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Shop, and missions

Re: Shops, and missions

(Alright, RJ, if theres no points invovled lets get Rin that SW1911)
"Um. I would like that gun right there, but I have no money to pay... so I was wondering if you knew where I could um... find any money?" The girl was a bit uncertain when her words came out. After all, she was asking a very strange thing.
Re: Shops, and missions

Those words made Terry cull up her hand into a fist she was pissed but barely managed to restrain herself from threatening the manager but suddenly shifted her gaze to another girl who appeared seemingly wanting a weapon or to do something in getting one.

Terry took the weapon from the shop keepers hand and held it just below the trigger.

"Can you handle a gun?" She asked the purple haired girl in a most anxious tone.
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Re: Shops, and missions

The girl took the gun in her hand.
She felt used to it, the weight felt comforting in her hands.
"I don't really know," The girl answered, but she continued to examine the gun, she leved it, thumbed the safety off, and cocked the gun in a practiced motion, but didn't shoot. "I feel really used to it though." She added, as she turned the safety back on, and ejected the clip out with a click.
She inspected the bullets and the clip itself.
"This caliber..." The girl muttered and poping one out of the clip. "is the .32 auto." Finishing her sentence, and poped the bullet back in, she reloaded the gun, and handed it back to Terry, handle towards her.
Re: Shops, and missions

((I thought you said it was a .38 zero...))
Re: Shops, and missions

([Item name] = [quantity available])

Tea-shirt & Jeans = 8
Armor class: 3

Class I body armor = 3
Armor class: 13

.32 Caliber handgun = 0
.32 Caliber magazine = 4

.38 Caliber Handgun = 5
.38 Caliber magazine = 20

9mm Handgun = 1
9mm magazine = 12

.22 Long Rifle = 3
Ten .22 bullets = 20

Short sword: 5

First Aid kit = 6

Survival Rations = 15

It's on the first page...
Re: Shops, and missions

(You see Blue handed Rin a .32 when there was none. So I wrote .32 cause Blue handed Rin a .32, but Rin remembers the SW1911.)
Re: Shops, and missions

((Ah, it wasn't the shopkeep that handed you it, so you didn't get what you asked for. Okies, me shut up now, please continue :) ))
Re: Shops, and missions

(Oh I can't.)
(Cause now neither Jesse says something or I wait till blue comes back and say something OR Rin gets introduced to the director cause if, you know, she's the boss and shit.)
Re: Shops, and missions

((Why on earth would the directer arrange for a meet & greet with a newbie like Rin if she can't be arsed to have a serious conversation with the gals who come in with legitimate* questions?

*legitimate being susceptible to different opinions. :p))
Re: Shops, and missions


"Ding ding! Umm hello? How are you? This is my first time here so I'd enjoy talking with you. There were a couple of other people but they seemed kind of busy. I'm Meredith by the way."

Somehow Meredith felt that it was appropriate to say that aloud. She looked around to see if there were any other customers that she could introduce herself to and get to know. Once again, she felt the need to add to the effort of keeping this place running but in order to do so she had to be well equipped.
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Re: Shops, and missions

The shopkeeper had many bottles of beer around her. She was watching River's performance with a little too much enthusiasm...

As Meredith walked up to her and began talking, she slowly turned her head to her. Her face was blushing and she appeared ready to fall out of the chair she was sitting in.

Her smile grew wider as she greeted Meredith.


"Hee, hee, hee! Hi sweety! I'm Jesse! Are you enjoying the party?"

She giggled as she grabbed one of the bottles near her and took another drink.
Re: Shops, and missions

Meredith looks at the shopkeeper in disbelief.


"Aren't you going to get fired?"

She remembers her situation however and decides to correct herself.


"Nevermind, I don't think you really can anyways. Umm what party are you talking about? Aren't the inhabitants of the city on the verge of being wiped out?

She seems to have trouble talking to the drunkard. Maybe the shopkeeper is trying to drown her sorrows?
Re: Shops, and missions

The woman pointed in the direction of a red headed woman in a skin tight suit who was doing tricks among a crowd of people. She attempted to do a back flip which resulted in her landing on her bum.

The woman then looked at Meredith.


"The party's all around you! We're celebrating the fact we're all still around! C'mon! Have some fun!"

The woman then took another large gulp of her beer, giggling after she had done so.
Re: Shops, and missions

Meredith imagines herself rolling her eyes in order to avoid being rude when an embarrassing thought comes up. Her cheeks flush with blood as she decides to ask the question seeing as how the girl was drunk anyhow."


"Say, are all the girls here lesbian? I saw two of them beginning to make out. I mean, I guess it might make sense seeing as there probably aren't any guys around the city. N-not that I am but.."

She regrets asking the question upon finishing and bites her lip.
Re: Shops, and missions

The woman leans forward towards Meredith, her head resting on her hands, sporting a mischievous grin.


"Honey, don't be shy. Haven't you ever thought of sleeping with another woman?"
Re: Shops, and missions


"Well, maybe but I never took it seriously. Are you sure you're not just drunk?"

Meredith although loosened up, was not in the mood to party. She was much too worried about the situation outside.
Re: Shops, and missions

The woman blushed, a deep red color filled her cheeks as she took on an ashamed look.


"Why, I'm not... Well, maybe I have had one too many drinks..."
Re: Shops, and missions


"Pass me a bottle."

Meredith, upon hearing Jesse talk in that manner, had felt that she had ruined the woman's moment of joy. She grabbed a bottle without even reading the brand and took a swig. It was bitter. She gave her best smile to the shopkeeper and looked for somewhere to sit beside her.
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