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Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Ah space suits. Copy that..." then she paused and started easing her ship closer, "What if we can't get the life support operational?"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"We'll probably need to find some way to get at least basic life support going, whether by repairing the systems or by just bringing in a replacement. There's no way we could really stay and protect a station if there's no life support," Sanya replies to the medic. Her ship floats around the station, heading towards the bay.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Long enough. Make no mistakes. We may be seeking the same objective, but we are not a team."

Vix's answer is terse, and to the point, and as always, electronically scrambled to mask the voice behind it. With a thud lost to the vaccuum of space, the pod strikes metal. It steadies, clamping to the hull, then Vix steps from the hatch, at home in zero-gee. Sensors would read no life signs, no radar return.. but that was nothing new with Vix.

The dark figure starts out over the hull, looking for any sign of an entry point, whether through blast damage, or an airlock. It moves in long, leaping strides, clamping to the hull each time using the electromagnets in it's boots.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"The damage should be external. The solar panels look largely intact. I'll call the Directorate for replacement as soon as everything is up. We'll have to get the shields up first anyway."

((I'll post an arrival scene later today. Check back in about two hours.))
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Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Alright, let's get this show on the road then." Setting up the autopilot she called out, "Keep the coffee warm for me!" Then she hurried off to suit up.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

If we need spare parts for the station, I can probably dig up most of the stuff we need either from my cargo bays or the exterior framework of my ship. Some of it may even be from the right year as well. Senkek transmits over the radio as he readies the ship to dock, either by finding an entrance or by latching onto the side of the station while he climbs inside.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Draven, thanks for the assist." Viper responded, after reading through what all sustained damage due to backlash from the second shot. He'd known that both 'emergency' shots were going to cause some kind of trouble, but this was a little more than expected. The engines were almost completely fried from the first shot, and the second one basically left him blind. No sensors at all. Some of the power conduits connected to life support were also showing stress signs. Good thing he'd sealed up his suit the second he saw the station. Once it was back online, he'd be busy, one way or another.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Damn, I hate spacesuits" Vance says, struggling to get his suit on, his ship already docked in the hanger "They're too enclosed" he says, a line of curses and profanity following before he finally gets the suit on "Vance here, I'm going in first. I'll make sure the area is safe, then the rest of you can join me" he says over the comm, sighing as he puts his helmet on and walks through the narrow corridors of his ship to the main door "I hate these damn things" he says, pressing a button, and walking out of his ship, taking flight as he steps off "Perfect. Artificial Gravity is dead" he says, tumbling forward slowly
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Nadia takes a deep breath, trying to steady her temper and failing. "We already KNEW that. I'd really appreciate you'd stop storming ahead. And by "I'd really appreciate" I mean I order you to. If you pose a threat to the mission or the crew I have the authority to fire you as quickly as you were hired. Now get back into your ship, or somebody is going to ram you while landing. By the Dark Eye, I'd be glad to."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Vix gives no indication that it had heard.. except for activating the optical camouflage. The dark figure vanishes against the steel grey backdrop of the space station.

Unseen, Vix carries on searching for an entrance, a way in.. anything. Besides, there was no way it could return now - that would mean calling in the Spear, getting set up for drop again.. wasted time.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Wait, was that just... BY THE FACELESS AND ALL EVILS! WHAT KIND OF EGO TRIP ARE THEY ALL ON? FINE! GET YOURSELF EATEN! SEE IF I CARE!" Nadia is, of course, smart enough NOT to hit the transmit button for her little rant. More than a little miffed she moves the Black Wind towards the hangar bay.

"Youch. Sounds like somebody is upset." Mara just shrugs.
Vix does find a smashed in window.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Kars comes swooping in towards the station. "Man, these guys make fights too easy. Now where's..." He says to himself, as he relocates Krysta and the rest of his ship. "Ah hah."

Nimbly skimming over the hull of the Shining Star, Kars positions his ship just ahead, and floats back to lock back into the rear of his craft. Aligning it expertly, and releasing the landing gear almost immediately. Shooting forwards again, the Strafer flys into the hanger and rises upwards to land on a clear section of the bay ceiling.

He smirks a little at the exchange happening over comms. "Then you've got the wrong suit buddy. A spacer needs no other clothing." his voice lost to the vacuum. Opening his cockpit hatch he slides out just enough for his head and two pistols to emerge from his craft. He waits there to watch the others land. "Hmm hmm hmm."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Most of the crew arrives at the hangar. One after another they swoop in and fasten themselves magnetically, since the artificial gravity is indeed out.

Nadia is one of the first to step out into the hangar. She sports a rather unflattering Imperium space suit (pictured below) and holds a small Rapid Fire Cannon. "Alright, guys. We're gonna part in two groups. No more solo- Thall, what are you doing?" "Just checking out that piece of debris." The Telarin has deactivated his Mag boots and slowly twirls towards the rather big shadow that floats in the rear of the bay. He wears his normal Grav Suit. Nadia throws her arms up and groans.


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Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Vix reaches the shattered viewing port.. and jumps inside without hesitation, drawing the pistol as it goes.

"This is Vix. I have entry."

Once inside, it activates thermal imaging, and low-light amplification systems, and scans the surroundings..
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Setting down the other ship lightly, Draven moves further away from the rest of the group so he can land without harming them. No sooner has his ship landed than his entry hatch opens. Draven strode out, in full mist-like form, seemingly not needing a suit, though he did seem to have something around his waist. Possibly a gravity emitter?

He was also sporting an energy rifle that was probably twice the size of any personal weapon the military would use, complete with shoulder strap and all.

He decides Nadia can use a break and speaks, "Nadia, where do you want me going to?"

Seems he's content to let her run the show, since obviously she should know more about this place than him. He pauses a moment to add, "copy that Vix."

The voice for Vix, should it try to run a cross check for his vocal type, would find no matches.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

After a slight bit, Viper emerges from the Fang, sporting a rifle of some fashion, likely something he himself built. He just stands there, waiting instructions.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

I'm going to try and find engineering in the station and I'll be bringing a few spare parts along with me. Senkek says as he uses a jet pack to maneuver himself and a bundle of parts from his ship into the station.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Kars climbs out and walks around his ship, leaping off and breaking in mid air with his jet pack. He instinctively watches the doors and even the team, pistols in hand. With a short vent he glides over to above Thall and the 'debris'.

"So, what's this then?"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

The Scimitar glides into the Hangar and sets down with the other ships. The underbelly of the ship drops to the floor and Cyrus emerges carrying some kind of Tiberion Rifle.

"I'm with whoever needs me."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Sheesh, lighten up a bit. It's not like I'll screw anything up. If I see a computer terminal, I'll leave it alone. I never was good at that kind of stuff" Vance says, activating his magnetic boots and attaching to the floor, a frown on his face "I just hope she doesn't decide to fire me. This whole mission is starting to sound interesting" he says, not talking to anyone in particular "Whoever isn't going to work on the artificial gravity, I'm going with them."
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