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RPG Patreon Active Unknown/Hiatus RPG Maker [SHOEGAZER] Dungeons and Prisoners (RJ113419)

Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

So that's why I have no problem? My win 7 is 64... And I didn't run into any of the aforementioned problems. To me the game is actually much clearer in max resolution. Not full screen but the windowed one. I believe that 1280x1024...

I thought I have the wrong version... but it seems I don't.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

i put mine to 800x600 (1 think) and it lags with someone with me
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

So that's why I have no problem? My win 7 is 64... And I didn't run into any of the aforementioned problems. To me the game is actually much clearer in max resolution. Not full screen but the windowed one. I believe that 1280x1024...

I thought I have the wrong version... but it seems I don't.

I'm using win 7 x64 also, and as Ill mentioned, I do slightly notice the taskbar issue in fullscreen but as long as I don't move the mouse around its not really apparent.

As for the "jaggies", it is only noticeable on a large resolution, full screen (from game options) mode. Namely on text. The jaggyness does not happen if you "alt-enter" fullscreen into the game.

example large pic (if you look at the letters you can notice its jaggy)
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Oh that's what you guys mean with "jaggies". Sry but I don't even notice that after playing violated heroine. :p
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Not sure if intentional, but as others have mentioned, with the newer version I notice that Miene suffers a lot of damage from an orgasm. 1 orgasm wipes out her entire stamina bar, and another wipes out nearly her entire HP bar.

It becomes rather troublesome when her sensitivity goes up, because she insta-kills herself and doesn't last a couple seconds.

Any possibility to make it so that her resistance goes up? You'd think that over time she could handle more, no? (Or revert the damage ratios to how they were originally.)

Item #2:

Probably also mentioned somewhere, but the last Ruffian in the rape train has an ungodly obsession with groping... Is this intentional or a bug? His turn is 3 times longer than the entire sequence combined. That's all I see.

Item #3:

'Spread legs' doesn't activate using the quick menu.
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

In heaven they will get stuck doing "caress bust" definitely a bug.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Not sure if intentional,

Intentional Caress Breast. 15yd penalty and loss of down.
ahem. all of weird things are not by intentional.

but now. SuperBowl holiday:D
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Intentional Caress Breast. 15yd penalty and loss of down.
ahem. all of weird things are not by intentional.

but now. SuperBowl holiday:D

I admit, I chuckled. You guys watch or pay attention to the superbowl over there?
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

When I get to breakfast on the boat where Lynn challenges me, the game suddenly closes due to some 'personality' error? I also have an Errorlog in my folder from it. Should I paste it or just show a screenshot of the error?

Sorry, I posted here once before and it's been a long time so I'm interested in seeing what was added since I last tried this! I tried reading the forums but I just couldn't go through all 19x pages, sorry if the issue is already known.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

so ill will u releas this game this moth or do u have a lot of stuff to fix and add and will delay it and 1 question any ideas when the eng translated version will be out ?
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

When I get to breakfast on the boat where Lynn challenges me, the game suddenly closes due to some 'personality' error? I also have an Errorlog in my folder from it. Should I paste it or just show a screenshot of the error?

Sorry, I posted here once before and it's been a long time so I'm interested in seeing what was added since I last tried this! I tried reading the forums but I just couldn't go through all 19x pages, sorry if the issue is already known.

Can always post them up, never know if its something new or not~

so ill will u releas this game this moth or do u have a lot of stuff to fix and add and will delay it and 1 question any ideas when the eng translated version will be out ?

From what we know, the full english translation will be delayed. There is a translator working on it and has most the basic stuff such as interface translated and combat info, but a full game translation will be awhile.

As for game release date, we won't know till the 28th...ish!
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I die a little inside when people ask about the translation when I just posted on the same page.
Not to be tautological, but the English version will be done when it's done. My work pace has not been very fast lately because of health issues. Details are on the blog. Etc.
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I die a little inside when people ask about the translation when I just posted on the same page.
Not to be tautological, but the English version will be done when it's done. My work pace has not been very fast lately because of health issues. Details are on the blog. Etc.
I already read that blog ... I hope you get better ... ;)
(maybe they seeking direct link for DL ?)
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Couldn't you just release the game soon and release the translation as a patch at a later date?
Seriously, nothing personal, but are you getting paid for this?
Personally I'd like to see a release some time in the near future, if you keep delaying the release people will eventually lose interest and move on.
Just out of curiosity, when can I start throwing my money at you lot?
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I don't care if it takes ILL 5 months or 15 years to release this game in its final form.

It's an ambitious project so let him take his time. By the time it's done, he can prove to the world that individual hentai game developers are capable of delivering a thoroughly crafted and well designed game. From what we've so far seen, this game far exceeds DLsite standards.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I don't care if it takes ILL 5 months or 15 years to release this game in its final form.

It's an ambitious project so let him take his time. By the time it's done, he can prove to the world that individual hentai game developers are capable of delivering a thoroughly crafted and well designed game. From what we've so far seen, this game far exceeds DLsite standards.

I agree with you.

Already long ago was supportive ILL (donation) and quietly wait for the game. I can wait up to a year or longer. The game is worth it.

So zarion, please shut the fuck up.

Sorry for my english
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I don't care if it takes ILL 5 months or 15 years to release this game in its final form.

It's an ambitious project so let him take his time. By the time it's done, he can prove to the world that individual hentai game developers are capable of delivering a thoroughly crafted and well designed game. From what we've so far seen, this game far exceeds DLsite standards.

15 years i care
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I agree with you.

Already long ago was supportive ILL (donation) and quietly wait for the game. I can wait up to a year or longer. The game is worth it.

So zarion, please shut the fuck up.

Sorry for my english

Agreed. :D

However your post cracked me up! ROFLMAO!

An old American expression to excuse cussing is "Sorry for my French." :p
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I don't care if it takes ILL 5 months or 15 years to release this game in its final form.

It's an ambitious project so let him take his time. By the time it's done, he can prove to the world that individual hentai game developers are capable of delivering a thoroughly crafted and well designed game. From what we've so far seen, this game far exceeds DLsite standards.

No, this game is about on par with dlsite standards as far as gameplay is concerned. The art is what grabs the attention.
And stop spouting nonsense, of course you do care about when it's released.
My suggestion would not hinder future development, in fact it might speed it along.
English localizations should come as an afterthought, not as a main objective, because even if it isn't translated we can still play it.
Unless you would like to continue playing the same goddamm demo for 15 more years, in that case then lol have fun with that.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

English localizations should come as an afterthought, not as a main objective, because even if it isn't translated we can still play it.

It already is. If you can't read a thread don't post in it.