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Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

5 I offer no justification
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

4 No, explanation.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

"I told you so" count = 1

The whole of this situation is lost as far as I care. The window of opportunity was wasted. If this were a salvageable situation then the only way to do so would be to isolate the harpy now while there is a chance to do so. An attempt to redirect the harpy toward the runestone that was already visited now would make a for a situation that could prove advantageous to us.

Obviously the muppet brigade is yet again wrong in choosing option 5.

2 is the right path now.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

5 – Let the harpy drive!

Current Status:

Small Young Black Tentacle
Health: 50/50
Energy: 10/1500 -low energy warning-

Overlord Energy 125
Abilities: Stealth I, Infest I, Symbiosis I, Aura Sense I, Perception, Influence, Ovipositor
Status: Infesting
Host: Zelari – Harpy, great condition (unaware, symbiosis active, egged)

Time: Dawn
Allies: Hul’jet (Floor 1 Sigil Crypt); of Zelari: Cambor “Blades” & Ket (F2 North, both egged)
Known Entities: Runestone (F3 North), Purple Spawn (F2 East), Green & Blue Spawn (F1 South?), Demonic Aura (F2 West), Adventurers (F2 Southwest), Three ?? Humanoid Males (F1 South?)
That’s it! For now, the harpy’s will can serve as your own!

You merely observe as you pass corridor after corridor, first right, then left again. The shadows from the torchlight flicker ominously, but the harpy navigates them with a practiced ease born of familiarity. Coming to a stop before an otherwise nondescript passage, she produces a small stone from one of her pouches and deftly traces a runic symbol on the wall. With the low rumble of stone grinding on stone the masonry slides inwards, revealing an ascent into the darkness. Zelari slips in, lifting her leg to deposit the keystone in its pouch as the entrance closes behind her. Again you climb, until the light of the outside world pierces the blackness of the stairwell.

The room is old, made of the same drab stone as the dungeon below, but it’s architecture is far more grandiose. Pillars along the walls reach towards the sky, holding in their hands the great arches vaulting across the ceiling in support. Between thin stained glass windows punctuate the walls, reflecting the first light of dawn in an artificial rainbow. Zelari walks across the kaleidoscope of color towards a straw nest in the far corner. The ceiling above transitions abruptly to the open sky, the remains of the collapsed vault strewn about the floor beneath.

The harpy pays the scene scant heed. She digs through the debris with cool focus, picking up another small pouch and hooking it to her belt after checking its contents. With a nod of satisfaction she’s off, down the stairs and out into the labyrinth of corridors in a single dive. Progress is quick, and you begin to consider your options on reaching Ket. Were it not for your enhanced senses you’d have missed the wire extending across the corridor.

Fortunately your host is just as quick to notice, screeching to a halt and scouring the area for the wayward trapper. She’s not long to wait, as two crude orcs walk out from the room ahead. A third opens the door behind you, chortling.

“Huh huh, look who’s finally here,” one of the ones in front says. His companion to your rear chimes in, “Hur hur, about time!” , taking a step closer before the largest one in front speaks. “Don’t see you much anymore. What, you think you’re too good for us?”

“Don’t have to think, I know!” says the harpy, clearly unimpressed.

“Well we’ll just have to do somethin’ about that! See your boyfriend cut up Grumma here, and he thinks he can get away with it. I think you need to give him a little somethin’ to make up, don’t you?”

You can see that the smaller orc indeed has a gash cut across his bare chest, while a visible erection protrudes through his loincloth below. “So whaddaya say?”

It’s three on one, all of them heavily muscled, but rather than fear, you sense only a smoldering annoyance growing within the harpy at each passing word. You can smell the orcs’ arousal, and somewhere in your mind you clamor for the energy they’ll bring. But strangely it doesn’t dominate, and despite the temptation you find it almost… unappealing?

A reply is on the tip of Zelari’s tongue, so either way, you must act now.
1.) Energy is energy! Begin stimulating Zelari and influence her to submit as strongly as possible. It will cost time, but at least it should leave your host intact.
2.) Influence her with fear – try to flee past the lone orc behind you and find another way back. It’s an unwelcome delay, but it avoids combat and plays to the harpy’s speed.
3.) Leave Zelari to respond herself. She doesn’t seem overly worried, and if you’re not busy influencing her you can use your perception to monitor the situation and react immediately to threats.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

3 Harpy have a higher CR than orcs. She probably has class levels on top of that.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

2. We've got a rune to loot!

Also, what happens when we hit 0 energy?

Can we get morph now, also. It might be a good idea to get a quickie with Cam for some, and it'd probably be best if we hid our asses. I mean... probably harder now, now that Zel's conscious and all, but yeah.

(EDIT: Also!

Stinger Tentacle – 200 Energy – (delivery method) Evolve a stinger tentacle capable of delivering various attacks via injection. The stinger tentacle is agile, able to seek gaps in armor.

Stab stabby!)
Last edited:
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Meh, cannot believe i missed out on that earlier...stupid work.
Honestly if we try to get her to flee it could end extremely bad. What if they manage to follow or track Zel back to the others, we would have to fight them there which would put Ket in unnecessary danger. Then there is also the possibility of running into someone or thing else and getting pincered by them. I say that if Zel thinks she can handle them, we just let her deal with them now and save ourselves the trouble. If at any point the fight even remotely starts to go south, we should fear induce a quick get away.

3 then 2 for our reaction
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

3. What's the worst that could happen?
Although it's strange that something about the Orc's arousal was 'unappealing', even if, worse-case scenario, we are raped, we'll gain some energy from it, right? Unless I've misunderstood completely.

I'm also wondering what happens if our energy drops to 0. Game over?
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Pretty sure we just lose control at 0 energy. Mandatory cover-breaking orgy, something like that.

3 as well. Leaves us more time to make sure those bothersome lesser souls don't try anything either.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

To give some quick answers:

1.) At 0 energy you lose control. Shrike could prevent that with Overlord Energy, but it's a waste of resources.

2.) You'll have the option to evolve morph next time as needed.

3.) Even getting raped you could gain energy from the orcs, which is why it's strange.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Yeah, we don't even have the energy for morph right now anyways, chances are we's be a few pokes in before we could gather enough, and by then the damage would be done.

I still say 3. Zelari seems to know them. I'd she's confident, we're confident. Could always find a way to help out if needed.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

If only someone and the rest of his Secret Handshaking Imbecile Team didnt waste all that energy. This would not even be an issue. You could have let the harpy run off, isolate it in an area (which should have been the room with the already discovered runestone), and have your way with it.

Yet again you are in a heavily compromised position because energy was wasted on needless evolutions that will reap no benefit from the obvious inability to leverage their usage.

Being what I would pick is irrelevant from any point forward in this game I wont even bother choosing a path anymore. Yet again no one has chosen what the most correct path toward growing any power base is.

"I told you so" count = 2
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

It isn't any sort of club. As a matter of fact, a few of them have come to me asking if I had done something to you personally, wondering why you've been such an asshole the last four or five votes.

Since you've decided to stop contributing, I would like to ask you to please leave. You're ruining the fun of this for everybody else. Thanks you.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Freeko, please stop with the personal attacks. I realize that things haven't gone the way you wanted, but that doesn't make the other players stupid.

I want to be clear: there is no one right choice. It depends on the choices made in the past and what you decide to do with the results. That said, I do want to make this fun for everyone, so if people have new ideas or opinions, speak up.

3 – Sit and enjoy the fireworks ;)!

Current Status:

Small Young Black Tentacle
Health: 50/50
Energy: 25/1500

Overlord Energy 125
Abilities: Stealth I, Infest I, Symbiosis I, Aura Sense I, Perception, Influence, Ovipositor
Status: Infesting
Host: Zelari – Harpy, great condition (unaware, symbiosis active, egged)

Time: Dawn
Allies: Hul’jet (Floor 1 Sigil Crypt); of Zelari: Cambor “Blades” & Ket (F2 North, both egged)
Known Entities: Runestone (F3 North), Purple Spawn and Necromancer (F3 East), Green & Blue Spawn (F1 South?), Demonic Aura (F2 West), Three Dead Orcs (F1))
“I’m in a hurry now so how about this: you let me pass and we forget this ever happened?” The edge in the harpy’s voice is unmistakable.

“She thinks we should let her pass! How’s that one, boys?”

The orc’s two companions burst into howling laughter. Zelari’s eyes narrow. The hulking goblinoid opposite her leans closer, lowering his voice as he continues, “Listen birdie, I don’t think you understand. Your fuckin’ boyfriend messed with my mate here, and now you gotta pay.”

“Understand this you worthless cur: you’re standing here only because my “boyfriend” thought you had some infinitesimal glimmer of value.”

“Well it turns out he’s wrong! You scum-sucking mongrels aren’t fit to feed the maggots crawling in my trash, and if you think for a minute that I’m going to fuck your filthy hides you’re even dumber than you are repulsive! I’d sooner eat my own shit than bow down to the likes of you, and if you don’t get your mangy, pus-ridden, slack-jawed faces out of my way you’ll wish your mothers never birthed you from their disease-ridden holes!”

“What!?” In unison the three reply, the leader outraged, the others confused.

“I said you’re lower than a dog, you vile cretin! Now fuck off!”

The first orc raises his club to strike. Too slow. Before he can begin his swing Zelari kicks him in the groin, razor-sharp talons connecting with a sickening squelch. As soon as her foot hits the ground she launches the other behind her, similarly disabling the assailant in the rear. Two blood-curdling roars of pain reverberate through the corridors as the orcs fall to their knees.

The harpy flits back, taunting the third, “What’s the matter, coward? Too weak to take on a lady without your buds?”

The verbal barbs spur the orc to action, doubt turning quickly to rage. “WEAK!? I—I’M GONNA KILL YOU! AAARRR!!” The harpy grins as he charges forward, oblivious to the wire he’d placed moments earlier. The orc seems to fly in slow motion as his momentum carries him crashing into his injured companion. You can see his rage turn to fear as a dark-feathered shadow looms over him.

“Yeah. Weak.” Her voice is like ice. Three carefully-places kicks to the throat later the harpy stands alone. You can hear a low gurgling sound behind you as you walk down the corridor.


Zelari walks into the underground garden quickly, almost expecting more trouble. On seeing Cambor she signs with relief.

Zel! You’re back! Everything okay?
“Yeah. Fine.”
You sound tired.
“You know those orcs you kept around? Forget about them.”
Orcs? Shit! They didn’t hurt you did they? Cambor runs from Ket’s side, genuine concern in his voice. …This is blood!
“Cam, I’m fine. Help me treat Ket, she’s the one who needs it.”

The two kneel over the mandragoran as the harpy takes a potion from her pouch. Your mind wanders as they tend to her. The harpy was nothing short of impressive in the last battle. Even more, though, before the fight began you were drawing energy! This isn’t something you expected, isn’t something you’ve even seen. You wrack your memories, trying to remember something from your former reign to help you. Demons could drain auras, at least some of them, but you wouldn’t have gained anything from that. And you’re absolutely sure the harpy is not a demon. What could—


Your mind snaps back to the present at the alraune’s awakening. She rubs her head with one leafy arm while looking about groggily.

“Ket! How are you feeling?”
“Zelari? Cambor?”
“Yeah. We’re here Ket. If you need anything…”
“You saved me! Thank you!!”

Ket pops up and wraps the two in a hug. She beams as they return the embrace. In an instant she’s talking a mile a minute, excitely explaining, “Andthewitchandtheskeletonsand—”
“Whoa, whoa. Slow down a bit.”
“And the necromancer cursed me, but I know there’s a magic spring under us that will vanquish it!”

Zelari remains skeptical. “A curse? That would be odd. And how are you sure there’s something under us?”


Keying in on the harpy’s skepticism you launch your volley. The desire to avoid an argument. The trust in a friend. The differing senses of Ket’s plant biology. With every trick of influence you possess you fire off another impulse, seeking to convince your host. You come just short of crossing into her conscious mind, and to her credit she imagines several way’s Ket’s senses may differ. Finally she relents. “Okay, but we’ll leave after you’ve recovered more.”

“But we don’t have to leave! I can DIG!”

“No! You almost just died back there, I’m not going to let you start digging tunnels!” As if to reinforce the blade’s point Ket winces as she moves into position.

“But I CAN’T recover! It’s a CURSE! the mandragoran says, stressing the word “curse” as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
“So we’ll get another potion or something. If you open your wounds again it won’t matter if there’s a curse.”
“But the longer we wait the worse the curse will become. And I can dig with my roots!”
“This seems like a reeeally bad idea Ket. Zel?”
“Hmm. Can’t dispel curses with these” , Zelari says, indicating her pouches, “and for an alraune soil speeds healing. If she takes it slow I think it’s alright. Ket, if you feel any pain call me right away.”

Yes, tell them! After all this time your efforts finally bear fruit! You watch as the human considers his partner’s argument, reluctantly accepting for lack of a better idea. He nods to the mandragoran, spreading his hands in resignation and turning away. Ket, for her part, is delighted.

“Thank you! I promise I’ll be careful!”

Your task accomplished, you release your concentration and silence the links. Very soon now the runestone would be within your grasp!

And with some time on your hands, the question now is how to use it.
1.) Turn on the lust! Best to have as much energy as possible before confronting the runestone. Ket can dig fine by herself.
2.) Keep alert for signs of trouble and powerful auras. Know thy enemy and all that jazz.
3.) The last encounter left a lot of questions. Maybe picking Zelari’s mind will provide some answers.

Option x.) choice 1 only Evolve Morph I (50 energy)
Option y.) choice 2 only focus aura sense on the runestone
Option z.) choice 2 only focus aura sense on the demonic aura nearby
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

I'm really curious, but we should probably stare at the monoli- uhh runestone instead for a while.

What could go wrong.

Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

1y, We hunger
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

I find myself horribly worried about that demonic presence...

2Z, please.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Argh! This is one of the few times that I've wanted to do everything at once. >.<
Building up some energy for just in case would make for a nice safety net.
But, with our current goal so close at hand, we need to be very careful. There are plenty of reasons for focusing on both right now. Looking to the runestone just to make sure the way is clear and we havent lost the race. Where as the demonic aura could prove to be another potential goal or a new threat. If we had a frigging succubus or incubus as a secondary host, just screams energy production. Dropping down onto Purple and Necromancer aint nearly as bad as being trapped in a half dug tunnel with some kinda fire breathing hellhound closing in on us.