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The mighty hellhound kept fucking her...no it was still Love...but she could imagine what she wanted, couldn't she? She just had to close her eyes and imagine it...

"Yes...free yourself...shout louder..." the devil would encourage, violating her willing soul...

Cyra's shouting felt oddly liberating. Maybe admitting it was what she needed to be free...maybe the devil would help her find her true self...maybe her true self was a good bitch, ready to be bred by a worthy dog...maybe she could find herself to be more than that...

Finally, she felt the orgasm coming...she felt Love's cock expanding, as she came with her...she felt waves of ecstasy rushing all over her body, her toes curling by themselves, and her mouth opening uncontrollably as her mind was overwhelmed by the pleasure. It was a pleasure that went above the typical orgasm...it had a sense of fulfillment, it had the sense someone has when he finds something he lost long ago, it had the sense of finally scratching that itch...

The cum was filling her, unable to escape from the tight knot...it would reach deep in her, washing her shame out...

The devil leaned in for a kiss...no more words were needed. Cyra felt herself getting dragged away...it was as if she was swimming against a current. A current so strong, she would never be able to go against just by herself...but luckily someone, with great difficulty, was dragging her along...

Cyra opened her eyes...she was at the table where she had touched the amulet...her finger was still on it. It seemed like no one had found her yet...

'And...we are out! At least...' she had a thought that wasn't hers.

[Cyra levels up! Cyra has now a fiend in her head! She gains +2 charisma, and proficiency in persuasion and deception, if she doesn't have it yet. Maybe finding a dog-cock to celebrate is in order?]

"Haah.. aahmn.. aah.." Cyra moaned out under the violation.. not like she had had a choice.. right? She exhale-moaned softly as she somewhat admitted her lewd desires, panting, and finnally moaning them out wantonly.. only the evil fiend could hear her, after all.

It was hard to not think about.. what the fiend had whispered to her, certainly not whilest that hot cock was pulsating within her, expanding within her, filling her with this wonderful breeding juice from the dog.... although, if this was really her soul, Arva was not as sure how much she should welcome this treatment.. it felt quite good though... as did moaning along with what was happening to her. This... soul-fucking was overwhelmingly.. enjoyable. There was no better way of putting it. She kind of wanted to shout out, as instructed by the fiend, but a part of her still hesitated, slightly.. and the rest was busy moaning loud.

She then panted as she felt herself wash away on waves of climax.. she was pretty sure it was more than that, actually, and she herself strained to get out as well, swimming against the tide was not impossible, after all..

And then she gasped, and opened her eyes.

"Huh.." She made, looking down onto the amulet.. well, one problem less.. taking the fiend with her likely would turn that amulet into shattered, cheap metal in time.. so what next.. her quest to the temple and for the sword, dealing with the sorceress? Perhaps showing a dog what a good boy he was by teasing his pointy shaft right out of that furry sheathe and..

She blushed and shook her head. Well that was certainly not right... was it?.. she shook her head, before standing up, stretching, checking herself over.. armored again and not naked.
"Hmn... I guess this happened." She pondered.
"Should send a messenger to tell of the knights.. sucessful tale and deliver his last letters." Perhaps leaving out a minor detail or two.
And then.." She flexed her arm.. some of the stiffness in her body was gone. She still didn't feel quite back up to her full abilities, but better to go deal with the witch, than have the same come deal with her, no?

She looked about for Sera. "So Sera.. about this other witch Ozrog mentioned.. I can't help but feel with no answers from our hobgoblin friend and with the time passing, that witch might take action sooner or later, so.. perhaps we could strike first.. and by we I mean I and my watching-sword." She nodded.. she did not underestimate the danger of a powerful spellcaster, but at the same time, it was still better to pick her battles, even if all she could do was weaken her problems, no?

"Hmm...you should be careful. This witch seems to know about you a lot." Sera nodded

"Or maybe she divined something about you, and is trying to find you out. Generally we witches just mind our own business...but that isn't a rule."

"I think finding her without any knowledge about her will be hard. Hmmm....."
she fell in thought for a while

"The Church has some trinkets that can hide you from scrying and divinations. You could try to buy one of those, but I think it wouldn't be cheap."

"...Or you could try to find about how you came here. I mean I summoned you using that book, maybe one of the other witches know something about it? It had no title but it was a black-leather bound tome, with a magic circle of some sorts branded on it."

"The problem with that is that we are all over the place, spread over the villages. You should talk with Batila...she is the leader of the cove I am in now. But yeah, looking for a book can be difficult...maybe you should try a different approach."
she mused "I mean if there is a prophesy about you, more than just one witch will know about it, right?"

"Eh.. I'm hard to predict." Arva nodded to Sera and grinned. "The church hrmn.. well, I got letters to deliver either way.. I guess I'll go." She nodded.

"But it sounds like a good idea to find out more about this weird prophecy too, yes.. . I guess I should go check out the next town.. is that the way to your coven-leader? How far is it there anyway?" Cyra questioned, before, one way or the other, deciding to continue on on her way to the next town... she'd gotten some things done and.. well, she had a few riddles to deal with.. she decided to bag the half broken unholy talisman..
Never know when it could come in handy.. wait can you hear me think that? Helloo? Hellooo.. hmnn ok..

She thought-mused, before preparing for her way, grabbing some lunch from Sera, and some provisions from the general store, giving Ozrog an encouraging thumbs up. She was not quite sure about the church, but she could check out the next village.. perhaps they were nice, and Sera was an exeption to witches. She'd see.

(22 perception on the way!)
"The next town, Renila, is up the road you cleared...two days of travel. Yes, Batila is living there and maybe Illa will be there too. She is the second one of the cove."

The talisman gave away a feeling of uneasiness, which could also be her idea...but it didn't obstruct Cyra's powers any more.

'I can. Yeah, it could come handy. If you find the other half, you could use it to seal a fiend inside, and that would also restore it's powers.' Love replied in her mind

'Don't be impatient...I mean I could have you fuck that white dog in the middle of the village square...but I am somewhat tired today, escaping was not easy...'

Cyra has been traveling for one and a half days already. Besides encountering a snake that was too lazy to move away, the journey had been easy - even the weather wasn't rainy any more. The demon had only taken over her body yesterday, just before bedtime, and had the paladin watch helplessly as she masturbated under the watchful gaze of the all-seeing-eye. It was a weird feeling, since Cyra had all of her senses...but her body wouldn't obey her, no matter how she tried.

It was now that the trees were finally opening up, and the first farmhouse could be seen in the distance. As she approached however, Cyra would hear the angry cries of a wolf, coming from the side of the farmhouse! Taking a closer look, she would see a black wolf, angrily clawing at the sturdy door!

If Cyra approached, the wolf would turn, and growl angrily at her!

"Sealing a fiend.. good.. Restoring this thing.. bad.. I guess I'll keep it as an emergency option if I go in that direction again, but first I got a witch looking after me.. I'd like to be preapred for that." Cyra epxlained to her... companion.

She also cleared her throat at the devils.. suggestion.. well, at least whilest she was traveling the road the devil was no.. threat to her. lewdly speaking. Still, perhaps some of these paths would go faster with a horse...

The masturbation setting was more emberassing than arousing, to her anyway.. especially with the oddly relaxed seeming sword.. watching her.. it had lead to strange dreams for Cyra.. it was quite distracting.. on one hand, she couldn't blame the creature for finally having a body, on the other, she was not sure just how much she should trust in this.. deal.... well, she would bear the burden.. she had effectively depowered an artifact of evil, after all!

Then, she ran into an angry wolf...
"Woah..." She raised her hands. "That's no good.. you can't go messing with the farmers." She narowed her eyes and put a hand upon her back, reaching for her sword.. but for now, she extended her other hand, trying to soothe the wolf..

(21 Handle animal to soothe the wild wolf!)
The wolf looked at her...then looked back at the door, growling once more...and then it turned to flee.

However, when it reached behind the corner of the house, Cyra would notice that it's shadow, highlighted by the afternoon sun, had stopped moving.

"Uh? Who's there?" a rough voice of a man could be heard from the inside.

"Damn it..." Cyra heard an other man cursing with a lowered voice behind the door.

"That's a good boy... good boy.." She nodded to the wolf.. before hesitating, looking at the farmhouse door.. something about this felt.. off.

So, she raised her voice and declared: "Renila Guard, OPEN UP!" Before stepping forward, and hammering a fist against the door!

(17 deception!)
The sound of something falling down was heard from the inside.

"Ahh...guards...you came just in time....just give me a moment..." the voice was heard from behind the door, sounding somewhat anxious.

Sound of furniture moving from behind the door, was heard....or were they moving towards the door?

"Folks, I sadly see myself required to force entry as per Guard Code 17, subsection B." She declared, before trying to push up against the door. If it had been un-barricaded, no problem to open it, if it was being barricaded..

She made up the rules of course. no one ever paid attention to those. .. plus the reaction of the men was quite.. interesting.

(Trying to force me way in with a 12 str!)
After failing her.. encouraged entry, she quickly moved around the house, examining it for back-exits...
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Rushing around the house, Cyra saw two humans, apparently just a bit faster than her, darting out from behind the house, towards the forest!

"Fuck, she is no guard! She be a damned adventurer!" the man with the longsword cried, as he turned back to take a look.

"What? We ran from a fucken adventurer?" the other one stopped running, looking back too.

"That beast is a thing...that slut is an other...hey lass, how 'bout you undress, we have some fun, and we dun' kill you?"

"Wait, fuck, she got armor!" the other warned him.

"So-what! She's alone!" he said, drawing his blade "come on girl, don't make this hard...I got something else hard for ya..." he chuckled.

"And you don't seem to be ordinary farmers either. Let's hang out." She chuckled ever so slightly, drawing her greatsword with practiced ease. "The wolfs over there." She noted, nudging her thumb backwards. "If you were smarter, you'd try your luck over there." Then she shrugged.

"I'm currently wondering, if I kill one of you, will the other become a respectable citizen?" She shrugged.
"Then again... I can't just cut down humanfolks can I? 'specially not two untrained fellows like you. Oi! Hold your sword straight! You there, circle me. If you got a superior opponent you want to take them down with numbers and distraction. Else they'll do something like this." She shifted he stance.

"Rising moon stance- Blade-Breaker!" She declared, aiming for the less agile looking man, switching her weapon to the flat of the blade at the last moment, attacking him with overwhelming force.
(6 initiative, 12 to hit, and 22 damage if it hits.)
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The bandid with the longsword rushed at her, and after a moment of hesitation, the other one followed too.

"You lost your chance to get fucked by us...." the man with the longsword attacks, drawing his dagger to attack with it too.

"...but to tell you the truth, we would have to kill you anyway."

"Damn, this armor is trouble..." the other one called, trying to attack by the side.

However, all of their attacks were either blocked or deflected by the paladin.

The man with the longsword was without a doubt the better fighter of the two...deciding to lower their numbers, slashed the man with the two daggers, cleaving from his shoulder a slash all the way down to his chest.

"NO, YOU BITCH" the bald man cried, slashing at Cyra's belly...if it was a normal armor, the blade would probably have pierced through, however the adamantine armor wasn't even dented. Cyra however wasn't made from adamantine, so the hit still hurt her...

However, at that moment, the black wolf appeared behind the man, biting viciously on his leg!

[Cyra got hit once, taking 8 damage]

'Oh, you can still get -fucked- by me trust me." She enthused with a dangerous grin, twirling her large sword gracefully, and chuckling along with her deflecting the enemies blows on the way.
"Your first mistake was mistaking me for just a random adventurer, really."

Although she did uff a little in suprise at the nasty stab.. which luckily was stopped by the interlocking, dark plates.. she grinned dangerously at this..
"Hoooh.. I felt that, you've done your fair share of robbing people, haven't you... means I can stop being merciful." She decided.. before glancing to the wolf.

"That's a good boy!" She smirked, raising her sword again. "Now, are you sure you want your last words to be so pathetic? In the face of ...The White Wolf."

Hey it wasn't bad for a heroic name she came up with on the spot. Right? It's pretty cool or? She mused, before leveling her sword, striking again, this time with more precision.

(20 to hit, 12 damage!)
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he remaining bandit was clearly superior fighter than the other, ducking to the side and turning deadly strikes to...less deadly strikes.

"FUCK YOU AND YOUR DOG" the man bellowed, giving his all to attack her! Finally, he managed to land an other strike to her, followed by two more, one with the same sword and one with his dagger, but they were both deflected by the armor.

The wolf tried to bite once again, but this time the man was more prepared, and avoided it.

"DAMNED BEAST!" he cursed!

[Cyra takes 7 damage]

"Let me guess, you're a soldier that thought robbing would get you better veteran-benefits. I recognize the simple, straigth forward military style." She noted, trying to downplay the pain.. and seeming pretty convincingly unconcerned with the side-cut she had recieved on her arm after deflecting another blow, lifting her blade and nodding to the wolf encouragingly. her white hair flowing behind her as she dashed forward again, her strikes far more debilitating.

"I don't appreciate your attitude either way..
Now fall! Lunar Edge!"

(Deception 17 success on downplaying!
14 to hit.. for as much damage on a sucessful hit.)
"Fuck you, what do you know? Veteran benefits? They gave us 10 gold and chased us away."

"You ain't no adventurer, you one of those rich knights..."
he spits down, before rushing forward again, attaking twice Cyra and trying to kick the wolf.

The wolf nimbly dodged his kick, but it was enough to keep him at bay, while Cyra was hit by the first strike, parrying the second!

[Cyra gets hit for 6 more damage!]

"Warmer, but not hot yet.. " She was pretty sure of that. Actually who had she been? Noble born, yes, but the remembered she had to prove herself... "And who chased you away, certainly not those farmers." She did however narrow her eyes as another strike scraped her.. this was starting to accumulate.. and kicking at dogs, really?

She raised her hand, a warm, white light accumulating upon it, before touching her chest.. her wounds simply disappearing, leaving only the dullest of aches behind.
"I guess I'll need to get serious then. I'll admit, you can put up a bit of a fight.. but primarly, because I don't like using my full powers against humans.. even ones so lost on their path as you.
Do you have any dying wish?"
She asked, whilest the white light waved over her skin and restored her from his prior attacks.

(Lay on hands for all them 20 juicy heal points.)
"And? Do I have to beg for food then? Fuck them too."

"Dying wish? Bitch, I see you are a cleric then...I will send you to your boss,, then..."
he attacks again, this time his dagger manages to pass through the armor's plates, slashing the paladin's shoulder.

The wolf, found an opening to deliver a solid bite at the man's butt, making him cry in pain!

'You know, I think we should keep this wolf...'

[Cyra takes 4 damage]

"You can fight, so fight for your food, but not against weaklings. That's a cowards way... and nope.. do I look pious to you?" She chuckled, nodding.. mentally? To the devil.. she could certainly appreciate the wolfs help right now...

As she brought up her blade, simply breaking through the mans attempted parade with sheer force and giving him another dangerous cut. Well, he couldn't keep going forever, not like this. Sure, he got a few cuts and scrapes in regularly, but when Cyra's blade hit him.. it hurt.
"If you'd give me a chance I might try to give you one... but at this point I think the wolf here has more honor than you..."
She nodded, regarding the beast.
(20 to hit, 14 damage.)