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Synthia (BlueSlime)

Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia and Gerald both made their ways to prepare for upcoming battle. Both were quite content with the small moment they shared, it wasn't fancy, it didn't have to be. Just another moment like all the others to confirm their love.

Synthia found Max focusing on a spell, after he finished, he explained he was using a sort of sending spell, which he had sent to their enemy.

He had fallen for it, he would accept a small party for parley. However, before they left, Max decided to teach Synthia a few combat spells.

Synthia has learned two spells from Max. Her current mana capacity is 4. She has received a bonus for being a fairly long time mage.

Spells Gained: Heal, Animate Rope

Heal costs 1 mana and restores 1 HP or FP to a target, at the same time, it reduces AP by 1 for characters who have such.

Animate Rope is a dual purpose spell, it can be cast out of combat to animate a length of rope, the uses of which are obvious. In combat it can be used to animate a rope demon with an HP equal to the casters magic level. It has an attack and defense bonus equal to half it's masters total.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Feeling better prepared due to Max's tutelage, Synthia made ready to set out with him and Gerald, and Marie.

"Let's get on with it then, Synthia said, no point in waiting."

In her mind, Synthia accessed the game's menu, wanting to save her progress while she was still in a safe area.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Game Saved!"

Synthia gathers her party and ventures forth. Heading through the woods. She can tell at the edge of her vision along the path that monsters are lurking.

Eventually she comes to a clearing, the designated meeting spot. Gerald has a grim look on his face as he spots the tall creature, black armor covering him, it. Behind him were legions of tentacles, in their grasp hundreds of captured girls, all being fucked by the tentacles in as many different lewd positions as possible.

Max gives Synthia a nod to note that she should take the lead.

Party Notes:
Synthia has Sword Expertise 3, Magic 1, Dodger 1, Keen Strike 1.
Gerald has Combat Expertise 4, Keen Strike 3.
Max has Magic 5, Mana Recovery 2. (Mana Pool 20)
Marine has Polearm Expertise 3, Hardened 2, Escape Artist 1.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia nodded and edged her horse forward to within speaking distance of the Armored Figure.

"I am Synthia, and I will speak for the people you threaten. Name yourself and explain your acts of defilement, and tell us your purpose." Her voice was tinged with anger at the sight of so many women being casually abused in such a lewd manner.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

The figure looked down at her. After a few moments he spoke with a voice that rumbled the land and was deathly chill.

"I am the overlord. This is how I feed, how I survive. My purpose is total domination of the land. You will either surrender, or join the many behind me."
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia narrowed her eyes. "And what are your proposed terms of surrender, Mr. Overlord?" She had no intention of surrendering, but wondered what drove this thing's desire. "You have existed before this time without needing to conquer in such a vile fashion. What has turned you to this evil expedition?"
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"I have not existed before now. My terms for surrender are total. You will cease any resistance, in exchange, my army is willing to allow you to keep half your females."
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Ah that explains it then. You're a creation. Someone else's puppet."

Synthia was annoyed. This bulky armored thing was sounding irrational and non-negotiable, and figured that the fight would begin soon.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"I am nobody's puppet! ...Now, do you accept the terms of surrender?"

For all his terrible foulness and insane terms, the Overload doesn't seem to be the one that will start the fight.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"Oh sugar, you're so clearly a tool - it's beyond being obvious. You're loud, boastful, and you're relying on intimidation tactics. You're demands are ridiculous, and you're too dimwitted to realize someone's pulling your strings, nor indeed to realize that it might have been us.

"Now, here are my demands for your surrender. Effective immediately you'll release every girl captive you have, you will unsummon your army and you will disarm yourself and become our prisoner. Arrangements will be made to make sure you are kept fed, but it will not be to the excess you've displayed thus far. If we determine after a time the source of your creation, and can be convinced of your repentance, you will be let free to aid in the protection of our realm from monsters such as those you have summoned, who would otherwise threaten it. These are my terms. Accept them, or be destroyed."

Synthia drew her sword as she spoke the last words, and prepared to spring into action if and when the Overlord spurned her counter offer - hoping that Max's spell would be prepared to weaken the fiend and that Gerald and Marie were ready to fight.
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

The Overlord raises his sword and pints it level at Synthia. "Terms..."

Something seems to happen, as the tentacles in the army behind him seem to stop and waver for a moment, Synthia can almost swear she though something was happening under his helmet, before he finished, his voice just as rumbling as before.

"...Rejected. Make your move."

And Max does. What feels almost like a wave of force wash over Synthia moves forward, shimmering the air just slightly as it moves past the overlord, seemingly without effect, though he wasn't the target. As the wave encounters the tentacles behind him, it seems to sever each of them into small pieces, reducing them to almost nothing.

The Overlord is aware that he is now cut from his food source. "Whelps. I will not be bested just from that."
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

"We didn't think you would. We had something a little more traditional in mind for that."

And with a blaze of her magic alighting her sword, Synthia kicked her horse into battle, slashing at the Overlord with all her fury boiling over her. This monster would pay for what he was doing and what he was planning to do. Behind her, she heard Gerald and Marie shout and join the attack behind her.

[full attack]
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

15 vs 12 | 19 vs 14 | 21 vs 13
23 vs 25

Synthia's party launches into an assault, Max casting a spell while the others other all landed hit on the Overlords body. The Overlord identified Max as the highest priority target and attacked him, only to be stopped by a large magical shield.

Max's spell is cast, as the party feels magical shields forming around their body in a defensive manner.

Overlord ??/?? 27/30
Synthia 6/6 FP 0/10 AP
-(Harness active, AP penalties are bonuses)
Gerald 8/8 HP
Max 5/5 HP 3/20 MP
-(Severance (the spell max cast at the tentacles), cost 15 MP, Defiance Shield (the spell he just cast), cost 4 MP, Max regains 2 MP per turn.)
Marie 6/6 FP 0/10 AP

(Max's spell gives each person a +5 bonus to defense the next time they are attacked, this effect fades for the person after stopping one attack.)
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Three solid hits... as good a start as they could have reasonably hoped for. No doubt this boss had some wicked bonuses... Synthia wheeled her horse around to the back of her enemy.

"Flank him, don't give him a safe place to put his back to!" she shouted as she spun about him. "Make him hurt!"

She launched another blow at the creature's neck where the armor was weak. She hoped that if they could deal enough damage, the creature would reconsider Max as the main threat, allowing the wizard to remain on his feet longer than themselves. He was their best hope, but enough small cuts could add up to a large enough annoyance...
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

17 vs 11 | 12 vs 13 | 11 vs 13 | 12 vs 8
7 vs 26 counter

Synthia and Marie both land hints, the flanking helping as Max and Gerald move into position, both missing with their attacks. The Overlord decides that Synthia may be annoying, swinging at her, though she manages to get off a counter attack as his sword strikes a magical shield, stopping dead and preventing his movement as he recovers from the shock.

Overlord ??/?? 24/30
Synthia 6/6 FP 0/10 AP
Gerald 8/8 HP
Max 5/5 HP 5/20 MP
Marie 6/6 FP 0/10 AP
Last edited:
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Phew... I hope this luck holds. We've got him on the back foot now.

"Well struck, Marie!" she says to encourage her bright young student who was demonstrating excellent martial technique. Then the Overfiend brought his sword down and it smashed upon the magic shield that Max had thankfully wrought over them. Seizing her chance, her magically enhanced blade struck against the creature's helm, chipping into it and knocking him off balance.

"Don't stop! Attack! Attack!" she shouted, hoping to keep her party's adrenaline pumping and let their instincts carry them through to victory.

[continue the attack.]
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

7 vs 22 counter | 12 vs 11 | 10 vs 25 counter| 19 vs 21
9 vs 20

Synthia attacks again, surprised when the blow is easily blocked, as the Overlord slams the flat of his huge blade into her, knocking her from the horse. He similarly smashes the ground near Max when he tries to cast, knocking him off balance, before bringing his blade down towards Gerald, smashing the magic shield as Gerald moves out of the way while landing his own attack.

A wave of magic washes out from the fiend, as Synthia suddenly feels very aroused, noticing Marie feels the same way.
Overlord ??/?? 23/30
Synthia 5/6 FP 2/10 AP
Gerald 8/8 HP
Max 4/5 HP 7/20 MP
Marie 6/6 FP 2/10 AP
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia winces as she's knocked to the ground, but quickly rolls and gets to her feet. The harness underneath her clothes tightened pleasantly and a wave of euphoric arousal passed over her as the overlord unleashed it's spell. Synthia felt her crotch rope moisten and felt her nipples harden, and a hedonistic grin flashed over her face. Once again, the very act of battle was becoming a turn on, and she couldn't wait to lunge back towards her enemy and dare him to turn her on more.

Her magic blade twirling in he hand she brought it down hard against the Overlord.

"That feels sooo good," she told the overlord when she was close to him ater her strike. "Go on, do it again..."

The feel of her harness goaded her on to more agile and dangerous feats, and the feeling of arousal helped her mind to focus.

[keep on attacking, lustily now]
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

21 vs 7 crit | 22 vs 19 | 20 vs 23 | 21 vs 8
14 vs 21

Synthia lands a telling blow on the Overlord as he stumbles back, giving Gerald and Marie the chance to also land their own attacks, though Max's attack is blocked. He tries to grab Synthia, but fails as she rolls out of the way.

Overlord ??/?? 19/30
Synthia 5/6 FP 2/10 AP
Gerald 8/8 HP
Max 4/5 HP 7/20 MP
Marie 6/6 FP 2/10 AP
Re: Synthia (BlueSlime)

Synthia licked her lips and became aware of her body still tingling with desire. She spared a glance at Gerald and admired his frame and the way the sweat glistened on his brow. A vision of him taking her passionately entered her mind, and she realized that that vision could be a reality just as soon as this fight was over. Encouraged by the dirty thought, she ran forward again, her sword blazing and raised above her shoulder, held close to her body until the last moment when she would slash at an opportune angle, hoping to bite deep into the fiend as she had just done. His armor was already becoming dented and his manner suggested that he was not enjoying himself. Fear and realization that he may lose everything might be dawning on the creature now, causing him to doubt himself further. They could not show him mercy, they had to keep up the attack.
