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Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

He would of just gone back inside and dragged the man, or was it woman? Of the place by the scruff of his shirt of his ankle. But as he watched the magic user step right into the building he realized what she was going to do and saw that his efforts were unneeded for this endeavour. And so he scanned the streets to see if they were attracting a crowd, or perhaps even corrupt guards. For a slaving group to be running within a town the guards must of either been payed off or dead in his mind.

Seeing Zarila reappearing a finger of his taps against his chin in thought. "Perhaps we could seek out a natural spring or ravine out of the town to wash up and gain some privacy? I don't think they would be expecting us to take a breather out of town after we attacked one of their bases and will quite likely be searching for us throughout the night should we choose to sleep here."
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Zarila nodded at Hecro's words. "I can take us all to a place I spent the previous night at. It has a cave for shelter and a river to wash away all this dirt." Frowning as she gestured to her dirty fur and dress. "Shall I take us there?" Offering them her free hand, while her other hand still grasped the person she had saved.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Ulalamulg HP = 48, PP = 63, EP = 35, Status = Fine
Zarila HP = 47, PP = 47, EP = 90/108, Status = Teleporting Around
Hecro HP = 93, PP = 39, EP = 34, Status = Fine

Suddenly teleporting in, the woman(?) over the counter gave a shriek in surprise. Told to grab Zarila's hand, she did so with only a second's hesitation, letting out another small scream upon their teleportation out of the quickly spreading fires. "Oh fuck..." The feminine clerk sighed with relief. Meanwhile, the clients and the whores alike were jumping out of the windows, most coming out holding their belongings in a bundle and throwing themselves out completely nude. "L-look, I don't know what you got against those people, but I just work here... I did it for the paycheck and nothing more, I swear!"
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Ulala made her way out of the building to join up with the other two and their rescuee. Hearing her - well, probably his - snivelling, the greenskin pulled him to his feet by the collar with one hand, while idly spinning an axe in his other. "It's nothing personal, we just have a little grievance with Cinnamon and Candy, and their friend, Tucker. See, the way I figure it, I hurt their business, I hurt them, and well - you, you're in their business. Sorry."

Ulala shoved him over on the ground and put a foot on his middle, to keep him from moving, and brought his axe down to carefully tap against either shoulder. "So which one will you miss less?"

The orc brought the axe up, and - just before swinging it down - stopped. "You know..." he said, bringing the axe down to the side and leaning against it like a walking cane, while he rubbed his chin, "I suppose that if we knew where those two were going to run to after something like this, I could hurt them a little more directly. Why, I wouldn't have to dismember you at all!"
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Male or female, they screamed like a woman when Ulala confidently announced that they were going to butcher Tucker's business regardless. His apology didn't do much to help either, fear and tears filling the eyes of the victim about to be dismembered. "Please no! NO! I'll suck your dick, anything but that!" they screamed, trying to bargain their way out.

But Ulala giving the whore a chance immediately made them capitalize on it. "I do! I know! I know where they went! I-I can lead you straight there!" they declared desperately. Their eyes looked to where the wagon used to be, intent on that location.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

He calmly gazed upon the whore as she begged and gaze her desire to aid them under their orc-appearing ally, a little blank-faced while it was all going down. And simply removing the knucklers from his hands and bringing his clothes up to his hands to wipe the blood they had gained off. Things seem to be getting more hectic with them as time went on here.

Raising a hand and giving their teleporting friend the universal 'just one moment' sign he glances over towards Ulala. "I'm assuming your plan is for us to continue our hunt after those retreating pair by the location this being gives us?"

They really had been threatening people a little too much here. But so far its given them nothing but positive results so he was not going to argue about the methods being used.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Zarila nodded as she watched the orc threaten the whore. "She certainly seems intent on hunting them down still. You will at least make a plan before rushing in right?" Looking curiously at the orc and his captured prey. After a few moments she glanced away, looking down each side of the street. "Though it might be bad to linger here. Guards could show up any minute."
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

"Hey, I had a plan, alright? And I happen to think it worked quite well."

Making sure his senses were still augmented, he picked the desk-worker up, and gave them a big sniff. "There. Now I know what you smell like! And that means I can find you if you try to run. And if I have to do that, my nicer friends might not be able to keep up when I find you." He let go, bringing the man(?) to his feet. "Well? You heard our fluffy one, we don't want to be here anymore. So what are you waiting for?"

"Well," Ulala said to his compatriots, once their guide had given them some distance. "Yeah. What, did you two have something else to do? Tormenting some people that wanted to sell me for a profit seems like a good way to blow an evening to me. I'll take my armor back now, also, thanks for that."

Said armor was put back on a few blocks up the road, away from the crime scene - Ulalamulg would bid them to keep on going, ducking into an alley to change. She could catch up to them easily given her scent tracking, though she didn't expect to really need to.

Totally will re-equip that armor somehow during this presumed travel time.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

He looks over to zarilia and gives a little shrug of his large shoulders, well, looked down at her, he was a little bit too tall to just turn and be able to see her. "Lets move and talk, before the guards you mention arrive and throw us into prison. Or try to at least."He wouldn't really let himself get cuffed. More so in a town that's law is likely paid off big time by the very guys they were hunting.

Now thinking about it, they have likely caused more property damage than the slave traders ever had with that fire. And while he's musing to himself he follows through the alleyways and little nooks to keep out of sight of the guards.

"Do we have any plan of action for the next raid? I don't think we should try another fire route. We may just end up burning the city down if we keep it up." He checks a few times to make sure Zarlia was keeping up, not wanting them to end up split up with them rushing along. More so when she had their only escape route. But that was the more rational part of him talking. He did huff a bit when one of the alleys roofs were just a bit too small and ended up with him having to kneel a little to go on through.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Looking over to the orc and shrugging. "Not really, though I guess ending their little slave trade wouldn't be a bad idea." Zarila turned to Hecro and gave a small nod as she looked up at him. "Sure." Following after him as they started out of the town. Looking about warily as the moved to keep an eye out for guards. Seeing him lead her in to an alley caused her to frown a moment before realizing she was already dirty from the soot and smoke from the fire.

"I think it would be best to have some information first before deciding on a plan. And a bath, I definitely need one to wash all this gross soot and ash from my fur." Frowning sadly as she idly brushed a dirty arm and only smearing the ash and soot around.

Hecro would see that thee little feline was easily keeping pace, and hardly seemed winded. Though he wouldn't be able to miss the sight of her bosom bouncing around in her tight skimpy top as they ran. "I know a good place we can go to, should be safe from the slavers while we plan and prepare. Even has a stream full of clean water for a bath." The small woman can't help but grin at the thought of washing out her fur, and looked to be having a small daydream as she followed him.
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Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

"A bath? Are you serious? Maybe you should just turn yourself in, I'm sure they'll bathe you before they toss you up on the auction block, kitty. As for plans, mine continue to be 'not talking about things while we're following someone who'd sell us out for half a denar'." Ulala continued, his voice a little louder: "Hey! Do you think our front desk friend up there knows that, if I think he's eavedropping on us, I'm going to shove embers from a fireplace into his ears?"
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Hecro couldn't help being distracted for a little moment by the bouncing breasts of Zarila, that top really made it hard to focus on anything else but those impressive things. Cheeks somehow managing to remain unblushed despite this he returns his focus to the path and travelling over it. One single step at a time as they go. Lowering the sound of his voice he begins to whisper. "I think it might actually be a good idea to take a break for at least a hour or two so we don't end up feeling fatigued from the constant battles and running we've been doing so far. Our magicks also drain us of energy that needs to recover as well. It would be pretty bad for us if we ended up running out of our extra abilities and our teleporting friends skills in the middle of a battle."

He nods towards Zarila and continues in a whisper of a voice. Trying to stop the person they were following from hearing what he was saying. "My suggestion is that we use that guy, or girl, to find the location and then we bind them and take them with us to whee we rest. Just to ensure they don't go and blab about where we are or what we planned to the people there. Then we take a little time to rest and refresh our energies. Maybe even work out a plan that would force them out of the building instead of us going into it. Like....mhm, me bone breaking the supports and having part of the building collapse into itself."
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

The desk whore either didn't react, or didn't hear Ulala as they were some distance away, within sight. It seemed that they didn't know where the wagon truly went at all, as they were searching the ground for tracks that it left behind. If anyone looked their way as they were bent over the dirt, a well-rounded rump on display, they'd respond to the looks with a notice. "I know where they went, s-so whenever you're ready!" they announced, trying to sound helpful so that fireplace embers were not shoved into them.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Zarila nodded with a huff. "Yes a bath. My fur is a complete mess and is very uncomfortable." Sticking out her tongue at the orc with an angry glare. "I also never mentioned making a plan within the whore's earshot, I was just saying we needed a plan before we rushed in all half cocked." Looking ahead a moment to make sure the whore was still nearby.

Hearing Hecro's words she gave a small nod. Speaking quietly so the whore wouldn't hear. "I agree with Hecro, a rest would be nice. Using magic and powers is exhausting. Plus once we know where their base is we can always come back after forming a plan." Looking to see if the orc agreed or not. "And I know a place where we will be undisturbed, even if the whore were to escape, she wouldn't know where we went." Looking at the orc to see what he thought.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

The orc stopped the cat, wrapping his arms around her waist, whispering into her big, fluffy ears. "No, but you did talk about your 'safe place', and how it was next to a stream. Where do you think they'll start looking, if anyone overheard you, hmmm? Especially that guy. Now we'll have to keep him around... or kill him. It would have been so less complicated to leave him in there, you know?"

She then sped up to catch their big man. "Well, if we're going to run off, we should at least get the rope and stuff we need for him, right?" The orc said, quietly, so the other wouldn't overhear. "We should get something to cover his eyes with, too. Just a cloth thing people put over their stalls, or whatever, yeah?"

With that, she pushed past the other two, and skipped up to slap their rescuee on the ass while they were bent over. "You sure you know where they went? Why don't you just tell us? Could it possibly be because you don't have a fucking clue, hm?" Ulala grabbed them by the back of the head, and pulled them up to talk into their ear. "Now, when I had you on the ground with my axe up? I didn't have any opinion on you at all. But if you're lying to me and wasting my time? That means I have a problem with you, and I think you've seen what happens to people I have problems with. So, come clean. Are you lying to me, sweetheart? I won't maim-or-kill you if you are, I promise. ♥"
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Just watches as the orc runs around and plans for death and murder again. It seems to be the most common thing for it to do while they've been in Ulala company. Would be rather problematic if she was still like this when they went out of town. That is if they even stick together after this. Part of him did think the orc would end up plotting his own death at somepoint as he watched him whisper into their teleporting allies ear. As he didn't have such a appealing figure as the cat, which seems to be what's drawing the attention of both of them. Even if unintentional. But still his face is a block of stone emotion wise as he ponders this.

And then the orc appeared to catch up with him and the minion they had forcefully subscripted into their service and he nods his head at his words. "Easiest way to get all that binding material would be to just take it from the clothes he wears. Would save time needing to run around and collect the rope and cloth."

And then she's off, tormenting the minions ass and likely whispering things to make it shake in fear. Or maybe he's one of those few that get turned on by it? Who knows. And on that thought they still haven't really confirmed if the whore was a she or a he.

He glances over at the cat and raises a single brow to her. "You alright?"
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Zarila smiled and gave a playful little wiggle as the orc wrapped his arms about her waist. She smiled as she whispered back to the orc. "Your the one who seemed intent on following them. Besides, he is the only one who knows where they went." Frowning slightly as the orc stopped holding her and moved on to speak to the other two.

Looking up at Hecro with a small nod as she jogged. "Other then being dirty and gross, I am doing quite well." Frowning as she once more tried to brush the soot and ash off her dress and only succeeding in smearing it more. "What about yourself?"
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Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Their victim began sobbing and crying underneath Ulala, terrified out of their androgynous wits. "I CAN HELP YOU FIND THEM, I SWEAR!" they cried out. "I don't know their exact l-location, but I can follow the tracks! I can take you straight to them!" they swore. "Please! Please don't kill me!"
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

What happened to our orc friend? Its been a while.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

(Blarg posts when he can. Just have to wait.)