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Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

Re: Random Idea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

WOW this really is a great Idea. I just wish I could help out in some way XD though I have one major problem...I have a crippling fear of spiders, so as much as I want to play this my fear might get the better of me. Still more power to you and I wish you luck in making this game

Lucky you we're not talking real spider here. We're talking Tentacles in the shape of spiders.

Updated the large post with the final level and a few mini-bosses. Working on side quests now...
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Re: Random Idea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

There. Now Neko has three cheers.

I got me sum cheers. i also should be working on the game soon. things are settling down.
Re: Random Idea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

That is incredibly good to hear.
Re: Random Idea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.


I know this might be a let down. I know you would rather hear me say that im working on the game, but i don't have that news....YET!!!!

Im almost done. by the end or middle of this week, shit should be settled down and i can start once again.

I plan to have the character design started or finished and by the middle of the summer, (the lastest) the game should be done. Im estimating by assumption, i might accomplish this early or later. idk right now. but i want to get this done. Need to get this done.

keeping you all posted.

and plz keep adding details if you want. It helps invision the game.

EDIT : Re-reads AngelKara's info on enemies.

I Have to apologize. the first time you wrote this, i skimmed a few lines and liked it. Said it was good. (Me and big passeges don't mix well/ short attention span to reading) but i just read the whole thing. this is FUCKING AWESOME. How did you come up with this. you got the detail down well. Im upset that i dont have any progress to this masterpiece. this is good material. i love this game. My only question is that will game maker handle it.
Its long but its worth it.

can't wait to draw the enemies. you know what thats what imma do second. first, i need to make a game similar , or share all the aspects of this future game, and then i will draw the main char and the eneimes.... heheheh

do you have any favorite enemies?

this game will have side scrolling/ enemies with predictable AI/ animation when to enemies have contact/ some sort of transition or loading to next level/ determination bar and the way it depletes/ poision effect/ special effercts from enemies/ effect from stage/ add more if i missed any

how long are these stages... like distance?
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Re: Random Idea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

So far all I have left is the event scripts and I'm done pretty much everything I can do for the game.

Also thank you I am quite proud of my creations.

The entire game idea and a few of the enemy ideas came from inspiration from other games mostly LM and Koonsoft's work. The rest just came from my mind trying to think up neat alterations on the idea of tentacles. As well as a few suggested like mimics.

My personal favourite enemy is probably either the abyss, Pit tentacle or nymph

And no that seems to be about it

The stage lengths will vary if possible and I don't really know about measurement units for stages in a sidescroller but not very long generally
Re: Random Idea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.


Sidhe Protection Agency Quest
Given by: Aaron
Found: World 1, Level 2.
Storyline: The people of Tina's hometown had a deal with the Sidhe. The Sidhe would protect the city and the city would in turn provide the Sidhe with all that they required. However when the tentacles attacked the Sidhe were nowhere to be found. Aaron wants you to go to the Sidhe grove and find out what happened.
Sidequest levels: Sylvan forest 1, Sylvan forest 2, Sidhe Grove.
Enemies: Basic Tentacle, Mimic, Tentacle Ball, Shock Tentacle, Spider Tentacle.
Boss: Animus Tentacle.
Rewards: 100 XP, Sidhe grove becomes a store and you gain the Animus stone. (+2 to determination, +1 to attack)
Events: Quest start 1, Entering the forest, Sidhe grove burns, Destroying the Animus, Quest end 1.

Find Carleton Square Shop Quest.
Given: Carniss
Found: World 1, Level 4
Storyline: Carniss was the owner of a shop in this area. Through some strange event the shop disappeared. Carniss asks you to try and find out where it went.
Sidequest levels: Zero space 1, Zero Space 2, Zero space 3, Destination point.
Enemies: Red Shade, Green Shade, Dread Light, Tenacity Cloud.
Boss: Caryvan the Archmage.
Rewards: 500 XP, Main Shop opened, Magus necklace (+3 to willpower, +5 to determination)
Events: Quest start 2, Entering the portal, The Archmage, The fallen mage, Quest end 2.

Avenge Us!
Given: Glyth
Found: World 2, Level 3.
Storyline: A mysterious race of creatures called the Terrani attacked and destroyed the outpost slaughtering everyone stationed there. A dying soldier asks you to avenge himself and his fallen comrades.
Sidequest levels: Satan's ridge, Fallow Tunnel, Terrani base, Throne Room.
Enemies: Terrani Predator, Terrani Hunter, Terrani Master, Terrani Soldier.
Boss: Terrani Lord: Gratus.
Rewards: 250 XP, 700 GP, Terrani Siden(+2 to Attack).
Events: Quest start 3, Terrani, Gratus, Vengeance, Quest end 3.

Treasure of the Tentacles
Given: Nene
Found: World 2, Level 4.
Storyline: An eccentric young girl named Nene who seems to be somehow invisible to the tentacles and has an amazing interest in them tasks you to go to the tentacle nest and find a secret treasure. She assures you that you will not face much opposition since all the tentacles are currently out on a rampage trying to find some girl (> . >).
Sidequest levels: Tentacle nest 1, Tentacle nest 2, Tentacle hive, Tentacle treasure room.
Enemies: Basic Tentacle, Trapdoor Tentacle.
Boss: Giga (If beat the main storyline first: Orion).
Rewards: 100/1000 XP, 250/2000 GP, Tentacle Idol/Tentacle Statue (+5 Determination, +3 Attack, -3 Willpower/+10 Determination, +6 Attack, +1 Willpower)
Events: Quest start 4, The Truth, Giga rises/Orion's Call, The Fall, Quest end 4.

Money Back Guarantee
Given: Roman
Found: World 3, Level 1.
Storyline: You meet a Jester in the forest who spouts randomness but you catch the words "money back guarantee." When asked about the money back Guarantee the Jester looks sullen. "I bought this neat hat. However it seems to be trying to eat my head. They said they'd give me back my money if I wasn't satisfied. So I'm waiting patiently for them to come back." Desperate for any excuse to get away from this psycho you decide to go get his money.
Sidequest Levels: Gift shop, Souvenir Shop, Clothing Store.
Enemies: Basic Tentacle, Shock Tentacle, Tentacle Ball, Psychopathic Clown.
Boss: Irate Shop owner.
Rewards: Automatic level up, 10 000 GP (Hee hee), Jester hat (-1 attack, -1 Willpower, +2 Determination)
Events: Quest start 5, Shopping, Make the voices stop!, Always complaining..., Quest end 5.

Funeral Rites
Given: Clarice
Found: World 3, Level 5
Storyline: Clarice was a treasure hunter who happened to be in the forest. Her and her two companions were attacked by the Black Widow Tentacle. Her companions were killed and she was violently raped. She asks you to please help her bring her companions bodies home so they can have proper burials.
Special Note: Clarice carries one body and you carry the other. This makes your movement speed slower, You're unable to attack and your jump height is halved.
Sidequest Levels: Path to Arvale, Hills of Arvale, Border of Arvale, Arvale Cemetary.
Enemies: Spider Tentacles, Spring Trap Tentacles, Shadow Tentacles.
Boss: Crypt Tentacle.
Rewards: 5000 GP, Gratitude (+10 Attack, +10 Willpower, +10 Determination) (If you manage to save Clarice) Family Crest (+5 Attack, +5 Willpower, +5 Determination)
Events: Quest start 6, Handicaps, Home stretch, The Crypt Keeper, (Optional) Sacrifice, Quest end 6.

Aphrodisiac Potion
Given: Morgana
Found: World 4, Level 1
Storyline: A crazy witch asks you to get some ingredients for a potion a rich buyer wanted. She says she used to get the ingredients herself but she can't anymore. The ingredient is the poison of a Cactus Tentacle. She needs you to get caught by 5 cactus tentacles and then she can remove the poison from your body and use it in the potion.
Rewards 200 XP, 500 GP, Determination/Attack/Willpower Potion (+4 Determination/Attack/Willpower)
Events: Quest start 7, Cacti, Halfway done, Poison removal, Quest end 7.

Given: None
Found: World 5, Level 5.
Storyline:After the main quest this quest immediately starts assuming you aren't on sandbox mode.
Sidequest Levels: World 6-8.
Enemies: T-tan 2 Enemies.
Boss: Leanna. (XD yep secret boss.)
Reward: You beat the entire game main and secret storyline. (Also can now go back and get anything you missed and now if you do Nene's quest you face Orion instead of Giga.)
Event: End!

(I'll just put this here. Apparently I decided I have a lot more work to do...)
Re: Random Idea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.


I thought this thread disappreared or became abandoned!

Well Im back on board and willing to share my skills again. Let me know of any problems you encounter and Ill do my best to help clear them up.

Edit: Neko, I havent had much time to look at your 3rd try but I can answer one of your questions really quickly. The reason your animation for standing is very fast at first is because you only had the speed adjusted when you CHANGED sprites. Something to the effect of "When key is released > Change sprite to blah > set speed to .2". When the object is created at the beginning of the game there is no line that states what the animation speed should be. I fixed this in a matter of seconds by adding "Create > Change sprite to Stand sp > Set speed to .2". This immedatly changes the sprite to the proper speed. I dont like messing around with animation speeds too much (Its just one more thing for me to screw up) so I tend to put mutiple copies of the same image in a row to slow down the animation speed to Gamemakers default speed. That way I dont have to mess around with animation speeds whenever I make new objects or have to deleate and redo objects (That is the answer to another one of your questions).
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Re: Random Idea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

Oh hey glad you found the thread. Right now I'm working on events and waiting for Neko.
Re: Random Idea I had to get out of my head before I start obsessing over it.

Just a quick update... Realized I left out all the non-main story enemies so working on them now and taking a break from the events
Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

I am ready. School is finally over and i have the summer to make something awesome. and i guess you all know what that "something" is.


will be a slow start. need to get in the groove. got the drawing pad so i will draw a rough sketch of her. can't mess with game yet, need to hook up desktop, which is with me. so, maybe in the next hour or maybe in the next 2 days i will be fiddling with gamemaker. but first a drawing. this will be my first time trying to draw hentai, so i will stick with regular anime style. t-tan will have cloths.

this is my update.

Neko, out!

Edit; and thanx everyone who kept faith in me and for showing me support and answering my questions. you guys are awesome.
Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

here is my first step of development
i wanted to draw a rough sketch of t-tan
i don't have my labtop handy (today for the 1st day) so i couldn't read the description on how she looked. so this is seer memory on how i thought she would look. plz give feed back, i am not the best drawer


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Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

here is my first step of development
i wanted to draw a rough sketch of t-tan
i don't have my labtop handy (today for the 1st day) so i couldn't read the description on how she looked. so this is seer memory on how i thought she would look. plz give feed back, i am not the best drawer

It looks, beautiful~<3! Seriously, that is an absolutely amazing drawing for a character~<3. I don't know what you're talking about, you're an amazing artist~.
Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

What Iggy said. That is amazing! It's also perfect for the character I envisioned. You are officially the greatest person who ever lived... Ok not really but still awesome.
Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

Thank you both. Your inspirations made my week
This is just a profile for Tina. Now im going to draw her with a sword.
what lenth and size should the sword be. cause i been playing God Eater: Burst for the psp and once again i fell in love with huge swords. and i have some idea on how she would use a huge sword. but thats just me. I origonally envisioned her with a medim sword that is the same length as her arm. Much like Kanon from Umineko.

(but imagine it as a huge sword [remember- connected to her arm] ;ike the second image)

ignore Soma- guy in the pic next to the sword.


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Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

My idea had been like a tentacle wrapped around her forearm and turning into like a rapier or Katana blade as it passed her wrist.
Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

ok. i will try to draw it
Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

Thanks btw that was a suggestion. As previously stated you have complete creative control over her appearance which would include her weapon.
Re: Tentacle-tan and the Wisp's Cure

I know but since this is your idea, i owe you some say in what is put in the game. your the genius, im just the worker now. i don't want to ruin this idea.

the sword will be tentacles wrapped around her arm starting half way down her forearm and coming togeather at har hand to make a blade. I was thinking like a regular double edged sword, since its a one handed weapon.

example: links sword of time from legend of zelda

the sword will be themed to look like the tentacle monsters.

is this gud?

this is more discriptive but i think this is what you were tlking about.