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ACT Small Ogre fighting game.

Re: Small Ogre fighting game.


It's why I've just founded the group PETO.
Re: Small Ogre fighting game.

There exists a hacked version that has a constantly full rape-o-metre
Re: Small Ogre fighting game.

and it's not difficult to hack yourself either.
Re: Small Ogre fighting game.

the things that would fix the game for me would be more rape, attacking in the direction you press instead of random, and better graphics, and possibly the option to choose which girls you fight. all in all i liked it, any news on a possible sequel?
Re: Small Ogre fighting game.

I'm actually kinda glad for the guro. This game made me rage so hard while I was trying to rape, it actually felt good when I just said, "Fuck it" and mashed on the A button until they all died.
Re: Small Ogre fighting game.

the things that would fix the game for me would be more rape, attacking in the direction you press instead of random, and better graphics, and possibly the option to choose which girls you fight. all in all i liked it, any news on a possible sequel?

As far as your character turning, it's actually that you're forced to turn toward whoever attacked you last, so if for example the healer got away and you're bashing her allies, if she shoot you your character will turns to her, giving her allies time to recover.

Annoying feature? Certainly, but if you're playing in the human party instead you sure as hell would love the ability to kite the boss like that(I think this game is trying to balance how 'godly' player characters are compared to enemies(enemies in RPGs tend to have attacks with some sort of 'warning sign' so players can avoid it if they're skilled, and the troll do ignore some really weak attacks, sadly the AI rarely use them)).

Wouldn't mind a non-guro version of something like this, really.(Maybe sorta mix in Ryonasaga, that you can setup the monster's side and player's side, and either watch them duke it out or take control of the monster and do it your way)

EDIT: If someone could post the hacked version, I'd appreciate it(not very good with hex editor :x)
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Re: Small Ogre fighting game.

I haxxor'd the game with cheatengine, and recorded it. Lolololol. Pass is ulmf.org, size is 16.25MB

Re: Small Ogre fighting game.

I haxxor'd the game with cheatengine, and recorded it. Lolololol. Pass is ulmf.org, size is 16.25MB

what did you change?

wait nvm its just a video
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Re: Small Ogre fighting game.

What do I have to do to get this to work? =/ or like... has a hacked version that works?
Re: Small Ogre fighting game.

Mine only worked when in Japanese locale.
Re: Small Ogre fighting game.

I dont mind that there is only optional hentai contents in it, but this game really does suck donkey dick.

I mean its kind of the same deal as nightmare sphere where its hentai is also optional but compared to this load of dogshit, ns is actually a very enjoyable and fair game and for once I wanna play the game and not just watch her get gangraped.

I like challenges but they should be fair, instead of enemies standing ontop of you bashing away without you being able to hit or even jump but instead get knocked down yourself.
Re: Small Ogre fighting game.

There's a single level and the guy didn't want everybody to win the first time they played. I thought that was fair enough.
Re: Small Ogre fighting game.

I dont mind that there is only optional hentai contents in it, but this game really does suck donkey dick.

I mean its kind of the same deal as nightmare sphere where its hentai is also optional but compared to this load of dogshit, ns is actually a very enjoyable and fair game and for once I wanna play the game and not just watch her get gangraped.

I like challenges but they should be fair, instead of enemies standing ontop of you bashing away without you being able to hit or even jump but instead get knocked down yourself.

And, for when you're too pissed to care about hentai, you having spammable, fully invincible knockback effect that the enemies can do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING against totally is fair.

Unless you really want to be 'legit', your character's 'D' move alone make him far more overpowered than any of the 4 girls.
Re: Small Ogre fighting game.

Agreed with lazycat. The only time this game is frustrating is when you're trying to rape them. Otherwise, it's piss-easy. My only complaint is that for the amount of work you have to do for the H-content, it by itself is not very rewarding (meaning other than the simple satisfaction you get from the accomplishment).
Re: Small Ogre fighting game.

i can't play the game. and i have the japanese language. what do i have to do?
Re: Small Ogre fighting game.

Do you have japanese regional settings on as well? Changing the display language won't do anything.


I can only show you the vista example, but if you look at the picture on the right, you click 'change the country or region'. The 'Change display language' is completely irrelevant.
Re: Small Ogre fighting game.

yes yes i have changed that, and it worked for all the other games, but i can't play this one
Re: Small Ogre fighting game.

Hmmm... Well, look at it this way: you aren't missing much. The game isn't exactly good.
Re: Small Ogre fighting game.

If you don't feel like dealing with the fight, there's always the option of DL-ing aika's video and watch that.