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RPG [ SIMPLE HOUSE ] Sword Princess FINE / 聖剣姫ファイン RE146347 RJ146347

Re: 聖剣姫ファイン

One. This is a pretty short game to "clear." Clocking at under two hours if you skip dialogue.

Two. It has new game+.

Three, it has a dark path.

Simple House, I love you. <3
Re: 聖剣姫ファイン

One. This is a pretty short game to "clear." Clocking at under two hours if you skip dialogue.

Two. It has new game+.

Three, it has a dark path.

Simple House, I love you. <3
Lol, if u really love them, plz dont skip dialogue. Enjoy it with ITA+TA instead of! :rolleyes:
Re: 聖剣姫ファイン

Where should i go after obtaining water element?
Re: 聖剣姫ファイン

One. This is a pretty short game to "clear." Clocking at under two hours if you skip dialogue.

Two. It has new game+.

Three, it has a dark path.

Simple House, I love you. <3
dark path ? awesome :cool:
Re: 聖剣姫ファイン

Ok so i managed to get stuck in the dessert there is a dungeon where i have to pass some purple steps and i take dmg every time i step on them.Did i miss an item that alows me to go undamaged over them or i just need to buy a ton of potions and keep going?
Re: 聖剣姫ファイン

Ok so i managed to get stuck in the dessert there is a dungeon where i have to pass some purple steps and i take dmg every time i step on them.Did i miss an item that alows me to go undamaged over them or i just need to buy a ton of potions and keep going?

try use wind magic

Where should i go after obtaining water element?

from NW town dock to water, SW to near island, if the landing point go SW has ship
Re: 聖剣姫ファイン

Ok, now that I've gotten a good night's sleep...

First off, I'm biased because I like Simple House.

This is an incredibly linear game. I imagine that the only reason why it can be played quickly and repeatedly is because the combat mechanics are so simple and fast. If this game used stock RPG combat mechanics it would be a nightmare...but no, you just walk into people.

This smacks against the linear wall pretty hard. No event happens twice so there really isn't corruption as a mechanic. It just exists as a part of the storyline if you choose to do it.

New Game+
When you clear the game you get to keep any money you made on the last run, plus certain items and skills you picked up (I got to keep the item find skill from the token lady, for example)

Dark Path
The dark path opens up when you complete a side dungeon in the game. It is a prompt when you start a new game and is one hell of a power trip.
She adopts cats

It's a pretty formulaic game, all things considered, but the combat and fast travel mechanics save it from being mind-numbingly dull.

Quick Runthrough (Covers the important bits)
Note that the end platforms for each shrine has a small medal hidden around it.
Light Path - Remember to steal everything that's not nailed down.
-Go to Pub, watch event until daylight.
-Leave in the direction they want you to. (Or do pub jobs for money and porn)
-Go along the road and hit the toll booth. (Pay up by money or porn)
++Also go along the coast west to reach the cave. You can't fully clear this place without the water skill, so just reaching here and marking it is enough.
-Follow the road to town.
-Leave town (it doesn't have anything plotworthy. If you're on a new game+, buy about 50 pickaxes while you're here.)
-Follow road to cave. Go through cave. Fight boss. (Lose for porn)
-Follow path to town.
-Talk to king, get plot and boat rides.
-Ride boat to next destination and talk to King in destination.
-Leave town and follow path to Wind shrine.
-Clear Wind shrine (Boss is GOR on loss)
++The wind skill prevents you from taking damage from the tiles for 50 steps, so the purple ones and presumably the spiky tiles will not hurt you when the skill is active.

-Go back to the first king and report. He'll give you another boat. Take it south.
-Talk to the mayor of the desert town for plot advancement.
++There's a bug here where if you go down to the prison an event that uses Dark Princess's sprite will play.
+++I assume the plot scene differs if you are a virgin at this point, otherwise porn.
-Mayor will give you the next plot token, so leave town.
-Search for Fire Shrine.
-Clear Fire Shrine. (Boss is GOR on loss)
++Skill is +30% damage, -10% defense for however many steps it says. Stack it with the +50% damage ring to roflstomp bossfights.

-Report back to first king. Get another boat. Take boat to new town.
++Talk to the person in the red roof house to get access to the tiny medal house.
+++Go to the tiny medal house and talk to the woman to get the item find skill. I assume she gives it to you so long as you do not have it.
+++Go on looting spree (alternatively say 'fuck it I'll do it on my NG+)

-Talk to king. Get plot token, leave town.
-Find water shrine.
-Clear water shrine. (Ditto, I think. I stopped bothering at this point)
++Skill is plot.
-Now you can walk on the ocean floor.

++At this point you can go back to the mine and clear it. It progressively scales in difficulty and has ten levels.

-Find the island you want to reach on the world map, then take the closest town to it and go to the docks and jump in. It's easier that way. Hug the coasts and look for a spot that's visually different on the coastline to ascend.
++She apparently can't swim for shit.
++There's a sunken ship to the east of the fire village.

-The right spot will plop you onto a place of green that you've never seen. It will also have enemies.
-Follow path until there's a split in the road. go left to mark the village (and get porn) go right to plot.
++NOTE: If you go right before getting all the porn you want, you will be unable to get them for the rest of the run.
++The village will kick you out if you get porn.

When you regain control from plot cutscene
-Now go south.
-Go to the throne room of the castle.
-Follow the linear path to the end. Get plot token.
Go to the snow island (fastest approach is to go to the closest town to it, leave right, and jump into the ocean, then go up and left)
++You know you've found it if it's just a gate with sand.
-Follow path to more plot.
-Talk to woman in church.
-Get Maximum Stab.

-Go to obviously evil island on the top right corner of map
++If you've been wandering around the ocean floor you would've found it by accident at some point. Otherwise, use the point of entry closest to the snow town and go left or right. The ocean wraps
-Clear obviously evil island dungeon.
++I think the World's Best Infinite Maze is in here. You'll know it when you see it. It's so good.
-Follow path to goddess.
++Two warps will open up. blue will send you back to restock (I recommend a shitton of potions)
++Talk to goddess for full heal, talk to buddy for guard rings (Nulls 50% damage)
-Use warp.
-Clear Definitely Last Dungeon.

Dark Path
-Watch very different intro.
-Follow the same actions as getting the wind plot token.
-Fail to get into the wind shrine.
-Become evil.
-Adopt all the cats (there's 3 of them)
-Save all the women (kinda, sorta)
-Kick down all the doors (it's so gratifying)
++Basically the dark path is the inverse of the light path.
-Not finish the game because there's apparently no win state after clearing the path?
Re: 聖剣姫ファイン

Could someone please upload a full save of this game? Apparently I missed a heck of a lot of scenes in the "Light" Route.
Re: 聖剣姫ファイン

Could someone please upload a full save of this game? Apparently I missed a heck of a lot of scenes in the "Light" Route.

There is a full save available here:
All credit for the save goes to etigoya
Re: 聖剣姫ファイン

Can you save all the girls from being raped? I know for the first girl you encounter in the village, you can save her by giving the men 10000 gold (which you'll likely only have in newgame+). Wondering if you can save the girl at the bathhouse.
Re: 聖剣姫ファイン

Anyone else noticed a bug on the plant boss GOR?
It just keeps repeating itself for me -.-
Here I go decrypting another game so I can play it... *sighs*...
At this rate, I think it would be a great idea to offer RPG Makers alone with the games, since the authors want the public to clear the bugs for them rofl.

Edit* Omfg... wtf?! There's a code block missing in every GOR event except the 1st one.
The code block sends you to the inn after losing. How come am I the only one to notice this?!
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Re: 聖剣姫ファイン

Where is the dungeon you have to clear to unlock Dark Path?
Re: 聖剣姫ファイン

Thank you for the game, sir LonelyVanity11
Re: 聖剣姫ファイン

On the "Dark Path", where is the location of the brown hair girl with glasses and blue/purple dress (ヴァネット) ???

UPDATE EDIT: Problem solved.
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Re: 聖剣姫ファイン

Bump: Version 1.12 is out (if not now then in a day or two) apparently adding 7-10~ish new scenes. Looking forward to it.
Re: 聖剣姫ファイン

v1.1.2 is out officially (been for a day or two)! I haven't found any links yet, but if you guys beat me to it, give us a shout! :)