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Tentacle Souls

Re: Tentacle Souls

Beep beep we're a jeep

Hopefully not literally
Re: Tentacle Souls


I have a question. Can we cause them errors? I mean, you stated that when we tried to communicate telepathically we got a bunch of numbers and gibberish. So wouldn't it be possible to inject random nonsense into that and cause a multitude of errors?

If so, I would like to use that while we flee to effect the leader or anything in our way.

Actually, was it aura detect that lets us speak further? If we upgraded that and used or telepathic abilities to screw the enemies over would that work?

If that all isn't possible and confuse actually works on metal minds then I say evolve that and use it on everybody in the room (while fleeing of course).
Re: Tentacle Souls

(8) Brave Sir Robin turned about and gallantly he Chickened out (8)

Yes, there are limits to how altruistic a tentacle monster can be
Re: Tentacle Souls


I have a question. Can we cause them errors? I mean, you stated that when we tried to communicate telepathically we got a bunch of numbers and gibberish. So wouldn't it be possible to inject random nonsense into that and cause a multitude of errors?

If so, I would like to use that while we flee to effect the leader or anything in our way.

Actually, was it aura detect that lets us speak further? If we upgraded that and used or telepathic abilities to screw the enemies over would that work?

If that all isn't possible and confuse actually works on metal minds then I say evolve that and use it on everybody in the room (while fleeing of course).

It's a lovely thought, but I'm afraid they're functionally immune to our weak little telepathic prods.

Anyway, Option B - stop voting for B! - wins this round.


The lead metal man continues to stare blankly at you, but you get the very strong impression there is a great deal whirring away behind the eyes.

"Erm... I'm afraid I'll have to decline," you reply. You jump forward, catching him (it) slightly off-guard, and send him staggering out of the way with one swing of your powerful arm. There's no time to loose as you sprint forwards towards Elene, but you can already hear the powering up of the light beams behind you...

Acting on total instinct, you dive to the floor and slide forwards across the slick ice. Red beams of light fly over you, and impact with an alarming crunch into the rock and ice of the opposite wall.
Your impromptu glide across the frozen floor, knocking Blango and Harpy corpses all over the place, carries you right up to Elene - who's looking more than a little worse-for-wear. She groans softly as you step over her, trying to say something to you... but it's too weak for you to make out.

You scoop her up in your arms, shield now hanging off at an awkward angle, and spin round to face the exit.

Which does rather present the problem of making you a nice big juicy target for all the robotic men.

Wincing, you close your eyes, expecting the bolts of light to fly across the gap and strike you down in an instant. A second passes. Then another. Death doesn't arrive.

You open your eyes again to see the army arrayed before you, but they're not moving.

"Preservation of human life is the utmost priority." intones their leader.

You start to sidle over towards the exit with its feeble-looking wooden door. You glance back briefly at the unknown man's corpse, but there's nothing you can do.
"Leave the female here so that she can become like us."
"Become like us." The rest repeat the line as one. God that's creepy.

Too much. Still cradling Elene in your arms, you make a charge for the door and barge it open with your shoulder, sending it flying back into the wall. You hurry through, and use your leg to kick it back shut. You plow forward through the detritus on the floor before skidding to a halt. No, not now! Your host is finally starting to reject you, and you can hear the silver men mobilising together behind the door.


ALERT: You will be physically evicted from your host within the next two minutes.

Option 1) Run through the cave, back outside, and scale the mountain. Hopefully you can get far enough of your pursuers that you're able to - and this is the tricky bit - dive off the side of the mountain, and use the Ice Orc's corpse to cushion the impact for both Elene and yourself.

Option 2) Abandon Elene, and make a break for it yourself.
Option 2A) Back outside, up the mountain.
2B) Outside, off the mountain.
2C) Around the U shape of this cave and to the Archcrystal to go back to the Dimensional Nexus.
2D) Into the black abyss that makes up the centre of this U shaped cave. No way the metal men can follow you down there.
2E) Further into the winding frozen caves at the heart of this mountain.

Option 3) Try and hide Elene, then make a last stand to delay the metal men as long as possible (spoiler alert - you'll be overrun and killed sooner or later).
All 3A - 3E choices indicate the same locations as in Option 2 as a place to hide Elene.

Health: 35/80
Energy: 27/80
Morality: 11/100 (Saint-like)


- Thunder Bolt I (Like Fire Bolt, Thunder element).
- Water Bolt I (...ditto).
- Ovipositor I (Allows you to lay eggs within the orifice of a host. At low levels, these eggs are weak and may not hatch properly. Further upgrades reduces this risk. Each egg costs 10 energy to plant, but the hatched tentacle is autonomous and commanded by you).
- Dread I (Releases pheromones that make organisms more afraid. The higher the level, the stronger the effect it has, and the better it works on people (lower levels are effective mostly against animals).
- Teleport I (allows you transport small, inanimate things back to the Dimensional Nexus, or wherever you set up a lair in the future. Further upgrades allow you to move bigger, and eventually alive things. NOTE: This spell will never be usable on yourself).
- Confusion I (Launch a magical blast that can disrupt the brain-waves of a foe. Useful against well-armored creatures that aren't very vulnerable to normal attacks).

- Firebolt II (Like Magic Sting II, but Fire Element).
- Scale Armor II (tougher scales, reduce damage taken).
- (Lust) Slime Ooze II (your slime induces lust in those that contact it).
- (Sleep) Slime Ooze II (you sleep makes those that touch it sleepy. Very... sleepy).
- Perception II (20 Energy. Use body language and other subtle, chemical clues to put together a general hint of what someone is feeling at any given time. Is that a molecule of sweat? They're nervous. Are their fingers tapping? Clearly impatient.)
- Aura Detect 2.55 (20 energy. Your sense of auras is refined, and you can see them from a great distance and judge their power levels more accurately. Also allows you to faintly detect Cursed auras).
- Stealth II (20 energy required. Become even sneakier).
- Swim II (20 energy required. Can you guess what this evolution does?)
- Body Shock II (20 Energy required. A powerful wave of magical energy runs over your skin. Akin to picking up a live electrical wire. Obviously limited to close-range combat, though).
- Tentacle Arts II (20 Energy required. Recover HP through sex).

- Infest III (30 Energy. Last almost indefinitely inside a host).
- Growth III (30 energy required. Grow to a chunky, 6-foot long python, complete with split heads.)
- Magic Shield III (30 energy cost. Lasts longer and tougher to break than Level II).
- Magic Sting III (30 Energy required. Costs 5 energy to use, but a direct hit will send most foes flying off their feet).
Re: Tentacle Souls

I'm a little confused, so let me make sure I understand:
We can abandon Elene, and go anywhere in option 2, or we can apply those letters from 2 to option 3 as far as hiding her, but we can't just go through yon archcrystal?

Oh yea, we respawn at the nexus when we die... tempting...

But I think 1 sounds kind of bad ass.

EDIT: Argument for 3C has swayed my opinion. THROUGH THE ARCHCRYSTAL!!!!! 3C
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Re: Tentacle Souls

I agree that one sounds really damn bad ass so I'm gonna have to go with that.

Three sounds like it'd work, kind of. I mean, sure we'd die and Elene might just get hid well enough that they won't find her, but... She's injured, bleeding and it's really cold out. I kind of doubt she'd make it.

I'll go with one but on the off chance that three is chosen I ask kindly that before we go all Commando on the asses of the metal men we heal her as best as we can (stop the bleeding and if anything else can be thought of to improve her chances than that, too).

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Re: Tentacle Souls

I actually had an interesting thought... what if we fucked Elena for the energy necessary to evolve Infest III, then infested her? It'd give us a body that the Cybermen wouldn't shoot at, and maybe we could boost her healing while we're at it.
Re: Tentacle Souls

I dunno about that... Isn't infest horribly painful and possibly crippling? What with shooting needles from the roof top up to the brain and hiding out in the victims throat.

How ever, you gave me an idea. If infesting something doesn't outright kill it (or cause it severe brain damage... Not that it'd matter in this case) and since the Ice Orc IS waking up. What say we hide the girl, run away (leading the metal minds away) then hop out while they aren't looking burying ourselves beneath the snow. Ice Orc is left with a dumb look on his face as thousands of metal minds kill him and we possibly get away free. Then naturally we wait for things to cool down a might before collecting girl and heading back to the crystal place.

I'm still in favour of one but if everything I just said is possible I may switch over to this instead... It seems to have a higher chance of actually working than jumping off a cliff.

On a slightly related note. I'd like to know just what infesting does to the victim.

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Re: Tentacle Souls

I vote 3C

Why am I not voting 1?
This is why:
Re: Tentacle Souls

This story amuses me.

Option 1, mothafuckas!

ORC CORPSE TOBOGGAAAAAAAAAAAN! *Super-Wicked-Awesome Guitar Riff*
Re: Tentacle Souls

3c - we might survive a great fall but i doubt she will