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Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Wait, why does a Goomba have arms? Take them away from them.

Alternatively bone them in the locker room too, threesome style or whatever. That sounds like fun and/or a nice way to relax after beating the shit out of some shit.

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Jungle Girl
Feb 22, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Ok you clowns, stop screwing around, all of you... she needs to rest up for the next day!

Man normally I'd try to keep order but hey, my name is Joe, the Inflitrator... now wake me up when we run into a puzzle...


Dec 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Take a non smutty shower, get a drink (or two or three or several), go to bed and pass out, and rest up for the next day.


The user formerly known as MoT
Nov 16, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Good fighting soldier! Now hit the bunk.
Get up at six o, o.


Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

(Yawns and sighs)... huh... oh wow Ellen. Sorry about not talking in a while, I was sleeping. Way to go, you got paid and... stuff. Sorry I wasn't here to see or hear what all went on. I'm so happy that you weren't hurt to much though.

I'd say go and get washed up, for real this time though, then rest a little because the ship'll be docked soon right, and we want to adventure and stuff, so it'd be a good idea to be well rested, but we don't want to oversleep so you could ask for a wake up call when the ship docks.


Needs to go commit sudoku
RP Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Ellen wasn't quite listening entirely on the voices, but she appeared receptive of those suggesting a shower and a short nap. And that was what she was going to do, except she was stopped just as she tried to leave the arena area. She was surprised to see another Boo, this one a kid by the looks of it, a young girl. "Hey! You won big against those goomba dudes! That was awesome, and Chewey was so cool and and...", the girl trailed off, her hands reaching into her small bag and quickly fished up some pen and crumpled paper. "Can I have your autograph?", Ellen was confused at first, wondering why someone would want her autograph of all things... But she smiled, nodding. "Of course you can, cutie, want Chewey to leave a small chomp mark too?", the girl looked ecstatic, nodding as Ellen got to writing her and Cheweys names on the piece of paper, and then let Chewey chomp on an edge of it. "Here ya go, you take care now~", the girl beamed and nodded as she recieved the autograph. "I will! Thanks!"

And with that, the girl scurried along, Ellen got a brief sight of what might've been the girls parents, not that the Boo was thinking much, her mind already elsewhere as she floated her way to the showers with Chewey in tow. That felt good, that she apparently had done well enough to make such an impression on the young girl. Then again, Ellen reminded herself, she was no doubt a very poor rolemodel for young girls. That thought was one the Boo mused over as she slipped out of her shirt, tossed it to Chewey to keep safe, and slipped into the womens showers. Not a whole lot of people, three-four at most, and each busy doing their business, not that Ellen had any intentions to make a scene, not now.

A refreshingly hot and lengthy shower later, Ellen briefly toweled herself off, got her shirt, and headed to her room. She dropped like a rock into her bed, Chewey hopping up to rest near her. Mmm. A few hours like thi-"Ding, dong, diiiing! The Starcruiser is now docking at Starport! The Starcruiser is set to depart in two days for the next destination: Hot Hot Isle!"... Well. That was good to know. She had roughly two days to get off. And that was the last Ellen thought, her mind pretty much flatlining as she fell asleep. A dreamless slumber. The voices found themselves silenced at first, and then they too fell unconscious.

When they next came to but wasn't yet capable of conversation, Ellen was just crawling out of bed with a loud yawn, rubbing her eyes. "Mrf... Time to go Chewey, might aswell get off the ship, no reason staying here.", the chomp yawned, but soon enough hopped out of the bed with his usual boundless enthusiasm, arfing excitedly. By the time Ellen came to the boarding stairs leading off the cruiser and into the port, the voices came fully into consciousness, able to prattle and bicker as per usual. It was in the very early morning hours that the Boo had decided to get off the ship, the sun little more then a scant few rays of light making the sky dimly red.

Infront of them laid the town of Starport, already some activity rustling among the docks area, moving cargo and the like. Today the vacation on Sunshine Island began. Today, Ellens adventure began. With Chewey and the voices in tow, she headed down the pier to the docks proper, at a slow and leisurable pace no less. There was no partifcular goals or objectives in Ellens mind, which might make her fairly succeptible to the voices suggestions.

HP: 6/6
FP: 8/8
Status: Fine!
Lvl/XP: 1, 9/100XP

14/50 Yellow Coins
3/10 Items

3 Mushrooms
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Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

D'awwwwww, that's so cute. You've got a wee little fan! And shush, you're a fine rolemodel for young boos. They're going to grow up tricksters anyway, I bet, so why not show them that there are fun tricks to play instead of mean ones~


Mmmph, why do I sleep at the same time you do? That's weird. Don't do that to me again, it's weird. Anyway... You might check in to your lodgings right off, to make sure you get a room. And after that maybe just explore the island a little, see what entertainment they have provided and what things cost. That way we can plan out our fun~


Tentacle God
Jan 10, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Entertainment sounds like a great Idea lets spend our hard earned coins


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 15, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

What did I miss? Damn time zones...

Erm... find someone to spend time with, I suppose...

Yes, I believe I shall be going back to sleep now. G'night.


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

First things first. Find a room, then go get yourself some entertainment. Also, figure out a way to get more money.


Tentacle God
Nov 22, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

First things first. Find a room, then go get yourself some entertainment. Also, figure out a way to get more money.
What do ya mean ? Whoring ? Fuck yeah : to get money, that's the best - yeah, try to paint and you'll finish in a trash.


Dec 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

You might check in to your lodgings right off, to make sure you get a room. And after that maybe just explore the island a little, see what entertainment they have provided and what things cost. That way we can plan out our fun~
First things first. Find a room, then go get yourself some entertainment. Also, figure out a way to get more money.
These sound like solid plans to me, for starters.

What do ya mean ? Whoring ?
I see the dummies are awake....... <.<


Grim Reaper
Jan 23, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

I see the dummies are awake....... <.<
Well, yes. Natrually.

Go find adventure and quests! Because quests pay well


Needs to go commit sudoku
RP Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

You might check in to your lodgings right off, to make sure you get a room.
"Not a bad idea, having a roof over my head and a bed to sleep in would be nice. I don't know how long I'll be hanging out in Starport though.", Ellen plucked up her purse, counting her meagre amount of coin quickly and then stashed the purse away again.
Entertainment sounds like a great Idea lets spend our hard earned coins
Ellen frowned slightly. "I don't know if I agree with spending the coin, but some entertainment wouldn't be bad~", she smiled coyly at the latter part of her response, dirty thoughts running through her mind.
Erm... find someone to spend time with, I suppose...
"You don't sound very convincing! Altho fooling around with someone could be nice I suppose, hmm~"
First things first. Find a room, then go get yourself some entertainment.
"I guess finding myself a room would be top priority... And entertainment after~"
Whoring ?
Ellen stopped in her tracks, making Chewey lightly bump into her left leg, rolling a little and staring at her with a curious yip. The Boos thoughts were racing. "Whoring? Like, having sex for coin? Such a thing exist? People do that?", her eyes widened at this little tidbit of information, the very concept of prostitution an alien, if interesting, concept to the young Boo girl!
These sound like solid plans to me
"Find a room, some entertainment, some way to earn a bit of coin... And why is that voice a dummy?", Ellen was already considering trying this 'whoring' thing out, she'd get to have some fun, and even get paid for it? What could be a better job then that?
Go find adventure and quests! Because quests pay well
"Eh? 'Quests'? Like, adventuring for treasure? Or uh, doing tasks and such for people?", Ellen pondered it briefly. "Well I guess helping people is nice and all, but I don't know if I have much skills to help people with... Well, unless they got an itch in need of scratching~", she grinned slyly, oh yes, her visit to Sunshine Island would be nice she figured.

Ellen began to look around herself once she got off the pier, trying to find any place where she could go to rent a room for a few nights. After wandering around for some time, and having walked a little more into the town proper, she finally found a sign lazily swinging in the breeze, "Rogi's Inn" it said, with a bed and beerstein beneath the words. The Boo smiled up, that wasn't hard! With giddy steps she headed inside, and found the Inn fairly empty this early in the morning, but the Innkeeper was already by the counter and getting things in order. A yellow yoshi man, average build, about late twenties/early thirties, fairly handsome in the Boos opinion.

Ellen was greeted with a friendly smile by the yoshi, and as she was by the counter he was the first to speak. "Welcome to Rogi's Inn, I am your host, Rogi. You're here quite early, and I haven't seen you around before. Passenger of the Starcruiser?", the Boo smiled and nodded. "Yup, all true, I'm looking to rent a room for a few days~", "I got a few rooms left, so that is no problem.", the yoshi motioned to his side, showing a small list detailing available services and costs. Five coins for a night, and ten coins for three, and finally twenty for a week. After thinking for a little while, Ellen counted up ten coins and handed it to Rogi, smiling. "Three days to start with, I'm not sure how long I'll stick around here just yet.", Ellen paused, thinking. "Got anything in need of doing? I'm a little short on coin.", she smiled uncertainly, but the yoshi only smiled warmly in return. "Well, I'm not sure if I got any work for you myself, but there is this goomba thats staying here over the night, some trouble over at Goomshire apparently. Theres a note on the Workboard by the towngate if you want to have a look at that.", Ellen beamed, giddy to already having found a 'Quest' as the voices put it. Before she headed off and away, she'd get the key to her room, Room 6, and then hurry off to check the workboard to see what she might find.

Once arriving by the workboard, she saw it fairly scarce as far as notes went, but there was two that stood out. "Wanted: Wendy", it read something along the lines of "Wendy, the leader of the Peach Gang, is wanted for [long list of crimes ranging from arson, bulgrary, abduction, public indecency and rape]. 10 Coins and 3 Blue Coins for anyone that brings her in alive.". The second note was far less formal looking; "Help! The Peach Gang is in Goomshire making a ruckus! I need someone to help me get them to go away!", further down the note was another scribble, "I am currently renting a room at Rogi's Inn!", huh, no name? Strange. Perhaps Ellen should help out.

HP: 6/6
FP: 8/8
Status: Fine!
Lvl/XP: 1, 9/100XP

4/50 Yellow Coins
3/10 Items

3 Mushrooms
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Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Hmm... This seems like a pretty nice place they're running here. Anyway, why don't you go back and ask Rogi what room the goomba is staying in. Seems silly that he tells you sort of where he's staying but no way of actually contacting you if he wants work done.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time


Then we can maybe go loot this Wendy chick for that terrible bounty and start looking out for some seven shattered star pieces or delicious ancient ruins treasure or something. I mean, seriously, 10 coins and 3 blue ones? Goddamn.

Also, as I hear, whoring is sadly a lot of standing around on corners. Well, maybe floating, in your case, but still, that part sounds kinda dull. Still, the other part sounds fun, maybe you should consider your avenues before embarking on that particular endeavor.

Maybe there's a cook or something 'round here that'll cook stuff for us? Like, Frou T. or something. COOK VOLT SHROOMS THEY ARE DELICIOUS.


Tentacle God
Nov 22, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Sunshine Island Vacation Adventure Time

Hmmm ... Let's play to Dirty Harry.

We could try to solve the third prob', at first.