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RPG Patreon Active RPG Maker [Sierra Lee] The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/31: 175+ ILLUSTRATED SCENES!]

Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 3/27]

Public version today?
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 6/3]

Hurray~ Thanks as always. Time to see what's new...
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 6/3]

Oh yeah time to figure out if I made good choices...
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 6/3]

For anybody wondering, the you can tell how well you did in the battle from the dialogue in the throne room with Janine immediately afterwards.

The dialogue for the best possible outcome starts with...

...when Janine tells you how the speech went:
"I thought it went very well..."
Dependent on your affection score with Janine. You need maxed (100+) affection for this outcome.
...when talking about how decisive the victory was:
"From a military perspective, our victory was crushing."
...when talking about chaos caused by the battle:
"Though obviously the battle caused chaos..."
...when talking about the death toll and collateral damage:
"As for the death tolls... I hesitate to say I rejoice..."
...when talking about the attempted coup:
"The coup nearly destroyed the Court..."
Hiring the Iron Cudgel or AriGarda prevents destruction of the Court.
...when talking about your decision on whether to send Orcent into the city:
"Thank you for sending your orcs..."
Dependent on Army Quality. You need >=12 for the optimal outcome. Anything less than 9 actually nets a negative outcome.
...after everything above, talking about the overall outcome:
"Honestly, relieved. I expected everything to be so much worse..."
This nets you a +5 affection bonus with Janine.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 6/3]

Welp, seems I got the best result in everything but chaos caused, not sure how to improve on that one, maybe instead of going after the nobles I should have enforced order amongst the orcs.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 6/3]

I managed to get every best result. But it looks likes the New Unpeople vote had no impact on this patch. Can't wait for the next month release.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 6/3]

I managed to get every best result. But it looks likes the New Unpeople vote had no impact on this patch. Can't wait for the next month release.

The churches didn't exactly get involved in this one, at least not the factions typically employing unpeople, I imagine those will show up later down the line if you let that vote pass.

I wonder what team people used for the infiltration segment and what their reasoning was. I personally used Yara, Aka and Carina since that pretty much covers all the bases and I didn't want to bring too many succubus since the person you're after had deployed unpeople before, Yara fortunately still fights decently well even when lustbound and she makes short work of the enemy guarding the shining sword.

Another thing that seems to matter is how much you use your orc forces in the aftermath (seems both orc and succubus forces count towards that, at least Janine mentions that it might cause unrest and I only used orcs for one task)

And could anyone tell me what changes if you don't use the slums spell to resolve the issue in the mines during Aka's route? Using it seems to grant you some opportunity later on at least.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 6/3]

I could have read the dialogue wrong, but I thought Simon actually said not to take other succubi besides Yarra, so I went with Simon, Aka, and Carina since my usual healer (Robin) was unavailable. I almost failed that section because I forgot about the chest in the very beginning and went back to get it with less than a minute left when I was in the corridor before the boss battle.

As a suggestion for Sierra, it'd be nice to have an NPC that displays affection levels and allows access to on-demand sex scenes in the Waiting Rooms between releases.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 6/3]

Found a bug. After victoly and getting shoved into my room after listening to petitions and Hilstara's scene, I accidentally hit the Formation button and got stuck, unable to Z or X out. Simon had a cancel sign over him, I forget if that's normal or what.

(Alternatively I might have just been dumb somehow, but yeah, that's never happened before.)

Unless that's what the Event Fixer thing was?

Also and unrelatedly, I am super excited for quiet(er) cleanup times that the next update will apparently be, even if it will probably just be burning up all my ProN to decide what debuffs I don't want. But uhhh should I feel bad that I want to break away from the narrative for a little bit to do something like 'throw Robin a tiny birthday party' or something, to re-highlight the whole father-daughter-and-also-people thing?
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 6/3]

...when talking about your decision on whether to send Orcent into the city:
"Thank you for sending your orcs..."
Dependent on Army Quality. You need >=12 for the optimal outcome. Anything less than 9 actually nets a negative outcome.

My question:
Does this count army Quality + Size, or only one of them? I thought we can't get more than 8 Quality right now, and is Size affected if you got synergies from horde battle?
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 6/3]

I got the Patreon version and didn't get a chance to play it until after the public version came out.

I'm unreasonably upset over that.

Oh well, I'll enjoy the bugfixed version I guess.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 6/3]

Thread is more lively during this time anyway ;)
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 6/3]

As a suggestion for Sierra, it'd be nice to have an NPC that displays affection levels and allows access to on-demand sex scenes in the Waiting Rooms between releases.
This isn't a bad idea, but it's a little trickier to implement than you might think (running the affection calculating event can also have consequences). But I'll keep it in mind!

Found a bug. After victoly and getting shoved into my room after listening to petitions and Hilstara's scene, I accidentally hit the Formation button and got stuck, unable to Z or X out. Simon had a cancel sign over him, I forget if that's normal or what.
This is most likely to be because some character was added to the required party by accident. The symbol over Simon means he can't be removed, but another character might have had the same thing (thus preventing you from leaving the screen until they were added). The bug fix should actually take care of this, but please report if it doesn't.

Also and unrelatedly, I am super excited for quiet(er) cleanup times that the next update will apparently be, even if it will probably just be burning up all my ProN to decide what debuffs I don't want. But uhhh should I feel bad that I want to break away from the narrative for a little bit to do something like 'throw Robin a tiny birthday party' or something, to re-highlight the whole father-daughter-and-also-people thing?
While a birthday party isn't in the cards, the next update will indeed have some quieter character notes. ^-^
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 6/3]

My question:
Does this count army Quality + Size, or only one of them? I thought we can't get more than 8 Quality right now, and is Size affected if you got synergies from horde battle?

The outcome is dependent on Quality only. It is in fact possible to achieve a Quality of >12 (I had 13) before this battle, although I can't exactly remember everything that boosts it (dominating orcs immediately after recruiting Orcent, hiring Iron Cudgel and AriGarda mercs, sparing Impaler, gettting Stark, etc.). Anything less than 9 and you're better off ordering Orcent to stay outside.
Army Size affects other variables in the battle.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 6/3]

One minor concern: Where's Altina at the mansion at the start of chapter 3? Couldn't find her anywhere.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 6/3]

One minor concern: Where's Altina at the mansion at the start of chapter 3? Couldn't find her anywhere.

Outside. Upper right, by the garden.

Also, don't forget to find Dari behind the tree to the right of Nalili inside the mansion. +2 affection if you make sure she's alright with the plan.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 6/3]

is 100 still the affection cap? Because my Yarra is now at 117.

I mean, yes I totally cheated to get it to 100 early, (99 actually) but I thought it was supposed to lock at 100 and never increase or decrease past that?

Did my cheating fuck something up, or was that changed?

edit: come to think of it, I probably edited the visible value without changing the actual mechanical number. Her title doesn't seem to have changed either.

Damnit, I wanted to do a blatant cheat playthrough so I could get all the scenes I missed, but if I can't max affinity with everyone its going to be a struggle.

...Time to start over from an even older save. I'll have to use the guide to maximise affection, I guess.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 6/3]

So i just completed the sidequest for the Merchants rep, and i have to say, i have not experienced this level of cancer and frustration in a non-boss encounter since the spiders in the abandoned house way back when.

I'm not sure whether i want to punch you or shake your hand; But, I will say the mana drain on the moths is a bit much when they steal most of Robin's mp, and leave me to tickle the snails to death with melee attacks. It was up to luck whether or not i got through a fight at a decent rate, since the moths are pretty much guaranteed a turn before i have a chance to kill them off.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 6/3]

The key to that situation is figuring out what each of them is weak to, and constantly swapping out your team to effectively counter them, it also doesn't hurt to equip your mages with agility boosting items so they move before the moths do.

As for the snails, it's best to use Aka's poison and if you're running low on mana use Simon + Qum since the both of them have skills that help with that. Simon, Altina (with a lightning staff and all the best armor), Aka and Qum is essentially what I used to beat the whole thing.