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RPG Patreon Active RPG Maker [Sierra Lee] The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/31: 175+ ILLUSTRATED SCENES!]

Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/21]

If you skip everything , and I mean EVERYTHING (disable combat animations and skip every bit of text by holding ctrl) and pre-plan everything you want to do before hand, playing from the very beginning like this is still an 11 hours playthrough to get to the point right before the third Arclent war starts. That's pretty insane.

Keep in mind the open slots are not "final" so there could still be more characters, or even that we already have more characters than questionmarks.

Riala is a no-brainer, as is Robin (keeping in mind that Yarra manages the harem so I imagine she'd have to find out) Uyae seems very likely, but could potentially be an interesting angle for more diverse relationships (i.e people close to Simon who aren't sexually involved) but that seems rather unlikely.

Janine is fairly certain, Elleani seems likely and Tyna would be interesting to say the least (given what that'd mean politically) but don't forget Neranda (gotta get that heir) Iris arguably fits here since the AoA certainly wasn't doing any kind of leading.

The "other" category is still a mystery as far as I'm aware, and might just be reserved for people that Simon has sexual ties with but isn't close to (so Wynn for example) which could also then include the possibility of Ginasta ending up here.

I can vaguely recall Sierra saying she modified the Harem screen to show exactly how many harem members we'd get several versions ago. I could be wrong of course.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

The newest version of TLS is now publicly available, now much more polished! Check it out at the blog:

Version 0.29.3
- Reviewing the entire war, there have been a number of tweaks to improve the overall balance.
- Though I kept the reduced reserves, I made the instability penalties less punishing. In theory this will nudge games away from both extremes.
- The results of the investments have changed in multiple ways. They are generally more beneficial to the player, so you may want to replay the very end.
- Thanks to Decanter, we have an edited chapter four title card. Now hopefully more people will read it right at first glance.
- Riala's sex skills have been given new animations and slightly rebalanced.
- The usual bugs, typos, and polishing.

This version concludes the war and chapter three! I'm very happy to have finally reached this point and I hope everyone enjoys the release!
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

I'm finally done playing the update... there's too much to discuss and I'm afraid I'll just end up doing another huge post. I'll try to break it into many small posts this time.

One observation: When you get your financial report from Megail I did not get any ProN from having invested in the Yhilin Bank (not as a core lender, just that initial investment with Trin). Is this intended?

That being said, I'm curious as to what you guys invested in this time. I read everyone dissing the poor mushroom lady and I really wanted to invest in her farm just because of that LOL.

I have 2,622,500 ProN to invest and I think these investments are must haves: New Givini (500k), Tak'Kan (500k), Chalice States (400k), Eustrin Guild (500k), Min's Trade Route (300k). That leaves 422,500 ProN left to invest in other things. I'm thinking of investing in Expanding Yhilin Trade (300K) and Mercenary Regulations (100k). If I had just a little bit more I could also invest in the mushroom farm... (pls Sierra, make the initial Yhilin Bank investment give some ProN so I can buy the mushroom farm tyvm!)
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

If I understand correctly you end up with a bit more Pron in the most recent version than you do with the initial release.

My initial thinking was heavily influenced by the politics that came before, and Min's trade route. I decided New Givini would be important because it was a key component of Min's route, as well as expanding Yhilin trade for similar reasons, the big thing I thought was important beside that was the dwarven guilds, since I believe there's going to be quite the clash for control over Eustrin given the reports from there, and reinforcing our control/interests there seemed fairly important.

Another option I considered important was the mercenaries, since we're setting up some fairly long trade routes taking control of the ground and taking measures against banditry and raiding (which is what mercenaries tend to end up resorting to after wartime) would reduce risk and maximize profit.

The mushroom farm is something I'll have to keep in mind for another time, but the fact that there was also a dwarf selling mushrooms and such in Eustrin (Simon wasn't interested) implies that there wasn't overly much demand for it.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

Yeah that's aligned with my own thoughts. People discovering that Simon is Dargai will make the other human nations make it as difficult as possible for Yhilin to trade with them imo. And that's why I decided to invest in all the trade routes at the new countries, to get some new trading partners. Add that to the fact that we have trade relations with the elven nations and even other continents via airships will make all their efforts to choke Yhilin economically be in vain. And we can't forget about Zirantia in here: If you didn't support the OZL (I didn't) you get an exclusive trading relationship with Zirantia via the NUP.

Also Eustrin for sure I want to have as much control in there as I can, specially after the message we got from the "Dwarf Cum specialist (KappaPride)" at the conference room. I wish I could just unleash Mestan on this guy. I think shit is about to hit the fan in Eustrin and they will try to declare independancy from Aram or move their tunnels to Yhilin territory and leave Aram or something. And lastly about Eustrin, I think the guy you're talking about was selling tuber plants not mushrooms.

The mushroom farm I kind of just want for the lolz. Although I can see how it could be very profitable with all the new markets available. I imagine they have all sorts of use in the TLS world as food, ingredients for potions and as magical catalysts. All of which will be in high demand in a post war scenario.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

Aw yeee.

I replayed the update, for context.

RIP fancy walk.

Burners fucking suck. I'm not sure if I should replay that shit and try to cheese it. Muh poor Hilstara. :[

>"So I made a bomb."
God I love [REDACTED].

Oh man investing is back at last. I blew my bankmoney on a buncha stuff, but at the end I was really torn between investing in the Dorfsmiths+Mushroom House and the Chalice Shop/Infrastructure... the latter seems like it would have been better cash and stability wise... but shit dude, owning a chunk of the fuckin Dorfen smithy sounds super legit.
I got a call from some sandy assholes too telling me to step off from their Dorfen interests, too... which probably means if I don't go all in I'll lose out on the region.

Spending heavily on the infrastructure of a super fertile, newly-minted land, or spending heavily in a contested land that I might totally lose out on without continued investment? I ended up going with the Dorfs, but goddamn, I'm really considering redoing it. Dammit.

Also shit, 2.6M? I only had like, 1.6 or so. I guess I'm doing doing the cashmoney game very well. I think I invested in merc centralization and TK trading besides those two. The mushroom farm seems like it'll give fuck all in returns, and the dwarf armories seem like they won't make an especial return either, and are more of a 'you get to buy cool gear later' thing, which is lame, because I like almost never buy gear anyway. Fuck, I really oughta change it out...

Reporting stuff: Uyae's group heal doesn't have a cool speed-up, it looks like.
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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

One observation: When you get your financial report from Megail I did not get any ProN from having invested in the Yhilin Bank (not as a core lender, just that initial investment with Trin). Is this intended?
Yes, my plan was for the initial small investments to be superseded by the full ones. You won't be getting any more profit from the initial one, but you'll still get a discount whenever you do the core lender investment.

Reporting stuff: Uyae's group heal doesn't have a cool speed-up, it looks like.
Ah, true! Thanks, expect it to have the appropriate speed-up next time.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

Another thing that happened during this update that got me thinking: the newly introduced Anti-Shards.

Anyone else got the feeling that the Chosen are actually infused with those? It would explain their strange behavior; they're weak minded and being influenced by the anti-shard. Hell, they're all being reshaped by the shard even, that's why they all look alike. No wonder Kalant looked different when he gave up the power.

And are the Shining Swords actually forged out of anti-shards and that's why we've been collecting them? I remember seeing somewhere that the Shining Swords were just fragments of condensed power. Hmm...

More importantly, Ginasta: Maybe she just has a major Anti-Shard fragment? It would explain how she just grew more powerful to break out of her cell.

Yes, my plan was for the initial small investments to be superseded by the full ones. You won't be getting any more profit from the initial one, but you'll still get a discount whenever you do the core lender investment.

Noooo my dreams of owning the mushroom farm!
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

Hey guys! Unfortunately, I made a few mistakes in the last version that lead to some of the hidden variables being not quite right. Most of these are impossible to notice unless you're opening game files, but one could potentially give you much worse results than you should be getting. New 0.29.4 links and more info in the post:

Meanwhile, there's also a free preview of my visual novel, Crimson Gray, available on Newgrounds:

So if you wanted to give it a try, feel free! And if you think the game is worth it, I wouldn't mind a rating or review, either.

Noooo my dreams of owning the mushroom farm!
Haha, you'll get another chance to invest in it. I know the main reason anyone is playing this game is for the fantasy of owning means of fungus production, so I wouldn't take that away from people!
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

Don't underestimate the effect of mushrooms on damsels.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

Meanwhile, there's also a free preview of my visual novel, Crimson Gray, available on Newgrounds:

I've been wanting to try it for a while; it's been on my steam wishlist ever since it was released waiting for a sale. Pretty good game I must say, exactly like I imagined. Left a 5* rating for you because the game deserved it.

Now back to TLS: from what I read on the wiki, the new 0.29.4 version gives you an extra troop reserve if you have Yhilin in good shape. This opens up a few new possibilities on how to manipulate the outcome of the war. Good!

One question directed at you Sierra: I read at your blog that in Chapter 4 you will not use discretionary funds anymore, only ProN. Does that include your own personal funds for the Slums House of Petitions? I have an extra 15% that I don't want to go to waste that I can just use to throw some festivities if that's the case.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

I've been wanting to try it for a while; it's been on my steam wishlist ever since it was released waiting for a sale. Pretty good game I must say, exactly like I imagined. Left a 5* rating for you because the game deserved it.
Thanks for giving Crimson Gray a try and glad you enjoyed it! I'll be putting it on sale as Steam allows me to do so.

One question directed at you Sierra: I read at your blog that in Chapter 4 you will not use discretionary funds anymore, only ProN. Does that include your own personal funds for the Slums House of Petitions? I have an extra 15% that I don't want to go to waste that I can just use to throw some festivities if that's the case.
Leftover discretionary funds are converted to ProN by Megail at the end of this chapter. Having said that, the conversion is likely not as useful to you as the effects of an investment, so consider which you prefer.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

Wait, so if I restart I'll get another troop to play with during the big end-of-chapter investathon?

Just 1 for that whole segment was pretty not great, I guess I'll have to do that and hope I get it I guess.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

i just started to play the game and i was wondering if its just text based erotic
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

Currently, yes, but Sierra is trying to find someone willing to add CG everywhere.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

Wait, so if I restart I'll get another troop to play with during the big end-of-chapter investathon?

Just 1 for that whole segment was pretty not great, I guess I'll have to do that and hope I get it I guess.

You only get this extra troop at the conference room with Iris though, so it can only be used to deal with the consequences. Still, if you were saving troops before for this, now you can use them.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

i just started to play the game and i was wondering if its just text based erotic

Yes but - it is probably one of the best RPGs you'll ever play. Adding CGs to it will make it one of the best games you'll ever play, period.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 9/8 - CHAPTER COMPLETE!]

Yes but - it is probably one of the best RPGs you'll ever play. Adding CGs to it will make it one of the best games you'll ever play, period.

well i even liked vampires dawn and the mechanics and well even if there isnt cg´s in the game right now it still great as far as i played it but i let myself surprise if there will be some mechanics in this rpg like vampires dawn 2
Uh... surprise? I didn't plan on doing another TLS update before my side project, but I ended up working on it and so I released a chunk just now.

Rather than focusing on story, this update introduces a first for the game: a heavily customizable home base. You can expand new rooms, upgrade various systems, and so on, but that includes cosmetic customization. Here's how the same room looks with different choices:

Each element is controlled individually via a control room. Phew, this thing took a bit of work:

It's not all mechanics, though: you'll be able to reconnect with members of your harem, see some of what's happened during the break between chapters, and see the setup for chapter four.

Yarra is excited, anyway:

I'm not sure about a public release for this one. It will depend on how many changes I make based on patron feedback and how soon I think the next update will be. See everybody then!

EDIT: Ugh, does the new ULMF not accept the same vBulletin as everywhere else? Gotta focus on the release, you guys can click for now.
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New update, everybody!

- Three brand new nations: New Givini, the Chalice States, and Tak'Kan
- Free travel: access opened to nearly every nation on Arclent
- Conclusion of the party gathering quest
- New plot dungeon
- Two new plot scenes
- New round of investment returns
- 25+ new investment opportunities
- Unrestricted ability to convert ProN to Sx
- Enemies have regenerated around the world


This update gives access to the new nations you created in the wake of the war, for the first time letting the player freely travel (almost) anywhere in the world. So look forward to places and characters both old and new.


You can also expect various elements of the game to advance, both the core plot as well as many characters. The characters also get to visit a key location for the first time in the newest dungeon.


And there are tons of new investments, so look forward to balancing the desires and goals of many nations and characters. Some of them are simpler than others:

This is a really broad update and honestly I'm kind of stretched thin. But this one is definitely going public, since it ties together the basebuilding stuff, lets you progress the main quests, and advances the story. I'm just not sure when. Either in one week, or in two weeks with more content added. I wanted to add more sex scenes, for example, but ran out of time.

Anyway, will update then!

EDIT: Uh, I'll leave things as they stand, but if anyone wants to tell me the new image method, feel free.
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