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Tentacle and Witches


Jungle Girl
May 21, 2010
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Re: Tentacle and Witches

For those that really really want to try to get it, you have to download Utatane (P2P network client) and TRY to connect to the server mentioned here: I'm #9644617 so you see I tried but I failed with that very vague moonspeak error message.

But yeah, if you really want to try it out, knowing moonspeak would probably help you out a lot.
At least we both tried :D


Jungle Girl
Sep 13, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Tentacle and Witches

So I tried updating my post on 4 chan, but something I wanted to type apparently got text in it that's banned on 4CHAN. I didn't believe it, but apparently so. Anyway, here's the "text" I wanted to share on 4chan that's banned:

>>9644617 again
Not to give you any hope, this didn't work at all and I'm gonna stop trying:

I managed to log into CONVOY, I had to explicitly state I had cable (Even though my line is much faster), then I could log in.

This was the message I got:

Enter "CONVOY"
[XX:XX] サーバーconvoyでは、まず合計10000 MBのファイルを共有する必要があります。
[XX:XX] サーバーconvoyでは、まず合計10000 MBのファイルを共有する必要があります。
[XX:XX] 最低でも50ファイル共有してください。あなたの共有ファイル数は現在0ファイルです。

Translated by google:
Enter "CONVOY"
In [XX:XX] Server convoy, you will need to share files first 10000 MB total.
In [XX:XX] server convoy, you will need to share files first 10000 MB total.
Please share your files at least 50 [XX:XX]. The number of shared files in your current file is 0.

So that means I have to share at least 50 files and those combined must exceed 10 GB. This is a bit too much of a hassle for me for now. I'll wait a week and see if someone got rid of the DRM, if not, then I'll reconsider meeting the criteria above.

By second thought, maybe it's DRM that's banned on 4chan? :D I'll have a try.


Jungle Girl
May 21, 2010
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Re: Tentacle and Witches

Again, thank you sooo much for all your work :D
Dec 12, 2009
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Re: Tentacle and Witches

i shall pray that you are successful in your en devours.

but what i want to know is, why is it taking so long to upload it to the net? episode 2 was up within a couple of hours, but it's been over a week since episode 3 came out, why is it taking so long?

i assume that with the SOPA, PIPA and ACTA things, they are beefing up their security.


Demon Girl
Feb 22, 2012
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Re: Tentacle and Witches

Yep alot of the sites arent even allowed to file share anymore.


Jungle Girl
Sep 13, 2011
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Re: Tentacle and Witches

Apparently it's taking so long because of DRM. I never seen or touched a video that's downloadable with DRM (As I wouldn't pay for one). I personally find it hard to believe it's this hard to get a capture of the video, but people above me say it's really hard.

Not sure how expert they are though.


Jungle Girl
Oct 27, 2011
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Re: Tentacle and Witches

I have no clue if the DRM prevents the remote control to work, I would think not, but not surprised if it did with my experiences with Starforce. You seem to know a bit about DRM wintermute, you know of people trying my #4 solution?
I don't know that much about DRM really, just tried (unsuccessfully) to circumvent it several times using all the means *I* could think of. Your last suggestion sounds interesting, I might give it a try. I will *not* be paying 3k Yen for the animation, but it would be interesting to know if that technique works. I have an Ararza video that I bought that should be using the same DRM technology.


Jungle Girl
May 21, 2010
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Re: Tentacle and Witches

Ok so...
I generated about 10.5 GB of essentially blank files and actually managed to log ON but I'm pretty sure I got banned in a matter of seconds xD

On the bright side, the error message brought me to a thread on rutracker

Let's see what google translate can come up with ^^

Edit #1:

This doesn't sound good "But on a freebie out there is little of value can be downloaded. Only in the exchange."

Edit #2:
It seems from the thread on rutracker that you won't get nowhere with these people if you're sharing less than like 1 TB >> sorted... with tags and shit

Edit #3:
This elitist bullshit is starting to piss me off... if they got a few TB to share they didn't just pull all of that our of their asses -.-
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Aug 28, 2009
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Re: Tentacle and Witches

DRM protection on video is absolutely meaningless.
Why? Because you can start any stuff like CamStudio while watching video, and just record everything.
Well, you need quite fast PC, thats all.
I hope that someone who purchased this video, has at least enough intelligence to record it without trying breaking DRM.
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Jungle Girl
Oct 27, 2011
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Re: Tentacle and Witches

DRM protection on video is absolutely meaningless.
Why? Because you can start any stuff like CamStudio while watching video, and just record everything.
That is not correct. The DRM software required to play it prevents you from doing screen captures.

By the way, I just tried logging onto my computer remotely to watch a video with DLS DRM (not T&W3) and I was unable to do so. The video player told me it wouldn't run because screen capture software was active (in this case, remote desktop). So, so much for method #4.


Jungle Girl
Oct 27, 2011
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Re: Tentacle and Witches

As an aside, the ultimate way to bypass DRM would be to capture the output from your video card, but I don't have the gear to do that.

I do have a "thunderbolt" to VGA connector for my macbook - it is normally intended to *output* video, but I can't help thinking it *could* work the other way around. If anyone knows software which would do this, please let me know.


Jungle Girl
May 21, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Tentacle and Witches

F*ck it, I wrote an e-mail to the adress provided in the ban message.. let's hope for a miracle :cool:

Edit #1:
@wintermute: Basically, you'd want to exploit this ->

Edit #2:
Ok.. I received a rather unusual mailer-deamon error...

does_not_like_recipient./Remote_host_said:_550_<[email protected]>:_Recipient_address_rejected:_User_unknown_in_relay_recipient_table/Giving_up_on./
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Aug 28, 2009
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Re: Tentacle and Witches

>>That is not correct. The DRM software required to play it prevents you from doing screen captures.

1. Nice virtual PC soft. Run virtual PC in window mode, start record on your real machine, say f@ck you to DRM.
2. Run some remote control software, which start without using standart remote desktop dll's. Start record on 2nd pc, say f@ck you to DRM.
3. Run DRM software in some non-friendly environment. If it's refuses works on Unix-type system, nerf it. For example, block it's access to processes list, or hide you video-recording stuff process. Do not forget to say f@ck you to DRM.
4. Use some tools like faststone.
I do not remember exactly, but i think I've used it before for some protected videos.

It's not possible for DRM creators to foresee all the options.
If they use something like a virus technology, that climbs deep into the system files for monitoring, Uncle Billy is ready to unzip his pants. Microsoft reacts violently to any attempts to get into their system's files, as far as i know.
Correct me if i wrong :)
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Jungle Girl
Sep 13, 2011
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Re: Tentacle and Witches

As an aside, the ultimate way to bypass DRM would be to capture the output from your video card, but I don't have the gear to do that.

I do have a "thunderbolt" to VGA connector for my macbook - it is normally intended to *output* video, but I can't help thinking it *could* work the other way around. If anyone knows software which would do this, please let me know.
Hey mate, that wouldn't work. Basically your graphics card is sending encoded signals to the DRM, who decodes it and you see the result. This means that direct "tapping" from your card wouldn't work.

I know this for sure, because this is how they encode paid TV channels (Canal + in my country, for example).

I recommend you don't pay any money trying to do this, you will most likely end up with no result and biting yourself in the ass at the same time like this :(

I am wondering how that DRM found out that remote desktop is considered capture software. I guess the DRM has a program of executables (And hashes so just a simple rename of the executable wouldn't work) that it blacklists.

Do you have a link to your DRM file, or any (Within reasonable size) so I can try and circumvent it myself? I'm rather curious and I might have a couple of things in my arsenal to test the DRM.

Not saying I can give you results, but meh, I can try ;)

Edit: dalairama; The OP on the thread you gave got banned for sharing files with 0 content:: で0ファイルしか共有していない :: Do not share files with only 0
Also it seems to be an old topic (I can't see the date, but one of the users apologizes for necroposting)
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Demon Girl Pro
Sep 20, 2011
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Re: Tentacle and Witches

So ep 3 is out, but they have some sort of protection on the disc?
Meh, I have no knowledge of this sort of stuff, so I'll suppress my erection and leave it to the pros. Good Luck


Jungle Girl
Oct 27, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Tentacle and Witches

>>That is not correct. The DRM software required to play it prevents you from doing screen captures.

1. Nice virtual PC soft. Run virtual PC in window mode, start record on your real machine, say f@ck you to DRM.
2. Run some remote control software, which start without using standart remote desktop dll's. Start record on 2nd pc, say f@ck you to DRM.
3. Run DRM software in some non-friendly environment. If it's refuses works on Unix-type system, nerf it. For example, block it's access to processes list, or hide you video-recording stuff process. Do not forget to say f@ck you to DRM.
I've tried #1, it doesn't work. The DRM software doesn't work in virtual machines.

Re: #3, the DLSite software only works on Windows systems. I'm guessing that if it saw something funny - like you wouldn't let it see what processes were running - it would refuse to work, but I don't know that for a fact.

Seeing the error message it brought up actually made me think of something similar to #2 you suggested. I'm guessing that the software has a list of processes/dlls/whatever that tell it that a screen capture is taking place. If you were to use something that doesn't show up on its list, it might work. I certainly don't know enough to do something like that.


Jungle Girl
Oct 27, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Tentacle and Witches

So ep 3 is out, but they have some sort of protection on the disc?
Meh, I have no knowledge of this sort of stuff, so I'll suppress my erection and leave it to the pros. Good Luck
Probably not the disc. The downloadable version. I'm guessing we'll see it before too much longer when someone rips the DVD.


I would, but you being able to play it (a prerequisite to trying all these workarounds) would require my DLS ID and pass, which I won't give for obvious reasons. Not saying anything bad about you personally, of course, its just bad policy.
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Jungle Girl
May 21, 2010
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Re: Tentacle and Witches

Not the same DRM I assume but you could try this:
(under "Free")

edit: well I could fill 20 gigs with randomized trash data... but I'm pretty sure even if the thread on rutracker is outdated, I'm still not going to get anywhere. Basically, Convoy seems to be Soulseek with even more idiots. Of course I'm not going to have a good ping in Japan... it's halfway around the fucking globe -.-
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Jungle Girl
Sep 13, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Tentacle and Witches

While it did require a webpage to be opened (for the codec) and didn't seem to run in VLC or MPC, I had to use my Windows Media Player 9. Once it ran on WMP9, Camtasia had no problem whatsoever recording whatever was on screen.

So, as I understand it, this DRM is much less intrusive than the one used for T&W3.