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Suspicious Infiltration (Neil)

Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Sahara growled again, "You know something? This is why you're so easy to rape! Look at you! No matter what I do with you, you're fine with it!" she says as she swings him about in her tail like a toy. And after a moment, she seems to smile, even beginning to giggle as she tosses him about, having fun playing with his body in her coils.

She ended up having so much fun, that she took him outside, and actually began throwing him up into the air very, very high, and before he was about to meet a painful death by smashing into the ground, she'd catch him in her tail, before throwing him up again, showing her sadistic side to him. And on her final throw, she caught him again, wrapping her coils around him as she brought him down to her human portion of her body, and wrapped her arms around him, holding him in a hug.

"I love you so much, I could just squeeze you to death!" she told him, emphasizing that by squeezing him in a hug, both with her arms, and with her coils literally squeezing the breath out of him.
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Neil blushes some. "I grew up practically serving women, worshiping the ground they walked on. Or facing death otherwise. If a pretty girl says something, my initial instinct is to oblige." he sighs, remaining in her coils as she took him outside, happy that she didn't seem angry anymore. As she began to 'juggle' him however, he was suddenly less so, nyaing as he was tossed up and down like a rag doll, and getting rather dizzy! When she finally stopped and cuddled him against her, he blushed again, returning her hug as he gasped from the tight embrace.
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

After giving Neil a tight, breath-taking hug, Sahara pulled away to look at him in the eyes, letting her coils ease up a bit so he could breathe. "No more getting raped!" she scolded him, "If you let another monster have you, then I will eat you!" she said while pointing a finger at his face. And whether or not she would actually make true to her threat, was uncertain, given how angry she was earlier, and how quick she was to forgive him, simply by using him as a rag doll...
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Neil catches his breath rather quickly, nodding at Sahara. "hard to argue with that... Very well, from now on, you and Agita are the only women I'll let have me." he says sternly, though he hopes he can back up his words if and when he needed to. "Speaking of our feathery friend, where is she?"
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Sahara put a finger to her lips, "That's a good question. I haven't seen her since we split up..."

And as if to answer her question, they both suddenly heard the flapping of wings. And when they turned to look, both Neil and Sahara saw Agita, and another harpy of tan skin, just like her flying up into the air, and leaving the town.

"That was Agita..." Sahara said idly, "I'm not quite sure why she's leaving... But at least we know she's alright... Not getting raped by spider whores," she said with poison on her tongue, directing an evil glare at Neil.
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Neil nods, face flushing with embarrassment. "That's true... But for her to be leaving without telling us? Something serious might be happening... Do you think we should follow her?" He asks Sahara.
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Sahara looked to Neil out of the corner of her eye, staring at him for a moment before she finally spoke, "... You wouldn't happen to plan on growing some wings, would you? I don't think we'd be able to keep up with her."

Sahara sighed, folding her arms in distraught, "Everything seems to be going bad... And the part that aggravates me the most is that I don't know why!" she huffed angrily, before turning to look at Neil with a considering look, "With this town gone... I can only think to go back to my old village... Hopefully they're alright. I doubt a bunch of demons would tangle with a village full of lamia."
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Neil just listens as Sahara talks, trying not to talk as much as possible for now, since anything he said was either stupid or would make her angry it seemed. "That sounds like a good idea." He nods in agreement, then thinks a bit. He would ask if her village would let him, in, but realizes that she likely wouldn't have suggested it if that wasn't the case. "So, which way?"
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Sahara made a motion with her hand for Neil to follow, before slithering towards the mountains seen in the distance, "I'm not exactly sure where it is, it's been a while since I left, but I do know that it's somewhere in the mountains. If we just follow the path around the mountain, turning back if we've gone too far down the wrong path, we should find it..." she said with uncertainty.

After walking with Sahara for a while passing through the forest, going up the mountain trail, and going up the dreadful constant up and down slopes of the mountains, with bare feet no less, Neil found his lower body getting ready to call it quits. And after a time (along with many trips backwards due to Sahara's lack of memory), Sahara noticed Neil lagging behind.

"What's wrong?" she said in a raised voice so he could hear her, mostly due to the powerful wind causing a lot of white noise.
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Neil made sure to keep quiet while following Sahara's 'directions'. She did give him fair warning that she didn't know exactly where she was going, but hours of back and forward traveling like this made the catboy wonder if they would even get there by nightfall. His feet were aching. Not because of the amount of walking. He was used to that sort of thing. But the harsh, rock-sewn ground was really doing a number of his naked feet. When the lamia noticed he was lagging behind, he just chuckled a bit. "Not all of us have scales to protect our lower bodies from rocks, Sahara..." He says, loud enough for her to here, but in a tone that suggested that he wasn't complaining so much as explaining.
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

A small grin appeared on her face as she brought up her hand to try and hide it, "Well, perhaps you should have brought your shoes?" she mused. And as Neil drew nearer, she slithered up closer to him, before presenting her back to him, "Come on, I'll give you a lift. Put your arms around my shoulders... Or anywhere else you'd like." she chuckled, "Just make sure you hang on."
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Neil grubles slightly, but the winds covered it enough so Sahara wouldn't hear he thought. he would nod at her invitation, mounting the back of her body. He was tempted to put his hands on her breasts for support, as she had innuendoed, but decided against it, not wanting to distract her in this weather and draping his arms over her shoulders. "Thank you..."
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Sahara chuckled as Neil carefully got on her back, making sure he did not step on her. "It's alright... I kinda messed up, not knowing the way too well and all..." she explained herself. And after several more minutes of a free ride, riding on the back of the handsome lamia, both Neil and Sahara soon found themselves, after taking a path they did not search, saw large tents coming into view. "Ah~ Finally!" Sahara called out with glee, "We're here!"

Her slithering picked up speed, getting to the town parameter quickly. And as she got closer, Neil found that it was as Sahara exactly explained it, a village full of lamia, just like her. But, unlike Sahara, they wore outfits more fitting to the hot mountains, loose cloth, and some even wore straw hats on their heads to help shield them from the sun.

And at Sahara's arrival, a pair of lamia's approached her, with Neil still on her back, quickly remedied when she let him down to his feet, which felt slightly better after a short time of recovery. "Sahara!" one of the lamia's called out in greeting, "It's good to see you again... But, what brings you back? I thought you left for that human town to look for a husband ages ago!" she wondered. And the next thing, she began looking at Neil with an interested eye.

Sahara saw the eye, chuckling a little while holding Neil to her side, the end of her tail going around his leg, "Yes, this is the one. Although I didn't just come back for a wedding..."
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Upon arriving at the village, Neil looked around very curiously. It looked a bit less developed than the last town that he'd been to, which made him especially curious. Wondering is each race on the island had it's own unique way of living. He'd get off of Sahara's back just as gingerly as he'd gotten on, giving a bit of a stretch. He looked between the two that approached him and Sahara as they'd entered, blushing slightly, but doing his best to hide it. As Sahara... Introduces him, his blush darkens, and he nods. "Yup! I was smitten with her from the moment I saw her..." He admits, even giving a small purr as he was pulled against her side, ankle clasped by her coils. Then he looks up at her, smiling. "So, when are you gunna show me around?~"
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Although Sahara didn't respond verbally to Neil's confirmation of their shared interest, she did smile a little more brightly at his infatuated announcement.

One of the lamias that greeted them nodded at Sahara, "Is that so? Well, I'm sure the whole town will want to welcome you back. So why don't you both relax a little, before telling everyone the news you've brought?" she suggested.

Sahara giggled holding Neil closer to her as he seemed eager to see more of the village. "That would be nice. Though I'd like to tell everyone today. And I warn you, it's not good news either. The best time would be during dinner, during the cooler part of the day, when everyone's more relaxed."

Both of the other lamia's frowned, "Alright..." the introductory lamia nodded, not seeming to like Sahara's mention of bad news, before pointing back at the village, "Your hut still stands on the far side of the village. It's been collecting dust while it waited for your return. I'll tell the chief you're here while you and your husband get settled." she announced, before turning around, and slithering towards the town.

Picking up Neil's arm, Sahara motioned to the catboy a wordless command to follow at her side, "We can save the bad news for later. Until then, it would be nice for you to get to know everyone, don't you think?"
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Neil listens to the conversation rather wordlessly from that point on, looking back and forth between the snake women as they chatted, tail waving about idly behind him. As they made their leave, he gave a look to the ones who had greeted them, along with a smile. "Nice meeting you!" He says cheerfully before following Sahara's gesture and walking along side her towards her hut. He would actually be able to keep up this time, the catboy feeling rejuvenated from riding on her back before, not to mention the traveling in the village was a lot less treacherous than getting to it. "As long as getting to know them doesn't lead to something that gets you mad at me again, I'm all for it." He chuckles, blushing a bit as the memory of the last time he 'got to know someone' flooded back to his mind, making him blush in embarrassment.
Re: Living With Lamia (Neil)

Sahara blushed a little as she seemed to recall exactly what Neil was thinking of, "Well, perhaps we'd better get you something to cover your little thing with?" she giggled, "That might help. And some shoes for your feet," she added, "I'm sure I can get someone to twist some straw together for you."

Walking into the clearing, where a good amount of land on the mountainside was carved out to form land flat enough to construct upon, Neil and Sahara would come upon the view of the lamia town. Passing a gate and archway made of white stone that bordered along their town, with letters written along the stretch of the arch that Neil wasn't familiar with, Neil would notice various white 'domes' made from the same rock as the gateway, which he would soon discover that the constructed domes were actually houses for the lamia inhabitants to use as makeshift caves. Neatly cut holes were in each house, many accompanied by what could only be described as a 'cork,' made of similar white stone, with the apparent purpose of completely sealing the house from the outside environment.

As Neil might guess, depending on how much he knew of cold blooded creatures, the reason for the doors was to keep the heat that the house would collect during the day, inside the house during the night, when it would get much colder. And with little way to regulate their own body temperatures, the lamia in the village took every measure they could to preserve heat during the night. Although, those who had mates at their side, as Neil would be able to note a few, even from the gates, were not as worried about the night's chill, when they could cuddle with a nice, warm human. Or in Sahara's case, a warm, fluffy catboy.

Chapter 2: Living With Lamia

Passing through the town, Neil would catch glances by plenty of the townsfolk, mostly the women, while the few men that saw his nudity paid little heed. And as he and Sahara were passing a fellow, dirty blond lamia, the snake girl smiled at Neil as she looked at his exposed crotch, deciding to make fun of the exposed feline, "There are a lot of drafts up here, little kitty." she giggled.

After the woman passed, Sahara put an arm around his hip, trying to provide comfort, "I like you better without clothes. Removing them while wrapped around someone is such a hassle." she announced to him.
Re: Living With Lamia (Neil)

Neil nods at Sahara, the catboy looking around at the strange houses. He'd viewed and interacted with cold blooded animals before, but never sentient ones capable of making shelters like these before. After a bit of studying, their function would become rather clear to him, if at least vaguely, a small smirk coming to his lips as he saw some of the other lamia with their mates.

He'd made it a point to tuck his tail between his legs, wrapping the furry appendage around his crotch to keep it from exposure, and mostly from view if possible. But as he heard one of them remark on it, he blushes a bit, staying even closer to Sahara. As she comforts him though, he smiles up at her. "I suppose I could do with a loincloth or something... Something easy to pull off when the time is right. But shoes would be welcome, yes. Mountains can be quite unforgiving on unprotected feet." He sighs, looking around to try and take note on how all of the other non-lamia were garbed, and how their mates seemed to be treating them.
Re: Living With Lamia (Neil)

Looking at the various humans that existed in the camp, Neil's inspections as he walked through the village revealed that not all the humans were men, although most were. Some of the non-lamia wore garbs that Neil himself planned to wear, along with simple, gray cotton shirts and pants. None of the clothing anyone wore was anywhere near complicated in nature. And an even closer look would reveal that some of the humans, didn't even appear one-hundred percent human. Some had what appeared to be scales on certain parts of their bodies, and nearly all of the 'different' humans possessed the same snake-like eyes that normal Lamia sported.

Sahara made sure to walk in a way that mostly blocked the sight of Neil, using her own body to do so, until she came to a hut with a sign on it. More complicated letters were written on it, but the simple design of a basic cotton shirt made it clear what the rest of the letters likely read. A place where one might obtain something to wear.

Walking inside, or in Sahara's case, slithering, a lone lamia rested within her circular coils, which settled under a hole in the ceiling. Her whole body basked under the rays of sunlight that came forth from the sun, and just like any other member of the snake family, enjoyed the sun's heat warming her flesh and blood.

"I smell a hermit..." said the lamia resting in her coils, her features mostly hidden behind her snaky coils. She rose from her soft 'bed,' revealing long, brown hair, only a little darker than Sahara's brown length, and instead of Sahara's blue eyes, this lamia possessed bright yellow eyes, seeming a little closer in genetic structure to an actual lamia, in comparison to Sahara, who could pose as a human, should her lower half be hidden from view. She was naked, just as the two that entered her home were. And didn't seem to have any shame in it, similar to Sahara.

"Is that the first thing you say to me after so long?" Sahara asked her.

The other lamia giggled, putting a hand to her chin as her eyes switch to the cat boy, "You're right... Should I be congratulating you? If this man is your mate... I'd say you're awfully lucky to have captured such a healthy looking feline. Those adorable ears and tails always look so delicious."
Re: Living With Lamia (Neil)

Neil follows Sahara rather quietly, seeming to be taking in his new surroundings. His curiosity does pique as he sees the 'humans' with scales on them, the catboy turning to Sahara. "Erm... Will that happen to me eventually?" He asks nervously, imagining that the feeling of having both fur and scales might not be too comfortable.

As they arrive at the house, Neil can't help but blush slightly as he spots the sunbathing lamia, chuckling a bit to himself. "That looks really comfy... We should try it together sometime.~" He smiles at Sahara, keeping his blush to a bare minimum as the naked serpent woman greets them both. After listening to her a bit, he shakes his head.

"Hey, no one captured anyone here... I'm with Sahara because I'm in love with her, not because she won't let me leave or anything..." He smiles happily, whether or not there was truth to the second of his points there. Then he turns back to Sahara. "Are... catboys like me really so... valued around here?" He asks softly, unable to keep from blushing at this point.