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Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

Elise stopped her struggles when she saw the clerics start to get off the carriage. She had been careful not to let them see where she went, so if she just stayed- And then they were dead. That was fortuitous. The wraiths seemed to notice her though, which made her stiffen, until she heard them speak. If she was beneath their notice, fine by her.

Once they left, she shifted out from under the carriage again, having spotted a ring of keys on the dead cleric's body. She bent over and snatched them up, retreating back inside to unlock herself and get her gear from the chest in there as well.

Battle was raging, she didn't have time to gear up properly, and even less time to work through the ritual, which would probably draw more attention than she wanted in any case. Grabbing her magical gear, she turned and cast a quick spell on herself, making magic glow to her sight. Then she checked the clerics for magical gear. The rest could wait, if she hung around the battlefield, chances were she could loot whatever she needed afterwards, from one side or the other. Until then, She needed what she could grab to survive until then.
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

Mekel laughs as he notices the clerics dying, forgoing his escape attempt in order to find the keys to his manacles, letting them fall to the ground with a thump, before kicking open the chest containing his effects.

First and foremost, he planted his mask on his face, holding it there for a few seconds, before picking up his breastplate and attempting to hastily don it. It wouldn't be comfortable, but some armor is better than no armor in a fight like this.

Don the armor hastily. Since it's in combat, I'll wait and see what the response is before doing anything else, since it takes a full minute to don a breastplate hastily.
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

Gilfer picked up the keys from the clerics, both of the tentacles reaching for a different ring, and tried to unlock the manacles. Quite convenient that some undead happened to kill those surprisingly tough clerics. He nodded his thanks, and then ducked under the carriage, trying to hide, as he moved out, he attempted to shift back, trying to remain less visible. He'd wait until one force or the other seemed to gain an advantage, and the direction of battle had been decided, and then head the other way.

I'm staying in the thick of battle and making a stealth check. 18 total
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

Having to use physical dice for this, since Invisible Castle seems down...

Fel-Carâth forces: 2d6= 10

Tamberlyn forces: 2d6= 3

Dread Decrease
Dread: 3

Fel-Carâth Victory
Tamberlyn Victory​

Elise event roll: 2d6+1 = 3, no event

Mekel event roll: 2d6+1 = 4, no event

Gilfer event roll: 2d6+1 = 3, no event

For Mekel and Gilfer, the battle seemed to be going in a fashion that aided their efforts. Elise managed to complete her scan, finding out that while the weapons and armor of the two clerics were enchanted, the enchantments seemed to be of a type that would hinder her at least as much as they might help. Given the make of them, it would also be rather obvious as to the origin of the items, and likely very hard to find a willing buyer.

Two items, though, did stand out as potentially useful. A chalice that seemed to have some manner of divination magic to it, and a bag carrying several healing potions. The bag itself seemed to have some manner of magic about it.
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

Mekel finishes donning his armor, grabbing his greatsword and hefting it onto his shoulder, mist beginning to fall from the edges as he surveys the battlefield, noticing Elise rummaging over the bodies. "Oi, Woman!" he calls over the sounds of battle, running over towards her. "I dunno who you are, but it's best we get while the robed guys are slaughtering everyone. I ain't stickin' around to be captured again."" he says through the lifeless visage of his mask.
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

Gilfer started prepping his equipment while under the carriage, tossing on the shirt and the pants quite simply, smashing in the face paint as heavily as he could, dying his face a jesters' white and tossing on the hat. He prepped the rest of his trickeries as he did this, his bag of tricks on the lefthand side, and his bag of caltrops on the righthand side.
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

Relic weapons and armour, or at least, pale imitations. Enough to burn her for the heresy of attempting to use them, at least. Though with her current state, the burn might be preferable to going weaponless...

Elise jumps as the armoured man calls out and runs over. "Keep your cursed mouth shut!" She answers in a biting tone. Reaching down, she started to strip the clerics of the other magical items, hoping to find some use for them, at least. "The robed spectres aren't interested in us. If they were, we'd already be dead. It's the others we need to be careful for." She said, glancing over at the man, checking for a second weapon on him. Nothing, curses.

Frowning, she reached down and wrapped her hands around the hilt of one of the cleric's weapons, gritting her teeth against the holy energy that leeched from it, sapping some of her strength. Best option for the time, unfortunate as it was. Finally, she cast a simple spell on herself, a shimmer of magical force encasing her underneath the prisoner's rags she wore. "Ready. We should find somewhere nearby to hide. If the dead win this, there will be supplies we can take before we strike out."

OOC: I'm assuming the weapon is at least Holy, which will grant a negative level to an evil creature wielding it. Still a better option than going weaponless at the moment, so I'm taking one. Cast Mage Armour, and skulk to the Outskirts.
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

Continuing with physical dice for me, at the moment.

Fel-Carâth forces: 2d6 = 2

Tamberlyn forces: 2d6 = 11

Dread: 3

Fel-Carâth Victory
Tamberlyn Victory​

Elise event: 2d6 = 3, no event
Mekel event: 2d6 = 12, Valorous Deed event
Gilfer event: 2d6 = 2, no event

It seems that for the moment, the living had managed to rally, forcing back the dead in places. Not exactly the best of outcomes.

However, something might catch Mekel's eye. A prominent banner for the defenders stood a short ways off. While it seemed well defended from the undead, he might be able to charge in and topple it, which could cause some havoc to the morale of the living soldiers...
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

Mekel turns his head to face the banner, an idea running through his head. "You go ahead and hide, miss. I've got something I need to do." he says, hefting his sword off of his shoulder and holding it to his right, before taking off in a sprint towards the banner, his greatsword trailing mist as he grinds to a halt, swinging a full 180 as he does so, hoping to bring the banner down and demoralize the Tamberlyn forces.

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4381108/ Nat 20 for hitting the banner very hard. What a waste.
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

Not only does the blade sheer clean through the pole, in sends the toppled banner sailing. However, the banner was apparently thrown with enough for that the pole bounced off of a rock nearby, flying up into the air and wound up piercing through one of the Tamberlyn soldiers... as well as clean through the chest of the horse he was riding.

The horse toppled over, and the rider was partially pinned beneath it.
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Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

Gilfer continued the crafting of his disguise, making sure the tin crown was slightly askew before heading out, wandering away from the fighting as a drunk would, tripping over himself and often just suddenly muttering to the air.
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

Elise watched the other prisoner go, shaking her head slightly. On the bright side, he was providing a wonderful distraction. On the downside, the force at large would realize the prisoners were missing sooner, now. Not wanting to waste time, she kept moving, looking to get clear of the fighting.

No comment about my movement last turn, so I'm in the outskirts now? Keep on moving is the plan, find a spot to hide. Stealth of , after the dread reduction.
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

Major Dread Increase!
Dread: 15

Fel-Carâth Victory
Tamberlyn Victory​

No individual event rolls this time, folks. Plot incident.

As Gilfer and Elise tried to slip out of the battle, something might catch their eye...

The black horse that had been being ridden by a black-robed figure was being watched by two of the red-robed ones... These with visible armor. Should they look around, the black-robed one was advancing through the battle, and where it passed, none barred the way. The red-robed figures silently moved out of the way, and none among the Tamberlyn defenders seemed able to withstand its presence.

Meanwhile, Mekel would find himself caught in the middle of fighting between some of the defenders and the red-robed figures... And some of the shorter blades in use by the robes just seemed wrong...

Caulder, bust out the Duran Duran and roll to save.
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

Mekel notices the fighters gathered around him, taking up a defensive stance as they close in around him.

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4383351/ Nat 20 for the reflex save.
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

For the moment, Mekel seemed to be able to dodge the blades just fine... But there was still fighting going on around him.

Roll that beautiful bean footage again!
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

Mekel laughs as he seemingly dodges the incoming attacks, though as he does so, his foot catches on a rock and he trips onto his tush.

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4383355/ -4 after Dread.
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

As Mekel falls, a piercing, deathly cold catches him as his right arm is struck by one of the shorter blades... Even as the pain threatens to overwhelm him, in his mind strange whispers start up, as yet though, they cannot be understood.

Fort save, this time.
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

Mekel gasps as the knife pierces into his arm, his face twisting with agony as he falls to the ground, his mind struggling to push the whispers out of his head.

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4383358/ -4 again.
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

Dread: 10

Congratulations, the combat-monkey is out cold...

Should either Elise or Gilfer be watching the battle, the black-robed figure finally came up against one of the defenders who held... Obviously, some manner of ranking person, and perhaps the leader of the force.

However, the fight between the two didn't last long... In less than a minute, the defender's body fell headless. That was the last straw, as it were, and the defenders took to rout. Some of those left behind were, strangely, being gathered up and carried off by the robed figures. The black one, however, was lead over towards where Mekel had fallen.

The dead and dying can be examined now. Also, the black-robed wraith might be approachable.
Re: Shadowed Path - A Chill Wind

Gilfer promptly, and with an utter lack of joy, turned in the exact opposite direction of the robed things, and started goose-stepping, taking the longest steps he could with the minimum amount of speed possible, not running, and walking in a rather amusing manner, but certainly moving in the opposite direction. As he walked, he looked at some of the corpses on both sides, trying to mentally get a gauge for sides

I've got a couple of lores, I'm willing to test them. If you want to keep the rolls secret from me, or even just avoid telling me all around, feel free.