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Tentacular Threat on Rise

Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

A, Never surrender!
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

C seems like the best course of action, though even that seems likely to fail. Not that many of us would mind reading about such a fail.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

C. If she isn't gonna get all the way over, at least turn it into a flying headbutt for teh lulz
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

C. Make a flip!

It is certain, this fight is going real bad here. Vandi had her eye on the mountain wall as the harpies get close to her.
Without a doubt she ran up the mountain wall and did a majestic flip landing behind the harpies.

The eggs in her stomach wobble'd and it gave her ill feeling, regardless she attempted to run further as the harpies were dumbfolded.

"Wow, thats some real nice air work for a landwalker, squawk"
"You don't say, crawk"
"Hey stupid cunts, get her! Sqwuak!"

The running was no use, it felt way too awful to try continue run like that, she would need to have a break. Regardless, Vandi had gotten distance, and prepared her bow once again as she got up from her knees.

She was eyeing the wounded harpy, this would be a good chance to finish her off. She quickly took aim and fired. The arrow logged right in the chest of the harpy, as it let one last "crawk!" and fell dead.

"Aah! Sister! Swquak!"

While the other harpy was shocked, the other one was angry and began to charge right at Vandi.

Vandi prepared her bow once more. The harpy dodged the arrow as it kept its angry charge towards Vandi.

The harpy charged and smacked Vandi with its wing at great strength, however Vandi moved her arms just in time to block the blow. The wing hit her bracers with great force, she could feel the pressure through them.
Vandi took her iron dagger out and swung it at the harpy quickly, the harpy dodged and smacked her arm, forcing her to drop the dagger.

"Ow, damn!"

Vandi could see the anger radiating from the harpy. It kicked her in the stomach with its sharp talon, Vandi fell right to the ground from its force.

The harpy jumped right on her stomach.
"ARGH!" Why couldn't it land atlest a bit higher?
It walked now with its talons on Vandi breasts as it turned down towards Vandi.

"Hey! Heeeey! Sqwuack! Don't kill the incubator sis! We'll get plenty of new sisters with her! Crawk"

The other Harpy yelled to the angry harpy. Its attention was drawn from Vandi. Vandi tried to take this chance to punch the harpy away, but the harpy took her attention back right before the punch.

It moved its talons on her arms and kept her on the ground.

"No. Bad! Crawk!"

The remaining harpy moved to Vandi.

It poked Vandi's stomach with its wing.

"Hmm.. Still plenty of room there, and there, and there.. Squawk!"

"crawkakakakaka" the harpies laughed.

Vandi began to shiver, are they really gona do what she thinks they are gonna do..?

The harpies began to strip her, pulling her pants down and taking her iron chain body slowly off of her. With the iron chainbody away Vandi's breasts bounced to show their true size.

"Oooh. Bigger than I thought! Crawk!"

The harpy that was angry before holding her upper side of body bounced them around with its wings.

"Oh yes, plenty of milk right here. Sqwuak!"

Vandi was silent and keeping her cool. She was trying to think what to do, what to do? It was clear she did not want to be these harpies new toy.

The other harpy pushed Vandi's legs wide open and looked at her crotch that still had lot of stains from the silver tentacle.

"What a dirty girl. Crawk! We're gona have to clean this up! Cawk!"

The harpy moved its head right down and began to lick around her pussy.

"HAAAGHHHH!!!" Vandi couldn't help put to moan as the pleasure was multiplied due of the vile silvery tentacle cum. It did not help either that her mind began to find it enjoyable.

The other harpy seemed bit un impressed as the other continued to do its work.
"Shees, no need to over do the voice work, crawk!"

Clearly they did not know off the effects of the stuff.

As the harpy finally did its licking to the end, Vandi already felt exhausted. The amount of pleasure had gone really through to her, but atleast the stuff was now gone, mostly.

Vandi kept heavily breathing as she felt really violated, yet, very turned on and satisfied due of the effect the vile stuff had on her.

The harpies were looking at her with a twisted smile on.
"It's time. Ca cawk!"

Vandi closed her eyes and grit her teeth. She was aware what is gona come to her.

Or so she thought.

"Ugh, how I hate harpies"
"But that woman there looks quite the hotty, mm mmm!~<3"
"Ugh, Minera, sometimes I just don't know what to think of you."

The harpies turned around.

"Sqwuak! Look! More incubators!"
"Crakakak, lets get them!"

Vandi had not opened her eye's yet, but what she heard was rather whip lashing type of sounds going on about.

There was sound of fighting and the harpies screamed after it all stopped.

"Alright, get up."
Vandi opened her eye's, a woman with short black hair was offering her hand to her, this womans eye's were rather purple.

She helped Vandi up. Vandi kept her balance slowly while still breathing slowly.


Vandi looked bit on the surroundings, the two other harpies lied dead near the entry to this area. Behind the black haired woman, Vandi saw something she did not expect.

Red skin, spade tail, wings.. horns.. Extreemly lady like figure, skimpiest black top she'd seen in a while that showed deep cleavage all the way through hold together with only a few small strings. On her bottoms, small black g-string barely covering its cameltoe.

A succubi.

The succubi had curvy horns twisting behind her back and its eyes glowed yellow.

Vandi stared at her for a while.

"Hi cutie~" The succubi looked back at her, licking her lips and giving her a wink.

"Ugh. Minera, how many times do we have to talk about this?"

The girl that helped her had amazingly large bust even though her robes were covering them somewhat well. On her back there was a very twisted and dark wooden staff, on her waist, a sword. What kind she could not tell..
On her neck there was a necklace made of iron chains..

Vandi was not really sure what to say here..

A) Thank them for their help bit more greetingly.
B) Thank them for their help bit more greetingly and offer to share food rations
C) Thank them for their help bit more greetingly and offer some money for their help
D) Don't thank them for their help bit more greetingly but chat with them regardless.
F) "I didn't need your help you know"
E) Other?


1. Try to ask about teaming up.
2. Don't try asking about teaming up.

X. Any additional on top of anything here, add here.


Level 8.

Stamina 10
Willpower 7
Magic 9
Agility 15
Strength 10
36/60 mana

Dark arrows. 5 mana.
Shadow Scythe. 25 mana.


Vandi can make more ammon for herself when needed.

Crafting items;

Spider web (Light material)
(wood, heads, feather or other light material needed)

Vandi is exhausted.
Vandi is bit hungry
Impregnanted by Silver tentacles
minor exposure to Silver Semen. Slight extra pleasure and mind alter.


Head - Black hood.
Top -
Legs -
Boots - Black leather boots
Wrists - Black iron chain enforced wrists.
Hands -
Neck -
Finger -
Waist - Money pouch.
Back - medium backpack. Dark wood bow(Bound by will).

Dull Iron dagger.
Black tight iron Chain body.
Tight well stiched black leather pants. 44 steel arrows.

Backpacks and purses;
medium backpack.

3 food rations. Small iron knive. Roll of Spider Web. Steel lock box (locked)
Money pouch holding 2 gold, 25 silver. 38 copper.

49 vs 65

Vandi vs Harpy B
88 vs 47


Vandi vs Harpy A
34 vs 81

Harpy A vs Vandi

72 vs 73

Vandi vs Harpy A
41 vs 82

Harpy A vs Vandi
88 vs 66

49 - 5 (44) vs 78

Last edited:
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

B1. They did help, so we should thank them. There's also strength in numbers. Besides, we might get to have some fun that doesn't involve rape of inpregnation. They also might help with the eggs already in us.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

E show a hint of weakness and ask for help in removing the tentacle spawn from her belly. After, of course, thanking them and speaking that she is in their debt.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

C1X Thank them for their help and offer a small bit of coin, ask them about teaming up and then ask if they coul pissibly do soemthing about tentacle eggs, please?
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise


P.-S.: Why the "F" option is before the "E" option?
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

C1X Thank them for their help and offer a small bit of coin, ask them about teaming up and then ask if they coul pissibly do soemthing about tentacle eggs, please?

I follow this.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

A1X. See if they can help us with the tentacle eggs.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

P.-S.: Why the "F" option is before the "E" option?

A little mindslip

little mixture of C and E, 1.

Vandi was still feeling weak, but for some reason she felt maybe hinting a bit of sight of weakness for being weaker than actually she was could be useful.

She acted still a bit woozy even though she wasn't in the reality.
"I..I, I don't know how to thank you two for this..-"

"Oh c'mon. Don't do this cliche, girl. "

Okay so scratch that.

"Well.. I uhh.. Don't still know how to thank you. But should atleast this be a starter?"

Vandi gave the woman 20 silver.

"Eh, I guess. Now I think you should oughta get dressed and continue whatever you were doing. We two got a lair to destroy."

"Hey, hey, wait! Are you after the tentacles too?"

"Obviously. "

"What a coincidence! I am after them too, as I am after a girl they kidnapped."

"Well I can see you're not doing well at it."

"Yeah.. It's kinda hard to do alone you know.. " Vandi gave her a clever look.

She pondered a bit.. And then turned to Vandi and whispered.

"You know, at this point, I'm okay with any company, Minera is making me nuts and only talks about sex."

She then talked a bit more normal sound again

"Well I guess a little extra follower never hurts."

Minera came by rather excited looking.

"OOh! Oooh! We get her on our ranks? Deeelicious!"

Minera was looking at Vandi's naked body with a rather lusty and happy look.

"I emphasis, get dressed."

Vandi got dressed and picked up her weaponry.
Before they grouped up to move on, Vandi gathered some feathers lying about.. The others did not seem to patient though.

12x harpy feathers get.

Before the group got going, Vandi still had something to ask;

"So hey.. Do any of you two happen to know how to.. uhh.. Get rid of thise things?" Vandi pointed at her lower stomach that was slightly bulged up from the eggs inside her.

"Look, we two are not priests, medics or doctors, only thing I can offer is kill whatever you're gona burst out of you when their time comes out. "

"Okay.. Also I never caught your name.."

"I'm Jessica, you?"

"Vandi. "

Jessica nodded and they began to move by..

During the walk at the path Vandi slowly ate half of a food ration to gain some more energy and feed her hunger.

Jessica and Minera are not yet teamed up with Vandi but still follow her, or actually, otherway around. You need to gain their trust first.

The path continued on and nothing seemed to really appear that was intresting.. Untill they came across a stony bridge.
The bridge afterwards connected to a path that spiralled down and went back underneath cross the bridge.

Kinda like an + formation, but the - on the bottom.

The path then continued to what seemed to be a cave.


Looking down the path, on the spiralling side, bit before going under the bridge, there was two devilkins, large muscular humanoid like ones. Way bigger than the avarage humans.
From their backs lunged 6 tentacles with phallic heads, but what lied between the crotches was even more impressive.
Their penises were atleast 3 feet tall and over half feet thick.
and they were not even erect.
Their testicles were nearly the size of human heads.

Vandi could not think but to imagine could those things even fit inside any girl?

Minera was nearly drooling and almost ready to jump down but Jessica holded her still looking at her very angrily.

Minera also looked at them again, and whispered.

"They seem to be doombringers that are a bit mutated, they don't normally have those sort of tentacles going from their backs.. but oh my, are they making them so much more hot~"

Jessica's face showed some serious disapproval towards Minera.

Vandi looked around a bit..
The doombringers were seemingly bit sleepy, atleast their eye's were half shut.

The drop to the other side was rather high.. Alone she could've maybe been able to do a roll and ease the landing, but it would certainly alert the devils. Not to mention she wasn't sure if Jessica could handle it, and they do not know what is in the cave..

Jessica was pondering a bit, she was thinking she could maybe be able to impress the devilkin to make them atleast not hostile as she is a powerful shadow magician afterall and devilkin normally respect powerful shadow casters. Which explains why Minera seems to hang around with her in the first place.

Minera was doubtful of that due of the mutations.

Minera's idea was to distract them and then sneak attack.

Jessica figured the whole distraction part could be ditched and have all three attack, she knew how Minera would "distract" them.

So what will it be?

A) Try to jump, roll and run for the cave.
B) Try go forth them casually and see if they show respect
C) Sneak attack and let Minera "distract" them
D) Sneak attack with all three attacking.
E) Wait a bit and see if you could just sneak past them, seems risky though..
F) Other?


Level 8.

Stamina 10
Willpower 7
Magic 9
Agility 15
Strength 10
36/60 mana

Dark arrows. 5 mana.
Shadow Scythe. 25 mana.


Vandi can make more ammon for herself when needed.

Crafting items;

Spider web (Light material)
12x harpy feathers.
(wood, heads, feather or other light material needed)

Vandi is somewhat energized.
Vandi is not hungry
Impregnanted by Silver tentacles
minor exposure to Silver Semen. Slight extra pleasure and mind alter.


Head - Black hood.
Top - Black tight iron Chain body.
Legs - Tight well stiched black leather pants. 44 steel arrows.
Boots - Black leather boots
Wrists - Black iron chain enforced wrists.
Hands -
Neck -
Finger -
Waist - Money pouch. Dull Iron dagger.
Back - medium backpack. Dark wood bow(Bound by will).


Backpacks and purses;
medium backpack.

2½ food rations. Small iron knive. Roll of Spider Web. Steel lock box (locked) 12x harpy feathers.
Money pouch holding 2 gold, 05 silver. 38 copper.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

D. Allah! Allah! Akbar! Mohamed! Jihad!
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

C. Fun fun fun

Minera began to casually stroll down the spiralling way as Jessica and Vandi sneaked, staying unseen.

"Hi there boys~"

The two doombringers turned towards Minera.

"Oh, a succubi, haven't seen those in a while"
"Yeah, but they are quite useless to our masters"

"Oh please boys, use or no use, I'm just here to have a little fun, how about it, hmmm?"
Minera licked her lips and suggestively put her fingers on the sides of her thong, ready to take them off.

They took the hint.

They send their back side tentacles towards Minera who embraced them with no sign of resistance. Pulling her up to the air, positioning her in a vulnerable position with legs wide open.

"Hm hm hmmm~"

One tentacle shot right in Mineras mouth, which Minera played along with her tongue as it squirmed about.
Three more tentacles approached her lower areas, one shooting right up her butt, and one inside her sweet honeypot.

With a steady pump the tentacles began to go deeper inch by inch, and Minera let out small muffled moans of pleasure.

One more tentacle forcing entered her vagina next to the one already inside her, taking her by a little surprise. They were testing her out it seemed..

With a few squirms the tentacles ejaculated a bit inside her and pulled out as the ones holding her began to lower her near the giant erected penises of the doombringers.

"aah yes, the main course~" She giggled as she licked the tentacle semen from her lips that had flowed by.

But unfortunantly for Minera the girls had decided to time their attack right at that point.

Jessica had sneaked very close to the doombringer infront of Minera and launched her sword forwards with shadow lash attachment on it.
Her shadow lash hit the doombringer on the arm as Jessica launched towards it.

Jessica slash of sword missed entirely but the lash left a mark on the arm as the doombringer let out a grunt.

Vandi used her dark arrows spell and fired a shot to the doombringer that was holding Minera in the air which was going to take her for a ride.

The arrow latched right on the doombringers shoulder near the throat, the doombringer yelled in pain a bit.

Minera was released as she jumped down.

"Hmmph, you could've waited atleast a bit more, it was just getting good."

The doombringers were getting angry.

The doombringer that was holding Minera before turned to her and gave her a right out punch to the back, sending her flying in a small arc right to the ground face first.

Vandi cringed a bit, that's gotta hurt.

The other doombringer eye'd Jessica and turned to a smile.
It send its tentacles towards her! Jessica however saw them coming and sliced the things right as they were about to reach her!

The doombringer grunted once more and cringed as it pulled the tentacles back. They seemed to go way way back, as they disappeared in its back.. And soon popped back up fresh new. Though the doombringer did seem to take the pain from the attack.

"Well ain't this going smoothly"

"Oh shut up and just fight"

Vandi shrugged and prepared her bow again. She fired an arrow right to the leg of the doombringer that had brutally punched Minera before. It just grunted once more.
Vandi fired another shot which the doombringer slapped aside mid air!

The doombringer was now approaching Vandi who was keeping her distance before, it send forth its tentacles at high speed as they flexed arcing towards Vandi trying to grap her and fling her to it. Vandi rolled away just in time.

Minera was slowly getting back up from the ground, but she was rather dizzy.. She is going to need a moment to clear her head..

Jessica's sword glowed as she prepared it with a shadow lash! She slashed right towards the doombringer she has been confronting. Her aim was too high though as the doombringer was able to dodge the lash by just crouching a bit.

The doombringer had had enough, it stepped forward to Jessica and grapped her with both of its hands from the sides. Jessica was helplessly bound by it in a moment!

"Let go of me you..! "

Before she could finish a tentacle shot to her mouth and the doombringer let go with its hands and let the tentacles hold her instead. The doombringer used its hands to brutally shred her robe right off of her! revealing Jessica scantily scad black underwear, a very thin lined thong, nearly smaller than Mineras. It was easily pulled down by the tentacles that now were preparing themselves for a play time~

Jessica was not fond of that idea, she twist her body around and slashed the tentacles with her sword once again. The tentacles were not hit but the slash forced them to dodge in a way that released Jessica from the grap.

Jessica rolled away near Vandi with her giant boobs interfering.

"Shit, I can't directly fight like this."

With Jessicas knockers fully revealed Vandi could see why, they must really get in the way on fast movements. Being about naked doesn't help much either.

Minera had cleared her head and joined the girls, though she was still a bit dizzy.

The doombringers were still standing about with some distance in front of them, they did not seem even tired.

This was getting real risky.

A) Continue the fight.
B) Retreat up the road and try the bridge jump way.
C) Retreat completely and try find another way if possible.
D) Other?

1. Additional other on top?


Level 8.

Stamina 10
Willpower 7
Magic 9
Agility 15
Strength 10
31/60 mana

Dark arrows. 5 mana.
Shadow Scythe. 25 mana.


Vandi can make more ammon for herself when needed.

Crafting items;

Spider web (Light material)
12x harpy feathers.
(wood, heads, feather or other light material needed)

Vandi is somewhat energized.
Vandi is not hungry
Impregnanted by Silver tentacles
minor exposure to Silver Semen. Slight extra pleasure and mind alter.


Head - Black hood.
Top - Black tight iron Chain body.
Legs - Tight well stiched black leather pants. 41 steel arrows.
Boots - Black leather boots
Wrists - Black iron chain enforced wrists.
Hands -
Neck -
Finger -
Waist - Money pouch. Dull Iron dagger.
Back - medium backpack. Dark wood bow(Bound by will).


Backpacks and purses;
medium backpack.

2½ food rations. Small iron knive. Roll of Spider Web. Steel lock box (locked) 12x harpy feathers.
Money pouch holding 2 gold, 05 silver. 38 copper.

Jessica vs DBR A
73 + 25 + 15(exceed 100) vs -doesnt matter-

shadowlast sword boost.
13 dmg.

Vandi vs DBR B
91 + 25 + 15 (exceeds 100) vs - doesnt matter-

21 dmg

DBR A vs Minera
35 vs 18

DBR b vs Jessica
20 vs 99
17 dmg

Vandi vs DBR A
35 vs 10
10 dmg
Vandi vs DBR A
52 vs 71

DBR A vs Vandi
25 vs 60

Jessica vs DBR B
14 vs 20

DBR B vs Jessica
74 vs 4

Jessica struggle
95 vs 76
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

C. Thats just not good. Vandi should've kept to the range unleashing shadow arrows.. and the longer this fight will go on, the higher the chance she will start giving birth during the fight..
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

A/D Fall back to where you have the advantage, perhaps across the bridge so we only have to fight one at a time and they can't doge our arrows.