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Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Oh gods, I just noticed Veda's last name is 'Samus Aran' spelt backwards.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Haha, i was wondering how long that would take someone to figure out, +rep for you, Bartnum :)
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

I will be gone until Wednesday night. Until then chatter mostly amongst yourselves, have one of the other characters catch Bartnum's characters up to speed on the events.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Alright, have fun on your visit!! ;)
Re: Super Boarding Scho

Please keep all general sci-fi character, heroes and villains discussion here and use the sub-forums for related discussion topics, thanks

Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

And thus, my third character appears.

Age: 78
Race: Laer

Graevus is a high ranking officer in the 108th, and serves as the commander of the legion’s fighting men. He also commands the Crimson Dusk, one of the fleet’s cruisers.

The Laer: The Laer are a snakelike race from the ocean planet Laeran. The bulk of their species dwells on city sized atolls of coral that float in the skies above the ocean, though underwater settlements exist as well. The Laer begin physical, chemical and genetic modifications to a child from birth, to better adapt them to fulfil their future role in society, be it warrior, diplomat, labourer, or even artist. This means that there is a great deal of diversity in Laer appearance and anatomy, though they all share similarities as a species. An unaltered Laer has a humanoid upper body with the lower body of a snake. The head is elongated and hairless, and features a quadruple-hinged mouth, with an upper and lower jaw and four mandible-like lips that are lined with sharp teeth. Their hands are tetradactyl, having four digits; two middle fingers, and two opposing thumbs on the outside for grasping. Their skin is rough and brown-grey. An average Laer lifespan is 150 years.

Abilities: Graevus is a Laer Warrior, and features the following enhancements and biomorphs:

Additional arms – Graevus has four arms instead of two.

Enhanced Central Nervous System – Graevus’ CNS has been enhanced, improving his reaction times.

Enhanced Senses – Graevus’ sight and hearing have been improved.

Screech – Graevus possesses additional mandibles in the back of his throat, which he can vibrate to produce a loud, grinding screech.

Enhanced Regeneration – Graevus’ body contain glands which secrete a chemical into his bloodstream, which allows him to form scabs over wounds much faster than normal.

Enhanced Strength – Graevus has a double set of pectoral muscles, greatly increasing his strength.

Acidic fluids – Graevus’ blood and saliva is acidic.
-Acid Projectile – Graevus is capable of storing vast amounts of his acidic saliva in glands lining his throat. If necessary, he can draw it all up into his mouth and spit a ball of acid.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

So, uh... How's it going?
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Shrike's not the only one wondering that...
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

I'm having to wait until some one else posts before I can do anything here. Perhaps one of you can come up with something?

Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

I think I can cook something up ;)
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Honestly? I got lost when Nebula got back from the gou'ald shipyards and there was close quarters combat in a ship battle thread.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Isn't it technically a ship and battle thread? I know what you mean though.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter


Has everyone totally lost interest in this? If so say something here and I'll close it all down and carry on the line of characters in my "books"...
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

You know I'm still interested. Like we discussed, though...I'm not exactly in the best position to pull what we'd discussed at the moment.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

I'm still interested, I'm just at a loss for a post, and have been waiting for a bit for everyone else to keep posting :/
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

I left my character open for anything that can happen, so if something happens, then yeah.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Oh hell, I completely forgot to respond to this.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

EDIT - Question answer elsewhere.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

So, Siphon's pestering me to come play. Not sure how active I'll be, but Sho will be popping up sometimeinthenearfutureaskSiphonitwashisidea.

I haven't scoped all of the discussion, nor checked the other threads (it'll fit with the not rightly having much of a clue about life beyond earth, so I'll just keep it that way.) How tied to SBS is this anymore, especially with Rebirth going on? That's really about all I'm curious about.


Name: Shoni Meheven
Age: 26
Species: Homo superior (mutant, for non-X-man fans)

Powers/Abilities (if any): If you really want me to copy over Sho's wind powers, I can, but she's the same as before. They might work slightly different here in space but otherwise there's no change to them.

Sho also has a mental link with Siphon. He's supposed to provide me with details but he's not on right now. He just told me to add this. And this is how it happened...(Siphon's write up with a bit of editing by me, his approval.)

Six Months Ago: A rouge Gou'ald began conducting experiments upon any humanoid she could get her hands on. Wraith, Human, Draque, Enoly, it didn't matter to her, only that they were humanoid. Many tried finding her to stop this, all failed.

Three Months Ago: The same Gou'ald, using the war with the Sentinels as cover, took her experimentation to the next level, and aggressively began capturing test subjects. Amongst one of them was Sho. Realizing her subject was already an advanced human, or Hok'Taur, as was the slang for such a person, she immediately took her experiment on her to yet a third stage, attempting to integrate telepathy into her subject. She succeeded, but was killed by Siphon himself before she could transplant the symbiote into Sho and take her over, but not before irreparably damaging the device, causing it to glitch with Sho still inside. The same glitch limited her telepathic connection to the first person she came in contact with, Siphon, much like a duckling will impress upon the first thing it sees, thinking that it's their mother. As such, the two of them can communicate over even long distances, as far as a hundred light years even. Both of them have honed this to the point they can accurately gauge if the other is in need of help, provided they are within range of each other, and both can see into each other's minds with crystal clarity. It's a known fact that this could be used to determine if the other is telling the truth regarding anything, even if they have been temporarily compromised.

Ship: Not applicable at this time.

And thus, my third character appears.


Graevus is a high ranking officer in the 108th, and serves as the commander of the legion’s fighting men.

Additional arms – Graevus has four arms instead of two.

Enhanced Central Nervous System – Graevus’ CNS has been enhanced, improving his reaction times.

I think you mispelled "Grievous" *grins*
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