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[WIP - Full] SHRIFT Translation Version 2.0 (Machine and Manual Translation)


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2019
Reputation score
Due to the OP of the last thread not being active on the forum for a while, I've made a new thread to cover the work I've been doing on translating SHRIFT.

Original Translation Thread:

Main Game Thread:

Dlsite Game Link:


Latest Version: v3.4[Game Version v8.07]

General Status: Entire base game is translated, alongside all EX Dungeons.

-Version 3.4[Game Version 8.07]
  • EX4 is fully hand-translated.
  • Various bug fixes.

-Version 3.3[Game Version 8.06]
  • EX1 is fully hand translated! That means that all EX dungeons except 4 are complete!
  • Game patch is now based and built off of v8.06 (the latest patch out right now).
  • DLC1 (Yami) is also fully translated!
  • Fixed some missing lines in EX2.
  • Ivory -> Lady (Oops. Name was kept from MTL days two years ago and somehow got this far without anyone looking at it.)
  • Various typo and bug fixes.
-Version 3.2[Game Version v7.2]
  • EX2 is now fully hand translated, including a new My Room!
  • Translated a few lines we missed from EX3, as well as a few other typos.
  • Upgraded the patcher to catch a few special things in EX2.
  • Fully translated most of the text in Tartarus, which unlocks at 90% Compendium competion.
  • Various minor fixes.
- Version 3.1[Game Version v7.2]
  • - EX3 is now fully hand translated, including the teaser for EX4.
  • - Fixed minor typos throughout the game.
  • - Made minor improvements to the patcher software.

-Version 3.0[Game Version v7.2]
  • Chapter 4 of Genocide is now fully translated!
  • Patch is now based on Game Version 7.2!
  • A brand new installer is now out that will make the patching process much easier!
  • In addition, all the v7.2 additions to Chapter 4-3 have also been translated. This covers a ton of new things added to the Hyakki fight.
  • All engagement endings are now fully translated!
  • A few plugins we use for effects now run faster. This also fixed some weird text chunkiness if entries are too long in places like the inventory.
  • A bunch of new craftable equipment added over the last few game patches for post-game have been translated.
  • Fixed translation for Daji NG+ scene, among a few others.
  • Translated and typeset a few images that were still lacking English text.
  • Translated a lot of Persuade text and mechanics that were missing.
  • Fixed a lot of things relating to an Easter Egg around choosing names at the start of the game.
  • Translated scrolling interchapter credits, which were really overdue for a translation. (True Mercy credits left untouched.)
  • Cleaned up a bunch of equipment that wasn't translated well from MT.
  • Found a few more post-Geno interactions, translated them.
  • Translated a few things related to the new Challenge Mode.
  • Various typo fixes all around.
  • Probably other things I've forgotten to add, we worked on a lot...

-Version 2.15[Game Version v7.02]

  • Translated all of Genocide Chapter 2 and 3.
  • Added some code around a certain special *something* in Chapter 3-3.
  • Cleaned up some Chapter 2 and 3 text as we went through them for Genocide, as well.
  • Translated Hypocrite and Geno -> Geno events in the first 3 Chapters.
  • Post-Game:
    • Fate's Origin has been hand translated.
    • Hyakki's My Room/Compendium, and a few secrets around it have been translated.
  • Added a few friendship printouts to a few My Rooms that were missing them.
  • Fixed a scene we missed in Hell's Gate, and did a general cleanup of some old text there.
  • Minor cleanup and typo fixes.

-Version 2.14[Game Version v7.02]
  • Fully hand translated all of Mercy's Final Chapter (4-3). This includes (obvious spoilers below):
    • The True Mercy Ending, alongside Mercy A and B.
    • All the emails you get from them
    • Redid machine translation of the Pink Bed in 4-3 to be fully hand translated.
  • Daiji -> Daji
  • Daji's My Room and Compendium is fully translated!
  • A bunch of minor translation fixes to fix a few things changed by developer typo fixes (namely that missing line for 2-1).
  • Reworked a bunch of text around the swords, cleaning up some machine translated stuff that was left as a placeholder a while back.
  • Minor translation improvements and typo fixes.

-Version 2.13[Game Version v7.02]
  • Translated Titanoboa's My Room and Compendium!
  • Finished translating all NG+ Events
  • Translated Genocide text for Chapters 1-1, 1-2 and 1-3.
  • Added various typo fixes and improvements.

-Version 2.12[Game Version v7.02]
  • Updated the patch to be based off of v7.02
  • Cleaned up patcher splash screen.
  • Completely hand translated Chapter 4-2! This includes (obvious spoilers up till the end of 4-2):
    • The Tape, obtained during True Mercy.
    • Both phases of the boss.
    • All Neutral endings (A, B, and C).
    • The "emails" you get from them.
  • Camazotz's My Room and Compendium has also been hand-translated!
  • General minor text cleanup and other improvements.
  • Other mysterious things :3

-Version 2.11[Game Version v7.00]
  • Updated patch to be based on game version v7.00!
  • Fixed some changed text around Daiji's Pink Bed and the Main Menu
  • Hand translated all of Chapter 4-1!
  • Hand translated Arachne/Archeny's My Room
  • As part of other work, a good chunk of Mai & Ena's lines and the start of EX2 have been translated.
  • General typo fixes and other improvements.

-Version 2.10c[Game Version v6.51]
  • Cleaned up a ton of MT/poorly translated text in Chapter 1-1.
  • Translated and typeset almost all of the tutorial pictures.
  • Translated the teaser for the true, final boss.
  • Minor fixes and cleanup.

-Version 2.10b[Game Version v6.51]
  • Patch is now based off of game version 6.51.
  • Machine Translated all of Daiji's Pink Bed. I've hand edited it a ton, so it should be pretty good until we come back for a full hand translation translation later.
  • Cleaned up all the Mementos menus.
  • Fixed a missing Lampas line changed in version 6.5 and up.
  • A lot of minor fixes and improvements everywhere.
  • Fixed NamePop error around spaces (thanks for the help on this, Anego!)

-Version 2.10[Game Version v6.02]
  • Chapter 3-3 has been fully hand translated!
  • Sphinx and Echo's My Room/Compendiums have also been fully translated!
  • Machine translated some of Mio's added scenes from DLC2
  • A few typo fixes and minor changes
  • Fixed Fan Art Gallery Tags

-Version 2.9[Game Version v6.02]
  • Chapter 3-2 is completely hand-translated!
  • Compendium entries have been hand-translated up to the end of Chapter 2 (Nina).
  • Fixed some Pink Bed text.
  • Hand-translated some new Iron Maiden 1 text added in version 6.0 and above.

-Version 2.8[Game Version v6.02]
  • Chapter 3-1 fully hand translated! This includes the Echo Pink Bed.
  • Nina's My Room fully hand translated!
  • Skill screen cleaned up
  • Fixed Item Limits
  • Compendium display bug fixed! Currently, both Lampas and Barghest are hand translated, more to come in the future.
  • Fixed some missing Haru text related to her added 3rd scene.
  • Fixed all the EX2 naming of Hectate -> Hecate.
  • Fixed a few minor bits of text for Chapter 2-2 and 2-3.

-Version 2.7[Game Version v6.02]
  • Patch has now been rebased to game version 6.02!
  • EX2 Machine/Hand Translation done. Post EX2 stuff will be translated in the future.
  • Haru&Liz's My Room has been hand translated.
  • Fixed a few minor bugs around Mukuro (namely removing corruption). Thanks for the bug report, Clawfoot!
-Version 2.6[Game Version v5.27]
  • Fully hand translated Chapter 2-3!
  • Completely translated and cleaned up all the images and HUD in the dance battle, which looks a lot better then the previous overlays.

-Version 2.5.1[Game Version v5.27]
  • Finished My Rooms for Mother Rabbit and Mukuro.
  • Finally finished all of Haru&Liz's part of Chapter 2-1.
  • Added new, fully translated and cleaned up overlay for all of the scenes in My Room.
  • Translated gifting text for all currently translated My Room characters.
  • Added all the remaining machine translations for a few branches of Echo's Pink Bed.
  • Went back and cleaned up a lot of the text from 1-1, 1-2, and 1-3 to meet the codified style guidelines and generally make things look cleaner.

-Version 2.5[Game Version v5.27]
  • Full hand translation of Chapter 2-2! This also includes *SPOILERS* the flashback sequence, and the Twins fight.
  • Fully translated the final sequence with Mother Rabbit at the end of 2-1.
  • All the brand new headers for Chapter 2 have been finished and added to the game, as you can see in the screenshot up there.
  • General minor fixes and polish.

-Version 2.4.1[Game Version v5.27]
  • Translated images for all the Accident events, and all of the Chapter 1 Headers.
  • "My Room" scenes for Empuse and Iron Maiden are now fully hand translated.
  • Patch is now based off of game version 5.27.
  • Machine translation for the new Haru scene in 5.27 has been added.
  • General cleanup for various Chapter 1 things.

-Version 2.4[Game Version v5.21]
  • Translations done in this patch are done by Ron/Conty(Translator) and Me/Shrifted(Proofreader)
  • The rest of Chapter 1-3 is now fully translated!
  • Minor cleanup of some text in Chapter 2-1.
  • Cleanups of previous "My Room" text.
  • Some of the Codex entries have been translated (Barghest and Lampas)! This is currently buggy, and has partial text cut-offs....
  • A few bits of Empuse's My Room have also been translated, as well.

-Version 2.3[Game Version v5.21]
  • Partial hand-translation and polish of Chapter 1-3.
  • Almost of all of Chapter 2-1 hand-translated (Raw translation done by Ron, proofreading and cleanup by Shrifted.)

-Version 2.2[Game Version v5.21]
  • Cleaned up and polished a lot of Chapter 1-2.
  • Added a bit of polish to Barghest's My Room, with some of the lines making a few other My Room a lot nicer.
  • Did some behind the scenes cleanup.
-Version 2.1[Game Version v5.21]
  • Cleaned and polished Chapter 1-1 translation.
-Version 2.0[Game v5.08]
  • Machine translated all of EX Dungeon 1
  • Hand translated all of Beetle Harpy's scenes.
  • There's probably a lot of minor things that accumulated that were put in here, such as some hand translation of Chapter 4-2.

As always: This is not a copy of the game, only a patch. You'll need a copy of the game if you want to play.

A general note: This translation is made so that people can play through the entirety of SHRIFT while having a general understanding of what's going on.

The initial machine Translation was made by Lv1Villager. Almost all the main game is now fully hand translated! Some EX dungeons are currently machine translated, with edited manuscripts by hand.

The patching and patches are using a custom patcher known as Gaijinizer Patchmaker, developed by Lv1Villager. Due to how it works, all patches should be forward compatible if the dev decides to release any new versions of the game.

The patch was mainly created by me (Shrifted/Triketos), and Ron (contingency).

People who have contributed translated text towards the game:

Thanks to Lv1VillagerA for creating the custom patching software I'm using, and Zeus for the Custom FullScreen plugin.

Additional thanks to Anegorami for technical support and making our new installer!

Patch Application Instructions: Just use the installer and you should be good to go!

To apply this patch you need:

> RPG Maker XP / VX / VX Ace Decrypter by Falo (or any other RPG Maker unpacker)
> Gaijinizer Patch translation files
> an untranslated version of the game (SHRIFT)

How to apply this patch:

Decrypt RPG Maker data and delete the Game RGSS Encrypted Archive (*)
>Skip to 'Put the Patch files into the Game files' if you've already deleted the Game RGSS Encrypted Archive and want to apply a new patch
>Run RPG Maker XP / VX / VX Ace Decrypter by Falo
>Go to File/Open File
>Select the Game RGSS Encrypted Archive (Game.rgss3a) that is in the same folder as game.exe (don't mistake it for System\RGSS301.dll).
>Go to Tools/Extract Selected
This will create an 'Extract' folder with all the decrypted files in your game folder
>Merge the contents of the Extract folder with your Game Folder (you don't need to overwrite them)
>Delete or Rename (ex:Game_.rgss3a) the Game RGSS Encrypted Archive you selected previously
The game plays the same, its data is just no longer encrypted. These steps delete any duplicate in the RGSS Encrypted Archive and the non encrypted files which may cause RPG Trans to never finish

>Put the Patch files into the Game files
If this is the first patch you apply, you will be asked to overwrite Game.ini (accept)
Else, you will be asked to also overwrite some of the previous patch files (accept)

>Run Game.exe, a window called Gaijinizer will appear.
>Select Patch Game in the menu. The patching will take a few seconds (about 20) during which the screen will freeze.
>Click Ok to the message box telling you the Game was patched successfully, the game will quit automatically
>Run Game.exe and play the game (the title screen should mention you are playing a translated version)
View attachment 20893

Hacking yourself is perfectly legal but uploading/distributing a file (hacked/modified)
that can be used as a substitute for game itself, and thus lower the original game sales, is not.
While you may not be fined, your file will most likely be--rightfully--claimed.
Please be responsible and don't make trouble for the creator of the game.

Included in the patch is a few scripts to make your life easier......
Press F6 to switch window size
Press F5 to switch to full screen
Skips messages, shortens waits, speeds up routes,...

Skip with Ctrl
Enables in-game with Ctrl+Shift

Change the script parameters in the Game .ini file:
fs_enable=X (X=1 enabled)
fs_speed=X (X=1..8, recommended:4)
Updates game variables stored in save files for translation purpose.

If needed, it can execute ruby code stored in a text file (You can find next to the game exe, you'll need to enter a password).

Change the script parameters in the Game .ini file:

X=0, don't use script, not even the default method;
X=1,[default, recommended] only use the script's default method;
X=????, use a custom script stored in txt file if you know what you are doing, ???? is a password you'll find on the forum

X=0,[default, recommended] not disabled
X=1, permanently disabled, if you don't want to be tempted to cheat or really don't like the idea of executing a script from a txt file
Fools the game into using RPG Maker English settings.


  • ShriftPatchv2.12b[ver7.02].zip
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  • ShriftPatchv2.15[ver7.02].zip
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  • SHRIFTPatchv3.4[ver8.07].zip
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To kick off the thread, I've just finished up work on a new patch (v2.1). A lot of the Chapter 1-1 translations got mixed up when this project got ported over to Gaijinizer from RPGMTranslator, and over the many versions of SHRIFT, typos have been fixed and text has been changed to make some of the translations out of date. This patch should make Chapter 1-1 a lot cleaner.



  • ShriftPatchv2.1[ver5.21].zip
    2.6 MB · Views: 201
Thanks for the translations! Just started playing and the game is amazing so far
Bumping this to get more info and notifications, nice work out there shrifted
Thank you for your work on this translation. I feel quite dumb asking this but how can I find a functional RPG maker Decrypter? The Falo one is always recognised as a security threat...

I'm sorry if asking for this information is against any rules.
Thank you for your work on this translation. I feel quite dumb asking this but how can I find a functional RPG maker Decrypter? The Falo one is always recognised as a security threat...

I'm sorry if asking for this information is against any rules.
Finished up work on a new patch, v2.2. This polishes up a lot of Chapter 1-2's text, and fills in a lot of missing translations there for Iron Maiden. Also did a lot of behind the scenes cleanup on my end to make work easier in the future....

Patches probably won't come this quickly, but I found this was easy enough to polish with some spare time I had.



  • ShriftPatchv2.2[ver5.21].zip
    2.6 MB · Views: 58
@Shrifted Just a side question have you heard about the software "Translator++"?
And can you tell me what is already manual translated?
@Shrifted Just a side question have you heard about the software "Translator++"?
And can you tell me what is already manual translated?

Haven't heard of Translator++ before, looks cool. Unfortunately this project doesn't use RPGTrans, though, which is how the program outputs its files.. X_X I might be able to make some use out of it though, so thanks for the heads up.

Almost the entire game is machine translated already. As for manually translated stuff...

  • All of Chapter 1-1 and 1-2 (Genocide route coverage is spotty)
  • A good chunk of Haru & Liz's dialogue (2-1)
  • Sphinx Fight (3-1)
  • Camszotz's Dialogue (4-1)
  • A good chunk of 4-2, general dialogue and Daiji fight.
  • Basically all weapons, skills, and items.
There is simply a ton of text in SHRIFT, unfortunately.
I'm going to translate with the Translator++ and building everything new.
Edit: I used the states, scriptes and skill file and made some minor fixes.
Adjusted some text, so it doesn't overlap with each other. For example at the machine where you learn skills.
Checked and fixed some english sentence which was a bit off context when you compared to the japanese sentence.

Finished with:
Every item, armor, weapon and their description.
State data
Script data
Actors data
Skill data

In progress:
Map data -> Currently translating the conversation inside "My Room" with the demons.
(This is the most time intensive map editing with a lot of text events around.)

Commonevents data
Troops data

Future plan:
PDF and image translation (In the distant future)

Edit: It seems like that Translator++ can't fully extract some files.
These things that I can't tanslate for now are: Book encyclopedia description and the room name of the demons.

I switched to the RPG Maker VX Ace engine. With that, i am able to edit everything without any sort of error. Or breaking the files appart.
Editing scripts and also text message that are invovled with some sort of scripts can be editet without any problem.
So a 100% translation is possible.


  • b.png
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  • イベント1.png
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I'm going to translate with the Translator++ and building everything new.
Edit: I used the states, scriptes and skill file and made some minor fixes.
Adjusted some text, so it doesn't overlap with each other. For example at the machine where you learn skills.
Checked and fixed some english sentence which was a bit off context when you compared to the japanese sentence.

I'm finished with:
Every item, armor, weapon and their description.
State data
Script data
Actors data

In progress:
Skill data + description
The rest of the title menu interface.
(Somehow Translator++ can not extract the title description unlike Gaijinizer)

Map event
Future plan:
Common events (Probably starting next week)
PDF and image translation (In the distant future)

You starting this from scratch, Lazzarus, or are you using the current translation? You will need to properly accredit and ask people before you use their work if you're adapting what's previously been done, especially if you start modifying their work....
You starting this from scratch, Lazzarus, or are you using the current translation? You will need to properly accredit and ask people before you use their work if you're adapting what's previously been done, especially if you start modifying their work....
Like I described, I will create the patch with Translator++. And I will give credit to the people. I will use skill, state, script, item data and won't use anything else. So everything that is story and H related will be translated from scratch.

Edit: God help me, everything that is written in Man'yōgana is a pain to translate...
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Like I described, I will create the patch with Translator++. And I will give credit to the people. I will use skill, state, script, item data and won't use anything else. So everything that is story and H related will be translated from scratch.

Edit: God help me, everything that is written in Man'yōgana is a pain to translate...

Just out of curiosity, are you sure you can do it? As far as I know (might be wrong, correct me if so) you already once started project like this then disappeared from this forum for half a year without ever mentioning it again. I personally know that this type of work can be very daunting, so this can be expected, but starting another project like that soon after?
Just out of curiosity, are you sure you can do it? As far as I know (might be wrong, correct me if so) you already once started project like this then disappeared from this forum for half a year without ever mentioning it again. I personally know that this type of work can be very daunting, so this can be expected, but starting another project like that soon after?
Yes, I know what you are talking about. I actually had some serious trouble with translating WOLF RPG games and was very pi**ed about that because I did something which broke the whole game.
Yes, I know what you are talking about. I actually had some serious trouble with translating WOLF RPG games and was very pi**ed about that because I did something which broke the whole game.
Yikes, technical difficulties are a pain. I wish you more luck with this project then, SHRIFT really deserves a proper translation.
Tried using the patch and it crashes on chapter 1-1 after the first barghest (?) encounter in hallway looking for graphics/pictures//ba/7-000.png (or something similar to that).
Started a clean game made it passed the crash point to the first save terminal, transferred that save over to patched game and was able to enter the first fight with english text. (the text when the dog enters the room was still in JP)

Edit: I'm a dummy and didn't realize game already had a Graphic Folder with stuff in it and I just copied the game, audio, ect to the extracted folder so I could keep the clean version. (I blame getting used to UnRen'ing Renpy games and not me failing to follow instructions)
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I am currently playing through this game at world 2 act 2 and am very greatful for your work and translations would not be able enjoy this game without you translators.
Hey I did some of the work on the previous translation project before I had to step back because of real life (I'm Ron). Now that I've got some time back, I'd be happy to continue working on bits and pieces where I can.
Hey I did some of the work on the previous translation project before I had to step back because of real life (I'm Ron). Now that I've got some time back, I'd be happy to continue working on bits and pieces where I can.

Sweet, your work was pretty good when I was looking over it! Do you have any particular part you'd like to work on? Work has been swamping me hard, I've finished about 75% of Chapter 1-3 stuff but haven't had a chance to finish it off.