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Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

1x Morph is an extremely useful evolution, and lacking energy at all causes us serious issues.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

You cannot evolve morph without the energy to do so. That lesson should have been learned already. As much as it would be worthwhile to do so, it cannot be done now. You should know by now that having a stable and sufficient power base is the one thing that is lacking right now. Gaining power is really the only priority right now.

That there will be some manner of confrontation with the necromancer now that the detour is out of the way is a foregone conclusion. The overarching problem is that you do not know how the current group will react to the sighting of a black tentacle spawn before confronting the threat on the floor below. Risking exposure to the current group would result in unforseen castastrophic failure, and that is bad last I checked. This time they are awake and aware as they were not the last time this opportunity was presented. However there could be a EOME setup during the confrontation which would make exposure the right play later on.

Oh the conundrum of choosing between option 1 and 2. If option 1 is chosen then X cannot be chosen (yet). I think staying out of the way for the time being makes more sense.

2 (no sub option)
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

2 (blend) – Read the surrounding auras.

Current Status:

Small Young Black Tentacle
Health: 50/50
Energy: 55/1500

Overlord Energy 125
Abilities: Stealth I, Infest I, Symbiosis I, Aura Sense I, Perception, Influence, Ovipositor
Status: Infesting
Host: Zelari – Harpy, great condition (unaware, symbiosis active, egged)

Time: Dawn
Allies: Hul’jet (Floor 1 Sigil Crypt); of Zelari: Cambor “Blades” & Ket (F2 North, both egged)
Known Entities: Runestone (F3 North), Purple Spawn and Necromancer (F3 East), Green & Blue Spawn (F1 South?), Demonic Aura (F2 West), Three Dead Orcs (F1))
The currents of mana are strong here, and since last time you are able to feel them more clearly. First the runestone. A shimmering vortex of energy illuminating the astral dark like a beacon, it roils with raw life energy. All other auras pale before it, so strong that even its wake energizes you.

But it’s exactly those other auras that will determine your plans. Spreading your will outwards from the vortex, you find a string of weaker lights. One lies nearby, concealed from all but the most careful inspection. Likely intentional, you suspect. It seems your purple compatriot has a surprise in store. Even better, it’s stopped along with the necromancer yet further, facing a cluster of other auras. Even after several moments there’s no forward movement.

In that time you subconsciously manage to spark Zelari’s curiosity with the riddle of the demonic aura. It’s impossible to read in the blinding halo of the runestone, but from the corridor outside you perceive the subtle twists of a donjon seal between you and the source. Satisfied with Ket’s safety after a few words with her lover, the harpy stalks down the corridor.

You stand before a pair of rune-covered doors, wrought in brass with gold filigree. A triangular metal plate joins the two at the center. Zelari whistles in admiration and examines the reliefwork more closely, taking care to avoid the runes. What she sees puzzles her, but to you it couldn’t be more clear. At the base of the pyramidal plate a twisting mass of tentacles are depicted rising from the ground, mortal victims falling into them as they coil around two crystalline orbs. Both are real gemstones shining with latent energy, black on the left, yellow on the right. The former has the engraving of Gemini above it, the latter the ram Aires. Above them a third socket completes the triangle, held in the hands of a winged demonic engraving, but it lies empty.

But it is the line of runes below that most draws your attention. Bound on each side by your own sigil, it contains a warning which Zelari reads aloud: Torment eternal is the bounty of defiance, until time may bring repentance before the master’s kindness.

Behind the doors you can sense arcane whisperings, yearning for the seal’s release.

The question is what to do with it?
1.) Nothing! Just get back to the grotto rather than risk danger.
while you’re at it, evolve Morph I and indulge your lust.
…y.) and instead try to probe for more information

2.) Attempt to take one of the jewels in the door, as one already was
the black one
…y.) the yellow one
…z.) experiment with them before deciding*

3.) Try to solve the riddle of the doors
using Zelari’s apparent skills to aide you
…y.) trying to keep Zelari out of it entirely
…z.) intentionally misleading Zelari to trigger any wards you can’t bypass

* Spell Gems – there are many gems that contain bound spells, both good and ill. If runestones are arcane batteries, spell gems are coiled springs waiting to be released. That doesn’t mean you have to use them blindly, though. Even without full knowledge of a gem, certain clues can be revealed by its properties – its temperature, aura response, and capability to engrave runes, among others.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

I am leaning towards either 1.y or 2.x We will need more information before we try to attempt anything. But if more people decide to go after the puzzle, I say we try the way that will bring least harm to our host, and make use of her abilities while we can. So 1.y for main, 2.x as backup.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

3y, solving this puzzle would give us an advantage over our opponents, whether it opens, or whether we can use it against them by making them trigger any traps is a good play. and as the door is marked with our rune specifically than it can be assumed that whatever is inside was put there by US
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

3y, solving this puzzle would give us an advantage over our opponents, whether it opens, or whether we can use it against them by making them trigger any traps is a good play. and as the door is marked with our rune specifically than it can be assumed that whatever is inside was put there by US

I'm with this guy.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

If we are still on the second floor, which I believe the group is still there, then option 1 is seemingly a waste. This is not a time for inaction so that option tree as a whole means nothing. The only relevance to that whole tree is that its now possible to evolve morph 1 which will be rather relevant in the very near future. I would almost consider it a pre-requisite to dealing with the necromancer in the most efficient manner. As for option 2 it is not worth exploring as option 3 will end up providing more information toward option 2. As much fun as it could be, no.

Option 3 seems to be the best way to move forward. Personally I dont do cryptic phrases so I cant help with that any. The most relevant question with the gemstones is if there is a stone missing or should one be moved from its place to the missing slot?

3 X, lets see whats behind door number 1 monty.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Agreed, 3. Definitely don't want to harm Zelari if possible, but not sure whether to try and use her knowledge and to tip her off to what's inside.

I do puzzles and phrases quite well, I think. This must have a creature inside of it, one of our former servants. It defied our will, so we sealed it away as punishment, seemingly with some additional torment thrown in for good measure. We didn't kill it because we thought it may be useful at a later time. It would seem like a gift to release it, and it should hopefully be willing to serve us.

On the other hand, Chances are it's more powerful than we are right now. If it hasn't been cowed in the 500 years we've been gone, it may just kill us for doing such a thing to it.

Not entirely sure what to do with the gems, though I think unsocketing one and placing it up top would be a good option. i would go with the black one, as it matches our own colour, and it has the gemini symbol, signifying two things bound together, which parallels our infestation modus operandi quite nicely.

I say do it, let's open this thing.

EDIT: And before I forget again, if we evolve morph, we can alter the look of any eggs we lay. The example used was to change Zelari's egg to look like a normal harpy egg, which would be a good idea, i think, depending on how long we plan on using her ourself. The other two will hatch inside ket and Cambor, so they don't matter, but it could be helpful later on as well. As far as I know, this costs us no additional energy, so evolving Morph is probably a good idea. I don't want to spend it right now again, say if we hit 125 energy at some point? i don't think I can spend the overlord energy on that one...

EDIT 2: It's seemingly communicating vaguely through the seal, could we maybe try and talk back? See if it's willing to co-operate?
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Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

3Y, if we let someone else open it, then the minion we imprisoned here will still hate us. That doesn't sound like it can end well at all.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

I am going for 3 more for the ability to isolate the harpy. If whatever is behind door number 1 is somehow friendly then its simple math. Two of us and 1 harpy to share between us. However I do want to keep that group away from any harm at the moment as its all about having the best troops so to say for any battle that is upcoming. If being able to dominate the harpy can happen now, then that is a good thing (more for the short term than long). I still would prefer the mandragora in the long run, but whatever I guess. Building a power base is still a relevant priority

If we are the "master" as referenced to the cryptic line, then there is nothing to fear behind the doors. Whatever is behind the doors will seek repetence at our behest. Thats just my guess on that, and I could be horribly wrong.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

It's written in our runes, with a tentacle motif, it's reasonably safe to assume we were it's previous master. What I'm worried about is that it was obviously defiant before, if it hasn't learnt it's lesson, we could be in trouble letting it out. If it is cooperative, then we're golden, assuming Zelari doesn't figure out that the door should remain closed, before we have the chance to open it. If that happens, it's down to a contest of wills, though we did use some of hers earlier. I think it's worth the risk, for what we're seemingly looking to gain.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Well I have no problem using the harpy as something of an offering to whatever is behind the door when the time comes for it. It would serve to forward almost every goal in the short or long term aside from keeping the group intact until they confront the necromancer. Then again gaining more power to be able to deal with whatever the necromancer may bring to the table is not a bad thing either. If something "bad" happens to the harpy it would then be time to influence the blade into a rage and walk him into his death. Collateral damage at its finest.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Heres the way I see it, If the gems are used to store spells than they're most likely traps (They are set into a sealed door) so screwing with them is not the best idea unless we absolutely have to. If the rhyme on the door is correct and eternal torment is the reward for defiance than its most likely that we locked something in there that is most likely VERY unfriendly. If it remembers us however than there is a strong chance that it will not fuck with us directly, we already locked it away once, unless of course it figures out how weak we are in our current state.

An attempt at communication would not be a bad idea and the harpy has already proven herself in combat, it would be a shame to lose her. on the other side of that proverbial double edged sword if whatever is in here is both stronger AND cooperative than it may be time to swap bodies or use it as a weapon. If its unfriendly than we're going to need to be able to handle it with what we have with us RIGHT NOW (one angry ass bird woman) which may not be entirely possible.

As it currently stands morph will not serve well at this particular moment and is worth putting off for at least a little while. While we may be able to remove the black crystal, trying to do anything with the yellow could blow us literally to hell and back depending on whats inside it. Im curious as to whether Aura Sense can be used to tell us anything further about the gems in question... :confused:
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

The doors and the stones near them are inherently connected. So that is part of why option 2 was discounted by me as a non factor. Its like why choose option 2 when you can pick option 3 instead and get more out of it.

The reason why I want morph is so that we can stay out of the melee until the opportune moment to "pounce" so to say. If we stay on the second floor while the group goes down to the third only to run into the trouble I hope they do, then we do not want front row seats for that. I would rather wait until the scuffle sorts itself out some before picking something and dominating it in a way that suits us best. Taking advantage of a weakened opponent is bad form, but who cares about that?
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Yellow and black! And torment. It's definitely bees. Freeing the bees will do no one any good.

Let's get morph and go fuck Cam's brains out. Fun times.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

It's possible that the rhyme, instead of referring to what's behind the door, is referring to what happens to those who (improperly) try to open the door. If it's been umpteen centuries since we sealed it up, I'd imagine more than a few beings would've tried to open it - or at least tried to peel the gold and gems off.

My thinking, therefore, is that this is unopenable without the third gem - which presumably lies somewhere else entirely. With no knowledge of what gems our trio have in their possession, I hesitate to have anything to do with this puzzle. Getting Zel (and ourselves) sucked into a pocket dimension of unending tentacle rape might be entertaining in a sexy sort of way, but wouldn't really let the plot advance anywhere.

I therefore vote 1 - Y, return to the grotto and listen in on the trio's idle conversation while Ket digs deeper. Maybe we can find out what such a disparate group is doing together.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

...Actually, a thought occurs. We could also be spending our time plumbing Zel's brain now. I'm really curious.


We could spend it fucking Cam's brains out. That's good too.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

3Y – Try to solve the puzzle without Zelari’s interference

You have learned the incantations of binding, draining, and freedom!

Current Status:

Small Young Black Tentacle
Health: 50/50
Energy: 55/1500

Overlord Energy 125
Abilities: Stealth I, Infest I, Symbiosis I, Aura Sense I, Perception, Influence, Ovipositor
Status: Astral Maze (Desert Sphere)
Host: Zelari – Harpy, great condition (unaware, symbiosis active, egged)

Time: Morning
Allies: Hul’jet (Floor 1 Sigil Crypt); of Zelari: Cambor “Blades” & Ket (F2 North, both egged)
Known Entities: Runestone (F3 North), Purple Spawn and Necromancer (F3 East), Green & Blue Spawn (F1 South?), Demonic Aura (F2 West), Three Dead Orcs (F1))
It’s easy to focus your host’s attention on the relief work, where at least there are no rune traps to worry about. The seal itself is a different matter. Scanning the runes out of order like last time, you quickly realize that they are parts of various stories, each enchanted to draw the reader in deeper. And as you go deeper, you drift beyond the veil into an Astral Maze.
The trick is clever, and the personal touch brings to mind Yorin. As creative as Hul’jet was skillful, Yorin’s contraptions were useful in your previous reign. If this is indeed hers, it’s only fitting that you’d selected it to deter interlopers. But now it was a difficulty.

You try another approach, sensing the whispering auras and trying to get a clearer picture of the maze as a whole. Many of the paths are dead ends, while still others are traps or endless loops. Together, though, they reflect two symbols, the open palm and the closed fist. Larger than any single path, these channels flow through the maze, linking the sockets on the wall to the sphere realm controlling the trap.

With further examination you decipher the nature of the spells. Three incantations surround the triangle, characters alternating with each other. One is a spell of binding, a link between two souls. Another drains the victim until they are but a hollow shell. The final rune is freedom, raw energy unleashed. All are trapped.

Yet the energy flowing through the paths hints at a great power bound, a hint of desperation in its whispers. You try harder to make sense of the puzzle, comparing runes to paths and seeing if you can find more clues. Just as you find what you’re looking for, a rune triggers and you’re pulled into the maze!


You awaken some time later in an astral pocket resembling nothing more than a giant desert. It must have been a single-rune trap! Its power is limited – you can still feel your body in the mortal realm through a thin wall of deception. With enough energy the barrier might shatter, allowing your return.

Yet the trap designer must know this. Perhaps rather than a foil, this realm is meant as a clue? You remember the last line you read as you triggered it: All paths extract a price. The wise man pays for wisdom, the fool ignores advice. Jagged mountains line the horizon to the west, clouds float above it in the east. Another part of the riddle?

What do you make of it?
1.) Head for the mountains.
2.) Head towards the clouds.
3.) Enough trickery! Try to return to the mortal plane. (Energy Cost: ??)
4.) Ignore the obvious clues, the astral is made of symbols! Reach out your aura and search for clue on the nature of the traps.
5.) Ignore the obvious, but instead focus on the living auras: the creator’s, the captive’s, and Zelari’s.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

The fool ignores advice... the easy path should be ignored, the short path will lead to ruin. We must choose the difficult path to gain from this venture, Its time to head into the mountains and enjoy our trippy spirit journey maaaaaan~

Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

I'm going off of biblical parables here....... But I'm saying mountains. The wise man built his house upon the rocks.
