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Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Okay then, extra options:

Drain Zelari before she wakes and evolve…
F.) Fertile Cum + Cock Tentacle – 375 Energy – then cum inside.
G.) Ovipositor – 350 Energy – then egg someone (specify).

It looks like 1x is pretty much a given afterwards.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Oh my God all of my want.

But but I still want to kick purple's ass... but but but he makes minions and we only have one fighty guy... bluh fiiine. We can kill him later. Beeline for dat fukken runestone!
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

G, Ket since shes still in shambles in all honesty and if shes questions the odd feeling we can attribute it to her injuries
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Not sure I like Fertile Cum for this situation, the new host would probably notice the pregnancy before we could truly benefit from it.

I vote G as well, but I think we go after Blades (I really should make an attempt to remember his name XD ). It's better to get something in him while we have the easy chance. I say we mount him and get to work. If he wakes in the middle of it, we act like we have a finger up there, trying something new to see if he likes it.

EDIT: And if we have both the stronger ones, we can simply break character and take Ket by force. Movie's nearly starting, don't know if I'll get another post for the next two or three hours.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Again I say G. Same as shrike it's a cheap reliable spawning method.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

I still say 4 - gather information - and X - remain covert.

But I'll change my evolution vote to G - drain Zelari for some more energy and get Ovipositor, then give Ket an egg.

I severely doubt we have enough control over Zel to actually put words in her mouth, should Cambor awaken while we're egging him.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Changing to 4, G does sound like a good idea, and spawn from Ovipositor do sound superior to the basic Spawn...

Yeah... 4, G
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

My god, do you muppets ever bother to so much as think?

Harpy and Warrior just had teh sexy tiem so you obviously egg the Harpy right? You leave Ket alone now as that is your host for the long term. In all fairness right now I want to go down with the Mandragora (maybe in more ways than one) and send off the Harpy and Warrior to defend the area against the necromancer. It might even be possible to turn the two against each other if things work out and have something of a harem setup with the warrior either with it or out of the way. This would leave the Harpy and Mandragora ripe for option F, but that option would have to wait until the opportune moment. Say for example letting Blades throw himself away in a battle with the Necromancer. It would be rather easy to dominate the Harpy at that point, and I cannot see any reason why the Harpy would not be easy pickings either at that point.

The only relevance the Necromancer poses right now is that we need to get to the runestone below before they do. After that runestone is secured, then you can go about harassing the Purple tentacle and the Necromancer. Which may be a good reason to consider F instead of G, and neither of which should be taken right now. Just because you have energy does not mean that you need to spend it. I think moving more toward being able to dominate subjects first is a far more relevant use of energy instead of making eggs or babies at this point. Again its a matter of first things first and it looks like yet again you are trying to jump over a few relevant details.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

My god, do you muppets ever bother to so much as think?

Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Colour me confused. I finally change vote to agree with you on spending something, and you don't want to anymore. I agree that we should make the runestone top priority after all, and now I'm not sure what you're argument is about the necromancer at all.

Yes, the two just had sexy times, you've never been woken up by your partner wanting a second helping? I have, my man's insatiable XD

We could switch over to Ket and leave the other two to die, OR we can get all three of them providing us energy while we work to gain the runestone's power, making us that much stronger for afterwards, if/when we encounter the necromancer. My problem right now is that Ket is weak, while Blades is strong. he's the one that wounded the adventurers originally, doing about the same amount of damage as the necromancer has, pretty sure. If we do have all three of ours under our sway, then we should be able to add purple's essence, and two more bodies to our growing power base.

If we have ket, we should have a shortcut to the runestone, it's true. Which is why i feel it's possible to take the extra time needed to get Cambor (Finally remembered to check) a little extra loving first. It sounds like it takes root quickly enough, and then we can take Ket afterwards, as she'll still be likely weak, and no match for the two others in any case, and move down for the runestone. We have the shortcut availiable to us, the Necromancer doesn't, we can afford a round or to to solidify our position.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Well, since we are going to end up spending all this energy, I might as well throw in my two cents on how to spend it.
She just so happens to be a harpy, right? Which means there is a very likely chance that since she's avian that she would lay eggs normally. If she has never done so before she might not know what they look like, which in turn could make convincing her to protect the eggs whenever they pop out all the easier!:cool:
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Pretty sure the eggs hatch inside the host, and take control without ever exiting. At least, that's what it sounded like to me, not entirely sure.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Just because you agree with me doesnt mean anything. I have no, none, not any at all, zero, nada, and not even a tiny little bit of any inkling of any desire to interact at all with the purple tentacle or the necromancer by proxy at this point. I have been that way from the start. Now you are running off and wasting energy for things that are not fully useful yet. You are obviously doing things for the sake of simply being able to do them. There is no focus to what you want to do either in the short term or the long term. When you are caught out without energy to solve a problem, then you have yourself to blame. Nevermind that there will be 3 very unhappy campers in the very immediate vicinity if they become aware of our presence.

How about setting up a lair?

How about gaining more power by obtaining another runestone?

How about gaining the power to more easily dominate those who are under our influence?

What you clearly fail to understand is failing to win the race to that next runestone forces you to go in a completely different direction. So you either have to win the race or not even participate in the race at all. Either way you do not get to have any manner of confrontation with the necromancer unless it is on terms that are totally in our favor. When the confrontation takes place, you sure as hell want everything as dead as possible.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

You're the one that keeps insisting we should send our two combatant possible hosts away to die, seemingly uselessly. I would love to fight him from a position of power, which is what i'm trying to set up here.

How about setting up a lair?

Love to, you have any inkling how to settle down and grow into the walls, while moving to reach the runestone at the same time?

How about gaining more power by obtaining another runestone?

Love to, which is what we're all aiming for, last I checked...

How about gaining the power to more easily dominate those who are under our influence?

Love to, an easy way to do so would be to infest them with our spawn, would it not? even if our spawn can only nudge them into agreeing with our goals, that's still the most assured option I've seen so far.

I don't understand where all this hostility is coming from, we're aiming for the same thing. Get the runestone, solidify control over the group we've insinuated ourself into, and go after purple and the necromancer only once we've achieved more power. Are your goals different? would you like to list them so I can sort out what I'm missing?
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Maybe my first question was a very unsubtle hint. You are not the only one privy to unlockable powers. Spawning as a whole is a useless tree as it is right now. Wasting so much as a single point of energy right now in that tree is exactly that. A total and complete waste. It will risk exposure and counteract any amount of planning at this point. Do you really want to magically impregnate/egg someone right now? Do you not see how that will blatantly make any stealth a complete waste as you will not only take the one thing you had working for you and neutralize it, but you will turn it against you.

First things first. You are jumping the gun by even unlocking these spawning abilities in the first place. Wasting energy on them now when there is no need to is foolish. What good is an unwilling host? Especially when they will be more aware that there are slimes looking to infect them. That works totally against the initial plan of stealth by putting out a huge billboard that says hey look there is a black slime hatchling/spawn here. Why not just be like "hey harpy lady, mind if i impregnate you a few times?" in plain daylight.

Now lets say in the future that there were another runestone that were under our control. Maybe even a lair built around it using the Mandragora and its influence to make anything in the area horny since thats what it seems to do. Oh look, easy domination of female hosts that would allow spawning to be relevant somewhere down the line. Oh, wait a second there are no abilities that we have that would allow for that domination to take place. Problem?

The combatitive route is just a waste of resources in a different manner than the waste of energy for irrelevant skills (for the time being) that you are attempting to go for. Do you really think that the necromancer will somehow survive the conflict with only the purple tentacle being defeated? Somehow I think the Warrior and Harpy will not allow that. Especially so if it is the necromancer that was responsible for the injuries to the Mandragora. So it is likely that both sides will take losses. The thing is now that the necromancer is now already on the third floor so we would need to get down there in the first place to even have a go at it.

The plan, were it up to only me, would be to have the Mandragora go downward and suggest that the necromancer is down there to the Harpy. I assume from the flavor that the runestone is directly underneath us so having a way to get the battle started indirectly would be preferrable. Having the ability to go down there only after the fact to gain the runestone power would be a side goal. However the problem is what to do with anything that survives the encounter at that point?
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

You're saying our tree is useless, so you want to leave our current host, the one most likely able to influence the other two around, in the hopes of possibly setting up a lair at some third runestone that may or may not exist yet?

We managed to infect our current host because she was asleep. Tora has already given us the option to do things with her body before she awakens, So it's fairly obvious we can exert a decent amount of control (Hence what we're trying to do here even giving us the option to do it subtly). Even if our spawn can't do the same, they should still be able to influence the other two to agree with us. That should be more than enough to get them to go down for the runestone, and laying the egg should only take a few seconds. In, place, out, next.

The encounter with the necromancer is going to happen whether we wish for it or aim to avoid it, I doubt we'd have enough time to drain the runestone and leave before he shows up. We need to be in a position of power. Since we're going to have tons of energy from the runestone, spending what we have now to ensure that doesn't seem so bad to me. I don't much care how many between the five hosts survive the encounter, but if we already have ourselves and spawn in three of them, we should be able to handle it fine. If they want the necromancer dead, then so be it. if purple is actually in the prisoner, we should be able to deal with that as well.

We have a good host now, I really dont want to leave her so soon to go for the weakest (At first, I admit she could be immensely useful later) one of our current choices, when we can have the same results without doing so. As it stands, we should be able to get the runestone first with all three of our current group under our partial control, which is really all we could hope for with Ket regardless, if we wish to keep the other two around.

((Going OOC a bit here))Yes, everyone can unlock different paths. but do you honestly think Tora wants us to switch overlords like hats? Surely it can't be beneficial to try and break the system like that. A stable leader promotes a sense of unity, which should allow us to remain decisive when we need to be, instead of squabbling over every action, which he can use to make us hesitate when it's needed. Do you really think that's for the best? We can still gain new trees without that, as has been showing so far. I think you're just out for the job, as it were. I don't horribly care, though I would be sad to lose it. I take the best option i can think of, and change it if someone else comes up with a better one. If i lose it because of that, so be it, but if you're willing to conttinually contradict me to try and take my place (As has been shown), you'd probably do the same to keep the position, and that could get us into a lot of trouble.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Originally I was of the belief that Cock Tentacle/Oviposition Tentacles, etc, were more of a 'want' than a 'need' and that we'd be better off conserving the energy for something more important later.

However, Shrike's argument that we should infest those around us with these abilities is fairly convincing, as is the idea that we'll get all the energy back once we get to the Runestone anyway (fingers crossed, at least. It'll be a bit awkward if we've been sitting here squabbling so long the Necromancer and his chums have located, captured and drained the Runestone).

We just need to make a decision and see what happens, at least the aftermath will give us something different to disagree over. ;)
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

The lurker speaks wisdom (No offense Shadow) and Shrike is right, My current decision to back her stands
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

That tree is useless now Shrike. It is not a means to an end. It is an end without means. So you want to make little spawnlings, and then control them how? You are again failing to think about the most basic problem. Obviously making these spawnlings is going to increase the chance of the group we are currently around more aware of us. They will forget the necromancer for the time being and simply annihilate us. Its not like that is going to be all that hard to do at this point. Without any way to gain the favor of one of the group to persuasively control at least one of the group then what you propose to do is fundamentally useless. We get detected, most likely killed, lose out on having that group as a host, and lose a runestone in the process if this group we are with becomes aware of us.

The bottom line is that you are doing something simply for the reason to do something. You are not looking at what the bigger picture would be. You need to think a few steps ahead to what you want to likely have happening not only now but three moves from now as well. You are certainly not even thinking about what the move you are currently making is going to do much less than what will happen down the road. Until you start looking at what the bigger picture is, yes I will fundamentally oppose your stupidity. It will only lead to a forseeable ruin.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Your constant bickering is failing to sway anyone Freeko, if you failed to convince anyone the first three times what makes you think a 4th attempt will yield different results.

Tora, Shrike, Others involved, I motion that we move on as it seems most of the votes are locked and I have no desire to watch a good CYOA Die because one person refuses to relent