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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

Both thetwo and TentanariX make great points. So I'm going to be a fucking anarchist and vote for 3 because I'm seriously tied between the other two choices.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!


And ask what will happen to the woman once this is done. Maybe even give her some blue slime so she isn't left out of the conversation.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!


"Let us begin the Ritual", you say as you raise the staff high above your head with both hands, the woman in front of you struggles to get loose from her binding as she hears you utter those words, looking more distraught than ever, you try your best to ignore her emotions.

several blue tentacles gather above your head, swirling, chanting, the familiar runes and mist appear around your staff, but also around your clothing, the blue color is slowly sapped from your clothing as the power is being transferred in order to cast the spell, you feel weight being lifted from your hands as the enchant on your clothing is gone now, you can feel only the burden of the purple staff in your hand, and for once, you start to feel bloodthirsty from its magic, you struggle to keep your composure but whatever magic in the purple is clouding your mind, you pull it together and hope the tentacles finish soon.

with a bright flash of light, the purple magic is dispelled from the staff and you feel much calmer now, its been a while since you have been without this extra power, and you feel symptoms of withdrawl.

Another bright flash of light occurs, you close your eyes and before you open them again, you feel a rush of power like nothing you've ever felt before, you feel like a machine, your mind is as clear as it has ever been and you find a deep calm and tranquility.

"Alright Laura, now it is your turn" you are surprised with the clarity of the voice in your head, it sounds like it has its own personality now.

you open your eyes and lower the staff down to the ground, it is a brilliant item, just looking at it makes you excited, your blue tentacled head staff is indestructible, incorruptible and glowing with unholy dark blue power.

This appears to be a refined version of the previous purple version, extra power must have been put into this item, a special gift from the blue tentacles indeed.

"Laura...." the tentacles wait impatiently.

You break from your awe and look towards the woman, tears stream down her face, she is trembling with fear. for whatever reason, you seem to have less remorse for her position now, you rub her cheek, she is shivering, completely terrified. you lick your lips and close your eyes.

Echos of instructions fill your mind, countless spells, the possibility of what you can summon and what you can have your summons do are endless, you open your eyes and nod.

"Eck Tu Sven Ri!" you shout, as you slam the butt of your staff to the ground. immediately, you feel a new sensation in your groin, you cant tell what it is, but it is pressure, it feels good.

The ground rumbles as digging begins underneath the woman, and suddenly, blue tentacles burst forward from the ground, you feel the tentacles burst forward in your groan, you think you are able to feel what they feel.

the blue tentacles wait patiently for further instruction, you command them to grab her. you feel as the tentacle grab her ankles, her wrists, her waist, thighs and arms, you can feel the texture of her soft skin as the tentacles glide over it, enveloping it, tightening around it, the remaining blue tentacles not under your control release her and watch closely, the last tentacle they remove is the one in her mouth.

you summon a larger than normal tentacle, it spits from the ground with fury and you command it to take position in front of her pussy.

"Please! please stop! im begging you!" the woman yells. but it feels too good, it feels too right. nothing she can say or do can stop you now.

you begin to rub the tentacle up and down her pussy, you can feel the warmth and the wetness.

"Please no! Plemmmph!" you've had enough of that, as you quickly commanded a tentacle to enter her mouth, you feel the warmth of her mouth and tongue around the tentacle.

With great anticipation, you command entry, the blue tentacle slips in easily and you feel a rush of pleasure in your loins, the feeling is linked entirely with these tentacle, you feel what they feel and you want more.

summoning another pair, you shoot two more tentacles into her ass, they enter and exit one after the other, you can feel the tightness of her asshole as the tentacles enter and exit her.

summoning sunction cup appendages you latch onto her tits and feel the pressure as droplets of milk exit her and enter them, entering your mind, entering your mouth...

suddenly, you feel a pressure you've never felt before, a buildup of fluid waiting for release. the tentacles rumble and you feel a rush of pleasure shoot to your mind as you orgasm, simultaneously, the tentacles erupt in a huge spray of cum with enters her asshole and pussy, an erupting blast knocks the tentacle out of her mouth and her face is utterly splashed with a thick stream of tentacle semen.

The Staff begins to glow more and you with it, and in a flash, you are bound, the ritual is complete.

You release the woman from your binds and she falls to the ground and quickly curls into a ball, still leaking copious amount of cum from her orifices.

"Congratulations Laura, you've done it"

you look at the woman and you dont feel even a bit ashamed, infact, you feel proud, you are turned on seeing all of that cum...your cum leaking from her. something is wrong with you, you dont know what it is, but you shouldent feel this way, but something grows inside of you, an urge to.........hunt..

"Laura, please feed" you look up and see a blue tentacle above your head, something about it makes it look delicious, you grab it and put it in your mouth, sucking it and caressing it, when it ejaculates into your mouth, you swallow everything, it tastes delicious to you.

"Now remove your bra" you waste no time, you undo the bra in the back and take it off, suction cup tentacles descend downward and latch onto you, they suck and suck and you feel the pressure decrease when they suck milk from you, you feel sexy, and not embarrassed at all. like this is the right thing to do, the suction cup tendrils detach and raise to the ceiling once again.

"Ok Laura, now this is very important, raise your skirt for us" without hesitation, you raise your skirt and a large tentacle insert itself into your pussy, it fucks you softly, and you feel proud, like you are ready to become a mother. the large tentacle begins inserting small eggs into you, you feel the pressure as your pussy lips are spread from each of them, once about 3 or 4 eggs have been insert, the tentacle pulls out.

"Laura, you are our finest and most beautiful princess, we need you to birth those eggs at the remaining tentacle queen pods, once you have done that, this lair shall belong to us, and you shall earn your 'freedom', do you understand?"

you nod, almost uncontrollably.

"good, please be careful Laura, you barely have any kind of protection now, if you need anything, you know what to do"

you turn around and begin to leave, behind you, the woman is being grabbed again and lifted into the air, you hear her screams for mercy again as you exit the room.

once you exit the room, you thoughts become much clearer, what the hell just happened in there? it was like the tentacles were mind controlling me..you feel your womb and can feel the eggs inside of you now, why did you let them do that? and why did you willing let them 'feed' you and milk you?

You don't like it, but you have little choice, all of your protection is gone now except for the blue tentacle staff, which you still are in awe of, as a quick test, you summon a single tentacle "et hae", then you command the tentacle to grab onto your ankle. you can feel your ankle and you can feel what the tentacle feels around your ankle, you dismiss the tentacle and it burrows back into the ground.

you now have a discussion to make, will you go back up the path and try to free Sarah or will you pursue and confront Sylvia, you keep in mind that the longer you let Sylvia keep moving, the harder it will be to find her.

What will you do?

1. New-found power in hand, you will go back up the left side and try to rescue or deal with Sarah the Yellow Tentacle princess.

2. New-found power in hand, you will go up the right side and pursue Sylvia the Purple Tentacle Princess.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

1. Deal with Sarah. If we can free her, she'll be a valuable ally, still with her yellow sword too. If she's already corrupted, she'll be weak and easy to take down if we do it now, possibly even without an attuned weapon.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

Agreed with Alicia, 1. Better to try to gain more allies or take on a weakened foe then a powerful princess of another color. Especially with little to no protection.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!


Before you go after Sylvia, you better try and see if you can talk to Sarah, you think she may be interested in allying with you against her.

you walk up the path again, tentacle staff in hand, twisted visions of tentacle rape enter your mind as you walk along, you learn new things as you walk on, you can summon creatures other than tentacles as well such as pods, you watched Sylvia do this to Sarah earlier.

when you reach the room, you notice the pod which sylvia had entrapped sarah into recently has ruptured and sarah now stands her back away from you at the other side of the room, you sneak closer to get a better view.

as you get closer you see that sarah is standing there with the bug coiled around her, it is a huge beast at this point, you think at least 8 feet long, it presses her arms and legs together, and its head is burrowed into her pussy, you see that she has managed to pick up her yellow short sword but is unable to use it.

you think carefully about what to do here, and then an idea pops into your mind, you remember these creatures seem to feed off of tentacle cum.

you speak the instructions popping into your mind from the staff "gue tao flu!" and pound your staff to the ground, a large tentacle erupts next to the destroyed tentacle pod and immediately starts ejaculating huge amounts of cum, you feel this in your loin region as you orgasm, bringing yourself to one knee from the pleasure.

The Bug creature pulls its head out of sarah's vagina and uncoils from her, it immediately rushes over to the pooling cum being spattered onto the ground.

Sarah uses this opportunity to quickly raise her sword jump towards the creature, impaling it through the head, it quickly dies in a heap.

Sarah turns towards you as you get back up to your feet. "i suppose i should thank you blue princess"

"What is this blue princess talk?"

"you are clearly an agent of the blue tentacles, they allow you to work with them, you carry one of their attunement staves, woman who work with tentacles are known as princesses."

"So does that make you a 'yellow princess'"

"indeed it does".

"who was that other woman, Sylvia"? you ask

"how do you know her name?"

"i might have overheard your conversation earlier" you say, flashing a little smile towards her.

"Well, then i guess you know her power then, Sylvia is a purple tentacle princess, and i guess she thinks she is on her way to being a queen"

"a queen?"

"Yes, Queens are fully attuned with tentacles, they can summon them at will, and their desires are aligned with the tentacles, their goals are to capture more women for them, and expand their influence."

"expand their influence?" you ask.

"yes, as in, grow their numbers, reproduce, kill other kinds of tentacles and spread their domination"

"how do they reproduce?"

"surely you must know the answer by now, tentacles reproduce by seeding women, those women escape and go on to birth tentacles elsewhere, like a bee spreading pollen"

"how is Sylvia so powerful?"

"Tentacle Enchantment, she has been given powers by them to do their deeds and in time, they may actually make her their queen, if this happens, she will have complete control over all of the purple tentacles in this lair, and the outside will become overrun with tentacle abductors to bring more woman here so they can be seeded"

"will you help me stop her" you ask.

"What is your name" she asks in response

"My name is Laura" you reply politely.

"Laura, you are a blue tentacle princess and i am a yellow tentacle princess, our hosts are enemies, i cannot help you, nor will i"

"why not"

"if i were in your shoes just now, i would have enslaved you and brought you back to my master to gain power"

"Why would you do such a thing?"

"You dont understand this place Laura, you must be new, as a favor, i will give you some advice, this place is dog eat dog, the fact that you arent bound up someplace being fucked into a stupor means that you are lucky, but your approuch is wrong, dont look at other woman as allies, look at them as currency."

"you have a very grim outlook on all of this"

"Laura, ive been trapped in this place for almost 6 months, your only chance of tasting outside air again is by becoming the blue tentacle queen and hunting down woman outside of this place"

"what will you do now?" you ask, as she walks towards you.

"i will surrender my body to you and your masters"

"what are you talking about"

"Laura, this is the only way i can help you, and if i dont do this, ill just be going out there again weakened, to be preyed on by someone else who is less kind than you"

"This isnt right Sarah"

"This place isnt right Laura, im tired of running, im tired of these games, perhaps when you are queen, you will remember how i helped you, and can repay the favor with freedom".

"what if i refuse to take you to the blue tentacles?"

"Then i suppose i will be forced to continue on, working for the yellow tentacles, be wary that if i see you again, i will try my best to defeat and put you into submission for my masters"

"alright then...."

What do you do?

1. Take Sarah back to the blue tentacles and submit her for their favor.

2. Let Sarah walk away, and continue onward, with high probability that she will be captured by someone else or gain power enough to oppose you later on.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

1. I have to agree with her argument on things.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

1. We did it once, and - as predicted - we'll have to do it again.

Just don't think we'll ever be able to command the blue tentacles to let her go. As a princess we won't be able to command that, and as a queen we won't want to.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

1, however keep an eye on her. She may attempt to use what little strength she has to attack the blue tentacles at their heart in an ambush.

If she's being truthful, then try to be relatively gentle with fucking her at least that first time. If she tries to pull something, then it's going to be a very definite rough rape session.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!


"Alright then....come with me" you lead Sarah out in front of you down the corridor.

As you walk down this path, the voices in your mind are screaming for you to summon tentacles and fuck her, but you resist them, still you find yourself checking out her jiggling ass as she walks down in front of you. if you had a dick, you have no doubt that you'd be rock hard right now.

As you move along, you feel the eggs inside of your vagina bumping against your vaginal walls, and although you have been violated, you dont feel as angry as you probably should, you dont know if it is something to do with being aligned with the blue tentacles or that you just dont care anymore.

As sarah walks by the final purple tentacle, she slices through it with her yellow blade and it cuts in half, spewing black fluid everywhere and falling to the ground lifelessly.

sarah stops just before entering the blue tentacle room, "i want you to grab me here and throw me down inside there, once we get inside, it will look better"

"ok" you replay, you grab her weapon in your other hand, weaking a bit from conflicting power source, you recover and grab sarah's two arms from behind.

"Are you ready? theres no turning back" you ask her

"Yea, im ready. dont forget me Laura" she takes a deep breath and exhales. "lets go"

you barge into the room and all of the tentacles immediately notice your presence, they turn to you and your prisoner and 'stare' lustfully at her.

"Laura, what is this you have brought us"

"It is a woman i captured, i think you will find some use for her" you release Sarah and throw her to the ground as gently as you can, she tumbles down and lands on her tits, then tries to get up.

"What a delicious morsel" Tentacles fire down from the ceiling and grab her wrists, she struggles as she has undoubtedly done many times before, but you know it is an act.

"Filthy beasts, i am a yellow princess, get your hands off of me!"

"Laura can you please translate for us?" they ask you

"She says she is a yellow princess"

"Delightful, well done laura, this is a serious blow to our enemies". Sarahs ankles and midriff are captured, and her legs are spread apart.

"May i?" you request of them.

"Laura, your progress pleases us, go right ahead"

"Ki juin alu" you pound the staff to the ground. and a small, extra slimy tentacle emerges from the ground beneath sarah.

You shoot it up into sarah's pussy, its sliminess easily penetrates her and she yaulps in pleasure. the fuck her quickly and finally when you feel ready to ejaculate, you pull out and cum on her belly, you flash a smile towards sarah.

"Laura, you need to work on your technique and ferociousness, allow us to demonstrate" you heart sinks as tentacles take position all around sarah, she closes her eyes in anticipation.

"First you need to put one in her mouth, so that she cannot scream for help, the last thing you need is someone else coming to her rescue while you are raping her when they hear screaming" a tentacle shoots into her mouth.

"Next, you need to put one in her ass, the shock generally lowers her resistance, which allows you to concentrate on fucking her, you must have a tentacle in her mouth through because putting one in her ass will cause her to scream alot." a tentacle shoot into her ass and her eyes go wide as she begins to yell a muffled yell, just as the tentacles said she would.

"You need you then insert at least one into her pussy, the vagina has muscles as well and can cause some resistance in women who refuse to accept their fate, which is why you need to plunge deep inside of her quickly and bump up against her G-spot." A tentacle fires into sarah's pussy and knocks up into the back of her, at it retracts, it glides its way over the G-spot, then the process continues.

"Try to caress and cuddle the victim as she is being raped, she may forfeit entirely and accept the pleasure of being fucked, rather than resist to being raped." tentacles holding her in place begin to slowly caress and rub her.

"When you are ready, make sure you ejaculate inside of her, that is after all the reason we exist, there are two ways to do this, you can either overload her with cum so she cannot possibly clean it out of her, or you can simply ejaculate in all of her orifices, cum in her ass and in her mouth is far more uncomfortable, she'll try to get rid of it first." The tentacles ejaculate inside of sarah's ass, mouth and pussy, a spray from her pussy indicates that they have "overloaded" her with semen.

"Finally, when that is complete, we can impregnate her"


"yes, deliver our spawn inside of her, she will carry it around while it grows inside of her, when it births, it will be strong enough to fight her off if she attacks it and will try to find a good location to settle in." a large tentacle is shoved into sarah's vagina and a large bump in the tentacle slides up and enters her.

"The cum acts to accelerate the growth process, so inseminate her whenever possible before you impregnate her, also, a woman must be broken before you can impregnate her. which generally means you need to fuck her several times before her mind is too terrified to think about having been impregnated, she will try to escape first which is exactly what we want, we want them to roam and spread our influence across a distance, regardless, it is almost impossible to stop the birth process once she has been impregnated, unless of course, another tentacle beast removes it, as we did with you."

"Fascinating...stuff." you respond.

Sarah is raised to the ceiling where the other girl is being held, she appears to be pregnant as well and has a tentacle in her mouth 'feeding' her.

"You continue to please us laura, and for that, we want to offer you an enchantment"

"what are these enchantments?"

"they are special powers which can you cast on yourself or others"

"how do i use them?"

"much like the staff gives you instructions on how to use it, you will be taught how to use it by your mind once we enchant you"


"What kind of enchantment spells are there?"

"We'll let you choose from 3, the first is minor mind control"

The tentacles begin swirling above you and suddenly you feel a great urge to masturbate.

"finger yourself" they say, as you immediately drop the yellow sword and begin fingering your own pussy, the feeling soon fades and you pull out. that was weird.

"why did i just do that?"

"because we commanded you to with minor mind control, keep in mind you can only command simple acts, such as masturbation, assuming a certain position and walk a certain distance, you can also cause someone to become greatly aroused, in this state, they are more vulnerable and accepting of being raped.


"What else?"

"Summon Feeder"

A long tentacle is dropped from the ceiling in front of you.

"go ahead, you know what to do"

you begin to lick the tentacle and it suddenly cums on the outside of your mouth.

"taste it"

you lick the substance and it tastes like peaches and cream.

"this special tentacle's cum tastes like whatever you can think of, it also feeds you"

"being fed by tentacle cum?"

"it is actually quite nutritious, and it is great for the skin."

you roll your eyes as you wipe the rest of the mess off of you.


"And lastly?"

"summon voracious pod"

there is a silence until finally you ask "and what does it do"

"are you ready?"

"umm waIITTT!!!" tentacles grab your arms and ankles and immediately spread them apart.

from beneath you a mouthlike creature appears and starts enveloping you, you sink deeper into it. "wait no stop, ok i get it."

but it doesn't stop, you are up to your neck now, as you feel the warmth of its insides all around you.

your head ploops inside of it and you can see illumination, this creature is living tissue, a tentacle is immediately inserted into your vagina and you struggle to move as it fucks you. you try to kick the walls of the pod-like creature but cannot break free, as the pod closes from above, a tentacle is inserted into your mouth, it is a hollow fleshy tentacle which allows you to breath outside air, this thing is essentially a prison.

suddenly the pod falls apart and you are released all at once, you take the tentacle out of your mouth and use two hands you lift the weakened tentacle out of your pussy, then you get up.

"you know, you probably could have just described what it is to me?"

"but where is the fun in that?" the tentacles quip.


"Keep in mind Laura, as you gain more enchantments, existing one become more powerful and start to have other functions as well do you need a moment to think about it?"


"would you like something to eat while you think?"

you take a deep breath and let loose a long sigh.


the familiar long tentacle comes down and you let it enter your mouth, you suck down delicious pizza-tasting cum, you'd be embarrassed, but you've lost all your dignity a long time ago, and it isnt like the two woman are going to tell anyone anytime soon, what with the tentacles in their mouths and all.

you take the tentacle out of your mouth and lick your lips "alright ive decided.."

What do you do?

1. Ask for the 'Minor Mind Control' Enchantment

2. Ask for the 'Summon Feeder' Enchantment

3. Ask for the 'Summon Voracious Pod' Enchantment
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

Hrm........ 1 and 3 seem the most useful I would have to say. At least for dealing Slyvia or any other princesses. 2 would be nice as we would never have to carry a jar anymore. But for the task at hand, which is dealing with Sylvia I would say 1 or 3...... hrm.......... There's no telling how strong or weak the other princesses or characters wills are though....... So I'm going to have to go with 3 I think.

Summon Voracious Pod.