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Discussion Sex MUGEN 2.0 General Discussion Thread

In this very forum thread I downloaded this stuff because this is the offical forum thread for this game. Where else can I download this game? Where's your proof evidence?

Don't know which version you chose to download or make yourself, but Your loss.


You guys aren't helping at all. Where else am I supposed to download this game? I can't find any website that has this game


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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Sorry guys. Been lurking for the past month; life's a bitch and didn't feel like contributing much.

Thanks for the links, Shinkaiser. Yeah, a little weird that mugen_rape's not uploading on FC2, but the last one was pretty ugly (as it's been for a while) and it wasn't my thing anyway. Gettag looks a little better, and he actually uploaded the characters too, so I'll be taking back some of the doubts I put on him about sharing.

Looks fairly quiet on the H-mugen front though--not really anything new. Still not sure why the new uploaded Riesbyfe is so darn invincible, but I'm just grabbing the sprites and anims that aren't in my version and transferring them over.

MSL isn't dead. He PMed me asking for help in coding in Futa Morrigan piledriver sprites to the character, but problem is that I'm likely not the best person to do that (it also isn't my interest). Since he's tasked me with it, I'll PM him to say I'll do it, but does anyone have any advice on that? I'm gonna take a look at that bao.cns file to see how rapers use their piledriver moves, but if someone wants to direct me to the proper code to include or simply how to do it, it'll be much appreciated. I can share when done.

Lastly, RMDB/Judael, if you're on here still, Gettag, on his blog, mentioned you in some Yoko/Ingrid missionary sprite vids recently; did you create those?

This game is disappointing/is a disappointment . It sucks.

Oh yeah? Then how can I make it run properly? Show some screenshots, give me links, send me to a how to page or something.

Uhhh okay.

First things first, that attitude doesn't help. I get you're frustrated. This is a really esoteric game to play because involves a lot of files, coding, spriting, animating, etc. It's meant to be an entirely customizable fighting game engine in which you have a lot of control.

However, that also means you NEED to learn the basics and that'll not only take a lot of time, but a lot of asking questions (sometimes you won't get answers) and patience in learning complex things. Hell, I've been at this for 6 years now (damn...it's been a while, lol) and I'm still learning some of the basics, just because experience and even finding resources are crucial to the process. You can't just come in here with 5 posts in a few days and expect to master this or even learn the basics. Therefore, when you bitch, it won't exactly endear you to the community when asking for help, as you can see by the polarity of helpful/indifferent responses when asking for help, and when complaining.

If you want to give up, that's your call. Those who actually have some experience in this and have put in the work would likely say it's worth the time. And this community is fairly helpful, even if we don't know all the answers. You need to understand that this ISN'T typical mugen, but Hentai-mugen, with 18+ material, AND it's a fairly archaic and dated engine, meaning 1.) the handful of people who know mugen itself don't want anything to do with H-mugen. 2.) the tiny fraction of H-mugen modders and editors are mostly Japanese/Japanese-only-speaking, as the English-speaking ones have likely moved on, as you'll see from a bunch of defunct H-mugen English online warehouses/forums/resources 3.) Most of THOSE experts don't want to help and rarely share resources, except for vids, which don't help. Therefore, you're looking at the best place to learn H-mugen for English-speakers; maintain civility and we'll do our best to help you. We're not paid for this, so there's not really any obligation to help you anyway, and we're also not on 24/7 (and even then, we're all learning), so be patient when asking questions. Besides, you're really SOL otherwise because there's really no other place to go for H-mugen help. TLDR: Be nice, and be patient.

That being said, I'll answer some of your previous questions:
This will get VERY long, so Ima spoiler this.

1.) Yes, characters have movesets. Since characters are created by different people, there's little consistency in moves. Furthermore, since you can control which keypad/keyboard button performs which button click, each move may differ from another mugen-er's. However, with that being said, each character has a CMD file (usually with the CMD or CNS extension). Open it with Notepad+ or something. While it's filled with some code, it also has most of the character's movesets, though some may be in moonspeak. Dawnstar answered this already.

As I said, characters vary. A list of movesets would be nice especially for H-characters. But new versions of the characters are thrown out once in a while, meaning it's difficult to keep that list updated. Some folks on these forums can chime in if they have an actual list they've kept. But it's best if you just play around with the game and learn yourself, just as if you were learning how to play Street Fighter without the Internet, back in the day. It's really not that hard to try stuff and button mash until you get it. Then just write down the combos. It's how I learned.

2.) No, not all characters have sex anims. Each "raper" character will have certain moves to force a "victim" character into a position. If that "victim" doesn't have the necessary sprites/anims or isn't properly coded, they'll be invisible and your "raper" will look like it's humping air. It's fairly rare to have a fully "compatible" character, unless s/he's very popular or worked on a ton (e.g. Asagi). Therefore, many "victims" are prefaced with something like "Kuromaru-compatible/Mino-compatible/Birdie-compatible" (those are some of the more popular rapers). While there's some overlap in the positions and group numbers used for the victims, all three of those quintessential rapers have exclusive moves too, so sometimes a victim will be partially compatible--s/he'll be compatible with one character for some or all of his moves, and potentially not compatible with another.

It sucks, yes, and it's a huge problem, but that's why we're always looking for sprites to add or modders to fix the characters for us. Personally, I'd rather modders/spriters work on existing characters and make the characters complete rather than make new ones, but whatever.

3.) I don't know what you mean by "make run properly". We're not car mechanics. You can't just say "my mugen is broken" and expect us to know what to do. Give us a specific problem, and MAYBE we'll know the answer. Again, and I can't stress this enough, try to be nice. In life, nobody will help you when you're agitated and complaining to them, especially not for free.

Screenshots? Sure. I'm glad you asked, because maybe you'll see it's worthwhile to learn if you can see what you can get out of H-mugen. I'm not gonna submit my own, though I honestly I think I've got a pretty darn good H-mugen myself.

Here's what you can do with H-mugen (it's Gettag's blog; he's one of the few remaining H-mugen modders, and he's pretty good):

https:// gettag.tumblr.com/

Links? Sorry man, those are fairly rare, because, as I said before, most English speaking sites are closed. I forgot who's maintaining the thread, but the OP originally did a great job in having the best available links in the first post. But as things get abandoned, it gets really hard to maintain.

Our best resources are here:

http:// mugenryona.sakura.ne.jp/imgbbs2/

That's the best place to see what those Japanese chaps are doing in terms of new releases. It's in moonspeak, yes, but it's a glimpse into potential future stuff.

http:// mugenryona.sakura.ne.jp/uploader/

This is the uploader. It's the best/only place to get the newest releases. You likely won't know how to add the newest stuff, but once/if you get your mugen running, it's an incredibly valuable resource.


Here's a mini warehouse of characters. It's fairly old, but you can create an H-mugen with some of those characters. Be wary of version control. Part of the difficulty in H-mugen is finding good resources, so you'll have to dig deeper on the Internet to find more repositories and stuff like that. I'd give you more but firstly, most of the sites I'd go to are now closed (I was gonna link Alf's 4Shared account but it looks like he's gone).

Betmark and RMDB (Judael) were two H-mugeners I'd recommend, because both provided actual finished H-mugens that were ready to just download and go. RMDB's (Queen of Fighters) mugen was expansive and I used his as a blueprint for my own; certainly a standalone game. Betmark...nothing against him, but his was a little outdated for my taste. Very organized though. You may want to PM either of them to ask for their mugens if you don't want to learn anything (you probably should and probably will be forced to at some point). I think that, before RMDB took his website down, one of us took his entire mugen and dumped it onto Mega or 4Shared or something...the link may still be active on this thread, though that's for you to search.

Errrr...there isn't one for H-mugen. This is it. Any site that would have H-mugen is in Japanese, and also not very organized or updated. The way this works is you gotta ask questions here (nicely), and we pool our knowledge to help you.

If you're just asking for Mugen basics in general, then you probably should've just GOOGLED it.

http:// mugenguild.com/forum/introductions-and-guides.308
http:// mugenarchive.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?3-MUGEN-Development-Help-amp-WIP
http:// randomselect.piiym.net/

Here are some links to other mugen forums, where you can ask others after you make an account. There are a few tutorials as well, or you can lurk on people's convos to learn. Keep in mind that, again, it's NOT H-mugen, so you should probably steer clear of anything sex-related.

In this very forum thread I downloaded this stuff because this is the offical forum thread for this game. Where else can I download this game? Where's your proof evidence?

You guys aren't helping at all. Where else am I supposed to download this game? I can't find any website that has this game

Yes, you downloaded the correct stuff. Thank the OP (or Dawnstar or whoever uploaded that, because not many people here, myself included, share their own pre-built mugens). Unzip everything and put it all into the same folder and directory. I am not downloading that myself, so I'm not sure if what i'm saying is applicable, but overwrite each patch with the newer one and once you have everything in one folder, then simply click on the executable file. The program or application for mugen to run should be the .exe one, obviously.

*sigh* you posted the same question twice in the span of 3 minutes. No need to double post, and definitely no need to spam the same question in such a small amount of time. As stated, H-mugen resources are not easy to find. I've given you a few, and you should be using the repository I posted earlier. But if you want more (e.g. a proper working H-mugen), you need to ping RMDB or something, or find the characters and add them yourself manually, like the rest of us do. Google also exists, as does searching the thread. The reason why I'm not linking you to a working H-mugen is because 1.) they're not especially easy to find and not very updated. 2.) a lot of them are in Japanese/Spanish. 3.) I'm not really crazy about your attitude and it's probably best if you learn for yourself anyway.

Lastly, please stop saying we're not helping. As I've reiterated countless times, we're not on all the time and we're not experts, and even if both were true, nobody would want to help you anyway because you're neither especially patient nor amiable. Remember, this is a forum; nobody's paid to help you and nobody has an obligation to do so. If you don't want to change, or learn, it's completely fine, but as you can see from Fenix and Surfer here, don't be surprised if you get ignored or the responses you do get are rather lukewarm. We're nice people...when people are nice to us.


Why would we help an entitled fucktard like you? Figure it out.

This guy proves my point.
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Don't pay him any mind.

I see Mugen_rape put up the video again. I'm glad because the Screw Pile Driver is my favorite Mugen thing besides Jill and Kuro
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Excuse me, but what's so exciting about his new vid? Beside old zangief's update to rape all it's just the same old content.

EDIT: And all of mugenero's twitter-only uploads are also just new footage of old content, with slight tweaks. He has gone uncreative.
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Looking forward to the Futa Morrigan. She's my favorite character but sadly outdated.

Also no luck on the Riesbyfe thing? The whole "super armor" means I can't do anything with her. :rolleyes:
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Same Gief, same girls has gotten pretty boring even if the SPD is great.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

That's a great post Emerald Gladiator. You still helped out. I honestly did not have the patience for obvious reasons.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Can someone give me ero helper zero and ero helper 2?I can not find this two rape char,thanks a lot。
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Unfortunately, things have been dull since Jill if you ask me.

The assault characters get repetitive and boring, the girls are usually the same select few, and there's nothing new being added. I may walk away from it for a while. Not worth the time vested in it.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Why would we help an entitled fucktard like you? Figure it out.

Yeah, because you are also a fucktard. Get off your high horses pretentious little cunt
And to our little guy, look for help elsewhere, looks like here you'll only find those kind of people (me included)
But there actually not-asshole people out there
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Unfortunately, things have been dull since Jill if you ask me.

The assault characters get repetitive and boring, the girls are usually the same select few, and there's nothing new being added. I may walk away from it for a while. Not worth the time vested in it.

not that i disagree with you but its peculiar to see you type this then go back and see the most interesting thing to you was an hour long video of zangief doing the same thing over and over, and jill who did the same thing over and over except with helpers.

what exactly do you like about those that are any different?
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

not that i disagree with you but its peculiar to see you type this then go back and see the most interesting thing to you was an hour long video of zangief doing the same thing over and over, and jill who did the same thing over and over except with helpers.

what exactly do you like about those that are any different?

I'm guessing for some of the same reasons as me. Very nice voices on certain characters, new poses that are slightly different, character we are crushing on, and some characters just fit a particular fetish. It's all relative in the end. Even a new raper can really change the game up for us if it's something kinky we haven't seen before or simply the presentation.

Isn't there a character that you wanted badly on this mugen engine?

I myself take a break every so often and eventually come back because the output is so slow. I don't think I can have the patience into making my own mods characters like I did 15 years back when mugen was new for H-Content or even regular stuff.

Still there is always that temptation to turn April Oneil, or other characters into rape victims for the engine. There are dozens of characters that fit my fancy that just won't ever be made, and that's partly because sprite rips haven't made for some to even get started.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

I'm guessing for some of the same reasons as me. Very nice voices on certain characters, new poses that are slightly different, character we are crushing on, and some characters just fit a particular fetish. It's all relative in the end. Even a new raper can really change the game up for us if it's something kinky we haven't seen before or simply the presentation.

Isn't there a character that you wanted badly on this mugen engine?

I myself take a break every so often and eventually come back because the output is so slow. I don't think I can have the patience into making my own mods characters like I did 15 years back when mugen was new for H-Content or even regular stuff.

Still there is always that temptation to turn April Oneil, or other characters into rape victims for the engine. There are dozens of characters that fit my fancy that just won't ever be made, and that's partly because sprite rips haven't made for some to even get started.

Pretty much this. I feel i look more forward to new rapers than victims, because i already have some of my favorite characters as victims, with the animations i like the most, though. So if i would start learning how to make any characters, i would probably start with rapers.

Touching up on the sounds of a character can make a lot of difference, so i learned how to do it, to some degree. I've also slightly started getting into switching sprites between characters. So i feel like I'm learning something by wanting things to change. Since the easiest way to get change, is to do something with it on your own.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Touching up on the sounds of a character can make a lot of difference, so i learned how to do it, to some degree. I've also slightly started getting into switching sprites between characters. So i feel like I'm learning something by wanting things to change. Since the easiest way to get change, is to do something with it on your own.

On the nail, and the best way to handle your preferences on mugen.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Could someone help me find the stage at the start of this video? I know i had it before, but lost it at some point.

Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

not that i disagree with you but its peculiar to see you type this then go back and see the most interesting thing to you was an hour long video of zangief doing the same thing over and over, and jill who did the same thing over and over except with helpers.

what exactly do you like about those that are any different?

Something about Jill being subject to assault by her own "helpers"
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Could someone help me find the stage at the start of this video? I know i had it before, but lost it at some point.
