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Susan (plmnko)

Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan wards off an attack by the smaller dire wolf and then rolls in an attempt to shake off the alpha. The alpha wolf rolls with her, but does no further damage to her, only managing to keep its jaws locked onto the straps of Susan's armor.

The sounds of her friends' calls get louder. She is certain she can make out Tess' voice.

Susan 2/7 (grappled by Dire Wolf Leader, -3 to attacking others, -1 to attacking the Leader)

Dire Wolf Leader 7/8
Dire Wolf B 2/4

Reinforcements arrive in 3 turns.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

"TESS, IM HERE!!!" is the only words than the warrior can say without loose her focus in the battle, it will be fine if she can evade any attack of the little as Aurumel resist the try of the lider warg to stripe the silver haired warrior.

Maybe she can make a counter strike when the other dire wolf try to hit her,also she will try to escape, as she try to avoid than her struggle help her foe to success in his attemp
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan struggles and then with a free hand manages to strike the alpha wolf solidly on its nose, causing it to reflexively pull back and unlock its jaws for a moment, giving her time to roll away onto her back.

She saw the smaller dire wolf lunge at her, and quickly she brought her sword up, holding the hilt with both hands and tucking the handle close to her side with the sharp end jutting upwards like a long steel spike. The warg, having left the air and no longer in any position to divert the course of its flight, was helpless and skewered itself upon Susan's weapon, howling in pain at its misfortune, as slick black blood poured out of the gaping wound and coated Susan's hands in the sticky substance.

Shoving the wolf aside, the larger alpha pounced upon the silver haired warrior and put its front paws on her arms, pinning them to the earth. His hind quarters split her legs wide and she notes that from the beast's crotch a long red tube dripping in some clear pre-cum was extending and threatening to push against her womanhood through the silken undergarments provided by the armor. She was once again underneath the weight of the alpha wolf, and her strength was nearly spent...

Susan 1/7 (grappled by Dire Wolf Leader, -3 to attacking others, -1 to attacking the Leader)

Dire Wolf Leader 7/8
Dire Wolf B 1/4

Reinforcements arrive in 2 turns.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

with a little of luck and her skills Susan was free once again,hurting the normal dire wolf using her swords skills improved for the game. Unfornately she get surprised by the color of the blood of the creature "Black!?".

The wolf leader take that time to send her to the ground and prepare her to rape her using his body to make her escape harder. Even nearly collapsing she sucess to shout a last time, but this time was not to help her friends to find her, this time it show her anger and fear again the idea to be the mother of these kind of creatures, certainly it will be more hard to kill little intelligent pups than tentacles "NOOOO, I DONT WANT TO BE USED BY YOU!!" Susan use all her strenght left to escape of the grapple trying to free her legs or hands to hit him, expecting than she will get free and her legs can resist another full evade moment when she get free.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

The Alpha's strength and position over her is beyond Susan's ability to escape. Even as she hears Tess' voice cry out clearly from close by, Susan feels the last of her strength ebb from her the alpha's teeth clamp down around her throat, biting hard enough to just barely break the skin, but also clamping down hard on her neck, cutting off circulation. Her struggle becomes less and less, until at last darkness falls across her eyes...


Susan woke a short while later, her head still groggy and her strength not yet returned to her. She realized that she was naked as a cool breeze washed over her as she lay on her stomach, and looking up she saw that her armor lay in a heap not far from her body. Several gray dire wolfs surrounded her in a semi circle, though they appeared to be indifferent towards her, resting on rocks and staring off one way and then another.

A growl from behind made her turn and she saw the hulking dark figure of the Alpha standing behind her.

"You fight well... almost defeat hunting pack. You make good breeding bitch. Strong pups..."

So saying, he stepped his hulking form over hers and brought the dark red cock to rest on the small of Susan's back, where she felt it slide wetly against her skin. Despite her revulsion and disgust against the beast's intentions, a lewd part of her began to kindle its desire, and she felt beads of perspiration begin to glisten on her dirty skin.

"Too weak from fight to hunt your friends... had to run. Other packmate not survive I think, so you have two kills... much honor. Strong bitch with Alpha seed will make powerful pups. You will enjoy..."

So saying, the dire wolf pressed its erection hard against Susan's only semi-wet pussy. Fortunately the cock seemed naturally wet and lubricated, so it went in without hurting Susan too much, though the sheer size and thickness of the creature's appendage stretched her.

Susan found herself being fucked doggy style by the wolf, at an animalistic pace designed not for her pleasure but for a rocketing speed to please the male. The other wolves around continued to be indifferent to the lewd display, acting as if this were entirely normal, which only increased the feeling of being used and abused. She wished she could resist in some meaningful way, but she simply had no strength left and was forced to bear the sexual assault.

The alpha lasted for an impressive amount of time, nearing ten minutes of rapid paced pistoning. Eventually the sheer friction and pace had forced Susan into orgasm, and she was beginning to feel raw by the time the male unleashed a torrent of pent up cum into her womb, filling her up to her brim. Susan felt with a strong certainty that the wolf had made good on his promise to breed with her. So much cum would certainly be enough to impregnate her several times over. When the last drops had been milked out into her now loosened slit, the Alpha removed himself from her connection and padded non-chalantly over to the other wolves, taking a place of honor on top of a large rock.

"You go now... breed pups... they find their way back to the pack. Strong like their father and mother."

Even though she had been freed, Susan had not the strength to do anything but lie flat and then curl up and hug herself, as her violated hole leaked excess cum into a pool between her legs.

An hour later she was strong enough to crawl over to the armor, and found her sword lying underneath. The wolves made no effort to stop her from retrieving both her weapon and armor.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan struggle start to decrease as the bite of the warg avoid than the warrior fill her body with the necessary air to continue, she start to think than this will be her end, even when she can heard the voice soo close, certainly a minute more could have been enough, but now the battle end and the girl its unconscious.

The time passed and the cold wind say her than she was alive, she open her eyes just to be terrorised by the scene in front of her, many wolf were around her and in that moment she note than she was naked. Oh no Aurumel she think the worst but fortunately the armor and her sword was in the cave, but without the strength to fight and surrounded by who know how many wolves it was not an option.

Then she heard the words of the leader wolf, she stay silent with anger blushed, "Damn, looks...like i have dont choice..." she say with a low tone than show her weak state as she touch her throat feeling the light damage. In just a move the wolf take control of her and start to use her, she close her eyes when the red rod start to go inside of her, the creature dont have in mind the pleasure of her mate and just fuck her with all his might, as the minutes passed Susan start to reach her peak and lewd noises escaped of her mouth and with a loud moan she orgasm ed, but the warg continue without stop for a long time more until loads of cum fill the tired body of the swordswoman who fall tired nearly without heard the lasts words of him.

Some hours passed as she recover the necessary strength to walk, instinctively she take her things wondering herself about why they dont stop her, until she remember "breed them, can i really let them live?" she think as she leave the cave equipped with the gold armor.

Some feet's later a through come her mind, "I must find the others or they could find this cave". " Aurumel are you right?, i must alert them to dont come here" without wait she start to shout TESS, BALGIA! RETURN TO THE CAMP IM FINE! she continue doing it until she find the place
Re: Susan (plmnko)

"I am perfectly fine," Aurumel said. "The enchantment that traps part of my spirit within this hunk of glorified metal also prevents it from being broken by anything short of a greater celestial. I should ask if you are okay, however. You did seem to go through quite an ordeal back there."

Fearing that her friends may have tracked her and thus put themselves in as great a danger as herself, Susan backtracked along a long overgrown path away from the cave where she had been roughly mated and bred.

As she moved, she still felt the warmth of the wolf cum inside her, and felt as though she would need a bath to wipe away the sexual fluids and shame of the experience.

It was twilight now, and the moon shone above the trees when she heard some trampling of leaves and twigs up ahead. The unmistakable hat that Balgia "wore" bobbed up and down as she plodded a path through the trees, with Tess coming behind her, dressed in a bloody wolfskin across her chest and loins.

When the two saw her, they called out in joy and ran to her.

"We thought we'd lost the trail. Are you all right? What happened?" they asked.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Then that evil wizard must be very strong Susan think as she heard the words of Aurumel "Im a little tired but i will be fine" said the warrior as she heavy breathed.

Without more strength to shout she walked through the woods as the moon illuminate the woods, trying to heard any noise than indicated the location of her friends. she walked for some minutes feeling the foul warm cum of the warg, she certainly will use the river to try to take out all the fluids but certainly she will need more than that to clear the shame feelings, her wobbly legs makes hard to go on more and she feels than she will need to rest a little proceed , then she heard some some trampling of leaves and twigs up ahead and her hazed vision noticed the hat of Balgia.

Susan waited them with her hands on her little bend legs trying to restore some energy in vain, after heard their questions she talked " They were to many... their lair is close... we need to return to the camp quick" the swordswoman try to walk again but her legs don't respond her and grab the shoulders of the friend to not fall. Maybe she will need their help to walk more.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Her two friends gladly assisted Susan, each one of them taking one of her arms and wrapping it about their shoulders. Balgia seemed just happy to have found her, but Tess was angry at the way Susan had been treated. Susan could tell that Tess likely wanted to go and hunt down the creature who did this to her.

It was about 15 minutes before they found their way to camp. Tess told Balgia to start the fire while the red head guided Susan to the edge of the stream. Together the two of them strode out into the water and then Tess began to splash Susan with water, cleaning her as well as she could.

"I'm sorry," Tess said. "We should have all gone out together. We didn't hear you until it was too late."
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan decided to don't said than she was pregnant, surely Tess will have get so angry and even her could not stooped to do a madness. She resisted to walk all the way thanks to the support of the two girls and then she was guided by Tess to a place were she can wash her.

She decide to maintain the armor as she don't know if another monster could attack them there. " It was not your fault Tess, i was overestimating my strength since we defeated that giant slime. Now i know than we must stay together until we reach your town."Susan decided to said all the true to her friend as she don't know how much time she have before her belly start to grow. "Tess i will said you something important but before i need than you promise me something. Promise me than you will don't go to the lair of the wolves until we have free Aurumel of the armor.

Then if Tess accept she said " I was impregnated by the leader wolf"
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Tess nodded her head, in promise to Susan's request. When Susan told her the full truth, Tess sighed. She bit her lip, but did not say anything in anger. She simply wrapped her arms around Susan and hugged her close.

"We'll get to my home as quickly as we can then. At first light tomorrow, we'll start, okay?"

Tess continued to embrace Susan, pressing her body tightly against the warrior's, standing knee deep in the stream together as the moon shone on them.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

With the time had been together Susan know the meaning of Tess action, she was really pissed off, but at least it was not with her as she hug her. The swordswoman start to caress the back and head of her friend "Yes, dont worry all will be fine, we had passed by worse things in these last days"

They stay there some time trying to forget the problem and only enjoy the moment, then they returned with Balgia and Susan open her backpack trying to look if she have still her rations.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

The three travelers divided some of the remaining rations amongst themselves. Balgia tested the food out thoughtfully, and seemed to find it palatable. She mentioned that Sporens usually didn't have to eat food in the way that humans did, but while she was in this form, she wanted to try it out.

Eventually the three of them curled up together for warmth and spent the night by the fire.

In the morning, Susan noted that her belly had grown slightly larger, but she was not otherwise bothered.

Arumel mentioned that she would probably not fit on Susan once the pregnancy became more pronounced, but that for now, she would still be able to protect her.

The trio traveled from early morning and spent the day and ensuing night unmolested. On the next day of traveling, Susan could feel her belly pressing tight against the armor, but still no enemies were seen, and time seemed to slip by. Finally on the third dawn, Arumel could no longer fit, but by this point they were out on the plains and Tess mentioned that they would soon be at her home - a farm not far from town.

Around mid-day they arrived. The farm was abandoned, and the land seemed to have been unworked for weeks. Tess seemed unhappy, but not as grieved as Susan had expected her to be. Running into the farmhouse, Tess soon returned with a change of clothes for all of them, as well as a bow and quiver of arrows.

"I hid them in a hollowed out part of the wall when I wasn't using my bow," she explained. "Whoever drove my family off the land didn't get them at least."
Re: Susan (plmnko)

The days passed very fast to Susan as it they were some trip vacations with friends of all the life,in the nights they talked about how was the life of the sporens to simple jokes and horror tales, playing some countest games when they collected their food or just watch the starts before going to sleep.

The only thing wrong was her every day more big belly, Susan dont get worried when she heard the words of Aurumel, certainly she will be not able to protect herself in a fight when she have that condition.

As passed the days it was more tired to Susan walk and in the thirt day she had to guard the golden armor in her backpack as she cant fit more. She was a little ashamed after all the days than she was dresed and now she was naked with a big pregnant belly, at least only passed some hours before they reach the abandoned ranch of Tess, the pregnant girl was ready to consolate her friend but she take it better than she expected it, going away and returning with a bow and and some clothes, Susan wished than she can fit inside then and hide a little her big belly. After dress herself she ask "So,what we must do? we can stay in your house until these i return to the normality or go to the city but these things could born in any moment."
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Tess shrugs. "It's my house as far as I'm concerned. You're welcome to stay as long as you like. It's the least I can do for you. I wouldn't be here without you."

Balgia nods. "I'm interested in the city, but it's no use for me to go alone. I'd be helpless without either of you to guide me through human lands."

They looked to Susan and Tess said, "So would you like to stay here for the duration of... you know? Then once you're recovered, we'll continue our search for Aurumel - and I'll look into what happened to my family. We'll have to stop by my town first, before heading to the big city."
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan blushed after heard the words of her friend "Thanks... Tess, i want to stay in your until get rid of this, as i dont want to cause you more problems if they start to born in the road to the town. Also, you have my full support to help you to find your family, certainly we will found information in the town."

then she look to balgia smiling"Im sure than we will enjoy the guide of Tess around the town"

Susan decide to help in the house with what she can do in her situation until the pupies'birth
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Though her belly continues to swell, it takes nearly a week before the event arrives. During that time Tess and Balgia go about scavenging for food and occassionally putting things in the farm right again. No crops are sewn, but a few stray animals are returned to their pens, and a storage of feed in the barn is available to keep them. The three are happy one morning when some hens happen to lay a few eggs overnight and they are able to eat a fresh breakfast.

Susan is especially hungry during that period, and realizes that she is needing to eat for more than herself. Tess and Balgia do what they can, hunting and gathering food for her.

The small mercies are the bedding. It's the first time in the whole game that Susan has been able to rest on a real bed. During the first night in the barn, Tess chose to lie with Susan in the largest bed while Balgia rested in a comfy chair, finding human beds unaccommodating to her "hat." Tess simply embraced and slept with Susan, doing what she could to ease her comfort.

Finally the morning of her labor came, and Susan alerted Tess. Not wanting to make a mess in the house, Tess led Susan to the barn, where she had cleared out a corner for this occasion. The silver haired girl was lain on her back, leaning against a pile of hay, and she began to push.

The birthing was not as painful as she expected, and again, she believed the game's altered pain/fatigue mechanic had something to do with that.

In all, Susan gave birth to six pups. Three boys and three girls. Two boys and one girl were completely jet black, like their father, while another boy and one of the girls were mostly black, with a patch of silver marking their brows. Finally, the last pup to clamber out of her was a girl, and completely silver. The puppies were all yelping and searching for a warm body to snuggle against, and soon they were all either wedging themselves against Tess or Susan, trying to get warm or perhaps searching for some milk, as one of the darker males boldly lapped its tongue against Susan's swelled breast in an attempt to mouth it.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

The time passed and Susan start to wonder why these creatures take to much time to born compared with the others of the cave, could be some kind of magic inside it or is just than the creatures are mammal. Also what will she do with them?if she breed them they will return to the lair with the others wolf and they will eat or caught girls to the leader and they will turn in fearsome foes.

At least she enjoyed the time than she lived in the farm, even when she started to feel like she was using her friends, she at least can do little house labors. Then the day come and Tess take her to the barn to give birth, she was expecting pain, but instead when all end she was really tired. She try to move but she was tired to do something than dont was noted than they were a color combination of both parents, who caused repulsion against all except for the silver puppy.Tired she saidTess what should i do with them.?..they are innocents and can think, but they are...wolves. She fall sleep maybe then she can decide what to do with them.
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Re: Susan (plmnko)

Tess shrugged helplessly - she seemed torn as well, knowing how these pups had come to be, yet at the same time unable to bring herself to condemn them. The two silver patched pups moved to her and licked her hands, and instinctively Tess lay down and let them come to her bosom. The pups wagged their little tails and suckled at the red head's tits, producing a small giggle from Tess.

"They don't even have their teeth yet. They're harmless right now," she said.

Nearby, the three black ones began to tumble about each other, playfully mouthing at one another. Balgia stepped in and poked at them curiously, and they yipped and wagged their tails.

The silver pup crawled on top of her mother's rapidly depressing belly and curled up sleepily between her mother's breasts, yawning softly and then falling asleep, her little heart beating closely to Susan's own.

As she loses consciousness after the odd ordeal is over, a game message pops up:

You've been playing for some time now, would you like to Save and Quit?
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan smiled forgeting her doubts for that moment as she saw how they were acting with Tess and Balgia, like little real puppies. The unique thing than amazed her was the the silver one, like if this had a better connection with her, she was the only one than stay with her even forget to ate to rest together with her mother.

Then a screen appeared again breaking the moment "Awww, ok i need time to decide the name of the silver one." She accepted and prepare herself to go out the game.