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Sex Mugen

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Re: Sex Mugen

Hello, the move list seem to be taken down.

Could anyone please reupload it ? Thanks.

Sorry about the down link, but nothing I can do. The external back-up I had the files on burned out because of bad sectors. That was the only place I had the files since my old computer died out.

Even so, there are numerous other improved kuromarus since that first one, many with simplified moves and new animations. It shouldn't be too hard to find the new ones online.
Re: Sex Mugen

Is Mugen worth playing? I've seen alot of stuff on it mostly hot shit but never got to play it. Would anyone recommend it?
Re: Sex Mugen

Is Mugen worth playing? I've seen alot of stuff on it mostly hot shit but never got to play it. Would anyone recommend it?

I would. Even if not for the h content as long as you're a fan of 2d fighters it's worth giving a go.
Re: Sex Mugen

If it's not too out of place to ask. . . does anyone have a nude version of Fara Phoenix, I can't seem to find one through google
Re: Sex Mugen

This is probably a really dumb question but I'll ask it anyway. Can someone post a fight command list or sumthing cuz I really suk?
Re: Sex Mugen

Get fighter factory. IT allows you to edit/create fighters for mugen and will even allow you to change their moves to simple commands such as down down punch if need be.
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Re: Sex Mugen

Get fighter factory. IT allows you to edit/create fighters for mugen and will even allow you to change their moves to simple commands such as down down punch if need be.

Thank u. can u tell me where i put it? Do i put it with the game or in a seperate folder?
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Re: Sex Mugen

Even though I have FF I have no idea how Mugen works in the least bit so I have no idea how to fix commands or even search for them. :rolleyes:
Re: Sex Mugen

Just recently I've started to play with Mugen again (It was just sitting in one of the folders) And I came across several problems after adding some characters.

Problem #1:
Whenever I tried selecting a character, the screen would go to the loading-black screen but the entire game would shut-down. It leaves a message about something "White_Len" or "Ingrid" / Character.def , p2, out of memory.

I've tried reopening the character zips in the char folder, rewriting their names in the data sheet. But nothing seems to works.

Problem #2:
As the first problem, however for the character-folder it seems to have a long name (Which I copy and paste in the data sheet). However the character still doesn't show up.

Problem #3:
Recently the whole game would instantly shut-down after opening, leaving a message "Out of memory"

It seems that I may have done something wrong, I'm not sure. But its tiring to try and work things out on my own. I'm hoping someone who came across this problem and fixed it could help me.
Re: Sex Mugen

Just recently I've started to play with Mugen again (It was just sitting in one of the folders) And I came across several problems after adding some characters.

Hmm. I doubt this is the case, but it sounds like a problem from not having enough memory on the PC itself, I know it sounds silly, but it's a problem I've had when I tried running MUGEN on a much older pc, where trying to use certain characters(like the melty blood characters because their filesizes were pretty large), MUGEN would be unable to load them, thus giving that error. Mess around such as having less characters on the select screen, using characters with small sizes and see if that works.

Even though I have FF I have no idea how Mugen works in the least bit so I have no idea how to fix commands or even search for them. :rolleyes:

You can configure the controls in the option menu, of course, don't expect every character to have a similar control scheme.(For example, characters converted from the Marvel vs Capcom Games would use all 6 buttons, while say, the SNK chars only use 4 buttons for attacking.)
Re: Sex Mugen

I'm not sifting through 18 pages of posts, but where is the most recent version?
Re: Sex Mugen

i might upload my version again, last time i updated it was prolly around 2 months ago, since nothing notable was rlly released since then

only the best of the best, almost all chars with 100% compatibilty with mino, kuro (including his final finisher), and about 70% compatibilty with other rapers like morrigan and tendril

it'll take a while tho to upload, its like a gig
Re: Sex Mugen

i might upload my version again, last time i updated it was prolly around 2 months ago, since nothing notable was rlly released since then

only the best of the best, almost all chars with 100% compatibilty with mino, kuro (including his final finisher), and about 70% compatibilty with other rapers like morrigan and tendril

it'll take a while tho to upload, its like a gig

Sounds great friend. The most recent version I have is...wow, about a year old. So yeah, I'm a bit behind :p.
Re: Sex Mugen

Is the mugen that is used the newest one (Mugen 1.0 iirc) or is it the older version?
Re: Sex Mugen

Why is this game so hard to find? The most recent version I mean.
Re: Sex Mugen

Why is this game so hard to find? The most recent version I mean.

Because the definition of "most recent" flucuates with each person

My definition may be simply the characters, the recently patched ones, or just the best ones IMO (which is wat i have)

Others may think of it as MUGEN software itself, or stages, or sounds. That's what happens when one game is easily customizable for anyone who uses it

And I'm looking for where I actually hid my MUGEN...........I must've not wanted anyone to find it if i can't even myself
Re: Sex Mugen

In regards to sex MUGEN, the version is the most recent version since Tantrumbull, who made this particular build of MUGEN stopped work on it. There maybe several other versions that have been updating recently, but I am no aware of which they are or where to find them. A single MUGEN engine isn't hard to find and the updates often only include additional characters or updated versions of the characters that the complilers and uploaders find. So there really isn't one fully updated version and recent versions are really a vague term since many just add characters and make edits to their own collection manually as the new content comes out.
Re: Sex Mugen

Last post 2 weeks ago... just making a statement of interest in any updated builds.
Re: Sex Mugen

The only updated build is the one you make for yourself. I will go on record as saying that 99% of the characters that are listed in the download here are trash.

What you should do is look a few posts up for that site that is displayed and go search for characters there. I would say that having 10 good characters is far better than having 200 garbage ones personally.
Re: Sex Mugen

Personally I just lurk the mugen hentai forum, though it's spanish.

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