

(Yes. I'll save my update until then.)
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 83, P = 72, EP = 62, Pregnant

She didn't feel any lasting pain from whatever had been done to her, and in fact she now felt as though she were stronger than before. Her belly is noticeably larger, and Maria guesses that soon she'll have to give birth to whatever that strange tree had put inside of her.

There didn't seem to be anyone else in the room, and she couldn't see well enough to find the walls of the room. Moments later, a pang in her belly tells her that her previous thoughts weren't far off.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria slowly shifts around, pulling herself to her feet. She groans aloud in pain, glad for now that she was not dead. At least she hoped she wasn't, she was already in hell, and she wasn't really sure what would happen to her if she died there. Her thoughts suddenly shifted to something else. The woman. She had left the woman outside just before going in, what had happened to her? How much time had passed?

She holds her stomach as she leans against the wall, waiting for whatever she was going to give birth to to come out. And hoping that someone would eventually come for her.