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Tentacular Threat on Rise

Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

B. Hah, we foubd the missing girl and a fellow adventurer, just as planned.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

C. Because we all know how well that goes, don't we? :D
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

B, followed by C if it tries to force it's way in.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

3 for B.

Linda gave the tentacle a glare and kept her mouth tighly shut.
The tentacle tried to enter in many times, attempting to push itself in.
But it was no use, Linda would either tilt her head accordinly and was able to keep the tentacle from entering.

The bigger watcher tentacle raised slightly upwards, as if it were looking down on her.
"Fine, lets have it your way then"

The tentacle trying to get in Linda's mouth backed slightly away, and the meaty wall below Linda shaked a bit and a rather nicely sized phallic shaped tentacle emerged, it was a bit bigger than the tentacles she was fucked by earlier in the forest. Not only that, but it seemed to have some sort of.. studs going a long it?

Linda gave it a off shocked stare and went 'gulp'.
The tentacle started rubbing Linda's pussy, up and down, spinning around. The pleasure caused by studdy outfeel on the surface alone made wet suprisingly fast, it really felt good. Linda did her best to not express it however and kept her teeth grit and mouth still shut.

This tentacle wanted to get on the business though, and not long till it penetraded Linda's vagina in one smooth lunge. The feel of having something this big and studdy inside her was bit too much and the sudden spike tension of pleasure was bit too much, she couldn't keep her mouth shut. "aaaaAA -MMMHHHPHHMH"

The tentacle in front of her face rushed right in mid scream. Making it way in her mouth, while the tentacle below her kept pushing itself in and out.
The tentacle in her mouth squirmed a little around, but it was there for a quick job. It ejaculated plenty of slimy tentacle cum and forced Linda to swallow it all up, which was rather diffucult to do due of the larger studded tentacle still doing its thing down below.

The tentacle came out her mouth Linda was coughed out a little of the overflow from her mouth and then started heavily breathing and letting moans, as the larger one never stopped during this process. She quite out of breath.

Sounds in her voice said;

"That's what you get"

The watcher tentacle then turned away from Linda to watch the other girls.

Linda moaning, and heavily breathing, still trying to keep her dignity as the large tentacle still kept pumping it up inside her. It was doing a really through out work, feeling the studs, the movement, the pleasure was enormous. Not only that but other tentacles started to gather around her, waiting for their turn to get a piece of her delicous vagina.

"I.. I Ah.. I'm doomed.." Linda sighted out and was about to give it all up.

A large unnatural shriek came out from the watcher tentacle at the middle. The tentacle inside Linda stopped, and started shaking. The tentacle pulled itself off immidiatly, didn't even finish inside her. The other tentacle around Linda also lost intrest in her. Something was going on, the watcher tentacle went inside the meaty walls at post haste, and the tentacle around the hall started to gather up, and sink in the meaty walls on the ground.

Linda's magic sense went wild, and on the ground, meat walls were turning black and forming inside in various spots, as if something impacted on them.

Taking the chance with the energy she still had left, Linda attempted to break her self free.. and succeeded! The tentacles holding her arms were weakened exordinary. She was able to free herself, and fell on her knees on surface.

She got up on her feet. There was clearly signs of battle to be heard underneath, un natural shrieks, splashes, windy shears.. and lot of magical interfierence.

Linda went to the lizardkin and Lilli. The lizardkin seemed rather exhausted, and was heavily breathing, eye lids low. Lilli had woken up but was bit dazed. Clearly not completely sure what is going on.

The two other girls on the otherside in the pods were still in their same state, not having a care what is going on. The pods were still same as before, nothing had changed. Saving them would not do any good unfortunantly.. Linda is not even sure if she could break those pods in anyway.

One thing is for sure, we've got to get out of here.

A) Release Lilli and shake her a bit to get wake up faster

B) Same as but also release the lizardkin aswell.
if B
1. Use a ring charge on the lizardkin to revitalize her.
2. Do not use a ring charge, maybe she can pull herself together.

C) Ah screw all of this, I'm getting out of here alone.

D) Only release the Lizardkin and leave Lilli there on her own.
same numeral options as B.

100/100 mana.

Linda is some what energaized
Linda is not hungry.
Has consumed tentacle semen. No effects.. Yet.
Necklace(enchanted). Energy restore ring (5 charges)
Small leather pouch tied to her waist holding 1 silver, 23 copper worth money.
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Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

B1. Maybe we can recharge the ring later if we use all its charges.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

B1. Gotta get as many fighters into the fray as soon possible.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

B1. Gotta love that bandwagon
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

B1 it is.
(I think I need to get more clever with the options in the future)

Linda went to Lilli and started to rip the tentacles that were holding her. They came off pretty easy. Lilli fell forward, but Linda catched her easily, she was a little doozy, nothing that a little shaking up wouldn't fix!

"Hey, wakey wakey, Lilli! We've gotta get out of this place!"

"..huh, whats going on.. who are you.. how do you know my name..?" Lilli mumbled

"I'll explain it all later, but right now, we've gotta hurry! Help me release her!" Linda said and went to lizardkin and started rip the tentacles from her arms"

"..Right" Lilli cleared her head a bit, and started to try help untying the tentacles from the legs.

The lizardkin was attached bit more complicatedly than Linda and Lilli were, most likely due of her struggle attempts. Eitherway, they were able to get her out, as the tentacles were rather weak, we're they even alive?

Linda catched the lizardkin as she leaned forwards. She was significantly heavier than Lilli was! She got on her feet by herself and let go off Linda but collapsed on her knees.
"Hey, hey, lizard woman, you alright?"

"..No, I'mmm, just so beat.." the lizardkin said quietly as she took a heavy breath

"Well, I think I can help you with that.." Linda rubbed the gem of her ring, as it started to glow. She put her hand on a fist and bumped the glowy gem on the lizardkins shoulder. A yellow glow went through her body.

A charge has been used.

".. Huh, I was just about to be ready to fall a sleep, how am I suddenly so energized" The lizardkin stood up with no trouble and stretched a bit.

"Magic." Linda snirked.

"uhh excuse me, I think you said something about getting out of her" Lilli interupted.
"How are you gona plan to do that?" She continued.

Linda pondered a bit.. "Well we could.. uhhh..." Linda looked around this hall stepping bit forward with Lilli and the lizardkin behind her. But there was nothing that even looked like an exit. It's actually odd that there's light in here. ".. That was actually a rather valid question"

It was then when Linda once again sensed a rather strong magical surge.
A very powerful blast then penetraded the far end meaty ground and continue in a rather horizontal angle right in front of Linda in a flash and going out through the wall next to them.

Linda just stood there silently, looking side way to the new hole.. She was speechless, that blast could've killed her should she have been even a little forward, but yet it happened to break a neat large hole on the wall next to them. The other hole wasn't really that intresting, cause who wants to go closer to where a blast like that came from?

Lilli and lizardkin stared at the hole as Linda still stood still, clearly a bit shocked.

"Well that solved that problem" The lizardkin said, and went to the hole to take a peek.

Linda started to take some heavy breath, silently laughing in a 'can't tell if to cry or laugh way' "ehehehee..hee...hee.."

Lizardkin then told what she saw;

"Well it seems this place is attached quite high up at the trees, I was able to see some tree trunks and looking up I saw branches and leafs, we could call this place a nest of sort"
"I don't know how we're gona get down from here however, guess we could try jump towards one of the trees and climb down"

Linda then walked to the hole aswell with Lilli behind her.

"You know, I know a spell that can slow down falling speed by quite a lot, but I've never used it before, so I'm not sure how much mana that would drain from me" Linda said.
"I can estimate the cost that I can cast it on atleast two of us"

"What kind of a caster knows a spell and has never used it?" The lizardkin looked at her funnily.

"Gee, maybe the type whos studies were rudely interupted by massive tentacle raid" Linda said in a angry sarcastic tune.

"well, sorry, don't expect me to know everything" she replied

"So uhh.. what happened to the whole hurrying and getting out of here? Are you two gona get on that any time soon?" Lilli, once again interupted.

"Oh, right!" Linda said, preparing herself.

A) Cast slow fall on two persons.
if A;
1. Cast it on yourself and Lizardkin, have Lizardkin carry Lilli, she looks strong enough.
2. Cast it on yourself and Lilli, have lizardkin use her tree climb plan.
3. Cast it on Lilli and Lizardkin, try climb a tree yourself.

B) Cast slowfall on Lilli only, and try climb a tree with Lizardkin.

C) Cast slowfall on yourself only, let those two climb trees.

D) Mana doesn't grow on trees! Lets all try climb trees.

E) Maybe we should wait, there's gotta be other possiblities to get outta here

100/100 mana.

Linda is some what energaized
Linda is not hungry.
Has consumed tentacle semen. No effects.. Yet.
Necklace(enchanted). Energy restore ring (4 charges)
Small leather pouch tied to her waist holding 1 silver, 23 copper worth money.
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Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

C :D
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Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

Tempting as it is, I can't see A1 working out well. I would suggest A3, but don't go too wild on the risks while climbing. If it's not safe to continue (probable, given that we're not exactly the acrobatic type) then we can always just wait a little for some more mana. In a tree. With a hyperbeam-firing mysterious monster.

What could possibly go wrong?
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

A2 and hopefully no battle awaits us soon.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

A2. The LizardKin is the most physically fit, and she has claws for digging into bark and or meat.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

A2. The LizardKin is the most physically fit, and she has claws for digging into bark and or meat.

But isn't she also the heaviest one and more likely to snap a branch and fall down? We wouldn't want that ring charge to go to waste?
And what about the possibility of getting separated while lizardkin is climbing down? Like you and Lilli being "rescued" by Zapp Brannigan? :D
Your mana will be exhausted from slow fall, and lilli is pretty useless in her current state?

It's a trap!
Or maybe I am thinking too much? :D

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Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

But isn't she also the heaviest one and more likely to snap a branch and fall down? We wouldn't want that ring charge to go to waste?
And what about the possibility of getting separated while lizardkin is climbing down? Like you and Lilli being "rescued" by Zapp Brannigan? :D
Your mana will be exhausted from slow fall, and lilli is pretty useless in her current state?


She could use her claws and what not to gain purchase on the trunk of the tree, much like a bear. A heavy bear that climbs a tree using its branches is a very silly bear.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

She could use her claws and what not to gain purchase on the trunk of the tree, much like a bear. A heavy bear that climbs a tree using its branches is a very silly bear.

But we are very high up a tree where trunks are thin, no?
Or we wouldn't need slow drop?
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

If we we that high up the meat nest wouldn't have had enough support and would have fallen already, as it is its taken several hits and hasn't fallen or listed to one side yet.

Please don't push this further and let's just agree to disagree, we're getting dangerously close to bringing physics into a fantasy rape setting. Please think of the horny, horny catgirls.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

Close call between 1 and 2, but A1 it is.

Linda turned to the lizardkin;
"So.. You think you could carry her?" Pointing at Lilli.

Lizardkin went to Lilli, whom blinked at gave her a dumb look.
Lizardkin lifted up Lilli from her legs and back to her front, holding her like a baby, though the lizardkin seemed to have bit of trouble there with her breats on the way.

"Well she seems light enough.." The lizardkin said, still having bit trouble with positioning.

"Great!" Linda replied, focusing her hand to cast slowfall..


(-35 mana)

Magical cloudy effect appeared on the lizardkins feet.

"Now jump down!"
Linda told her

"Are you sure this will work?"

"I have no idea!"

As the lizardkin jumped down, carrying Lilli with her, Linda casted slowfall on her self, and cursing a bit by herself for losing that wand in a situation like this.

(-35 mana)

Linda jumped after, noticing that the Lizardkin seemed to fall slow, but not as slow as Linda herself is.

"I hope she's doing that on purpose"


"... Nope, she wasn't doing that on purpose" Linda twitched a bit.

Landing next to them, lizardkin on botton on her back and Lilli on top her on her belly, seemingly alright she asked em bit worrying;

"You two alright?"

"I'm okay!" Lilli replied, jumping off from the lizardkin.

"..Yeah I'm alright too, just some little pain on by back, ow ow ow"
The lizardkin got on her knees.

"Good good.. " Linda kept her poker, in her mind, she was laughing a bit though, as for some reason, rather dirty things went through her mind from that sight when they were on top of each other.. She shrugged em off though, as this wasn't appropiate time for such things.

As the lizardkin was still getting back up and holding her backside a bit from that impact Lilli looked towards the nest, going;

Linda turned to look towards the nest aswell, there was quite a sight indeed!

The green tentacles were fighting off a pack of blue tentacles viciously. Whipping themselves at insane speeds and attempting to strangle the invaders, thise green tentacles fought the blue tentacles showing amazing agility and power.

The blue tentacles were as impressive aswell! They too showed amazing agility in their dodging skills and retaliated with power arcane blasts, and frost attacks.

Behind the smaller blue tentacles, there was a huge blue tentacle beast, about the size of a horse charriot and the horses. From its head, multible small tentacles formed, making a sphere as their heads touched together, focusing powerful energy blasts. Thise blasts were aimed at the nest.
From the nest, the watcher tentacle hanged down, creating powerful psychic fields, in attempt to deflect the blasts back or away from the nest!

It was hard to tell which side was winning, and they seemed to ignore the girls completely. As amazing as it this was to watch, wasting time on that wouldn't be a good idea, winning side would certainly notice the girls in no time.

"It's time to move!" The lizardkin told the others.

"But where? I dont' even know where we are!"
"I haven't been this deep in the forest either!"

The lizardkin looked around, looking for small signs, markings on the trees, the ground, the flora.. She smirked.

"Follow me, I know exactly where we are"

With no other option but to trust her, Linda and Lilli began to follow the lizardkin, whom took em away from the nest and the battle going under it.
The route wasn't easy to go through, but it felt rather fast, as if they were going constant downhill. The surroundings did not seem familiar at all.. but the denseness of the forest started to slowly uncover.. It was unfamiliar till Linda noticed the field which she fought the slime in! They couldn't be far from the town anymore!

The sun started to show behind the trees, and voila! The lizardkin did know her routes, the town was right in front of them!

Lilli's eye widened up as a smile turned on her face, she began to ran towards the town, yelling;
"Father! Fatheeeer!"

She ran towards the small house which infront there was a cart with lots of boxes, stuff, chests.. From the house, a man came out, turning towards Lilli;

"Lilli?! Is that you!?" From the fly, she grapped Lilli and gave her a long long hug. "Lilli! It is you!" A tear came from his eye. A touching moment indeed..

Behind Lilli, Linda and the lizardkin walked towards em. Man noticed Linda, as he let go of Lilli, he was almost ready to hug Linda too "Oh thank you! Thank you so much..!" Till he realized, that, ahem, all three ladies were infact, naked. He lowered his hands and was bit embarrased.

Linda looked at the lizardkin and the lizardkin looked back.

"Well.. I can't really take all the credit here, if it wasn't for her, we'd be lost in the forest.. but could you..?"

"Oh right, right" The man went to his cart, which Lilli was already digging through, clearly looking for her own clothing.
The man opened one of the crates, inwhich there were all sort of clothing at, giving Linda a nice dress and lizardkin a good tunic and pants.

Linda dress was a brown, bit farmer woman like dress. Bit old fashioned, but had a specificly adjustable top. It went on pretty easily. Probably the mans wives old dresses?

Lizardkins tunic was probably mans clothing, as it was bit large, which was good considering her chest. The pants hanged a bit, but fitted otherwise nicely.

Lilli had already gotten herself dressed in a cute gray dress.

" I don't know how I could proberly reward you as there's nothing on this earth that could materially replace my daughter, but I hope this is enough..;"

The man gave both, Linda and the lizardkin 20 silver and 45 copper. Pretty big money actually. Linda put that in her money pouch. The lizardkin slipped and snapped her tail and around a money pouch fell to her hands, in which she placed her own reward in. Where was she hiding that in?

The lizardkin also turned towards Linda, "You know, you did save me aswell back there, I can't really think anything to reward you with, but will a free meal at the inn do for starters?"

Linda couldn't really decline a free lunch! And they walked in the inn together to have a nice meal.

Linda's magical potential has grown! Linda's mana pool increased by 10! Mana recovered.
New level up bonus, decrease mana cost of one spell by 10%.


1. Arcane bolt (-1 cost)
2. Slowfall (-4 cost)
3. Haste (-5 cost)

Big decision;

A) Ask the lizardkin to join you in your adventures.
B) You prefer to stay alone.

110/110 mana

Linda is energized
Linda is fell fed.
Has consumed tentacle semen (minor). Linda has some dirty thoughts going in her head..
Peasant dress (brown). Necklace(enchanted). Energy restore ring (4 charges)
Small leather pouch tied to her waist holding 21 silver, 68 copper worth money.

Also I'm kinda intrested to know, if there's any feedback so far, how you guys think this is going and all. =P
also if you guys are intrested, I could tell a bit what I had planned on the other options in this here forest events