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Shop, and missions

Re: Shops, and missions

Sarah, surprisenly, didn't respond that much. "Wow, rough time?" she commented as she slid the clips into her carpet bag. Nodding to the shopkeep, she went and wandered in the direction of the notice board.
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse insisted, and led Luna up to her room, the very same room she recently fucked Selena in...

She led Luna into the bathroom, taking a towel from the nearby closet, and placing it on the toilet located near the shower.

"You get yourself cleaned up, sweetie, make sure you get all of that nasty blood off of you." she said with a comforting voice and smile as she left the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.

(Jesse's not a rapist. ;))
Re: Shops, and missions

(Good :p, that would be... really awkward. Especially if Iris might have a one night stand with Jesse later.)

Luna stared at her reflection for a moment in the bathroom mirror as she saw how blood stained she was, with small chunks of flesh clinging to her clothing, and her entire outfit stained red for the most part. Letting out a sigh as she turned her eyes to the towel on the toilet and the shower, the girl muttered to herself as she undressed.


"...Well, there's nothing else for me to do at the moment anyway..."

Stepping into the shower as she allowed her bloody attire to drop to the ground, she allowed herself to drown her worries in the water, the clear liquid becoming red as it washed off the blood and sweat from every corner of her body...
Re: Shops, and missions

Luna heard a knock on the door,

"Sweetie? Can I come in? I just want to wash those clothes you were wearing. I'll let you borrow my clothes when you're finished, alright?" she called to her from the other side of the door.
Re: Shops, and missions


"Go ahead..."

Replying in a lackluster voice, Luna stared ahead unmovingly, and lost in thought.

Maybe I should just disappear... I have nothing left anyway.

Sitting down and leaning her back against the wall of the shower, the girl held her head against her knees as she allowed the hot water to continue pouring on her, eyes cast downwards. There really was nothing much left for her, was there?...

(Yes, Luna is attempting to drown herself in the shower kind of as she goes into a whole "emo-ish" phase...)
Re: Shops, and missions

While the shower door was very blurry, you could make a very vague shape from the other side.

As Jesse walks in, she notices Luna sitting in the shower, looking like she was lumped up into a ball.

"Sweetie...?" she calls to Luna, "Are you alright?"
Re: Shops, and missions

No response.

Luna remained under the water, seemingly oblivious of her surroundings as she was apparently lost in deep thought. One could say she was attempting to drown herself in the shower, to allow herself to be washed away with the red water that flowed from underneath her. The lack of a purpose had caused the girl to grow weak in a sense, having lost her strong will to survive or do anything for the most part...
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse, forgetting the clothes, knocked on the door frantically,

"Answer me! she shouted in a panic, "I-I'm coming in!"

She swung the shower door open, sticking her upper body in as the water from the shower soaked her, and began to shake Luna, calling out to her.

"Are you alright?!?" she called to Luna desperately, "Sweetie, answer me!!!"
Re: Shops, and missions

Lost in the empty abyss of her mind, it took Luna a moment to realize that someone had stood in front of the water, and was shaking her. Raising her eyes to see who it was, she recognized the woman as the one who had sent her into the shower.



Of course... she didn't seem fine at all judging from the emptiness in her eyes...
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse reached over, and shut the water off.

Looking directly into Luna's eyes, flustered, Jesse asked,

"Honey... Honey, what's wrong? Tell me!" she pleaded.
Re: Shops, and missions

There was a brief period of silence, as if she knew not how to answer the question. When she finally did, she did so by asking one herself.


"......Tell me, how does one what should one who has lost all purpose do?"

Her eyes remained horribly bleak as she said this, as if they were draining of emotion with each passing second, as if she could not continue her life in peace without something to guide her along. It was as if she really had died that day so long ago, and that up till now, she was surviving only only by her principles guiding her on. Principles that had become mostly obselete.
Re: Shops, and missions

Brushing her wet hair from her face, Jesse answered in a sweet tone,

"Honey... Your purpose doesn't find you, you find your purpose. There are many women here, that need you, that need me, we all need each other in our fight against these things, and we all do it in our own little way. Find something you love, and protect it with all your heart, and you will have found your purpose in life..." she preached, while gently rubbing Luna's arms.
Re: Shops, and missions



The girl's tone became slightly quizzical upon hearing the word, almost as if she was unsure of its meaning.


"What does... it mean... to love?..."

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Re: Shops, and missions

"Did you ever have someone you wanted to protect? Someone you would sacrifice everything for..? Like a sister?"
Re: Shops, and missions

(Jesse is psychic. It's official.)

Something to protect...yes...there was something long ago...but what...what was it?


"I... can't remember...what I...used to protect..."

Or more accurately, she didn't want to remember. A part of her locked away didn't want to remember the past, nor would it allow it. For then she would remember that she had failed to protect what was once most dear to her, failed in her pledge to defend them from the world...

Uncharactertistical streams of liquid flowed from her eyes as she struggled to remember, yet to no avail. The memories were painful, yet all she could bring back was the pain.

"Tears?...Why?...I don't understand...Why?..."


(*silts throat for having made this post* I need sleep after the next post. I'm becoming WAY too sentimental.)
Re: Shops, and missions

(I thought we were on the same page with the cliche thing? >.>)

Jesse didn't say anymore, she cradled the naked girl in her arms, wavering back and forth, like a mother would to her baby to make it stop crying.

"Everyone cries, sweetie. We cry for what we love." Jesse whispers, starting to cry herself.
Re: Shops, and missions

(We were but I'd prefer having Luna's resolve to protect Iris come from actually interacting with the said person rather than a "stranger" (namely Jesse).)



Luna didn't say anything as she allowed herself to be comforted while her tears continued to flow. Allowing herself to be swept away by suppressed emotions from long ago, the girl truly cried for the first time since that day. The first time since she had lost everything dear to her. Unconsciously accepting the cradling, Luna continued to weep until many of the negative emotions from that time disappeared... After the outburst of emotion, the life in Luna's eyes returned, if only a small part of it, as she apologized to the other woman for having used her as a venue of sorts for her troubles.


"...I'm sorry."
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse pulls away from Luna, smiling at her,

"It's alright, sweetie. Get some clothes on, I'd say all of the blood's been washed off of you." she motions to the extra set of clothes on the back of the toilet, they looked similar to Jesse's clothes, having that, "motherly" look to them.

She steps away from the naked girl, taking her blood soaked clothes and leaving the bathroom.
Re: Shops, and missions

Giving a slight nod to Jesse as she departed with the blood soaked clothes, Luna sat there for a period of time afterwards, silently berating herself for her display of weakness to a stranger.


To display such a pathetic face in front of another... have you really become so weak Luna?...

Giving a sigh, the naked girl slowly got to her feet, drying herself off with the towel that had been left for her and putting on the outfit that Jesse had loaned her. Staring into the mirror, Luna gave another exasperated sigh as she stared at the almost lifeless girl she beheld in the mirror.


"Something to protect...is it?..."

She continued to ponder on those words as she exited the room...
Re: Shops, and missions


Sera, finally recovered from her ordeal, walks into the shop and tries to buy two swords and a fresh set of armor. "Going to go see if I can rescue one of the two girls. Gotta get people together though."
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