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RPG Patreon Active Unknown/Hiatus RPG Maker [SHOEGAZER] Dungeons and Prisoners (RJ113419)

Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Heh i am stuck where you fight Lynn in the ship hold..she kick miene ass then its just bust touch,spread legs abuse...o_O...
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Well since someone told me to post it...

■ エラーの種類 :

■ メッセージ :
undefined method `>=' for nil:NilClass

■ バックトレース :
Personality / Race(121):in `tender?'
Game_SrpgMap(1497):in `target_in_range?'
Game_Battler_TRPG(772):in `make_sex_action'
Game_Battler_TRPG(759):in `each'
Game_Battler_TRPG(759):in `make_sex_action'
Game_SrpgEvent_TRPG(230):in `refresh_turn_start'
Game_SrpgMap(2534):in `update_timer'
Game_SrpgMap(2434):in `update'
Scene_Srpg(266):in `ms2_update'
■Misc Game_Temp / Game_Map(274):in `bt_log_update'
戦闘ログ(534):in `ms_scene_map_update'
■ミニステータス(465):in `boss_is_come_update'
■操作説明(24):in `update'
Scene_Base(19):in `main'
Scene_Base(16):in `loop'
Scene_Base(21):in `main'

■ 最後に呼ばれたコモンイベント
ID : 1
Name: 歩行グラ変更

■ Party
001: [001: Miene]
HP: 1 / 58
MP: 20 / 20
States: [99,105]
002: [002: Lynn]
HP: 112 / 169
MP: 22 / 40
States: [16,250]

■ Active_Unit:
Turn: 34
Active_Unit_Name: Lynn
Action: スキル: [381:Forced Spread Leg]
■ Map_Units:
014: [014: Wooden_Door]
States: []

■ Map:
Player_Unit_XY: [12, 10]
I get this error after Lynn takes away my food on the ship and then I'm prompted to fight her.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

ILL. When can I throw money at your game?
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Not being one to repeat things, when it's done.

I want to start throwing money at the guy as well, but I have to wait - which I have no problem with doing. I have a couple of things to finish up anyhow.

Oh, about the flickering - if it helps I like running things at 1366 x 768 Fullscreen. (I don't think RPG Maker supports that resolution, though)
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Heh i am stuck where you fight Lynn in the ship hold..she kick miene ass then its just bust touch,spread legs abuse...o_O...

I guess im the only one with that issue... :/
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

nvm now its ok but once the big fight on the ship is done and theres dialogue it just crash with error..
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I guess im the only one with that issue... :/

How did you get past it, by the way? My error is that I am defeated and Lynn cannot do the Forced_Spreadlegs or something along those lines, so maybe the issues were related.

EDIT: Never mind, I found the patch for it on page 188 when I was looking at all the pages to see if anyone had similar problems.
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

nvm now its ok but once the big fight on the ship is done and theres dialogue it just crash with error..

Well, the good news is that this is the end of the demo. All that is left after the dialog after the ship battle is a screenshot of two male characters and one female character, and it loops back to the start screen so you aren't missing much.

I personally was lucky enough to go through the new demo with 0 issues. I'm so looking forward to seeing this game: The gameplay is utterly amazing, the art is nice, and I adore Lynn + Miene (And Ill mentionned a long time ago that there will be a way (though probably difficult) to have an happy ending with the two, which makes me happy :)).

To be honest, the demo of this game single-handily got me interested roguelike-turn based combat, it is that good to me. I haven't looked at this thread for some time, because I knew it'd rekindle my crave for this game and make me play the same demo over and over. Maidensnow Eve recently got my #1 "best ever h-game" award, but I can seriously see this game taking that award over.

That said, I agree that the game should only be released when it's 'done'. I don't mind at all if there's things added after release, but the game should be functional at least. Author's decision of course.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Well, the good news is that this is the end of the demo. All that is left after the dialog after the ship battle is a screenshot of two male characters and one female character, and it loops back to the start screen so you aren't missing much.

I personally was lucky enough to go through the new demo with 0 issues. I'm so looking forward to seeing this game: The gameplay is utterly amazing, the art is nice, and I adore Lynn + Miene (And Ill mentionned a long time ago that there will be a way (though probably difficult) to have an happy ending with the two, which makes me happy :)).

To be honest, the demo of this game single-handily got me interested roguelike-turn based combat, it is that good to me. I haven't looked at this thread for some time, because I knew it'd rekindle my crave for this game and make me play the same demo over and over. Maidensnow Eve recently got my #1 "best ever h-game" award, but I can seriously see this game taking that award over.

That said, I agree that the game should only be released when it's 'done'. I don't mind at all if there's things added after release, but the game should be functional at least. Author's decision of course.

Ah ok..good to know then..
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

This is a certain fact, making game with imcomplete script it'll be waste double or more time.
adjusting event commands for new script it makes bug easier than create new event.
and I can't release game while "This is not enough" running through my head.

Then when will it be 'enough'?
Look, you've got almost 4500 interested customers and with your constant presence in this thread I seriously doubt any one of us will have the tenacity to share a pirated version here. Hell, I dare say most, if not all of us are going to pay for it.
I'd hate to see this end up in the pitfall that countless indie projects before it have fallen into of postponing the release date until interest for the project has almost completely died off.
We all know it won't be finished in February, can't you please give a more realistic estimate?
Say April-June? That way at least I don't have to look forward to something that is still far off.
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners


lol i didn't even played the demo yet to not ruin the fun
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I see we have a project manager?
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

then the game will not be ready in February?: Confused:

Ill gave another date?
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Wow, Ill. That's, um... that's quite the Valentine's Day present...
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Wow, Ill. That's, um... that's quite the Valentine's Day present...

haha yup, that was uprising indeed o_O

Lots of chocolate there... ( ゚Д゚)y─┛~~
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Lots of chocolate there... ( ゚Д゚)y─┛~~

Knowing ILL, I have some bad news for you. Or good, depending on your fetish.

But poor Meine seems to have gotten some in her mouth...
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Knowing ILL, I have some bad news for you. Or good, depending on your fetish.

But poor Meine seems to have gotten some in her mouth...

haha, well thats why I made that face at the end, up to the person looking at it, to decide what it is :p
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Knowing ILL, I have some bad news for you. Or good, depending on your fetish.

But poor Meine seems to have gotten some in her mouth...

It's a bit too droopy to be bad news, pretty sure it's chocolate.

Besides the plug is still there :p
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

It's a bit too droopy to be bad news, pretty sure it's chocolate.

Besides the plug is still there :p

I dunno. She IS tied to a toilet.

Edit: Wait, no she isn't. I appear to be mistaken. Thought I saw the tank back there but must have been seeing things.
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