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Discussion Sex MUGEN 2.0 General Discussion Thread

Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

It's not a problem to me. I don't care.
The problem is that i know ppl that could be angry for a lot less.
It's up to you to ignore them or stay out of problems.

What was the whole deal with that thing over on Ryona.moe? I noticed some guy was giving you shit, but i'm not that great with jap so I couldn't really follow the conversation, especially when it blew up
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

I wouldn't have a problem if the characters were easier to find. I tried using ryona mugen and I'm still not sure if its the right site because the site is written in japanese and the url is a bit different. Also using that site is a pain because I have to pretty much guess what's what. Also there doesn't seem to have any way to search for specific characters which is frustrating... :(

I found Taiga from toradora and Kirino, but the rar files only contains the bmp files for the animation and nothing else. I guess those would be useful if I knew how to assemble them and make the characters myself...
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Judael: Thank you.
Ericridge: She's one of the characters that don't want to work properly with the palettes.
Since she wan't in my top list, I thought that maybe, waiting some time, I would have find a new version... then I just totally forgot I had her in first place. Now I've checked online and downloaded 'a version' (not sure if better, worse, or the same). Tomorrow I'll try.
Mugenhti: YOU-ARE-SOMETHING! And I suppose something good.
Finally someone made a tutorial about that secret ritual that are the 'grabs'!
I imediatly tried :D ... and faild :) ... yes :|
I'm quite sure to know what I did wrong, in fact, in the tutorial I miss the part where you put the sprites in the animation.
I see how to create the animations, but there is not the string of codes with the frames (from 5 to 9) to copy and paste.
I'm sure I have to study that part better.
I've already downloaded Iori and Tomorrow I'll try to find what I'm missing, by looking into his files.
... DAMN! the 'leg' is an 'explode'! That's why I never figured out where to find those frames in the .txt files!

Thanks to all ... now I have a bit more to do, so probably the project wiil see the light across the New Year, but maybe it's better like this.
I will start to name the game "Queen of Light 2016", instead of '2.2'.

Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Does anyone have the complete character riesbyfe Stridberg with the new animations? I can't seem to find her anywhere I know ryona.moe has the material but I don't know how to code. I just know how to add or replace sprites.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Betmark! I"m curious did you ever finish that Mikuru character you was making or never? Cuz I don't see her up there anymore.

Now, supposing that she is the Mikuru you was talking about, I uploaded her in my page.
I fixed something and added a Midnight Bliss. She's not full compatible with Minotaur and the new versions of Kuromaru, but she works fine.

Since I've uploaded the Characters Page, you may also see some new characters (red background) I'm including in the new version of the game.
Still some download links aren't working, becaue I'm still waiting for the permissions.

p.s: I actually had fun, making the MidBliss of Mikuru and Baiken

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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

I'm quite sure to know what I did wrong, in fact, in the tutorial I miss the part where you put the sprites in the animation.
I see how to create the animations, but there is not the string of codes with the frames (from 5 to 9) to copy and paste.
I'm sure I have to study that part better.
I've already downloaded Iori and Tomorrow I'll try to find what I'm missing, by looking into his files.
... DAMN! the 'leg' is an 'explode'! That's why I never figured out where to find those frames in the .txt files!

i left a image of the animation 8017(raping) and the code too
8017 the char raping
[Begin Action 8017]
8015,5, 0,0, 30,H
8015,6, 0,0, 10,H
8015,8, 0,0, 70,H
8015,6, 0,0, 4,H
8015,5, 0,0, 4,H
8015,5, 0,0, 4,H
8015,6, 0,0, 4,H
8015,7, 0,0, 4,H
8015,8, 0,0, 4,H
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8015,6, 0,0, 4,H
8015,5, 0,0, 4,H
8015,6, 0,0, 4,H
8015,7, 0,0, 4,H
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8015,6, 0,0, 4,H
8015,7, 0,0, 4,H
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8015,6, 0,0, 4,H
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8015,6, 0,0, 4,H
8015,7, 0,0, 4,H
8015,8, 0,0, 4,H
8015,8, 0,0, 10,H
8015,6, 0,0, 4,H
8015,5, 0,0, 4,H
8015,6, 0,0, 2,H
8015,7, 0,0, 2,H
8015,8, 0,0, 2,H
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8015,6, 0,0, 2,H
8015,5, 0,0, 2,H
8015,6, 0,0, 2,H
8015,7, 0,0, 2,H
8015,8, 0,0, 2,H
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8015,6, 0,0, 2,H
8015,5, 0,0, 2,H
8015,6, 0,0, 2,H
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8015,7, 0,0, 30,H
8015,9, 0,0, 15,H
8015,7, 0,0, 35,H
8015,9, 0,0, 15,H
8015,7, 0,0, 40,H
8015,9, 0,0, 15,H
8015,7, 0,0, 45,H
8015,9, 0,0, 15,H
8015,7, 0,0, 60,H
8015,6, 0,0, 20,H
8015,5, 0,0, 70,H
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

i've tried to download from a Friend's Computer... works fine. :confused:
by the way, re-uploaded again.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

i've tried to download from a Friend's Computer... works fine. :confused:
by the way, re-uploaded again.

Even not knowing what was you talking about, I tried and the link leads nowhere.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

i've tried to download from a Friend's Computer... works fine. :confused:
by the way, re-uploaded again.

Thanks but the first link is somehow able to work, no need to re-upload.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

This is a major warning to everyone on this thread. There are two zip files on (mugenryona sakura) called custom.zip I just extracted one and it was a virus when you extract it it says "DAMN YOU'RE FUCKED" and it started multiplying on your computer and can mess up the motherboard or hardrive. I managed to save my laptop by holding the power button so it forced shutdown. Please do not download them!
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

This is a major warning to everyone on this thread. There are two zip files on (mugenryona sakura) called custom.zip I just extracted one and it was a virus when you extract it it says "DAMN YOU'RE FUCKED" and it started multiplying on your computer and can mess up the motherboard or hardrive. I managed to save my laptop by holding the power button so it forced shutdown. Please do not download them!

:eek: Thank you, man with 2 posts.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Can someone PLEASE upload their MUGEN to MEGA and pm or send to [email protected]

i lost my mugen and all the downloaded chars and it will take long to redownload everything
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

This is a major warning to everyone on this thread. There are two zip files on (mugenryona sakura) called custom.zip I just extracted one and it was a virus when you extract it it says "DAMN YOU'RE FUCKED" and it started multiplying on your computer and can mess up the motherboard or hardrive. I managed to save my laptop by holding the power button so it forced shutdown. Please do not download them!

Bro, I just came to write this as well. But yeah, it was too late for me; just wanted to confirm this is a real issue and that if there's anyone reading this with access to the ryona uploader, get an admin to delete it. This is worse than the duplicate file trolling.

Also, a good reminder to avoid opening .exe files if you don't know what's in them. (There's actually a program file within the .zip file, which is the culprit, should you execute it). I was an idiot and wasn't thinking. It took manually shutting down my computer and throwing my computer into a cleansing bath of 6 different anti-malware programs to ensure it was okay.

Btw, I attached a picture of what the files look like in case you don't know what I'm talking about.
EDIT: Ah jeebus, it's super small, and it's 2:30 in the morning so I'm not gonna try to edit this one. Just don't download the two recent "Custom" files from the ryona uploader, okay?

Can someone PLEASE upload their MUGEN to MEGA and pm or send to [email protected]

i lost my mugen and all the downloaded chars and it will take long to redownload everything

Dude, my condolences. You don't think it happens until it happens to you, and it's devastating. : ( Just lost my own not too long ago and have to rebuild. Right now, I'd recommend checking out Judael's RMDB mugen; though he's taken it down, I think Senoj posted a copy on Post 162. It's quite a long download, so be patient. Also, Betmark's looking to improve his mugen, so you can take a look at his (google it) and return the favor by helping him with new characters. Good luck.


  • mugen_ryona_virus.jpg
    22 KB · Views: 9
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Hey a new vid by mugenero!

Fun stuff in the uploader--since I'm rebuilding my mugen, I often forget about gems that aren't included in RMDB's mugen (since they were created/improved after he shut his mugen down), which I'm using as my base. The D4Cathy is one of them, and an improved version was posted on the uploader not too long ago.

(Inb4 senoj, haha)
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Now, supposing that she is the Mikuru you was talking about, I uploaded her in my page.
I fixed something and added a Midnight Bliss. She's not full compatible with Minotaur and the new versions of Kuromaru, but she works fine.

Since I've uploaded the Characters Page, you may also see some new characters (red background) I'm including in the new version of the game.
Still some download links aren't working, becaue I'm still waiting for the permissions.

p.s: I actually had fun, making the MidBliss of Mikuru and Baiken


Awesome thanks! That's the mikuru I was talking about. Its nice to finally have up to date version XD Was using your old one.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

New Mugen_Rape Vid (HD)

Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

I'm just passing by and Merry Chrstmasing you... just saying.

Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

New Mugen_Rape Vid (HD)

Slowing down, bro! ;) I do appreciate that you take the time to download and upload the vid though.

I'm just passing by and Merry Chrstmasing you... just saying.


Merry Christmas, all you perverts! Now get off the computer and go enjoy the holiday with your friends and family. And if you don't have any, go make some. :p