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RPG Patreon Active RPG Maker [Sierra Lee] The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/31: 175+ ILLUSTRATED SCENES!]

Nice, that's really interesting. I managed to catch up with the last update in November, so I look forward the new update.

My only grip with the game is about the "false choices" (when you have to choose between two options, but one is vastly superior to the other and you discover it afterward)
Nice, that's really interesting. I managed to catch up with the last update in November, so I look forward the new update.

My only grip with the game is about the "false choices" (when you have to choose between two options, but one is vastly superior to the other and you discover it afterward)
Did you have a particular set of choices in mind here? It's true that I don't try to balance everything - for example, flower speculation is clearly a bad investment - but you seem to be referring to choices that feel more unfair to you, which I'd like to avoid.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the new update!
A good example would be the Impaler. You can kill him or spare him. Kill him gives... Nearly nothing (you avoid 1 collateral dommage in battle for Yhilin). Spare him give a lot of bonuses. But when you are asked that, you don't know.

Also, it's between the choice and the "missed stuff", but Altina at the elves ghetto. She does give few bonus, but it's still clearly incomparable to her inside the party.
I agree, in both cases one choice is clearly inferior and seems to be there only for players that want some extra challenge - but we have no way to know that the first time we play the game.

Another case would be how to respond to Neranda's letters - responding with letters is clearly superior to responding with magical communication (and leaving it to the diplomats is simply horrible). I just hope that in the long term responding with magical communication won't cost me more than some relationship points...
Thanks for the feedback!

I agree the Impaler choice isn't really a balanced one and the player doesn't have the information to make that decision. Altina in the elven ghetto is just meant to add variety instead of being a balanced choice, as it only occurs if you ignore her. Neranda's letters may be too opaque a decision, but my intent was for the player to deduce that Neranda was extremely conservative and would prefer the least direct option. You miss nothing but a few relationship points on that one, anyway.
Honestly there is a lot to min/max in the game and certain choices are definitely better than others, along with multiple outright bad choices (like flower investment or noble gratuity) but the game offers a lot in those instances as well, there's much to see in what happens when Yhilin is completely destroyed after the battle for example, so it's not as if not doing things optimally means you also get a sub-optimal experience.

So sure, certain choices are (mostly) blind but those also offer some replayability simply due to how things can vary. Playing poorly is actually a good way to play it as it shows you bits and pieces you'd not know about in a more optimized playthrough.

All in all I really recommend just not worrying about it too much ;)
I like that the choices aren't balanced.

Sometimes you should be picking between a handful of good options to find the one that suits you the best.
Sometimes you should be picking the least bad out of a set of options that are all equally bad, but in diffrent ways.

Sometimes you should just be trying to make the right decision and avoid fucking up. 'trap options' exist in real life, they're called 'mistakes'
The newest two versions of TLS are now publicly available! Check it out at the blog:

- A ton of stuff, since this is a double public release.
- All the base-building content implemented, plus the preview option.
- Three new nations with the matching characters and plot.
- Access to updated versions of nearly ever location in the game.

Basically, I'm trying to start chapter four off with a bang and create a robust amount of background content for the plot of this chapter. Please enjoy!

It would be cool if Megail or someone had a ledger nearby that let us see notes for investment opportunities we've found but haven't bought yet. I didn't think to write them down myself, and it's no longer as feasible to just store the opportunities in one's head, since literally everywhere's opened back up, and whatnot.

It would be cool if Megail or someone had a ledger nearby that let us see notes for investment opportunities we've found but haven't bought yet. I didn't think to write them down myself, and it's no longer as feasible to just store the opportunities in one's head, since literally everywhere's opened back up, and whatnot.
You're not the only person to request this, and I do hope to improve the ledger in the future, but I don't know how possible it will be to list all potential investments. In the meantime, the wiki people should have a comprehensive list eventually!
Well, there's already the flag that separates the initial dialogue from the one that actually lets you pay the cost, right? If that's on but the 'bought it' flag isn't then it should pop up a summary or something when the journal-of-things-I-haven't-bought-yet is checked, no?

Getting off that topic, should I expect to see the other side-project anytime soon? I dug the previous side projects a lot, so.

Oh uh, also, I'm not entirely sure how to check on Hilstara's condition - talking to her just yields normal dialogue.
I saw the author's note near the teleportation chamber, recommending me to start a new savegame.
What does it mean, just to use a new save slot? But then it mentions that "some people don't have such saves", and I have no idea what "such saves" refers to.

Another thing, I noticed that after Megail joins me again, she comments on (some?) investment options when I first find them. But if I found it earlier without having Megail, she won't say anything.
Does she have something to say about each investment, and if she does, can you add an option to ask her advice?
Merry Christmas, everybody!

Well, there's already the flag that separates the initial dialogue from the one that actually lets you pay the cost, right? If that's on but the 'bought it' flag isn't then it should pop up a summary or something when the journal-of-things-I-haven't-bought-yet is checked, no?

Getting off that topic, should I expect to see the other side-project anytime soon? I dug the previous side projects a lot, so.

Oh uh, also, I'm not entirely sure how to check on Hilstara's condition - talking to her just yields normal dialogue.
​​​​​It's possible from a technical perspective, but the flags that are set are self-switches instead of general ones. That means that making such a ledger would be pretty time-consuming.

If you mean Desecration of Wings, I hope to release it with full art in early 2018! I'm commissioning the art for it, the process is just slow, even working with multiple artists.

As for Hilstara... ooh, that may be a bug. Was she permanently disabled in your save? The "check on Hilstara's condition" objective should only occur if she was temporarily injured, in which case she appears to talk about how she's healed. Otherwise she should be relaxing in the pool or already a party member.

I saw the author's note near the teleportation chamber, recommending me to start a new savegame.
What does it mean, just to use a new save slot? But then it mentions that "some people don't have such saves", and I have no idea what "such saves" refers to.

Another thing, I noticed that after Megail joins me again, she comments on (some?) investment options when I first find them. But if I found it earlier without having Megail, she won't say anything.
Does she have something to say about each investment, and if she does, can you add an option to ask her advice?
I recommend you start a save from the 0.29.x save screen - the green waiting room. If you use one of those, you can ignore the author's note entirely.

All investments Megail can comment on will only be available after you have her with you, so no worries there.
I think she lasted until the last wave, and I'm pretty sure she had non-permanently-disabled dialogue. She's kinda just hanging out in the armory - I don't see her in the pool? I haven't done anything at all with the pool, actually. Poor Yarra, not getting her pool orgy. Should I upload a save or something?
I think she lasted until the last wave, and I'm pretty sure she had non-permanently-disabled dialogue. She's kinda just hanging out in the armory - I don't see her in the pool? I haven't done anything at all with the pool, actually. Poor Yarra, not getting her pool orgy. Should I upload a save or something?
She's only in the pool if she was permanently disabled. If she's in the armory, then you've already checked on her, so it sounds like the only problem is that the quest objective didn't get turned green. Hmm... yes, I do see a problem. Fixed, thanks!

Anyway, your save is completely fine and will experience no negative consequences except the minor cosmetic bug.
New version! It is big and scattered, maybe a screenshot would be more concise:

But if you want the thousand words version...

Version 0.32.0
Core Additions
- New extra-dimensional dungeon and advancement of plot.
- One new plot scene.
- New slate of research unlocked.
Unlockable Content
- It is now possible to finish Yhilin, transforming it into a state where succubi and orcs have fully integrated.
- Janine can now join. One plot scene plus three affection scenes.
- Wynn can also join. One plot scene plus three affection scenes.
- Altina now has a synergy skill.
- The reshaped form of Varia can now create her custom weapons.
Additions and Balance
- Substantial changes to the balance of the Givini Orc Merchant investment.
- Instead of revisiting the southern tunnels in Eustrin, there is a new tunnel area.
- The House of Petitions is open in Ari-Yhilina again, with second chances at certain discretionary funding investments you may have missed.
- There's an event when returning to the merchant camp.
- There's an event if you return to the shrine where you found Starke.
- New miniature quest in the Stineford region, starting in the succubus tower.
- There are three conversations when entering Janine's room, with various conditions.
Details and Visuals
- An anti-crash script has been added that will hopefully cut down on RPG Maker instability.
- Teleport room changed to matched the geography of the continent.
- Some new custom sprites courtesy of Bug Fixing.
- Full base bookshelves courtesy of Decanter.
- Lots of bugfixing and improvements, as always.

I hope this is the last really broad update and ones after that can be more plot-focused. Having said that, some of the pieces here have been long-awaited. ^-^ One more screenshot:


Also hope to be able to release publicly in a week, barring problems. My goal is to finish off all the minor side content I've deferred in the past, so as to focus more on new plot segments. Anyway, enjoy!
I have a feeling I am missing where it's said or talked about, so I just will ask it here. (Been out of the loop for months now)

With the nature of how updates and changes to how thing's work with the game, I want to know if up to Chapter 3 is totally finished without any balances planned to happen now that we are at Chapter 4.

Mainly ,I want to know if it is totally safe to complete Chapter 3, and not miss out on something that might be changed later on.
I have a feeling I am missing where it's said or talked about, so I just will ask it here. (Been out of the loop for months now)

With the nature of how updates and changes to how thing's work with the game, I want to know if up to Chapter 3 is totally finished without any balances planned to happen now that we are at Chapter 4.

Mainly ,I want to know if it is totally safe to complete Chapter 3, and not miss out on something that might be changed later on.
While I can't promise anything with 100% certainty, we're several updates into Chapter 4 and I haven't made any significant changes to Chapter 3 in a long time.
Finally got around to playing chapter 4, and I've just found Andra.
Gotta say. that's not where I expected her to end up, but I probably should have.

Someone that repressed, with a body like that, with a sexual curse cast on her, rendering her 'impure'
Obviously she's going to take the excuse to dive in on the deep-end.
Newest version is up on the blog: