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Sexy Waffles - A strange World - Campaign thread


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Apr 21, 2019
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f97aeb0ae49d97aeeaaa5a3011a56e4b.png Davia Darklighter - Drow Arcane Explorer

Health: 5/5, AC: 13, Status: None, Mood: Aroused, relaxed, Tag: Rain, Idriana, Nix

Davia threw a lewd, condescending smile to Eleanah.
"Do you really still believe any of what she said earlier was anything other than to convince herself to submit? Tell her, my sweet slave Idriana. Tell her you don't want her to protect you from me. Tell her that you like this, that you love this. Say you want to submit completely. Tell her you love being my devoted slave!"

. . .

Rain's tongue felt heavenly on her folds, and it didn't take long for Davia's pent up lust to release into orgasm, her juices freely flowing our her slit unto Rain's eager face as Davia cried out in delight and ecstasy. Her heaving breasts bounced as she shook, grinding tighter against the face below her as she rode the pleasurable high...
As she came down, she shifted, sitting down next to Rain's head on the table, eliciting a gasp and a desperate moan from the slave beneath her as her wet pussy was withdrawn from her face. Rain's cries of surrender had stroked her as nicely as her tongue. Davia wanted to hear more of that beautiful voice professing submission.

She fed Rain another piece of the waffle, making sure to scoop up some of the trickling wetness on her legs with it beforehand.
"You have pleased me greatly, my slave. There will be more fun to be had, of course. I am a nice mistress. I enjoy drowning you in sexual bliss."
Davia swiped over the sole of one of her feet with her hand, then putting that foot over Rain's face, while another finger crept up to the half-elfs neck, to allow Davia to deliver another message:
But first, we should see that the other two join in, especially that thief Eleanah. I want her between my legs, telling me all her secrets. Here, something for you to lick and kiss while you think about how to lure them under my thrall.

She looked over to Idriana, still between Rain's legs. Another surprisingly eager slut slave.
"Good work on ensuring her submission, Idriana. You may cum now, as reward for enslaving someone else to my will... Bask in the knowledge that you are a good slave, and orgasm for me!"
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Sex Demon
Feb 26, 2017
Reputation score

Zameia Steelfist - The Muscled Monk
Tagging: DM
AC: 16, HP: 9/9
Active Effects:


Zameia was doing a good job of tuning out the lewd things going on around her. However, there were two things that you had to learn about meditating, how to drown things out, but also how to notice other things that were vitally important. So when you tune out something like lewd noises, you also make yourself more likely to notice other noises like footsteps or people walking around outside in the rain (Perception check: 23). Her eyes would shoot open quickly, heading over to the window with speed and taking a look out through the proper angle, noticing humanoid figures rushing around and following the orders of one of them. They even looked heavily armored! That... well that certainly wasn't good. Especially not with the really lewd things going on, which meant that some of them weren't prepared for a potential fight that was going on. She was ready, honestly she fought better without armor to weigh her down, but her companions weren't so lucky...

So she'd turn to those indulging in their lewd desires and call to them. "Sorry to interrupt the err... activities... But it looks like we have company... And they look ready to fight!" Zameia would warn them, cracking her knuckles a bit, adrenaline coursing through her at the thought of a fight. THIS was her element, this was something that she knew how to handle. And honestly... it was something that both the Orcish part of her and the monastic training could agree on... She knew how to fight.

Her expression grew slightly more focused, she would crack her neck a bit, gripping her quarterstaff, already limber and ready to fight. These people were armored and seemed to be using some sort of tactics if they were running around the outside of the building, meaning they were at least smarter than beasts. Still, she was ready, her previous meditation leaving her focused and ready to act, ready to beat some heads in if they meant harm to her and the people she had met (Initiative Roll: 22). Even if they were lewd, that didn't mean that they were bad people.


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Name: Idriana Starseeker the Do Gooder
AC: 14, HP: 11/11
Tag: Rain and Davia
Conditions: None

Idriana continued to lick and tease with tongue, fingers and hands as she pleasured Rain. She shivered and bucked and then orgasmed, her body twitching and clenching as if in the grip of some form of attack. "Ahhhhh, yessss, yesssss!" It seemed that years and years of discipline and denial were blown away in a single orgasmic release!!!


Active member
May 4, 2018
Reputation score
26650 Nix the changeling, Eleanah the rogue.
HP: 9/9 AC: 13 Conditions: Shapechanged into Eleanah
Tag: Idriana.

Seeing the guys Nix made her way to where she'd dropped her weapons and picked them up, not wanting to be surprised more than necessary. (21 perception and initiative for hearing/ being ready for the fight) She then went searching for somewhere which would let her hide well whilst at the same time giving her a good view of the inside, preferably where the others were as she expected that would be where the fight, if there was one, took place.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Initiative: Zameia -> Nix -> Dark Knight Elite -> Knights -> Davia -> Rain -> Idriana

With the naked lovers finally realizing something was amiss, the door slammed open already. A spikey, well equpped and problematic looking knight stood there, flanked by a more grunt-y but also well equipped friend of his, blocking the entrance, as a loud, hollow sounding voice demanded:

"ATTENTION YOU VILLAINOUS LOT! You are all under arrest by the might of High Queen Alela. The crime you stand accused of is violation of reality itself. Your guilt very evident. Cease your ... activities and surrender peacefully and the Queen shall decide your punishment."
The nasty looking knight-leader declared, lifting a sigil that none of you recognized, but propably ment something of importance, red colored rain flowing off of his spiked armor.
"Everything you say can and will be used against you. Any attempts at hostility will be retaliated to with due force... frankly, go ahead, give me a reason. Just looking at you sickens me."
He nodded, whilest the gruntier-knight stepped forwards, presenting several sets of metallic shakles. You could see another guard standing behind..
"Comply and this will go easy y.. you creeps!"
The armored one approaching you insisted, sounding almost nervous.

You are in a spacious inn-bordello. At the front door stands a nasty looking guard captain, whilest another dark armored knight-guard approach you, seeming intent on shackling you up. They seem to care little for your modesty and appear heavily armed.
The door the dark knights forced open creaks miserably on it's half broken hinges.
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Sex Demon
Feb 26, 2017
Reputation score

Zameia Steelfist - The Muscled Monk
Tagging: DM
AC: 16, HP: 9/9
Active Effects:


Zameia's eyes widened a little bit when the guards busted the door down. "Well there's no need for that..." She'd mutter to themselves, not understanding the need to treat the door so badly, even when they were on important business. Then he started shouting at them, upsetting the monk even more. As far as she was aware they hadn't done anything wrong... Unless lewd acts like this were illegal, but from what she had heard they were fine so long as they were in a private area. And this may as well be considered a private area since no one was around and it was Rain's workplace or something.

"Villainous?! Hold on now we haven't been doing anything! Violation of reality? The Hell... We haven't done anything. You're being quite rude. Is this about that weird merchant from earlier or something?" She didn't plan on just surrendering for a crime she was innocent of. In fact... she wasn't sure that there were any crimes for 'violation of reality'. Then again... she wasn't an expert on the laws of this land. Orcs didn't really care about the laws of the world, only their own codes... and the monastery was stricter, but were isolated from the laws of the land. Either way, she would be aware of contradicting something as obvious as reality. "Sickens you?! You... You..." She'd get a heavy glare at that insult, devolving into Orcish... "You Fucking Weak PIG!" And the way that he talked sounded like he thought he could just take them... like he could beat them up without any trouble... like he was better than her. He insulted her... acted as though he could just beat them and take them in as prisoners... It made her angry, made her want to bash his head in. Not only that, but she wasn't going to accept any laws that were broken merely by existing. This all made her angry, and from the body language they were giving off, they planned on arresting her no matter what. Thankfully she was more than able to fight, a battle was a situation she was far more comfortable in as compared to the lewd things that had been happening earlier.

"Creep? Are you all so rude? No I don't think I have any plans on being arrested today..." And with that she'd rush forward to the guard trying to shackle them, figuring that he'd be quicker to take down first and that way they'd only have one enemy to focus on. So she'd rush in, quarter staff in hand and swing it around into his side, aiming for the weak points, moving her staff around quickly to make a strong and careful strike. It wasn't just about putting all your force into a strike, it was about hitting the right spot. You had to aim your attacks, make the most out of the force you were exerting. Don't hit harder, hit smarter. That was one of the biggest lessons the monastery taught her about fighting. Orcs just tried hitting harder and harder, her masters showed her the best way to make use of your speed and intelligence in fighting. Orcs wanted to just overpower you, so they often had no answer for enemies that were physically stronger than them, but with the fighting style she had learned, you could take down people far stronger than you so long as you aimed correctly.

If the attack landed properly, she'd show why she had made a shot to the midsection. Normally when struck there someone bends over a little, leaving the back of their head open for a perfect axe kick. So she'd lift her leg up and slam it down on the back of the guard's head, or failing that striking the back. A strong kick to follow up a weapon attack, one of her favorite combinations to go for in sparring matches. She was tall, her legs were long, and that made them good weapons.

If the guard reacted differently to her staff strike, or if it missed she'd just instead go for a good old knee to the gut, simple yet effective. Tended to take the air out of her opponents, a good fall back for her unarmed attacks if the usual combinations didn't work.

(Quarterstaff Attack Roll: 17, Damage Roll: 9 Bludgeoning)
(Unarmed Strike Attack Roll: 18, Damage Roll: 6 Bludgeoning)


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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f97aeb0ae49d97aeeaaa5a3011a56e4b.png Davia Darklighter - Drow Arcane Explorer

Health: 5/5, AC: 13, Status: In combat, Mood: anxious, annoyed, Tag: All

Zameia's yell broke Davia from her lustful reverie. "What?... An attack?... Who..."
She looked down at Rain below. "This place didn't expect any guests, did it?"

Before she could continue, the door flew open and the knights stepped in. Davia's wet snatch dried up as she beheld men in stuffy armor. And this day had started so well...

Before she could try to say anything in protest, the tiefling girl jumped at one of the knights, unleashing a flurry of blows at the armored man.
Davia thought this was a poor fight to take, but surrendering when someone else showed such determination, foolish or not, was out of the question.
"I guess it's on! Slaves! Defend your Mistress! If we defeat them, you are allowed to cum again, stronger than before!" She yelled as she jumped from the table and ran over to the fireplace, picking up her spellbook and whip, component pouch slung over her shoulder.
(Move as needed to the fireplace, picking up the items, whip sheathed while spellbook out.)


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Name: Idriana Starseeker the Do Gooder
AC: 14, HP: 11/11
Tag: Rain and Davia
Conditions: None

Idriana started as the door slammed open. When Davia leaped up Idriana did as well, her combat reflexes well honed even through the haze of arousal. She nodded to Davia and moved with her to the fireplace to grab her greatsword and prepare to fight.


Active member
May 4, 2018
Reputation score
26693 Nix the changeling, Eleanah the rogue.
HP: 9/9 AC: 13 Conditions: Shapechanged into Eleanah
Tag: Idriana.

Nix stayed hidden for now, she wanted to see whether or not things would go well for the others before acting, she had her weapons at the ready and waited for her moment, (either skip turn or hide action, whichever Deva thinks makes most sense.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Name: Rain, the Sexy Bard!
AC: 11 (no armor), HP: 8/8

"No...first time I see guards like that...maybe they are fake?" Rain mused, getting up. "Besides, there is no Queen Alela that I know of."

Rain covered her exposed parts with her hands, adding to her lewd image...

"Hmmm...perhaps the scary knight plans to...capture us...and do...things with us....?" she cooed, casting her seductive spell!

"But...with our cute Zameia around, we will capture you instead!" she chuckled, before taking cover behind the table.

[Lewd Seductions @ Scary Knight: DC 13 Wisdom save, or takes 2 psycic damage and he gets a boner: his next attack is with disadvantage!
Bonus Action: gief Bardic Inspiration to Zameia
Once within the next 10 minutes, the creature can roll the die and add the number rolled to one ability check, roll, or saving throw it makes. The creature can wait until after it rolls before deciding to use the Bardic die, but must decide before the DM says whether the roll succeeds or fails.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Combat Round 1 ~

"I have no obligation to respond to your questions chosen, now comply or be punished!"
Although, it seemed that the punishment was first dished out by Zameia, slamming her staff up against the metallic armor, which, whilest obviously failing to penetrate it, had it revibrating under the impact, with Zameia finishing off the warrior with a knock-out kick, sending them cluttering to the ground with a crashing of heavy metal upon the ground!

"The grey skinned one is resisting arrest. Attack formation A, focus on disabling all targets until hostilities cease. Remember, do NOT kill any of them."
The Dark knight leader declared, stepping forward to grab the Knight Zameia had just knocked out, only to drag them away from Zameia, not attacking themselves, as they quickly procured a red, slightly glowing potion from a pouch.. as for attacking, they seemed to have people for that, as three more armored guards marched up, one hammer slamming down, only for Zameia to dodge with relative ease. Another was slammed her way and she realized she couldn't dodge this one.. so she deflected it with her hand, which pulsed in painful vibrations, but barely managed to deflect the blow.. and then, as if this wasn't her bad luck day, another hammer-strike came for her, albeit in an easy to dodge, wide arch. So even pressed, Zameia avoided that strike too.. although she felt like she couldn't keep this up, for long.
"Not one step back! Attack formation C, lockdown the dangerous tiefling as primary target!"

"Yes Sire!"
Davia quickly rushed to grab her things and spellbook, giving everyone a good view of her dark bottom. Idriana followed close after her, like a good girl, both arming up and gettind ready to join the fight.

"What... How dare you try and seduce a Queens Knight with foul sorcery!" Rain's magic upon the knights leader seemed rather ineffective! .. well, it did seem to get the knight angry, rather than horny, the helmets eyes lighting up as Alela's magic shattered against a zealous mind. "Fall not for their evil, soldiers!"

You notice another dark armored knight peering in through a window.

Initiative: Zameia -> Nix -> Dark Knight Elite -> Knights x3 -> Davia -> Rain -> Idriana
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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Name: Idriana Starseeker the Do Gooder
AC: 14, HP: 11/11
Tag: Rain and Davia
Conditions: None

Stark naked Idriana hefted her greatsword in two hands and after the spell casters worked their magic charged forward into one of the hammer wielding guards.

OOC: 20 to hit, 12 damage


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
Reputation score
f97aeb0ae49d97aeeaaa5a3011a56e4b.png Davia Darklighter - Drow Arcane Explorer

Health: 5/5, AC: 13, Status: In combat, Mood: anxious, annoyed, Tag: All

Davia stepped away from the unfolding chaos and frantically looked over her spellbook, reciting the drowish incantations, infecting one of the guards with the power of her arousal: /Feel the need consume your mind!/
(Davia moves away from the fray, then casts Hideous LaughterHorny Masturbation! The target had to make a wis save of 13 or spend his round furiously masturbating! Priority target is a subordinate knight who hasn't yet been damaged.)


Sex Demon
Feb 26, 2017
Reputation score

Zameia Steelfist - The Muscled Monk
Tagging: DM
AC: 16, HP: 9/9
Active Effects:


Zameia smirked a little bit when she saw the first guard fall. Seemed that her training payed off, as her strikes found their mark and sent him crashing to the ground. Unfortunately it seemed that there were other guards coming in to fight her, all of them swinging their hammers straight for her. The good news was that they were working not to kill her, though she was certain those damn hammers would still leave a mark. Were she not busy facing down three different guards now, she'd have thanked Rain for her compliment, happy to know that the bard had some faith in her abilities. Though even she wouldn't be able to fight three more trained guards all on her own.

She'd weave in and out as the swings came at her, dodging quickly as one swung at her, fighting instincts taking over as she moved to make sure she didn't get hit. Then she would see another hit coming in much quicker this time, knocking the strike away, shaking her hand a bit from having to move the force of that blow. And just as she was recovering from that she'd have to dodge yet another swing coming her way. That was closer than she would've liked, and if they kept swinging at her one of them were going to hit. She'd look the one that nearly struck her and let out a guttural growl, more of her Orcish nature bleeding through as she gripped her quarterstaff tight, glaring at the one that nearly hit her. And she'd swing her quarterstaff, aiming for the side of his head, a part of her almost insulted by him almost hitting her, seeing it as a challenge to her power. Then, whether the staff connected or not, she'd carry the momentum through, spinning her body around and bringing her leg up for a roundhouse kick to the same guard, trying to once again strike him in the head.

When it came to fighting she preferred using her legs. They gave her better reach, plus people tended to know how to take a punch, not as many knew how to take a kick. Whether she hit or not she'd keep her glare on the guards around them, not backing down an inch even while they surrounded her, almost daring them to keep striking, to keep testing her. Even if she lost, even if they beat her down, she was going to go down fighting, and if she had her way none of them would forget her for a long time...

(Quarterstaff Attack Roll: 13, Damage Roll: 7 Bludgeoning)
(Unarmed Strike Attack Roll: 12, Damage Roll: 6 Bludgeoning)


Active member
May 4, 2018
Reputation score
26724 Nix the changeling, Eleanah the rogue.
HP: 9/9 AC: 13 Conditions: Shapechanged into Eleanah
Tag: Idriana.

Nix Upon seeing the others starting to fight decided it was best she get involved now, it seemed they might have a chance after all. As such she moved into a good position right across from the orcess and attacking the same knight as her, (first attack 18 second attack 16 first attack 7(1+2+4) damage second 3(1+2) damage)


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Combat Round 2 ~

Zameia readies herself to strike again! However, unlike last time, this time the trio of guards is more prepared for her, lifting a hammer to intercept quarterstaff and hook it out of the air, whilest her kick hit.. against solid armor, which this time did a better job of protecting it's wearer, leaving Zameia's foot ringing to little effect on the dark armored warrior.

With her glaring however, she also saw Nix, seemingly plopping out of nowhere, armed with little more than a dangerous smile and daggers, aiming right in between those armor plates of the same one standing fast against Zameia's assault.. while the armored one did not go down, the armor seemed to feel it, a hollow groaning as, relfexively, the armored one tried to shake off the daggers in their back!

"Alright.. here you go.. drink up, you've not been given leave to die!"
The black guard commander nodded, lifting a healing potion to the fallen guards lips.. and helping them stand back up. "Together, to victory soldiers!"
The elite shouted.

Next, one of the dark guards slammed their hammer into Zameia's stomach, now having her doubling over, in enough pain to almost knock her out... still, Zameia powered through, dodging another blow coming for her.. and deflecting one more.. before the restored guard stepped up and repayed the earlier favour by finally knocking her down.
(Zameia takes a total of 13 damage from two successful attacks and is dropped to negative hitpoints. You find that the last attack at you was nonlethal however.. no need to constitution save.)
Next, Nix found herself stumbling, disoriented, herself flanked by one more black armed guard, coming in from outside. a flat-headed hammer blow to the back of her head had almost taken her out too... almost (8 damage!).

"Alright, Situation stabili--"
The commander began, only for Davia to unleash her magic...

"None but the queen command my desire!" The dark-amored soldier declared, slamming a fist against their chest, again shrugging off desire-magic aimed at them.

At that point, Idriana charged forward, with a bit sword.. and decided to finish what Davia had started, putting this guard to sleep with more.. conventional methods.

"Tzzk.. several of you have the strength to be it.. I should have brought two regiments. "

The commander commented,.. only for more guards to step forth.. this time, from within the building. "Backdoor secured, Commander!"
"Side entrance secured, awaiting orders."

"Finally. Resume attack formation A, two per target each, A'uin, hold the entrance. Let none escape!

I kind of want to keep the fiendish one for myself, she is strong... but remember, any one of them might be real. Imagine the rewards for claiming her for the queen, soldiers!"

"Yes sire!"
The dark knight troupe responded.. and one of them pointed at Davia.
"Submit to the might of the queen!"
"Yes.. quite."

Initiative: Rain -> Nix -> Dark Knight Elite -> Knights x4, One lightly injured, one heavily injured -> Davia -> Idriana -> Knights x3
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Active member
May 4, 2018
Reputation score
26727 Nix the changeling, Eleanah the rogue.
HP: 9/9 AC: 13 Conditions: Shapechanged into Eleanah
Tag: Idriana.

Well that was not good, she hadn't even seen that hammer blow coming, and now she could barely stand. Then she heard the captain talking to his men and more men starting to enter, well they weren't winning this fight, now how to not get in too much trouble... Then he talked about them possibly being real and that being why they were here and she had an idea, even if these guys were crazy she might be able to use that. Having not long to think she suddenly thought of that weird squid thing she'd seen a sailor pull out before, that colour changing thing it'd done had seemed so unreal, maybe that would work, hopefully she could pull it off. Focusing as much attention on shapeshifting as possible she tried to make her skin horizontally striped blue and red, that was the easy part she could do that, then the hard part, she tried making the stripes move down her body at an even speed, with new ones appearing at the top following the pattern. "Wait you guys are looking for real people? I'm not real, come one look at me I can't even keep myself looking the same after you hit me, those guys are weird though, they were like, 4 people." She said, trying to use a bit of the same words the merchant had about the 5 of them earlier. "I just followed them because I was curious." (deception 18, intelligence 14, constitution 19)


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Interim, Tag: Nix primarly

"Sire uh what.."

"Damn it.. it's another one of the Masters accursed pranks. Should have known he had his hand in all this. Apprehend the four real ones!"
The leader decided, ignoring the disco-show after a long moment.

"She stabbed me though..."

"Imagined pain. Walk it off soldier!

Four are at least better than five.. perhaps all but one of them is just trickery? Not that I'd catch such a break..."

There was a slight whimpering noise form the injured guard folllowing this..


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Name: Rain, the Sexy Bard!
AC: 11 (no armor), HP: 8/8

Rain paused a moment to see the best course of action. Oh no, Zameia fell down! time to use some serious magic!

"Healing kiss!" Rain casted, blowing a kiss towards Zameias direction.

(healing 5 damage)

Then she heard Nix, with her weird bluff...wait, those guys were looking for real people...whatever that meant? And how was she doing that? Right, some illusion! Rain could do that too!

"...ehm....wait, you are looking for real people?" Rain crouched down next to the couch, casting a minor illusion spell on top of herself.

"...I am actually....an end table!" she declared.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

Interim, Tag: All, especially Rain

"Sire.. could this just be one true one as it is supposed to be and the merchant got tricked by the Master?.."

"... no. I think they -are- creatures of the master!"

"...! How do you know this!" "That table has an ass poking out of it."

"Oh.. oh I see.. it could be.. decorative?"

The leader sighed. "Soldier, that's rediculous. This style of wood was not used in the Posterian art phase." The guard-captain stepped forward, to slap the same, eliciting a slight, barely supressed moan. "See?"
"Huh.. how did you know that?" "Well.. I wanted to become an artist, but mother was a general of the queen, you know how these things are... Anyway!"

The soldier focused again. "They are clearly creatures of the master. Expect vile trickery and deception! We can't be sure if one of them is the true chosen of our world however, so we can't slay them like the vile fiends they are yet."

"B.. but sire!" "No! Do I need to remind you? One of them is the Mistress of this world. Knock them out, we can explain and apologize later... actually.."
The guard-elite cleared her throat.

"Listen, one of you is a true being, the others are all deceptions and nightmares, created by a creature truly foul and evil. I apologize, but only one as powerful as my Queen can determine who that truly is. I will have to take you all into custody. If you are the true one, you will remember us, dimly.. perhaps you imagined an army like us, when you were playing around as a child, imagining someone just like me.. and.. ugh.. the Sage and the Clown are supposed to explain this, not me. Back to business. Deal with them!"
The black knights leader declared!