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RPG Patreon Active RPG Maker [Sierra Lee] The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/31: 175+ ILLUSTRATED SCENES!]

Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 6/27]

Pretty Sandbox-ish chapter. But since we were dragged by the nose up until there, it was a nice change of pace. I like the branching choice system, minus my usual aversion to moral choices and their effect on party members. All in all, a great update.
On a more critical note: you started to go pretty loose on the cash and high quality loot there, can we expect the difficulty to ramp up accordingly, or is that more due to the fact that the party is getting pretty big? (Or am I not supposed to outfit 4 with the best I can get and leave the others naked till I need em?^^)
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 6/27]

On a more critical note: you started to go pretty loose on the cash and high quality loot there, can we expect the difficulty to ramp up accordingly, or is that more due to the fact that the party is getting pretty big? (Or am I not supposed to outfit 4 with the best I can get and leave the others naked till I need em?^^)
Focusing on one party is a valid strategy, but you'll want some decent other equipment soon. Consider the extra money and loot this time a last respite before the plot turns things ugly. ^-^
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 6/27]


I can't seem to locate Varia at all.

I'm in the forest again (chapter two, obviously) and the guy says "go east, then south at the waterfall" but the only place I can find is the area where simon wakes up after getting exploded, and the area where he kills the chosen.

no bandit camp.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 6/27]

There should be three choices when you enter the forest from the camp.
The bottom choice should send you to an area you haven't been before.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 6/27]

There should be three choices when you enter the forest from the camp.
The bottom choice should send you to an area you haven't been before.

Yeah, I found it eventually.

I assumed it was somewhere you actually had to walk to.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 6/27]

Maybe I'm mistaken but is it currently possible for you to get your relationship with each girl to 100 at this point (I'm not meaning having every one of them at 100 in the same save, which I'm assuming isn't possible yet)?
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 6/27]

Maybe I'm mistaken but is it currently possible for you to get your relationship with each girl to 100 at this point (I'm not meaning having every one of them at 100 in the same save, which I'm assuming isn't possible yet)?
Generally speaking, I'm trying to balance the relationship values so you slowly build them over the course of the game. As of right now, only Yarra and Qum can reach 100. Given that people who reach 100 don't decrease after that, you'll be able to get everyone to max eventually.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 6/27]

hopefully we get some more aka +like events soon. i'll never get her to 100 at the rate im going.

i always seem to pick the options that piss her off
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 6/27]

This game has some of the best writing I've seen in rpg maker games. I'm a big fan!
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 6/27]

Alright, everyone, version 0.10.0 is out! Backers, you know what to do. Everyone else, you can expect either this version or one with a little more polish out on the 25th. ^-^

hopefully we get some more aka +like events soon. i'll never get her to 100 at the rate im going.

i always seem to pick the options that piss her off
There's a small chance this update, and over the course of the game there will be ways to raise everyone's relationship values. No guarantees about the total available, though.

This game has some of the best writing I've seen in rpg maker games. I'm a big fan!
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/25]

New public version is out, enjoy!

Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/25]

Just typo stuff?

Well, a little more polish is rarely a bad thing.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/25]

Uh, was this because the previous two chapters were so open world-y, but was this chapter a good deal shorter?
But I have to add: The Carina scene was ,hands down, the hottest thing i have read in this game so far. That one was very different from the usual, and seriously amazing.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/25]

Just typo stuff?

Well, a little more polish is rarely a bad thing.
Since I was putting a version out publicly, and I'd already done all that polishing, I figured I might as well upload a new one.

Uh, was this because the previous two chapters were so open world-y, but was this chapter a good deal shorter?
But I have to add: The Carina scene was ,hands down, the hottest thing i have read in this game so far. That one was very different from the usual, and seriously amazing.
Each chapter's playtime is mostly determined by how many dungeons/enemies are in it, really. The previous one was actually one of the smallest updates in the game, in terms of new maps, but because you retreaded older areas and fought a fair number of enemies, it ended up adding a lot of playtime. This one had a lot of plot, but not so many battles, so most people blew through it quickly.

Glad you liked the scene. I aim for variety. ^-^
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/25]

Great update , Carina scene felt a bit rushed , I am not complaining about it but I felt she accepted what happened to her really quickly ,both her discovery of Simon and the whole corruption thingy .
Also is there a way to revisit old scene , I haven't quite managed to save each and every time they happened and might have missed a bit or two about it .
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/25]

Great update , Carina scene felt a bit rushed , I am not complaining about it but I felt she accepted what happened to her really quickly ,both her discovery of Simon and the whole corruption thingy .
Also is there a way to revisit old scene , I haven't quite managed to save each and every time they happened and might have missed a bit or two about it .
You'll be glad to know that I'm intending to add some more to the Carina scene later, after I've given it some more thought.

Currently it's not possible to replay scenes, but I'm working on something that I hope will be included at a later point in the plot.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/25]

Since I was putting a version out publicly, and I'd already done all that polishing, I figured I might as well upload a new one.

Now I'm confused.

The last public update came out about a week ago, right?
So this isn't a whole new public release, it's just a bunch of typo/bugfix stuff?

Had me a little worried that I'd missed the newest update, but I checked the block posts and recognized your post about the new mechanic that didnt make it in.

Edit: wait, that post doesn't have a download link on it...

Did I read about the new release, jump the gun and download the old version, and play it before the new version came out?

But... there was stuff I hadn't seen before at the end of it!


I must have missed an update somewhere.

Balls to it, playing it again right now.
I should keep my save files or something, playing through the whole game over and over is gonna get dull eventually.
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/25]

Actually, does anyone have a save-file for just after you get to the city? I don't feel like playing through the opening again. (saves are compatible from the old versions, right?)
Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/25]

You mean before you get to spend your pron? or at the end of ver. 9.00?

Edit: this just after you were dropped down the trapdoor by the mercenary guy. that what you were looking for?


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Re: The Last Sovereign [Updated 7/25]

Oh hey, we have a topic for this here.

This game is rrrreally fucking good. Like, quality, clever writing, novel concepts, a main character that actually has some character...

The only criticism I guess I could level at it is that battles seemed to get a little stagnant after awhile... oh and AFAIK that baboon cum thing was one of the screenshots this game advertised with, which uh, TBH, totally put me off trying it for awhile. Unless that and the Chosen screenshot below it are a bait and switch, in which case, well done.