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Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

"Catsup" is, I believe, the original spelling. "Ketchup" came later. I belive it's a case of English vs. American.

I've also heard the quote "Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and taste good with brie." (We've decided it's brie v. ketchup pending on the refinement level of the dragon *laughs*) I've also heard "whipped cream" but that was in a romance novel...
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

Well that would explain the two spellings of catsup/ketchup.

I'll probably update tommorrow, been a little busy this week with Christma and all. Just wanted to make sure you didn't think I forgot abou this.
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

Sorry for the wait and all guys. I'll get to it eventually, but with my mom in the hospital, I haven't been able to concentrate on this. Don't worry though I don't plan on giving up.
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

No worries. That is an important and attention consuming thing. Far as I'm concerned, take all the time you need. Game's not going anywhere.
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

I wtf'ed when i saw this.

Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

Which is why, for the most part, I steal my images and repost them elsewhere :D

That is, assuming you meant us to see the "This image is hosted without permission" statement and not something else entirely. In which case, it's still funny.
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

God damnit, why do things work for me and no one else?

Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

Okay, yes, that's funny.
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

Damn, drunken dwarves. They're everywhere I tells ya.
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

Since I've pretty much lost interest in roleplaying at all lately, and a good part of the people playing are gone. Do those of you still around want to continue or should I have Nunu shitcan the game?
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

I was looking forward to this being a good, long RP honestly. But if it ain't taking off, I guess there isn't much I can do about it.

I for one would like to continue.
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

What Ryu said. Squared.
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

I'd like to continue.
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

Okay as soon as I get some energy back, and life has become some what normal again i'll try to continue then. We'll probably need some new people though.

Edit: All right we have Copper who's a thief, Ryu a fighter, and Tassadar another fighter. I'll have to check around to see if anyone else is interested, since it seems the others have disappeared. When we restart should we just pick up exactly where we left off, or fast forward a little to when you have rejoined into a full group or what?
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Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

Well, my part's done, though I might need a bit of a refresher...going through my PMs and such, so I suppose it's up to the ones that were in the middle of things "when we last left our heroes..."
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

Well, we can finish the fight or assume we did or didn't catch Iron Tusk based on your discretion, and go on from there.
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

Yeah, if we lose half of the party, catching him may not even be possible anymore without a lot of luck.
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

Or might be a good time to introduce new players...if we have any, that is...
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

The characters wouldn't just spontaneously disappear, even if the people that played them do. We'd probably win the fight we're in, it's just up to Ashnod to keep him busy while Melissa shoots him in the back, while I take care of the 3 living bobos attacking Teren and myself. But it's DmRonnys decision. Though, I agree that we'll need new players.