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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

C, Then B.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

C, with the exception that the slave brings the girl back to the lair after molesting her rather than letting her go.

If that's not possible, B.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

C, B "Master certainly will reward me if i bring him a snack to him and his family, but first i want to feel what will happen if i play a little with her"
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Check out the goods to make sure that Blue Master will like her. Also to rile the girl up and make sure she resists far more then herself and ascertain that her master will keep only her.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Check out the goods to make sure that Blue Master will like her. Also to rile the girl up and make sure she resists far more then herself and ascertain that her master will keep only her.

Sooo manipulative...
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.


Your Slave walks over to the woman with a grin on her face, the woman struggles to free herself from her binds quickly, but they are tied too tight.

Your slave kneels down next to the woman, who quickly locks her knees together and crosses her arms in front of her breasts with her hands still tied.

"open up" your slave tells the woman turning her grin into a devilish smirk, pointing down towards her vagina.

"leave me alone.............please" the woman says, with a kind of sadness and futility in her face.

"don't worry ill be gentle" your slave slides her fingers down along the backside of one of her thighs sensually.

"you're a monster!" the woman yells to your slave.

with that, your slave, takes both of her hands and grabs onto the woman's knees and prys them open effortlessly, then quickly moves in on, grabbing her neck and one of her breasts from underneath.

the woman whines in shock and uncrosses her arms to try to push your fiendish slave away, but she is too strong, and easily resists all of her attempts.

"shhhhh" your slave tells her, moving her hand from the woman's breast to her lips, shushing her cries of objection.

the woman looks at the slave woman with worry in her eyes where tears begin to pool, she is frozen in fear now, and helpless.

your slave moves her hand down from the woman's lips to the womans neck, caressing it gently as her glides along, with her hand around the woman's neck she loops it around and feels her hair and the back of her neck, running stray fingers through it, down her fingers on her right hand, down her chest and to her breasts once more, caressing them, pinching her nipples causing shocks of pleasure to jolt through the woman.

the fingers on your slave's left hand meet and push the back of the womans head forward, meeting her lips with the lips of your slave together, the woman pushes away in objection, but the strength of your slave is too great, her tongue enters the woman's mouth with ferocity.

Down the fingers on her right hand go with a life of their own, down her belly, a gentle brush past her abdomen and finally to their inevitable destination, her fingers plunge into the woman's pussy as her muffled screams of shock echo through the depths of the dusk-lit forest.

her fingers rape the woman ruthlessly, gaining new depth with every effort, tickling the insides of her delicate snatch and raking up the juices inside.

when her fingers have been sufficiantly lubricated, your slave pushes the woman back with her left hand, she raises her right in front of the girl's face and puts the juicy digits into her mouth, looking at the woman in her eyes, petrifying her like a basilisk.

Your slave lets out a long sigh "nothing".

with a tear, your slave rips the rope from her bound hands and ankles. "go on" your slave tells the woman.

the woman shakes of the daze and gets up runs towards her nearby boyfriend, crying and partially covering her violated privates as she runs.

Apparently your slave can only gain power from the semen of men.

your slave starts moving back to the lair, before it gets too dark to see.

upon entering the lair, the slave notices that the deeper part of the place are slightly illuminated, so she can see as she passes by, your slave enters the breeding chamber, welcomed b the familiar sounds of women moan, crying and making other sounds of general anguish and pleasure.

She sits down next to you and scoots up close, putting her arms around you like you were her teddy bear, you are nearly completely back to pull strength now, but may as well wait til morning.

you can detect the womanly scent coming from her and can differentiate between her and another woman, you read her mind to see that she encountered another woman but did not think to bring her back.

What do you do?

A. Ignore it, allow her to maintain some of her free will.

B. Commend her for her going out and experimenting on her own.

C. Punish her for not bringing the woman back, she is your slave and should do all she can to aid the hive.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

That was not see bee.

See again!
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

punish her for being a bad girl then.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

BC commend her for expermienting but punish her for not bringing the slave to us.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Not allowing combination votes again, I see... Fair enough.

C. Not only did she not bring the woman back, but we sent her for water, of which she also brought none back. Punishment is required.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Its not that im against combination votes, its just that the last option you guys literally wanted to have your cake and eat it too, every choice needs to have a consequence, the explanation for why she let her go was because it would have taken too long to molest her and bring her back, she would have gotten lost in the dark finding her way back to the lair, so she simply let her go, it also sets up a situation where you can train your slave, which is where we are right now.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

your slave (who's name we still don't know) will act as a companion of sorts, she will act as your human aide in matters where it will be required to interact with humans.

In binding her, you've created a creature who gains power is gained through having sex with men, which is something you as a tentacle rape beast cannot do, when training her, decisions you make will make her more or less feral, the more feral she is, the more she will go out of her way to make herself more powerful, the more tame she is, the more she will look to help the hive and help you.

when you go out into the wild, she will act on her own while with you or when split apart, you cannot make decisions for her, only yourself, her training will determine how she approaches each situation, by going more feral, you have less control, by being more tame, you have more control, but she is less powerful.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

C train her
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.


Your slave snuggles up against you, craving your attention and perhaps, hoping to be fed.

'feed me, my master' she says to you, licking at one of your tentacles.

into her mind, you send your thoughts of disappointment, sending emotions of failure.

'but she was mine, i wanted to play with her!' she yells back at you.

at that you coil a tentacle around her neck and drag her away from you, you pin her to the floor with her ass rose high into the air and start spanking her with your other tentacles, she screams out in pain as you punish her with fury, she will know better now to think of herself before the hive.

she gets up after the assault rubbing her butt, you force her to sit in a different corner for the rest of the night.

**Your slave has become more Tame** 1/15

You awaken to find your slave cuddled up next to you again, fondling your tentacles and licking at them like a newborn pup trying to be fed by their mother.

you submit to her demand, and drop a tentacle into her waiting hands, she secures it and places it with both hands into her mouth and begins to suck it, trying her best to gain its precious fluid. she begins wrapping her tongue around it and rubbing it with her hands, trying to stimulate it.

she steps over your tentacle and puts it between her legs and grinds her pussy up against it, a trick she must have remember from before, she brings it against her breasts and starts trying to breast fuck the tentacle as well, finally you ejaculate into her waiting mouth and she swallows as much of it in one gulp as she can, some of the excess drops from her mouth and lands on the floor and on her chest, she immediately gets down on the floor and starts licking it up.

you start moving out of the lair, she tags behind you wiping the semen off it herself and licking her fingers clean of the creamy goodness.

when outside the lair, the sunlight shines through the forest and a beam lands on your enslaved maiden, you notice she has become slightly more pale than she was yesterday, you arent quite sure what to think of it, the magic in her eyes and on the rune on her chest glows are bright as ever, and in her eyes you can still the eagerness of a newborn slave.

'where will we be going today master?' your slave says to you.

'communicate with me through your mind, as not to alert the humans' you speak to her through thoughts.

'how is this?' she thinks to herself.

'good, this is how we will communicate outside of the lair'.

'where are we going?' your slave inquires again.

'we are going to the beach near the town, humans enjoy the beach, and i enjoy humans'

'ok' she flashes you a loving smile.

the two of you make your way through the forest until you meet a thick part of it, its dense vegetation makes it difficult to see through too far, making it hard for humans to see you.

'What is this place master?' your slave asks.

'This is the Kingswood, it is a deep part of the forest where few humans venture, it is filled with swamps and thick bramble, it is difficult for a human to travel through.

'how will i travel through it?'

you pick her up at the waist and place her upon three tentacles which form a seat on top of you.

she giggles in excitement as she sits down.

you move through the kingswood dodging heavy branches and thicket until you reach a deep swamp, you have no hesitation as you plunge down into the swamp, your slave lifts her feet up as to not touch the grimy water you tread through, for a couple of minutes you travel completely submerged in the swamp until you reach the end of the swamp and lift yourself up.

as you move towards the edge of the Kingswood towards your exit, your slave, tries to grab one of the tentacles forming the seat and insert it into herself, you resist her attempts until you are forced to slap her in the back with one of your free tentacles to control her.

'now is not the time slave, behave yourself.'

you climb through the last of the Kingswood to find a hill leading down into sand, it appears you have reached the beach. you grab your slave by the waist and lift her off of you, reclaiming your tentacles.

your slave pouts for a bit but continues to follow you faithfully.

you travel for some time until you see two girls sitting on a towel on the beach up ahead, in the water you can see a man swimming around, yelling back at the women, trying to get them to join him, in the middle of the beach a distance away from them you see a boulder which you can hide behind while you plan your attack, you grab your slave by an arm and rush over to begin the boulder as quickly as you can, when you are in position, you hide behind it and plot your attack.

'Three humans, two females and one male' you inform your slave of who is there.

'can we attack them?' your slave grins at you with a sinister look in her eyes.

'i think we can, if we can separate them. you say

'how do we do that?' she replies.


What do you do?

A. Tell your slave to try and befriend the women and lure them away from each other and lure them to you one by one.

B. Tell your slave to distract the male while you attack the two women.

C. Tell your slave to run out and tackle the women to slow them down so you can rush out and grab them.

D. Tell your slave to yell for help behind the rock while you wait to ambush them as they come around.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

D While we handle the girls, our pet will handle the man.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.
