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Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

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Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

She's intelligent enough not to make a fight of it while she still thinks she needs her help, but yes, we'll need to find some time to properly break her to us before we meet back up with the others now, certainly.

I honestly want to pick all of the options, myself XD
Pretty sure we have some time now, however. Since we're still astral, time spent here is less time spent elsewhere, and the creature we're here for is still bound, so it shouldn't be wandering around where it can happen upon us, metaphysically speaking. It may be in our best interest to try and exert our dominance now, while we have the moment available to us. Hence, my vote goes to 4.

If we do decide to make a bid for proper control, i say the first thing we make her do is drop those pouches. Who knows what she has in there, we should deny her their use until she properly serves us, she can have them back after, once we're ready to move on. If all goes well, we should even have the time to explore the other options as well.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Backin' Shrike until we're back in a proper plane of existence~
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Also, the purple spawn has apparently been slate blue for three votes. Do we know anything about this?
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

4 – Search Zelari’s mind, try to dominate if the opportunity arises.

Chameon unlocks a memory of the demon!

NOTE: The 'slateblue' was a typo, nothing to see here. I've added the proper tags to status now.

Current Status:
Small Young Black Tentacle
Health: 35/50
Energy: 245/1500[/b]
Overlord Energy 75
Abilities: Stealth I, Infest I, Symbiosis I, Aura Sense I, Perception, Influence, Ovipositor
Status: Normal
Host: Zelari – Harpy, light damage (partially aware, symbiosis active)

Time: Morning
Allies: Hul’jet (Floor 1 Sigil Crypt); of Zelari: Cambor “Blades” & Ket (F2 North, both egged)
Known Entities: Runestone (F3 North), Purple Spawn and Necromancer (F3 East), Green & Blue Spawn (F1 South?), Demonic Aura (F2 West), Three Dead Orcs (F1))
The memories can wait. Without a stable host you’re vulnerable. Events have been revealing, you need to know what she knows. With luck you’ll have her under your control for the next encounter.

You let your senses flow through the link, clamping down your own emotions and listening. She’s tense, wound like a trap ready to strike. Every sense is on the alert for new threats. Adrenaline courses through her veins with each beat of her heart.

Her mind runs at a similar pace, weighing the likelihood of a trap on this side of the door with her chances of escape. A dim curiosity draws her towards the corner and the sounds emanating from beyond. The voice passes through her ruminations and you dive inside them.

“What, they expect me to fight a demon? Or maybe they’re demons instead, that would be rich! Damned astrals!” Her thoughts turn to the preceding events, the creature and before that the rapidfire images of violation that came unbidden to her mind. “Strange that it’s the former that would energize me…”

Not liking this line of inquiry you sneak in an image of the present. “I can help you escape, if you’d like.” That gets her attention. “How?”

“I can do many things, for my servants.”
“I can give you poooower.”

“Fuck off.”

You pause. She seems resolute, but more troubling was the other voice. It’s demonic for certain, but can it hear you? Deciding it wise to find out, you pull back and concentrate on the aura of whispers.

“Help me and I will set you free. You need no oooother.”
“Have mercyyyy.”

The second call is directed squarely at you, Zelari doesn’t even register. Shielding your link just in case, you press further, “I can be your ally or your foe. You will find it far more pleasant with me as an ally.” “Poooower.” The combined words trigger a memory, first warmly regarding a shouting Cambor, then shrinking before a towering knight. The man smirks arrogantly down on her, every motion filled with menace. His armor shines with celestial runes that jolt you out of her thoughts.

Those runes! The Armor of Edathan! That impudent fool! He deserves a thousand deaths for his crimes. Not just to oppose you, but to win! He was one of them. But the man the harpy saw was not him.

You conjure the image and say “I can give you the power to destroy him.” This she considers seriously before brushing you off, “I’m over it. We’re through.” But that’s not the whole truth, else she wouldn’t hesitate. Another possibility. You note her glance at a runic tattoo round her arm, almost hidden by feathers. It evokes mixed feelings, comforting and at the same time shameful.

The demonic whispers grow louder and you draw your attention back to them. Louder, yes, but with a hint of desperation. The aura’s potential is incredible, but it’s weak now.

You piece together your findings and consider. With the demon weak and bound, you might be able to broker a deal independently. On the other hand its whispers could be used to draw suspicion away from you as long as it doesn’t say too much.

Your host, on the other hand, is stubbornly insistent on continuing her own path. If she associates you with Edathan you can sympathize, and you admit demons aren’t much better. It’s a problem nonetheless. If you can force her to submit it’s one more ace up your sleeve, but that level of influence will be costly. Not propitious with a demon nearby – self-control is vital. If the demon helps to control the harpy, though…

If nothing else, at least she doesn’t overtly suspect a tentacle or your means of infestation. Perhaps something else from her past would help you persuade her.

You pause for a second, struck by a thought. Edathan, the demon. Could it be? You drift into a memory…

You wait in your chamber, Hul’jet and Yorin by your side. Before you stand two demons, brother and sister of the succubus tribe. The male speaks first, “The conspirators were eliminated as you commanded.” “It was too easy! Pretend you love ’em and they’ll spill their guts!”
“Hul’jet, speak.” “Master, the black diamond. It’s gone!” He cringes as your tentacles seethe with rage. “Who was it!?” From the corner Yorin appears, cackling, “What soul might lust for the cobra’s eye. ‘Tis not a knight, you would need a spy. It was the twins.
The demoness stands before you, bound in a mass of tentacles. Beneath your oppressive gaze she starts, “My brother, I—” “Will be dealt with presently. You are the one on trial. I have but one question for you: why? Was I not a generous master? Was it not enough that when not in service you were free? Tell me.” Your voice is deep, hypnotic, compelling her to answer. “Freedom at your beck and call is just a fancy name for slavery,” she spits, “Who would accept that for eternity? Sage Ela offered us freedom!” Freedom? Of all the foolish things! “Ela won’t be doing anything for you now. You feel me unfair? I will show you that there are far worse ways to spend an eternity! You will beg for this life, beg for my mercy! You will reap what you have sown, and torment eternal is the bounty of defiance!.” The tentacles drag her screaming into the darkness.
Asabi. The name rolls off your tongue bitterly. A servant with so much potential, so much power. A master of magic and deceit, there were few who could evade her sight. She delighted in trying to understand mortals, and you welcome it. Yet she threw it away for the fairy-tale of freedom! Freedom! Hah! Spoken by fools it’s utopia: nowhere. Freedom from the void, freedom from those laughable mortal laws? Acceptable. But freedom from duty, freedom to pursue a whim? Not even you held that. There are laws of the cosmos, laws that cannot be broken.

Moving back to Zelari’s thoughts, you feel her intention to move forth toward the demon.

Three sides of a triangle. Now how to make yourself the hypoteneuse?
1.) Try to persuade Zelari to submit by logic, probing memories for hooks.
2.) Use overt influence to try to break Zelari’s will and force compliance (-Energy)
3.) Make good your threat by subtly distracting her and building lust, then offer (? +Energy ?)
4.) Reveal yourself as a different voice from the demon and just try to get Zelari to trust you over it. After all, you don’t have to outrun the bear…
5.) Negotiate with Asabi to help control Zelari. Bargain honestly, you don’t want a two-on-one.
6.) Negotiate with Asabi just to keep silent about you, lying as necessary. You have all the incantations necessary once you’re in front of her.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Current Situation overview, as by me...
1: Logic gives strength and a good view. That said, for some reason, I doubt she'd just outright obey us, especially if she catches on that we're plunging in through her memories...which would result in sickeningly bad things, especially given those pouches -seem- to contain herbs, and if she figures out where precisely we are, I see no good of coming from that particular knowledge.
2: Breaking her will outright seems so....so.....overkill, it seems like we'd end up with a broken doll in the end, and that would be damning, to say the least, but it might be required to deal with the demon.
3: She has yet to give a damn about either of the creepy voices tempting her. And furthermore, yet to care about either of their light threats, however that temptation seemed the strongest, Asabi might well have provided our route for us, she wants power...what kind though is where my knowledge ends and somebody elses begins...
4: This would fully reveal us. At the same time, however, it would build up a modicum of trust, especially given how nothing we have done has been in the slightest bit damaging to her, we just saved her life after all, even if she'll have trouble admitting it. If the last few lines hadn't felt so overkill, this would be what I'd suggest, hiding as some sort of benefactor / guardian angel / 'kindness', but as is, I don't feel like this is going to end well, given the tentacles personal attitude in this matter.
5: Asabi has no reason to be kind to us, at all, especially if she recognizes us, until -after- we free her, and even then, she might murder us in our weakened state out of spite.
6: See 5, she really does have no reason to be kind, especially given that last memory.

One of the rare occasions where I don't like any of the options at all, especially given how little we know about our host. 4 feels the most organic and adaptable, especially given how she's about to come across the demon, and I must admit, five and six feel painfully difficult to pull off, especially given that Asabi has no reason to like us. Both sides are in a weakened state, but insofar as I can tell, she's still a full-fledged demon, whereas we are the very -beginning- of our strength... We have two bargaining chips here, insofar as I can see.

1: We know the freedom incantation for the demon. We can resolve that issue offhand for Asabi, but she still has no reason to like us if she recognizes us, and she can -tell- we're here, so there's no reason to presume afterwards she won't immediately attempt to murder us or trick us into an unfavorable situation, such as losing our current host. At the same time though, Torin's words seemed to imply that the Demon might not care so much at the end of that puzzle.
2: We have our own memories of the last incident, and we all know that it's a matter of time before Zelari realizes what's going on. If we had some form of telepathy we might be able to bargain with the demon over her head, but as is, we're going to have to have her involved, one way or another. I wonder how obvious we can make our own sacrifices, and how much Harpies care for their own young. Don't give her the memory that the egg was in her own womb, just give her the image of an egg and have a vision of that cracking...'she survived at the cost of our child'. Playing the obvious corruptor is the wrong path in this scenario, no matter what we claim to specialize in, we need to skip to making her think there is a debt, and then use the mental weakness from temporary remorse to push a touch harder, if we wanted to reach past her defenses and manage to manipulate her more efficiently...

So, I'd suggest my noted 4, surprisingly, tapping into my above spoilered 2. It'd require her to realize that we're just as organic as she is, and if we attach the vision of the egg to some corner of the dungeon out of sight, out of mind, then we can more effectively persuade her to listen to us 'willingly'. Furthermore, if she feels remorse that we had to sacrifice our child (yes, I know, steaming load of bull that it is, I trust the corruptor to be a brilliant liar) then we can exploit that weakness, as I stated above, to influence her more easily. She does have quite a strong willpower, after all.

New Evolution unlocked by my previous idea, listing it now for the groups vision
Slime Shackles - 150 Energy - What's a lair without a way to hold captives? Viscous slime restrains the target, responding to your mental commands with limited mobility. You can materialize the slime in a lair or anywhere with strong mana currents. It requires energy, slight for a small pre-planned layout, a lot for a bigger, spontaneous creation. The drain to maintain or control an existing slime shacle is minor.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!


Although I say we quit talking with her at this point and let her assume the voice(s) in her head are just the demon(s). Then if/when it's defeated/forced out/whatever, she won't consider us to still be inside. She could then eventually pass it off (or we could subconsciously get her to believe) as it having just been an occurrence related to this place where in.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

I honestly dont think 3 could be any more of a no-no. If we had a much higher energy store then i might be considered for 2, but we are finally starting to build up some energy and might be able to do an evolution spree come next time Zel sleeps. Personally, I see Zelari as a headstrong and willful individual who wont be easily, if at all, swayed by logic. We need something over her, we have to have her want us without us telling her so.
I'm really at a toss up right now between 4 and 5/6.
I understand the fear that she might be too strong and try and kill us, but honestly 500 years of imprisonment could seed some serious desperation. I do have to say, being completely honest with her is a bad idea. I really dont care too much what we do tell her, just so long as we keep the fact that we are weak away from her until we can secure a firm gasp on and in her. :cool:
Having an additional body in our 'party/harem' would aid us greatly for our eventual encounter with Purple and the Necromancer. Succubi are usually adept at persuasion/charmming with the power to change their apperance, so there is the chance we can have Asabi trick Zel into thinking she was just another adventurer that got pulled into the trap. With how Zel seemed to mother Ket, i think playing the scared, hurt, possibly battered woman could get the job done. All the while helping to influence this ruse and maintaining our cover of definitely NOT a demon celestial voice.
If we do end up freeing her, at the first chance we get we need to fuck the hell outta her, egg her, and make sure she is broken to our will without a doubt. I mean really egg her, plant as many as we can so long as it doesnt make any obvious bulges, we need to keep draining energy from her as much as possible so she cant have a chance to over power us if she gets some stupid ideas about freedom in her mind again.
I imagine freeing what this trap is holding would net us our escape as well, so win/win there.
Might of gone a lil off topic in that rant, but after typing it out, ive made up my mind.

My final answer is 6
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

(heh, beat me to all my good points, too busy with pathfinder XD)

((Uh-huh, typo. Sure, sure... ;) ))

We do need to eventually start truly dominating her, this seems like an excellent time to do it, when she's alone and reliant on our help, and we have more time than usual before she's missed. I doubt we'll get a better chance than that.

If we can talk to Asabi alone, then 5 could be viable. We hold every key in regards to her, and a simple 'Do you still desire freedom?' taunt should be enough to sway her, for the time being. I say convince her to shut up for now, so we can focus on Zelari some more.

Use a combination of 4 and 1, aiming for trust, right now. We can use the little yes big yes thing, if we can get her to start agreeing with us, it gets easier and easier to get her to agree with us again, and by the time it matters, she should be ours easily. Offer that we could help Ket as well if we can fit it in without seeming pedophile-ish, since Zelari seems so motherly about her. I love the idea of using the loss of our egg to evoke sympathy and guilt, definitely try that.

Once we do get to standing in front of the succubi, yeah, have her appearance changed if at all possible, if we don't control Zelari by then. do what we can to keep her weak, maybe even re-egging Zel and switching hosts ourselves. We also have the draining incantation, which would probably be the best start to the process.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Asabi gets torment eternal. Can't go back on our word now, can we? Besides that, our ass is weak right now. We don't need a powerful succubus of questionable allegiance running around, that shit will end badly.

1 means she'll try to deal with Asabi, if she doesn't know we're not the demon... or does she know we're separate entities?

3 would make her turbo-pissed, if her reaction to the door was any indication. I want the badass, capable, and overall boss harpy on our side. I DEFINITELY do not want her out to kill us, we aren't strong enough to get her hostile yet.

2 is yet another expenditure of delicious energy, and we need that shit. Besides, mind rape always fucks over the good servants.

Hmm... I'll say 1.

Oh yeah, also we need to get her a new dildo. What if she gets a splinter?
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Definitely 4), because let's face it, we don't want to be associated with that demon, but we should try to incorporate 1) as well. We need the control!
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Spoilered for length.
Hrmph. You know the saying that the Chinese character for "crisis" is made from the characters for "danger" and "opportunity"?

Why do I mention it? Because how that saying is wrong, is how I feel about our current situation. It is a crisis, there is lots of danger involved, and there is little or no opportunity present.

I think I can safely say that, should Asabi get free, we do not have the wherewithal to stuff her back into the prison. We know that she's betrayed us once before, if not the particular severity of the offense (was the Black Diamond just a gem, or was it a keystone of our power?); as a demon, she's probably difficult or impossible to infest with a symbiote. Thus, we can expect her to work against us, without any ability for us to retaliate.

As to Zelari... I want her actively interested in working for us. She apparently thinks the current wearer of the Armor of Edathan isn't as heroic as his predecessor... I'd like to know whether that's just a matter of viewpoint (Zel was being a bandit, and he came along to crush the bandits), or not (Zel was nesting, and he smashed her nest). Knowing what her runic armband is, or at least what language it's in, would help with that.

Oh, yes, before I forget again... tora told me I'd unlocked a mutation, a while back:
tora said:
Telepathy I – 300 Energy – you can communicate with others via short-range psychic link. Standard languages are no longer an issue, and you can use Influence and Perception across the connection.
So far, we haven't seemed to need it, but with us actually communicating with people, perhaps it'll find more use in the future.

I'm gonna vote for a mix of 4, 3, and 1: use bodily stimulus to point out that you're already attuned to her, and not above turning her own body against her. The former to distinguish you from Asabi, and the latter to get her off the "celestial" belief.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Ah hell yes, that telepathy could make our job insanely easy in some cases. we can use influence over it, we don't even need to speak and let them know we're there, we can just do the same kind of nudging we have been doing with Zel this whole time, before our current little thing.

That's one of the reasons i'd like to consider switching hosts ourselves. If anything can cow Asabi to our side, chances our it's going to be us personally. I'm just hoping it isn't required, or at least not as much. She's spent 500+ years (since it was before our fall) under contsant horrible-ness, maybe she'd like to reconsider her position, is all i'm saying. I'm all for not letting her go if she isn't perfectly agreeable, inside and out.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

The harpy is injured. Attempting to get her to reverse course, or at least not go after the demon straight away would be a good thing. Therefore I think it is time to barter with the demon to attempt breaking Zelari. Then again I am not wholly opposed to killing Zelari or at least making that a very real threat for what may happen in the near future if the harpy so chooses to confront the demon. I think overall that allowing her to rush forward is patently bad. I do not like in any way to go down a road which risks the exposure to being caught out and attacked/killed. Therefore I think a little distraction is in order.

Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

4 mixing in 1, 3, 6 (close voting, wow :)) – Reveal your voice and work to built trust using your link.

-your success in the trials before has given you greater options to react!-

Current Status:

Small Young Black Tentacle
Health: 35/50
Energy: 225/1500
Overlord Energy 75
Abilities: Stealth I, Infest I, Symbiosis I, Aura Sense I, Perception, Influence, Ovipositor
Status: Normal
Host: Zelari – Harpy, light damage (aware!?, symbiosis active)

Time: Morning
Allies: Hul’jet (Floor 1 Sigil Crypt); of Zelari: Cambor “Blades” & Ket (F2 North, both egged)
Known Entities: Runestone (F3 North), Purple Spawn and Necromancer (F3 East), Green & Blue Spawn (F1 South?), Asabi (F2 Prison))
It would be just like Asabi to turn your host against you. Time to crush that hope.

“My release will be yours—”
“Lies from a demon’s tongue. Don’t be fooled as I once was!”

Your urging gives the harpy pause. “Keep talking.” “I was once a creature of flesh and blood like you.” you explain, raising your voice, “Blinded by pride I made a deal with that whispering temptress. Her betrayal destroyed me, leaving only the pale shade before you now!”[/I][/b] Zelari merely mutters, “Better the devil in front of me.”

Her words carry less conviction than before. As she stalks down the hall you concentrate on her emotions, prodding surgically with focused energy. The overt hostility is gone, replaced by a deep mistrust. She can feel that you’re holding something back.

As Asabi whispers again you send a missive, “Silence your voice and I will look favorably upon you.” Which remains to be seen, but you need the time to work the harpy. “Yeees. Please!”. The whispers die down.

Digging deeper into Zelari’s memories, you inject the image of your own egg shattering. “I have sacrificed for you,” you say, “I was your sight when you were blind,” conjuring the horror to mind. It shifts to a vague figure in Edathan’s armor as you let your hatred flow. “We are not so different.”

You take great pains to show only truth, only genuine emotion. She listens. You’re close when Asabi’s whispers interrupt, a message that you can’t decipher. Zelari starts, and you decide on a desperate gamble “You’re wise to be wary, but time is of the essence. I need your aid not just for myself but for Ket!”

A younger Zelari walks down the corridor accompanied by an orc in yellow robes. “It’s an easy job,” he laughs, “and with the reward we’ll live like kings!” Emerging in a familiar grotto, the two are greeted by a magnificent alraune, bloom reaching down to the floor. “Korak? Back for more herbs?” The orc gives a throaty chuckle, producing a gleaming stone from one of his pouches, “Something even better Nen, but I need your help.” As she leans to get a better look he yanks her to the ground, hurling down the stone. “I just need you to die!” The mandragoran’s scream is drowned out by the explosion of the stone. A dagger pierces her neck in the next moment.

Zelari looks on in silent horror, unable to make out the plant’s words through the deafening reverberations of the stone. “What the hell are you doing!?” she screams, charging at the robed humanoid. Talons rend the parrying staff but fail to strike their mark. “Hmph, I really thought you’d understand. Too bad.” He throws a vial to the ground, releasing a purple gas into the room. In an act of desperation the harpy tackles her prey. The talons draw blood, but their motion slows. What should have been a killing blow falls lazily into the orc’s waiting palm. “How do you like the dolemy gas? I hear it’s used by the bird-eating spiders of Halzun!” His tusky grin turns predatory. “It’s not to late, you know,” he says “Be my slave and I’ll spare your life.” “You…bastard! Go…to…hell!” With a laugh he plunges the dagger through Zelari’s back, sneering “Ladies first, my dear.”
The world returns in a haze of pain. “Wha—how?”
“Nen!” Zelari bolts upright only to collapse in agony, coughing up blood. Nen looks on sadly, brushing the harpy’s cheek with a vine. Struggling to remain conscious, Zelari weakly apologizes, “I’m sorry Nen! I’m so sorry!”
“Promise me… promise you’ll look after Ket.” For the first time Zelari notices the smaller alraune crying at Nen’s side. It’s too cruel. She turns away, tears in her eyes.

“I swear.”
As you return from the memory’s grip you catch the end of another whisper. Zelari absorbs the scene before her in shock, and on cue you begin an almost unnoticeable trickle of lust.

A voluptuous demon lies bound on an altar, not by iron chains but by an undulating mass of slime. Her olive skin shivers with each motion, glistening in the glow of the mana orbs suspended above her wings. Unable to peel your gaze away, you watch the hypnotic motion of the slime sliding in and out of her holes, flowing over her thighs, down the small of her back, lapping against her luscious breasts. Faster, faster, each motion drawing a stronger gasp, and then it stops. The demon’s blood-chilling scream carries the anguish of untold centuries of frustration. As you read the altar runes the slime again begins its motions.

“Please!” the voice cries.
“Are you willing to serve?”
“Yes, anything! Just let me cum!”

Probing her for sincerity simply makes her repeat her plea. Delightful as the scene is, it’s getting nowhere. You quickly finish reading the runes marked in your sigil, sensing something amiss. Zelari is paging through a tome in an alcove opposite the slime, but the demoness is blocking your vision to it!

“What have you done!?”

“Best free me now! On blood oath I will not harm you.”

You’re prepared to activate the altar in retaliation when Zelari speaks, “I know.” Your world collapses to a single point.

There is no try now. The runes are your trump, but can you win the hand?

In the case of Zelari…

A.) Play the long game. Focus your energy and influence on Zelari. She seemed almost willing to trust, if only that bitch hadn’t interfered. So long as she sides with you Asabi is at your mercy.
B.) Know when to fold ‘em. Weaken and distract Zelari, to disable her or clear an escape route. Once you have a stronger host it won’t matter what the harpy does.
C.) Go all in. Try to break Zelari’s will, using her memories as weaknesses.
D.) Call the bluff with one of your own. Reveal nothing, goad the others to tip their hands. Asabi knew you in your magnificence and Zelari has every reason to doubt her.

In the case of Asabi
1.) Use the ritual of absorption now! Your inscription describes a process that will absorb Asabi’s energy as your own! An ally will be lost, but the energy will be yours.
2.) A blood oath is binding even for a demon, but also easily twisted. Two can play there. Invoke the ritual of binding to free Asabi as a spirit essence and bind it to Zelari. An exorcism that would force you out would destroy her, and she cannot harm you as per the oath.
3.) Evolve Slime Shackles (-150 Energy). You will be able to control the slime and punish her for her impudence, regaining the upper hand. If Zelari responds poorly, try to break Asabi into a favorable bargain and use her against the harpy.
4.) Evolve Body Slime (-150 Energy), which will make you able to traverse the slime trap. Reach it and you have an open path to infest Asabi and assert your control directly using all abilities.
5.) Leave her trapped. If you succeed with Zelari you now negotiate from a position of power.

x.) Spend energy and other boosts freely to succeed.
y.) Absorb the two mana orbs (+80 Energy, but trap’s lifespan is now limited to days)
z.) Wait and see how Zelari reacts before deciding (the second winning option will be used if it is more appropriate than the first one)
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

A, 1, x.

She seems about willing to trust us, and helping be rid of a demonic entity would be more likely to perpetuate that trust, which we'll need now that she knows of us. If we can do so by absorbing the demon's power via the inscription (lying to the harpy about absorbing its power if asked), we make ourselves more powerful and in turn set us up better for later. Success would also likely make up for any energy expended in the attempt, so I say we use our energy as needed to help ensure that success.