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Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Humm Im afraid that my lessons are not about enhancing one's spiritual knowledge so much as bolstering the carnal bits. If you want to stop we can after all Im not going to force you to do this. As for the underwear well think of it as a training aid." Sadly my tainted body would taint yours so we have to find a happy medium. Today its one of my favorite farm hands that comes in from time to time. You see we have an arrangement. I won't bore you with the details but the first lesson I was going to teach you was how to better bring your spunk to the bedroom if you catch my drift." Tanya continued to play with a nipple the darkflesh harding to a point as Sara watched.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Well..." A dark blush came to Sara's cheeks. "It's not what I had in mind, but...I would certainly appreciate the help. I will certainly continue with the lessons! However, you should know that I'm...actually a lesbian. I've found that I love a good...dick as much as the next girl, but only if it's attached to a girl...I hope that doesn't inconvenience you too much?" She looked at the succubus hopefully, though her eyes kept straying back to the hardening nipple.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Tanya paused a moment. "I see sadly the only chick with a dick could be me well and maybe you but either way the issues is my tainted spirit. While Im sure we would have fun Im not so sure the affter effects would be fun for you later." Tanya's hand snaked down to her damp snatch rubbing it gently. "I suppose you could watch me and my toy have fun but the lession would not be as effective.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"I see..." Sara considered her options for a moment before responding. "Well, I just can't really get...excited for men. It's just the way I am. Women are where its at for me, and they don't have to have dicks, Asha and I spent a good while doing it dick-free, and we had plenty of fun. If you have any female...arrangements, I would certainly take them on. I can even endow them with a dick, temporarily if it would help the lesson. Of course, if this one's already set, I could just watch. Though if you had a toy that I could...play with while I watch, I would certainly appreciate it." Her eyes predictably followed Tanya's hand as it traveled down her body to her pussy.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Tanya teased her self a few moments her eyes closed a soft oh on her lips before she slid a finger in and looking at Sara. "I see.. humm." Removing her finger Tanya moved and pulled a string. A few moments later the waitress Sara had seen with the strange device on her feet came into the room. "Mindy dear please get ready you will helping Sara with her lessons today. "Yes Mistress!" with out even leaving the room the young woman began to strip. Now that she was not zipping about the bar Sara got a fairly good look at her. She had pink hair and blue eyes with tiny noise covered in freckles. As Mindy's dress fell to floor Sara got an eye full of modest sized breasts as well as wide hips and slightly parted pussy. "Sara your partner will be Mindy tonight and I will have fun with my dear farm boy. Make any preparations you wish. Oh and Mindy please warm yourself up for Sara." On command Mindy began to masturbate infront of her with Tanya heading into an adjoining room.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara smiled at the pretty new addition to the lesson. "Hi Mindy, pleased to meet you!" As her new teacher began to strip and masturbate, Sara hesitantly followed suite, After setting aside her clothing, she slowly began to touch herself, gently stroking her nethers. Despite how she wasn't exactly used to doing this, she found herself getting warmed up by the process. "Before we start, I can imbue either one of us with a dick, if you think it would be prudent." Just like with Tanya, Sara had difficulty breaking her eyes away from the sight of Mindy fingering herself. "So...umm...what's the ahhh...lesson plan for today?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Oh a yummy cock humm well I'll like let you make that choice. But like first we need to get to you know someplace like comfortable." Mindy took Sara by the hand and lead her into the same adjoining room that Tanya had entered. Inside was basically a room full of pillows and silken sheets. Tanya was already mounted on a very striking man his face covered in a theater mask no doubt to protect his identity. Tanya had already removed her top as she slowly bounced up and down the length of the man's rod her hefty chest bouncing right along. "Oh Sara you rea AHH dy?"

I might damage my IQ writing/thinking of Mindy dialog. But Im willing to make that sacrifice for you dear player.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara decided to grant herself a cock for this lesson since she was less used to using such a tool. When she walked into the room, she was predictably entranced by the sight of Tanya fucking the young man, actually taking a few steps in her direction as her eyes followed her bounces before regaining control of herself. "I...I think so..." Her cock was certainly ready, already throbbing and a trickle of precum glistening as it rolled down her length. "So...do we just start...fucking?" She looked at the slightly bimbo-ish woman next to her, placing a hand on her abdomen and trailing down towards her snatch.

The honorable sacrifices of the GM shall not be forgotten!
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Of course Sara that's like the best part. Mistress will like give instructions as we go." Smiling Mindy spread her legs for Sara raveling a clit ring. "Mount your equipment deAHr. Many AH people have GrAH ate physical AH endur AH ence. And some UH just know AH where to touch." Tanya stopped a moment embedded on the cock. "You have a lot of energy so bring it to bear."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Grinning in anticipation, Sara climbed on top of Mindy, gazing admiringly at her clit ring, wondering how it would feel when it rubbed against her summoned cock. Speaking of...she remembered to shut off the energy-stealing link this time. Listening to Tanya's words, Sara nodded agreeably. "Use my...energy...Okay!"

Lining herself up with Mindy's inviting slit, Sara slowly slid her dick in, moaning as she felt the velvety embrace of her love box. "Tell me...hah...how toooo pleasure you with thissss...haaaaah...what spots I should hit...I'm aahh not used to having a dick." Though she started out slow, relishing the feeling of the pussy wrapped around her cock and the piercing dragging back and forth across her sensitive dick, she quickly remembered Tanya's advice and started to fuck Mindy more energetically.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Whoa oH OH AH AH FUCK!" As Sara started putting more energy into her fucking Mindy started going wild. Mindy was insanely tight her sex nearly chocking Sara's summoned cock. The tightness was near inhuman in nature letting Sara speculate that Tanya had a hand or two in it. "Good Sara good just pour yourself into it don't worry about making Mindy pregnant." With that Tanya started up a new on her own toy fucking with wild abandon. "FUCK FUCK DAMN FUCK ME!" Mindy bucked under Sara her breast heaving as she called out. Mindy was putting her own twist on their pairing her body honed from years of skill it seemed.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara grinned, panting as she thrust herself energetically into Mindy. The insanely tight, highly skilled woman she was plowing was driving her towards orgasm rapidly. As she began to worry about spilling her seed, Tanya reassured her she needn't worry about it, so she smiled widely and redoubled her efforts, tongue hanging out as she bucked her hips into Mindy. She felt herself spiraling towards orgasm as the tight cunt gripped her prick, but she continued her thrusting, working hard to get the woman to climax before her. Doing this, Sara built up so much momentum, that regardless of when she came, she didn't even pause her strokes and continued to saw in and out of the waitress even as spunk poured from her dick.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Messy indeed as Sara thrust her seeded spilled out in jets as her thrusts forced it out. Unfortunately Sara cumed before Mindy who followed after wards. Continuing on Mindy wrapped her legs around Sara pulling her in close. "You should like totally stay and work here." Tanya in the mean time orgasmed letting her partner orgasm as well shooting forth great jets of semen that covered her tits and face. "Phew that was nice go home." Cleaning himself off the man left not looking once at Sara or Mindy. Tanya however soon moved over to the duo as they continued to copulate. "Good good more effort Sara I know you got it in you."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Groaning in a mixture of pleasure and disappointment as she orgasmed into Mindy before getting the waitress off, Sara was pleasantly surprised when her sexy coworker pulled her closer in with her legs, keeping her stuck in her spectacularly tight pussy. "Mmm...you'd like it if I stayed, wouldn't you?" Daringly looking into her partner's eyes, she touched her tongue to Mindy's sweaty flesh just above her breasts enjoying the salty taste as she licked all the way up to the redhead's chin before letting up, panting. "Well I don't think I'd mind staying here, but I have important work to do that I can't leave unfinished. I guess we'll just have to have as much fun as we can before I leave, right?"

Sara continued to thrust into Mindy as Tanya wrapped up her business with the farmhand. When she came over, Sara looked at her and nodded as the woman spurred her on. Digging into her reserves of stamina, she picked up the pace again, once again frantically plundering Mindy's incredible pussy, going as long as it took to bring Mindy and herself to orgasm again. She continued to try to make her cum first, but even if she couldn't, she wanted to at least wear the waitress out with the intensity of their sex.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara wasn't sure how long Mindy and her screwed like rabbits but by the time she was done they where both exhausted. As they rested Tanya slowly licked the drying cum off her body with an unearthly long tongue. The smile this brought to her face made it clear that Tanya enjoyed the taste. "He is so virile you really missed out dear. You know you should experiment with the boys every once in awhile." Smiling Tanya turned to face Sara full on her breasts spilling out of her bra. You did good today Sara. You almost had Mindy a few times but alas she is my personal girl so you can understand how much of a work out she gets." Getting up Tanya helped Sara to her feet. "I give you permission to take the night off after all your already two hours late for your shift."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara smiled and shrugged weakly, worn out by her time with Mindy. "Maybe, but I find I'm happy with what girls can do. Besides," Sara winked, "my powers let me change things up if I need to..." When Tanya explained that Mindy was her personal girl, Sara nodded graciously. "Well I am very grateful to you for making her into such a good teacher as well."

Finding out that she had somehow blown through three hours having sex with Mindy, making her two hours late for her shift left Sara wide eyed. "WHAT? Oh no! I promised Asha I'd be there for her!" Hurriedly pulling on her clothes, Sara said, "I really enjoyed this lesson...a lot... Are there more lessons? I'd be happy to come back for more tomorrow!" Finishing getting dressed, Sara made to bolt out the door. "I'll be back in a bit Miss Tanya! But first I have to go check on Asha!" Sara had a few more details she wanted to discuss with Tanya, but first she had to go see how Asha was doing! The poor nymph, she had been so nervous and embarrassed by her uniform, and Sara had left her all on her own! She shot down to the bar, looking for her nymph lover.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Finding a sudden burst of energy Sara tore up the stairs to her room to find Aya lounging one the couch playing with her self. Sniffing the air she turned her head to Sara and smiled. "Is that Mindy I smell? You two been having fun behind my moms back ehh? Can't same I blame ya after all she is a fine fuck especially after what happened to her. If your looking for miss prissy pants she went down stairs to start her shift in the most revealing getup. I honestly didn't think she would do it." Aya's last sentence was unheard as Sara ran down the stairs to find Asha in her fairly revealing dress serving customers her face having a slightest blush to it.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara sighed and shook her head as she dashed out of her room. Now Aya knew that she had been sleeping with Mindy, meaning she would have to talk about it with Asha before the nymph went back to her room or else Aya would surely use it to cause problems. Some of her comments made her wonder about the waitress, but those could wait, there was only one waitress on her mind right now, and it was Asha!

Hurtling down the stairs, but pausing at the doorway, she saw Asha serving drinks, she had a light blush, but didn't seem mortified, terrified, or extremely embarrassed. When she wasn't too busy, Sara would wave her over, drawing her into a warm kiss if the nymph would allow it.

Reaching to stroke her lover's cheek Sara said, "Hey sweetie, I'm sooo sorry! My lesson ran way longer than I thought, I just got done! Are you okay? You look great, but I didn't want you to have to come out on your own! I'm sorry!" Sara was very upset that she hadn't had Asha's back like she was supposed to. Sure she was working on her bedroom skills for Asha, but she was still mad at herself for making her lover walk out in something as uncomfortably exposing as this on her own.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha of course noticed Sara but turned her head slightly miffed a little Humph clear to her ears. Sadly this gesture in the very tight and not so modest dress made her breasts bounce slightly which only made her blush deepen. As Asha walked away from her Sara saw her tightly little tush swishing away. Sure Asha was pissed but that would pass however this sight was one to remember.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sighing sadly, Sara just stood by for a minute and watched Asha move about, the nymph obviously uncomfortable in her uniform as she blushed when it made her breasts bounce. Rather than feel angry at Asha for slighting her when she wanted to make her apology, Sara just resolved to get herself back in Asha's good graces.

Finding the bartender, ideally Rose, she asked when Asha's break was, and after finding out went back up to Tanya's room, she would make sure to come back for Asha's break.

Knocking before stepping inside, Sara said, "Thanks again for tonight's lesson, Tanya. Unfortunately, my absence tonight made Asha a little angry with me, so I'll have to make it up to her. I was actually wondering if you wouldn't mind helping me there? See, I've been trying to find out what her fetishes are for awhile now, but I've had no luck. I figured a succubus might have be the woman to come to for help in such a matter."