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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

Nah, I'm on the new version now.

Given that I downloaded 29.0 only a couple of hours ago, I was suprised to hear that there was a bugfix already.

Anyway, I'm now redoing the whole section.

I kinda flubbed stuff during the unsuccubi hunt.
I assumed that if I summoned the Doom King's armour, I'd get a scene where I force the camp below to surrender.

Instead it turns out that you need to do that by approaching as 'Dargai'

I didn't want to approach them, because I ran into a group of succubi that I had to kill, and I assumed that they'd all be like that.

Going back and trying again... there's a succubus who you can dominate (in battle, don't kill her, she surrenders if you dominate her)

Then you can approach the camp and have them surrender to Aka. You can even talk/dominate the orcs down if you approach them from the back.

It's the same group that I can't work out how to handle though. The group of two succubi that say 'please don't attack us'

First thing I tried was having everyone spend a turn guarding, just to see if they'd do the same, but they attacked me.
I tried dominating them, but they don't react.
Commanding Presence does nothing either.

Doesn't feel right that that's the only group you have to kill.
Maybe I just have to guard several turns in a row?
Edit: Nope. Guarded five turns in a row and they kept attacking. Tried dominating them both again and it did nothing. I'm stumped.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

You can use escape to disable the last group without killing them, this is actually what tipped me off to trying dominate on the solo succubus fight as well ;)
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

You can use escape to disable the last group without killing them, this is actually what tipped me off to trying dominate on the solo succubus fight as well ;)

Escape... Duh.

I forgot that was even a thing.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

Uhhh my last save dates 03/21 Did I miss a lot since then? (also, I didn't got up to date, and the previous one was of 08/22/16)
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

March this year? You're missing somewhere between 6-10 hours of content if memory serves.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

I left it after meeting that old pal of Simon's, the one who instantly pissed him off big time, I think I'm going to enjoy getting up to date.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

Oh god, now it's telling me to pick my parties again.

Damnit, I'm putting way too much thought into balancing this shit.
Edit: And the labels for the bottom two teams (Robin and Riala) are switched.
Patreon says Sierra already knows about it, so I'm just posting to let other players know.

Sidenote: Goddamn, earning that Rabid Whip was hard. She KO'ed my entire party except for Hilstara. Who (as we all know) is fucking invincible.

Speaking of whips, I'm kind of lost on their niche.

Aren't all the succubus in the party (except Nalili, who's better suited to a sword) MAG based? So Dildo/Vibe for pure-sex users, and a Staff for anyone who can use human equipmrent.

Qum gets a little use out of her [Attack] command, but only when there's no healing or buffing to be done, and that's really more to inflict status-effects than for actual damage.

I don't think I've used a whip on anyone since chapter one. Even Yarra's worn whip was underwhelming, because as far as I can tell, she has no physical attacks.

Maybe if she started with some sort of whip-based physical skill?
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

Just got to the investment cycle in the new update.

Gotta admit, it feels a bit odd to have all these random people and businesses brought to the Yhillini throneroom.

Like, there's important stuff like major trade-routes, but then you've got stuff like apartment complex in one of the elven kingdoms, a mushroom farm.

Did Megail send someone to fetch these people? What did she say? ''The Doom King's right-hand-man is interested in buying your mushroom farm?''

I gotta admit, this part feels kinda silly.
Some of them are people who'd come to visit a prominent foreign dignitary/noble to look for investments (the blacksmith guild) and some of them are locals (The Mercenary regulations guy) but then you've got random small business owners that Simon happened to run into months ago.

Having being brought to the Doom King's palace right after the war just finished so one of his officers can buy your mushroom farm?

Feels like it might make more sense if that was done via proxies or letters or something.
Maybe just a list presented to you by Megail, and she'd send people to go to the countries in question if you decided to invest?
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

The mushroom farm and apartments do feel out of place yeh
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

My decision in that regard was based on giving the player more interactivity. The investment sections are already very dry and calculating, I worry that reducing them to menus would increase that effect beyond the reasonable point. By having the NPCs return, there's some more flavor and the player can interact with a character instead of making a pure numerical choice.

I'll admit that it would probably be pretty weird to have them in the same room as some of the other more substantial investments. But they also probably wouldn't all be in the same room at the same time anyway. If it makes it better, consider that whole section an abstraction for a series of meetings.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

Aight. So.

How the FUCK do I beat Ginasta? That bitch OP.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

She is very resistant to physical damage, so bring mages. If you opened the war vaults then giving Robin the high tier crusader gear should let you easily win, otherwise Varia and Aka can do some decent hurting (and aka can cancel out the buffs)

My decision in that regard was based on giving the player more interactivity. The investment sections are already very dry and calculating, I worry that reducing them to menus would increase that effect beyond the reasonable point. By having the NPCs return, there's some more flavor and the player can interact with a character instead of making a pure numerical choice.

I'll admit that it would probably be pretty weird to have them in the same room as some of the other more substantial investments. But they also probably wouldn't all be in the same room at the same time anyway. If it makes it better, consider that whole section an abstraction for a series of meetings.

It's honestly not a major concern but you could opt to replace it with an employee of Megail who will work as the liaison instead of carting the particular npc over. This would also open possibilities for dialogue where they explain why you'd want to invest in those particular assets (Similar to how Orelise and Lynine explain their respective investments) though I'm admittedly suggesting this more to reinforce the fact that Megail is a business tycoon with a good number of employees, something that has become easy to overlook with how much has been going on ;)
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

Nope to the vaults, and she's resistant to even magic. Ugh.

Fuck. This sucks.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

Just throw your best mage gear on Robin and Altina and focus on high damage spells (should be earthquake for Altina and something like fire lance for Robin) and then you have a choice between Varia or Aka, whoever can deal the most damage (being a tradeoff between Aka debuffing/canceling buffs and Varia doing more straight up damage) though in my own experience Varia tends to get attacked far more than anyone else and tends to drop early as a result, Aka is definitely the safer choice.

If nothing works I'd like to give it a shot, if you're willing to upload your save.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

Just throw your best mage gear on Robin and Altina and focus on high damage spells (should be earthquake for Altina and something like fire lance for Robin) and then you have a choice between Varia or Aka, whoever can deal the most damage (being a tradeoff between Aka debuffing/canceling buffs and Varia doing more straight up damage) though in my own experience Varia tends to get attacked far more than anyone else and tends to drop early as a result, Aka is definitely the safer choice.

If nothing works I'd like to give it a shot, if you're willing to upload your save.

Well, I'll try your idea. See if it works. Here's my save. Have at it.

Edit: Of course, I take Aka, and I win the first try this time. LOL


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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

I can see why you'd have a hard time, there's a bunch of optional stuff in earlier areas that have items (and fights/exp) that would have made this a lot easier. Might be a bit rough moving forward but you can manage ;)

The Ginasta fight is one of the trickier bosses because of her ability to heal and buff herself a significant amount, which doesn't happen much.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

Eh, given I don't have a walkthrough or anything, and I'm mostly doing this by crapshoot, I'm doing kinda well. :p
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

So while I wait for the public release I've been replaying some segments of the game. And I was wondering about who the not yet known official harem members could be.

Combat: Riala, Robin and Uyae are very obvious bets. Last one I'm still hoping is Ginasta. If it isn't Ginasta then it's Wynn.

Non-Combat: Wynn fits here if she isn't a combat harem member. Then this is a long shot but... Dari. I really think Simon will be able to fix her and she will join officially as an investigator. Iris will probably fit in here imo. The last unknown slot HAS to be Sarai, you know she wants it.

Leaders: Janine for sure. Esthera is a very safe bet though I really have no idea how that would work. She would have to lose her shard somehow. That leaves 3 unknown slots. Out of the characters already introduced Tyna and Elleani are likely candidates. Can't think of a third one, maybe a new character to be introduced in the future but I wouldn't be surprised if all 3 were new characters.

Others: No clue honestly since we don't have any in this category yet. This is very very far fetched but... maybe the Godesses (LOL)? Antiala and The Mother we've been introduced to already (as players not as Simon). Mithyn could be the Godess of Magic: remember when the cult leader said she had the sense that the Godess had wings? She's the only divine being we've seen so far that had wings. And then there's her sister trapped on that mountain top. And they mention a Zelica who's a prisioner of I'm gonna guess The Anak. And finally there's Tertia who the dwarves assume is dead. We haven't seen her yet but she's in the lore. If the blonde woman trapped at the Mountain Top is Ivala then that's exactly 6 Godesses for 6 unknown slots.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

Keep in mind the open slots are not "final" so there could still be more characters, or even that we already have more characters than questionmarks.

Riala is a no-brainer, as is Robin (keeping in mind that Yarra manages the harem so I imagine she'd have to find out) Uyae seems very likely, but could potentially be an interesting angle for more diverse relationships (i.e people close to Simon who aren't sexually involved) but that seems rather unlikely.

Janine is fairly certain, Elleani seems likely and Tyna would be interesting to say the least (given what that'd mean politically) but don't forget Neranda (gotta get that heir) Iris arguably fits here since the AoA certainly wasn't doing any kind of leading.

The "other" category is still a mystery as far as I'm aware, and might just be reserved for people that Simon has sexual ties with but isn't close to (so Wynn for example) which could also then include the possibility of Ginasta ending up here.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

So much stuff in this game. I'm glad I decided to pick it up and play again. Last time I played was when it ended in chapter 1. Oh lordy. I've almost put in 30 hours... X.x