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RPG [seldompie] Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Text based games are really cool in their own way. For those who want parts of it to be left to the imagination, a really different world can emerge for different people. I would rather a well done text game with vivid descriptions and lots of choices, than a cheap H game with static images and a linear path.

to each their own. no doubt. my only point is, add scenes or pics for that matter to this game, EPIC. would totally give MGQ a run for its money IMO.
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

to each their own. no doubt. my only point is, add scenes or pics for that matter to this game, EPIC. would totally give MGQ a run for its money IMO.

Well, if it gets popular, there will be artists like in CoC that will contribute and you can create your own gallery. I totally agree with you though, but we are living in a male dominated society still and all more "femdom" approaches are quite new. In Japan there is a noticeable change in attitudes towards more female dominated content, however try to talk to most of your friends in a western country and most will find your kinks awkward :D
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Well, if it gets popular, there will be artists like in CoC that will contribute and you can create your own gallery. I totally agree with you though, but we are living in a male dominated society still and all more "femdom" approaches are quite new. In Japan there is a noticeable change in attitudes towards more female dominated content, however try to talk to most of your friends in a western country and most will find your kinks awkward :D

well then i hope it gets popular.

i am as east coast as it gets, lol. but your western point is understood. the male dominating just doesnt do anything for me. its boring. the female in control is of the utmost importance.

i was blown away when MGQ was released, and several games since then like

erotical nights
succubus quest

just to name a few i loved. i search everyday for more games like the above. hoping i run into some.
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

well then i hope it gets popular.

i am as east coast as it gets, lol. but your western point is understood. the male dominating just doesnt do anything for me. its boring. the female in control is of the utmost importance.

i was blown away when MGQ was released, and several games since then like

erotical nights
succubus quest

just to name a few i loved. i search everyday for more games like the above. hoping i run into some.

Have you ever tried the previously mentioned ? It's entirely text-based and entirely awesome, imo. You will inevitably run into some gay stuff, and a hell of a lot of futa stuff, but if you don't have a problem with that there's a fair amount of straightforward monstergirl femdom going on in there too (mainly through random encounter loss; for the most part consensual scenes are either less femdom or actually futa).

If you LIKE the futa stuff, then it's amazing :p
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Have you ever tried the previously mentioned ? It's entirely text-based and entirely awesome, imo. You will inevitably run into some gay stuff, and a hell of a lot of futa stuff, but if you don't have a problem with that there's a fair amount of straightforward monstergirl femdom going on in there too (mainly through random encounter loss; for the most part consensual scenes are either less femdom or actually futa).

If you LIKE the futa stuff, then it's amazing :p

i tried COC but it was just text based. i lost interest fast. BUMP for more suggestions?
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

This game got potential, I must say! EEEEVIL potential!
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

i tried COC but it was just text based. i lost interest fast. BUMP for more suggestions?

Did you play Violated Hero 1-2? Monster Girl femdom, full voice acting, great art, bad gameplay.
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Did you play Violated Hero 1-2? Monster Girl femdom, full voice acting, great art, bad gameplay.

yes i have played them both. and agree with your reviews 100%.

what floats my boat sort to speak is games that feature sex battles like erotical nights. and even the post fight sex moves in yuusha. women are far superior in sex battles because they can fight SOOO unfair! lol
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Sorry if this is a stupid post but do yall know of to get your health back up and how do you unlock the things you can put exp into like porno mags and darts because I seem to just get them randomly
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Sorry if this is a stupid post but do yall know of to get your health back up and how do you unlock the things you can put exp into like porno mags and darts because I seem to just get them randomly

Health is recovered by resting back at the hotel. Same deal with stat items like mags, darts, etc.; in the hotel, before the day officially ends, you have the option of using one of them, provided you have 50 exp. You can only use one per night, even if you have 100+ exp.
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

I'm glad this game is getting received so well. I'm rooting for the creator, cause I think he's got a really good thing going. I hope we can give him enough support to work through build after build. Given how much he's already put into something that's only on version .061, I can only imagine how much more work he has to do.

He says he allows for outside writers as long as they take it seriously and provide some work for him to critique to see if it fits into the setting and all, so I think I'm going to try and do some of that.
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Hi guys, author of the game here. Thanks for all the kind words! It's great to know people are enjoying the game.

A few of you mentioned that you'd enjoy the game more if it had graphics - it's actually made using Renpy, a dev tool designed for making visual novels with, so it'd be pretty easy to add graphics to it. Maybe if the game gets more popular, some skilled artists might be inspired enough to donate some arts to the project? It'd increase the file size, but there's always the option of havign graphical and text only versions.

Daemon McRae - thanks for making the initial post, and I'd love to see any ideas you have for additional npcs or whatever. There's already a couple of donated scenes in the game, and I'm looking forward to receiving more!

If anyones got any questions or suggestions, I'd be happy to answer them here - the way blogger stacks comments makes it a little difficult to get a discourse going.
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

1: Do you have anywhere that you could post a map of the complete town as is, or some other way to know if I should keep trying to explore in a certain area? It's annoying not knowing if I'm just wasting my time.

2: Is there some way to continue the quest chain with the pharmacy girl? I got up to where she wants something from the library. However...

3: When I try to explore either the Spooky House, Library or College, I get attacked by respective girl type every single time. I've never had ANY other result. Is this intended?

4: Is there actually some other way, then, to explore the Spooky house, Library and College?

5: Could you possibly make an option for those of us who aren't into horrific mutations? Girl with claw arm? Alright I can deal with that. But like people laying eggs in me? No thanks.

6: I noticed a couple of spelling mistakes, and I wrote them down. I don't remember where I wrote them though. Would this be the best place to record bugs or errors I find ingame?

Looking good so far!
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Well, the ideas I'd had for npc's so far were few and only a couple, but here's what I've been rolling around in my head:

Aside from the chubby housewife, have another wife, an older woman, who's husband had to leave her here. Something for people who like mature women. Possibly mutates into a cougar-morph. For the joke.

An actress or tv star of some kind, possibly a television studio or something that had been abandoned.

I'd imagine a high school or something nearby, so maybe you could do the mature women fetish by having a teacher or something running around. Possibly a second encounter in the college.

Twin sisters. This is always, has always been, and will always be, the best thing.

Maybe some girl or something in the hotel or starting area that pops up at random, and is "convinced" (read: delusional) that you two have been friends for years. The childhood friend cliche.

Maybe have a recurring survivor running around that you could either "recruit", and have bring stuff back to the house, like food and training items (at the risk of running through your food faster if you both screw up), or a rival that tries to get stuff from you after you've been collecting, and after you beat the stuffing out of him you can take some of his stuff.

Maybe have a secondary base or something on the other side of the island. Like for instance, after you've explored that one chain of like four or five estates, find an abandoned building there or something.

The possibility of finding other survivor's hideouts, raiding from them, or trading stuff you got.

A clothing store for armor.

Just some thoughts I've had. Some of these I came up with writing this, so just feel free to use whatever you want. Good work so far, I look forward to future builds.
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

For some reason, I found the placeholderish ending screen and similar bits really, really funny. I'm not entirely sure why. :)

The relative lack of outright furry content was pretty refreshing, I must say.
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

A survival text-based game with decent writing, f on m femdom, and a title that sounds like a B-movie?

I already love this game.

Aside from the chubby housewife, have another wife, an older woman, who's husband had to leave her here. Something for people who like mature women. Possibly mutates into a cougar-morph. For the joke.

Hilarious. Totally second this idea.
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

1: Do you have anywhere that you could post a map of the complete town as is, or some other way to know if I should keep trying to explore in a certain area? It's annoying not knowing if I'm just wasting my time.

2: Is there some way to continue the quest chain with the pharmacy girl? I got up to where she wants something from the library. However...

3: When I try to explore either the Spooky House, Library or College, I get attacked by respective girl type every single time. I've never had ANY other result. Is this intended?

4: Is there actually some other way, then, to explore the Spooky house, Library and College?

5: Could you possibly make an option for those of us who aren't into horrific mutations? Girl with claw arm? Alright I can deal with that. But like people laying eggs in me? No thanks.

6: I noticed a couple of spelling mistakes, and I wrote them down. I don't remember where I wrote them though. Would this be the best place to record bugs or errors I find ingame?

Looking good so far!

1. You're right, thi'sd take a lot of the frustration out of things for players. I'll get something drafted up for the next update.

2. Currently there's no way to continue Selena's quest, as the library isn't done. :(

3. Yeah, those locations are pretty much just placeholders for the time being.

4. So nope. :(

5. A couple of people have asked for this, I'm unsure. I feel part of the games concept is your character being at risk of something he might dislike happening to him. So it's something I'm still thinking about.

6. Please email me any typos, bugs etc. The address should be on the sidebar of the blog.

Daemon McRae - nice ideas! Are these things you're thinking of writing, or just general suggestions?

The armour idea is a good one, I've been putting it off because i'll need to re do how damage works in every enemy attack in the whole game to get it to work, because I was a total dumbass when setting it up. It'll be much neater and easier to effect stuff once I have, though, and the sooner I do it, the less I'll have to change...

There's already a couple of survivors knocking around, one you can fight at the seafront, and a few you chat to or hear from - one dude-bro guy who you can meet early on, and again when Selena "turns", and an older ex-army kind of guy. I had some vague ideas of having them as companions, but haven't implemented much yet.

I've already got an encounter with twins half written! What do you prefer, blondes or brunnettes? :p
I've actually got a good half dozen NPC's written, just waiting for defeat scenes. Those are always the hardest to write.

Thanks again for the support guys, new build by the end of sunday if not before.
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

If you need me to write some defeat scenes, I'm no stranger to smut. Just let me know what kind of general scenario you want, and I'll see what I can do. There are some I might not, just because of personal preference, but those are few and far between, and from what I've read on your site, the game won't have most of them.

I don't have a preference for hair color, really.
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Ok, update from SeldomPie (from his site):

Hi guys,

Sorry for the delays, been having computer issues. My antivirus got corrupted somehow, and as far as I can tell was continually crashing and restarting, which was slowing my computer to a crawl. It then refused to let me delete it, adding to the fun. After a day or two of fighting, I now have it removed and re installed, though I'm now getting random browser crashes. So, FUN.

I'll try to have an update before the end of tomorrow, and to get back to everyone who's waiting on emails from me too.

So we should get something by Friday, God willing. Good luck, Seldom!
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Yet another update: version .063 is out. For all OS's here: