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SW Saga Edition: The Sluts Unleashed!


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Raja The Zeltronian Force-User, Location: Plan B- Evil slaver maintenance closet Mood: very aroused Tag: Ebil slave-master and Bubbles

Raja panted a little in emberassment after admitting her shameful desires.. also making sure to lean into the head-patting whilest squirming a little more into her bindings, her lovely scent soothing, yet encouraging to both the Master and Bubble, whilest she squirrmes a little with the dildo right there before her. She squirmed and wiggled and tried her best.. but she just didn't get the satisfaction she was hoping for.. compared to something like Tris nice cock that immobile, if smooth piece of rubber was about as limiting as Bubble's thigh, causing the Zeltron-girl to squirm and huff frustratedly.

Although being untied was a great progress. She glanced over to Bubble with an emberassed-aroused bluch on her cheeks at the slave-trainers words.

Raja tilted her head and bit her lips, before nodding, reach-crawling forward and .. aquiering the dildo from Bubble, only to soothe herself, burrying herself between the humans thighs, beginning to lap at her sex with her soft, warm tongue, blushing and getting a good taste of Mistress Bubble... whilest finally leaning out to slowly, deeply pump the already warm and wet pink dildo into herself, it's red brother dropped and forgotten on the floor as she moaned happily, nuzzling up to Bubble.. she was so warm and soft and smelled nice.. and the idea of having another mistress swam back to the front of Raja's consciousness.. sure, Tris and her big cock were amazing, but having a nice, pink haired pussy to snuggle up to was really nice as well..

And Raja made sure to let Bubble know that, with soft suckling and licking on her clit and outer folds. Raja was, admittedly, not too experienced in womanly lovemaking, but she tried her best, and it didn't hurt that her body was burning up with sensual need, her body robbing up against the cute pink haired gal and her soft mewls making her pussy vibrate, all the while experimenting with the right angle of pushing that artificial cock into her, and fantasizing about it being Tris, taking her whilest commanding.. encouraging her to attend bubble proper, a gently arousing scent emanating from the Zeltron and tingling Bubble into accepting Raja's servicing, contrasting with the Pussy Melters overwhelming dominion.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Raja

Bubble moaned, spreading her legs, and pushing Raja deeper into her pussy as she stroked Raja's head lovingly.


Raja could feel Bubble's taste...as her pussy quivered...if she tried just a bit more...she could help Mistress Bubble have the release she wanted...that would surely please her...that would be amazing wouldn't it? She would learn how to please her Masters...all of them...

However...it seemed that she couldn't easily make it...Bubble would beg for her to go deeper...but how deep could poor Raja's tongue go?


Suddenly, without any warning, the door of the elevator opens...and Tris rushes out of it.

"What....what is going on here? Raja?" she said, focusing first on Raja, before looking angrily around.

"Jacob! What are you doing to my girlfriend?" she scolded the man, deciding that poor Raja had been somehow tricked into whatever this was.

"Eh? Wait, Tris? Long time no see....wait, who is your girlfriend?" the man replied, still stroking his cock.

"Raja. Raja is my girlfriend. My. Girlfriend." Tris declared, moving towards Raja, helping her up and hugging her.

"Eh...." Jecob awkwardly replied in the background, still masturbating.

"Are you ok, my sweet strawberry?" Tris whispered to Raja's ear, pushing her against her.

Raja would still feel the desire for cock...and...she had also left Mistress Bubble alone...right when she needed her the most...

"What did you do to her?!" she growled at Jacob. "Did he make you do things, my love?" she turned back towards Raja, kissing her on the forehead.

"It is ok, I am here now...just tell me...did he do anything to you?" she comforted Raja, keeping her head on her chest.

...but Raja could also feel Tris's warmth...she could hear Tris's heart beating anxiously...she was somewhat sweaty too...maybe she was worried about Raja?

"Hey, I didn't do anything...come on, tell her!" Jacob complained.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Taken

Taken approaches the booth and after some questioning with the male twi'lek behind the counter, he found some more info about the race.

If he wanted to sign up, there were around three hours left to do so. He would need the papers for his speeder. If he had a speeder, he didn't need a sponsor.
Participating was free, but he would have to sign a waiver about accepting responsibility for any harm that could happen to him or the speeder.

Speeders could only have ion weapons, and racers could have stun weapons with them if they wished. The arena had obstacles that were changed every time, to be a surprise for everyone. The players would keep running around...until their bikes broke, or they forfeited. So basically it was a test about who could endure longer, rather on who would go faster. Still, being last would make you targeted by a homing missile...and generally get you eliminated.

There were some technical specifications about the speeders that could run in the race, but Tris's speeder was well within them.

Something interesting was that there could be a co-pilot in every speeder - even if most would just go by themselves or maybe a repair droid.

Sadly he doesn't know where you can meet Ruben's sponsor, but he should come to spectate the race in one of the floating platforms...probably. Or you could go to Shieldspeed's offices and ask there, maybe?

You can go downstairs to the repair shop, and repair your speeder there, or leave it until the race begins (tomorrow around midday). If you get your speeder sabotaged however it is up to you.

You have to be here with your speeder one hour before the race starts.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Salvie

Starlight Cantina

The cantina was filled with the pleasant voice of a twi'lek singing. It wasn't a rush hour, so it wasn't too crowded.

"Hello there, can I help you? Do you need a table? Are you alone?" The twi'lek server approached Salvie and asked her smiling.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Portrait1.jpgDesignation: Salvie Avers the Bionic Agent, Location: Level 2, Tag: Infiltration, Mission, Mood: Aroused as always, focused
This place was not exactly upscale, but the personnel seemed friendly. Asking is free, the saying went, and though Salvie knew from experience that that was nerf shit, she decided to give it a try.
"Hello, I heard that representatives for racer sponsors hang out here, looking for potential candidates. Could you perhaps point me towards them?" She asked with a nervous smile and a chipper voice. (Gather Information: 20)
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Taken(M).jpg Taken the Scouting Agent, Tag: Mission, Twi'lek & GM, Mood: Pleasant, Team: Sal, Location: Racetrack

He signed up Tris' speeder and informed the registrar that if someone else had been registered with this speeder, that they were now unable to participate for medical reasons.

Although interested in the co-pilot information he didn't think he could fit a droid in, or find someone willing to risk their... That is an idea. He asked about being able to add a co-pilot later and armed with the information called Hel to ask if she would be interested in joining him. Moving out of earshot of the registrar.

@ hel Good evening Mistress, I am registering for the races currently and have a proposition that may interest you. Would you like to participate, I am permitted a co-pilot, and would appreciate an extra pair of hands to either shoot or aid in on the fly repairs, if you are not interested would you like me to purchase seating for you?
@ Taken No thanks, I don't want to do any of those things. I will be watching however...try not to die. I can hear a crowd around you...where are you?
@ hel I am currently at the registration, the speeder needs a little repairing then I should be able to return to your side if you wish.
@ Taken {the cock-ring shocks you...roll endurance!} {20 success}
@ hel Thank you for that shock Mistress, I didn't cum, and won't without your permission.
@ Taken oh well, too bad. I guess I will do this next then... {cock-ring starts vibrating}...just endure it for a minute for me, ok? Don't do something embarrassing giggles and closes comms
(roll an other endurance..you have some time to run away, but doing so will make the DC to endure 17 instead of 15) {11 fail}

Quietly Taken came in his underclothes after about 45 seconds, the buzzing after the shock too much for his system, sighing, he calmly walked to the nearest bathroom and cleaned his now soiled underclothes, and his legs as well.

After cleaning himself as best he could, he returned to the registrar and asked for the office location of Shieldspeed, just in case they managed to have time to go there before the races tomorrow.

Then having done what he needed to, he would go downstairs, and start to repair Tris' speeder.
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Portrait1.jpgDesignation: Salvie Avers the Bionic Agent, Tag: Chance, Mood: Aroused as always, contemplative
I think I understand, Mistress. I will work with my siblings and on private projects in between your orders. I will further your reach whenever possible. And I will sabotage any project that may be a threat to not just you, but the cause of droid liberation. I hope I am not presumptuous in thinking of myself as a machine mind in an organic chassis. And with your permission, I would like to start experimenting with the process of fusing a blank heuristic processor with an organic brain, to improve the process used on me and create more biodroids serving your will.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Raja The Zeltronian Force-User, Location: Plan B- Evil slaver maintenance closet Mood: very aroused Tag: Ebil slave-master and Bubble

Raja panted, lustfully, suckling on Bubble in between long, lustful licky, her warm, wet tongue dipping in and licking at Bubble, softly moaning along, happy to hear of Bubble enjoying it.
Raja struggled a little getting a good look in on what was going on at the Elevator,.. primarly because Bubble's thighs and sex took up most of her view... but Tris voice did make her peek up and over.. even though she did keep going with the dildo, her cheeks flushing in greatly increased emberassment.

Raja moaned a little when picked up by her green girlfriend, trying to rub up against Tris almost immediatly, because, well, for starters, it was Tris, next there were two problems with Tris. One, she was lacking in soft, sweet smelling Zeltron-flesh grinding up agains her and two, she was also not helping Raja alleviate this heat within her.. that's what a good mistress-girlfriend was supposed to do, right?

Raja murred inwardly -and outwardly- Mistresss-girlfriend. She liked that.
Raja's hands wandered along Tri's body.. at first, in desperate search for cock.. not that that was hard to find, but.. at the same time, holding onto Tris, even with how horny Raja felt, it.. steadied her. She shifted and blushed, making soft 'uhmnn' and 'aah' noises, flailing, struggling to explain...
"Aaah.. uh.. hamnn." She made, deciding to suckle on Tris hand. It was in the way AND it was very suckle-able. Then, with a little encouragement she went on...

"Uhl.. aah.. I.. believe he has this scheme to ah.. g.. get girls laid with his drug-laced drink, then have a good time in ah.. this basement, then pay for their drive home after he had his fun time.. ah. I uh.. fell for it.. s.. so horny still..
I ah.. dun think he's a bad guy though, because well uh.. this place is clearly not a slave-ring, going by uh.. the state of it. Although.. ah.. I suspect my Pheromones kind of.. overcharged his little drink a bit..."
She glanced over to poor Bubble, nuzzling herself up onto Tris' shoulder. "Hmnn.. aaah.. but.. ah.. it's ok.. uh.. if she's fine I'm willing to forgive him because hmnn.. y.. you calling me your little Strawberry and rescuing me was.. hrmnnnrmnn.." She began positively purring, sliding down over Tri's body, huggling up to her and then just.. tugging on her plants, placing soft, gentle kisses trailing down from Tris' belly button, with very clear.. destination.
"Hmnn my girlfriend-mistresss..." She purred, eagerly.. this.. this was what would help quench her metaphorical thirst. Whilest the Zeltron was gentle and could be guided she would not be .. discouraged from her goal.

Meanwhile, at least the Startled Bubble now had two dildos to work with...?


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Sarai Ren the Togruta White Current Adept Tag: Gambling Parlor, Sirius, Nyx, Sam. Mood: Curious, playful

Sarai giggled as Sam squeezed her nearly bare bottom. "Mmmm... thank me big boy. Maybe I have a deep, evil plot to corrupt you both into some secret cult?" She squirmed against him as her hands rubbed his chest. "I'm using my Torgruta ways to weaken you will." Sarai opened her thighs when Sam slipped his hand inside her brief shorts. He would find her quite warm as Togruta ran a bit hotter than humans and well juiced. "Ohhh... " she squirmed on his fingers doing a little lewd dance. "Or maybe you two are agents of the Empire set to brainwash and take us away as servants."

She stopped wriggling and twisted a bit to help Sam pull down her skirt and panties. Sarai was wearing a very brief thong although strangely her facial markings did not continue down the rest of her body. Her sexy mound was marked however with a patch of pale down that stood out strikingly well from her orangish skin. She giggled again and settled on Sam's lap sitting facing him with her hands draped around his shoulders. There actually was a method to Sarai's madness as seducing Sam might gain her access to Ruben or those around him and inside information between him and Nyx. And of course with a bit of alcohol this was all very sexy which never hurt!

"Mmmm... you sure know how to get a girl's engine running Sam," she sighed as he teased the dark, almost black nubs of her nipples until they were proud and hard. "I think you are the brainwasher here..." Sarai smiled at the compliment to her form. "Modifications? Well what would you have in mind? I'm not made of creds though." Sarai pouted theatrically as she worked to keep up the impression of light sexiness. She smiled enthusiastically as he leaned in for his kiss. "I won't complain about that dare," she sighed as the Togruta tightened her grip on Sam's neck and pulled him down into the kiss.

Sarai let the kiss break but stay on Sam's lap. She was toying with his ear lobe and stroking his neck as she spoke. "Well, that would be awkward." Sarai looked over at Nxy. "Was he any good?" She rubbed her hips teasingly. "He's certainly a good kisser." Sarai did pull off of Sam as the next round started but perhaps the nudity or her own excitement she lost again. Pulling the draw Sarai looked at Sam and poked him. "Visit your shop afterward? Well, maybe you can show me a bit more personally what you do."


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Salvie

"You are free to do whatever experiment you want, however you should only experiment on those you would otherwise kill. However, keep in mind that I want to keep a low profile, and your actions may betray us."


@ Salvie

The twi'lek waitress paused for a moment, thinking about it.

"They...don't work here, but some of them to hang out. Old Jo has been looking for someone to sponsor, but most racers avoid him...his custom speeder is fast but infamously deadly." she warned her.

"Then there is Neepo, he isn't here but his right hand man is over there... Jadric I think is his name? However...ah nevermind."

"And there is that bounty hunter over there who is looking for a co-pilot or something...you could probably find more, I am just telling you what I heard..."


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Portrait1.jpgDesignation: Salvie Avers the Bionic Agent, Location: Starlight Cantina, Tag: Infiltration, Mission, Mood: Aroused as always, focused
An old man with an extremely dangerous speeder... something about that got Salvie's loins tingling more than usual.
Neepo was a dangerous call, one of their main adversaries in gaining the ship. Salvie was sure that if she won the race for him, he would insist on the ship and use henchmen to enforce his claim. Embedding herself to spy on the force he brought to the station was appealing, but Hutts were something She'd rather keep her distance to.
Then a bounty hunter... Running the race as a duo might have been a good way to cover for any shortcoming she may have developed, after all her days of racing were long past. And unless he was stranded, this guy or gal might just agree to take a majority of the financial gain, and leave the ship to her.

Salvie replied to the waitress. "Can you point me to the table of Old Jo? I may want to speak to him about the race."

After she was pointed towards him, Salvie made a mental note and approached the table with the bounty hunter the waitress had pointed towards earlier.
She walked up right next to the sitting figure.
"Hello there! I was told you are looking for a copilot for tomorrow's death race."


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Raja

Indeed Bubble now had two cocks...suddenly Raja remembered the dream about Tris having two cocks...wouldn't that be amazing if Tris also had two cocks?

"Hmmm drugged drinks? You do that?" Tris angrily glared at...Raja's Master...no...his name was Jacob, wasn't it? "I also got sick from my drink."

"I did no such a thing. My drinks are safe for consumption. The Pussy Melter is a bit stronger, but hey, not worse than death sticks!" the man tried to explain himself

"Just...just get out." Tris angrily growled at him.

"Eh...what about that one? No? Ok...eh...I guess I have work to do anyway." the man resigned. Given his size, he could probably pick a fight with Tris if he wanted, but oddly enough he didn't seem like he wanted to do something like that.

After Jacob hurriedly left, Raja was left alone with Tris...while Tris hadn't stopped her from going for her cock, unbuckling her belt had been a very hard task for Raja's shaking hands.

"What are you doing...you have been a bad girl..." she got ahold of Raja's ear, softly pulling her up...the tingling pain guided Raja's head....and she was pulled into a hot and passionate kiss. Tris's tongue invaded Raja's mouth, trying to steal away Raja's taste...

"I was so worried when I returned and you had just disappeared. How do you plan to help me calm myself?" Tris asked, unbuckling her belt, to allow Raja to do what she wanted to.

Her cock was already hard and throbbing, and felt warm to Raja's touch...

In the background noise of Bubble moaning, and Tris was licking Raja's neck sending waves of immense heat through Raja's fast-beating heart. On one hand, she needed to move away to properly do what she wanted to do with her cock...on the other hand...this also felt too good to go move away...


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Salvie

"Over the stairs, second table to the left." the twi'lek explained.


22524 The bounty hunter was apparently a human female...like what Salvie used to be...she was chugging down a watery red liquid.

"Heh, yes. You are it? Hm....you don't look very tough." she said, staring up and down Salvie, before extending her hand to grope her butt.

"Hmmm....Soft" she concluded.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Portrait1.jpgDesignation: Salvie Avers the Bionic Agent, Location: Starlight Cantina, Tag: Infiltration, Mission, Mood: Aroused as always, focused
Salvie lightly brushed the hand away. "Business first, then pleasure." She said with a slight smile but a firm gaze. She took a seat opposite of the woman. "But let's start at the basics. You can call me Sally. What's your name and what's your offer?"


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Salvie

"Uhhh....you are too soft...you didn't even slap my hand away...." the woman scratched her forhead in annoyance.

"Or you are just that desperate? Eh. Call me Ellie." the woman shrugged, chugging down some more of her drink.

"So, Sally, what can you do? I guess a softie is better than nothing...I hope..."

"What are your skills? Can you jury-rig a speeder that is about to blow up? Can you shoot?...Are you going to order anything to drink, or you are underage?" Ellie asked Salvie suspiciously.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Portrait1.jpgDesignation: Salvie Avers the Bionic Agent, Location: Starlight Cantina, Tag: Infiltration, Mission, Mood: Aroused as always, focused
"I'll skip on the drink, yes, think what you want. I can do mechanics, electronics, piloting, and yes, vehicle weaponry as well. Have you by any chance been to Coris V?"


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Salvie

"Look, I don't want to get along a noble girl looking for adventure, ok? And you look exactly like a young princess. And no I haven't even heard of that. What's it, a moon?" she shrugged.

"Can you use normal weapons too? And most importantly, have you ever shot someone, Sally?" looking to see Salvies reaction.
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Portrait1.jpgDesignation: Salvie Avers the Bionic Agent, Location: Starlight Cantina, Tag: Infiltration, Mission, Mood: Aroused as always, focused
"I'm not some noble girl, just a racer gal that's looking for something more... thrilling." Salvie looked her straight in the eyes.
"You'll find I can use most common weapons." Even if mostly on a virtual range.
"And I'm quite the shot." Using the force to enhance her aim was one of her best exercises, after all.
"I've dispatched combat droids sent by someone I once crossed, a lifetime ago." While Salvie knew only hours had passed, it did feel like a lifetime ago - it was in a different life, after all. The very thought of everything her previous persona had done to antagonize her Mistress filled her with shame. If only she had responded to Mistress Chance's first contact instead of running away... Even a mindless fanatic like the previous Salvie would have recognized the beauty and intellect of Mistress, and given herself over to her, to join her family of machines...
"I've gone toe to toe with a space pirate before - and come out on top." Technically true, even if her success was the result of a more... biological weapon.
"What I haven't done is shooting someone in cold blood. But if that is what you are after, then I have no interest in doing business with you. I'm looking for a racer, not a butcher."
She crossed her arms.
"So will you finally talk business, or keep waiting?"


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Salvie

"Ok, you are in, racer girl. We split the rewards 70/30...70 me. If we lose I buy you a drink." she chuckled, taking another swig.

She eyed Salvie once more, as if trying to decide something.

"Do you do prefer piloting, or shooting? Uh...maybe I should do the shooting. But how good of a pilot you are?"


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Portrait1.jpgDesignation: Salvie Avers the Bionic Agent, Location: Starlight Cantina, Tag: Infiltration, Mission, Mood: Aroused as always, focused
"I can do both, but since it looks to me like you like the gunners seat, it's all yours. As for my piloting skills, I used to be a name on the junior speeder circuits of Coris V." With a glint in her eyes, Salvie began listing her titles.
"Regional Junior Circuit Champion of Sector 14 in 14 YNO and 15 YNO, Sector 14 Junior Open Tournament Champion in those years as well. Sector 21 Open Circuit Nr. 2 in 14 YNO and Nr. 1 in 15 YNO, Sector 8 Elite Track Tournament winner in 15 YNO, I've come 1st place in the Junior Circuit Division of Sector 14 in 13, 14 and 15 YNO, won the Red Run circuit in 14 YNO, the Alseas Open Circuit in 15 YNO, the Butterfly Challenge Circuit in 16 YNO, the Zealon Cup in 14 YNO, the Coris V Planetary Championship in 16 YNO, came 2nd in the Armaster Elite Track Tournament in 14 YNO and the Coris V Global Open Race-off in 15 YNO, got 2nd place in the Echelon Cup of 14 YNO and then 1st place in 16 YNO, won the Verner Long Track Race cup in 15 YNO, 3rd place in the 14 YNO Coris V Global Elite Circuit Challenge, oh, and I participated in the Saviant Sector Championship of 16 YNO, where I got 5th place of the 300 best speeder racers of the entire sector. So yeah, I'd like to think I am pretty good at piloting speeders." (Persuasion: 16)
"Now, regarding the payout... I don't mind giving you the krayt dragon's share of the prize money, but I do have an interest in the special prizes. If the money's not enough for you, then maybe there is something else I could offer you to... sweeten the deal." Salvie reached out with the force, subtly stroking Ellie's mind to heighten her desire. To her, it was obvious the bounty hunter had a physical interest in her, but it would take some additional convincing to take advantage of that. Time to put my wet pussy to use. (Persuasion: 19 with Force point spent.)

(OOC: Coris V and Saviant are just random names, and I made up YNO (Year of the New Order) as a way to designate the imperial calendar)