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The Adbot's Revenge!

Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Intriguing. Perhaps later we can speak more." Aika says in response to Shrike as Burrito rolls his eyes "Um, Sir, could we please get down to business? I believe Tsuki has something important to show us." Burrito says, very concentrated on the work he will be doing "Indeed. Tsuki, I'm going to need you to go down to the research lab with the Captain and analyze the data you and he gathered." "Agreed. Tsuki, let us go." Burrito says, standing and motioning for Tsuki to follow him "Miss Shrike, I am going to need you to go with them. I think the people there would be very interested in your mental abilities." Aika says, his arms still crossed behind his back as he looks over at Pale "If you would like, you can go with them as well, Pale." he says, smiling and winking his right eye
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave simply stood in one place. He wasn't sure whether he was supposed to go with the rest of the team or not. Honestly, he didn't really want to. Grave sent Burrito a look of inquiry, hoping that the cyborg would answer.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Research lab. Didn't I just break -out- of a research lab? I'll go, on one condition. No needles. None."

She ignored Aika's wink, deliberately. To call attention to it would be most definitely out of place, and foolish, inviting questioning.

"Well? Why are we still standing here?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Grave. you're coming with me as well." Burrito says, motioning for Grave to follow "You're getting a crash course in cybernetics repair. And Pale, I promise no needles." he says, chuckling to himself as he walks through the doors and begins to walk through the halls, all the others hopefully following
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave shrugged and decided to go with Burrito. The warrior muttered something under his breath as he walked, but he quickly stopped and began to observe his surroundings, trying to memorize as much as possible.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon decided enough time had passed and reached out again. Shrike, how's it going?

Outwardly he said to Copper, "hmm, I just thought of something. Remember how I blew up the core using that program? I think I may be able to write something that will accomplish that faster to pass out to everyone, as well as a bypass to the whole gene thing. Do you mind if I head off to give that a try?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike nodded to Aika with a smile as she got up to follow Burrito. "Pehaps. And just Shrike, please." She looks unsure of what she thinks of the research lab, but goes without complaint. Mentally, she speaks with Siphon.

Fine, we're just leaving the meeting with Aika, he's quite the character. We're off to the research lab now, which is giving me some bad vibes for some reason, I dunno. What are you up to?
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Nah, go ahead. If it makes things go boom faster, I've got no objections. You know where to find me, or at least how to find me, if anything comes up." She laces her hands behind her head as she walks, absently kicking at small stones.

For the time being, she decided to go see if any of the missing squad, namely Lurker, Zero, or Bartnum, had turned up and after that, who knows...
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

He hesitates a moment, then nods. "Alright, if there's anything you need or want from me that I can help with, please, just reach out to me. Oh and by the way, I sort of cheated."

As he walks past her, he smiles at her, then tosses a pack of the smokes he had seen her with before at her, knowing she'd catch them. "Enjoy them."

And then he was gone, vanishing into the openness of the area somehow.

He reached back out to Shrike, having waited until he could formulate better thoughts. I'm on my way back to my personal lab I keep. I may have an idea on how to get past the whole DNA interfacing, and I want to whip up the program while it's still fresh in my mind. I could probably do it over that way if your asking me to come join you though?
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Not particularly, but feel free if you wish. I was just making conversation, I don't seem to have words to share with these people, although Pale does interest me somewhat. This is also somewhat more... Rewarding, conversing like this.

Shrike adds a mental smile to this last sentence, to make sure he knew she was teasing him.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Yes sir..." Tsuki said tiredly, before she followed to... the research lab was it?
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

I see, alright then. Definitely let me know if you folks need me for anything or if I can be of assistance.

There is a hint of a smile and chuckle to his mentality at her own words, clearly she has amused him.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Sneaky bastard," Copper mutters, shaking her head with a grin, tucking the pack into one of the inner pockets of her jacket. Actually, the next thing she needed to do was find a new flask, preferably one that was a little sturdier. Of course, most flasks could take a hit, not a couple hundred hits. Thankfully, if it's one thing she knew, it was how to search up stuff in a city like this. With any luck, she'd have it over and done with before suppertime, giving her plenty more free time to check into wayward companions.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Will do, see you later then.

Her conversation with Siphon finished, she spends a bit more time on her companions, brushing her mind against theirs briefly to pick up impressions of their general thought processes, hopefully light enough to go unnoticed. She didn't want to see what they were thinking, just how.

Hmm... Let's see, Burrito, determined and focused, very dedicated. But he's like a trained hawk, point him at something and it will consume his attention until he's done with it.
Grave seems to be much of the same, though he seems to be fueled by anger more than anything else.

She let's out an audible sigh.
Men need to learn to multitask. Tsuki is better, and very smart with what she does, but she seems out of touch with the organic world, she even thinks like a computer.
And that leaves Pale, who is still a mystery to me, so hard to read, even the surface thoughts that most people project just by thinking it. Maybe she has some kind of barrier up, or she could just not think so loudly.

Shrike checks her surroundings, and finding the group still a short ways away from the research center, expanded her exercise to include her companions not physically present. She didn't bother touching Siphon's mind, she had been there often enough to know how he thought. He did search out Copper's mind however, brushing against it noticably and sending a wordless greetings.

Siphon has a sharp mind, well focused, but I would have to expect that from someone with mental ability, probably even greater than my own. His problem is distractions, he loses his focus too easily in my opinion. There's a fair bit he can teach me though, having had more experience.
Copper is another mystery, though I know the what and the why, just not the how. I can feel her consciousness, but her physical mind is completely dead, no activity at all. Mentally, she seems fine, though she doesn't seem to have a set goal, she's just wandering. Maybe that's what not fearing death does to you.

Her hand moves up of its own volition to the spot on her neck where she had been bitten.
Damn though, that was quite the experience.
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Burrito tops abruptly, turning to his left and opening a door "Here we are." he says, walking through the door and stepping aside.

The inside of the research lab was nothing short of spectacular. Many different blackboards with complex algorithms and formulas lined what walls weren't covered in bookshelves and lab tables. Many researchers wearing blue lab coats scurried back and forth around the lab, checking each experiment that was occurring. One may have stopped every now and then to notice the group, but dismissed it and went back to work.

"Old man? You here?" Burrito asks, a short old researcher approaching the group "Yes I'm here, Burrito." the old man says, his arms behind his back and a smile showing through his thick beard "I need a tune-up. Got banged up a bit during my last little sortie." he says, the old man nodding and pointing in the direction of a set of chairs "Over there, please." the old man says, scuffling over towards said set of chairs "Everyone. I need to go get this arm of mine repaired. Dimitri will show you around. Dimitri!" he yells at the end of his sentence, a fairly tall researcher leaving his work and walking over towards the group "Right this way, please." Dimitri says, motioning for them to move through the lab as Burrito walks with the old researcher
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave took a careful look around. He has seen laboratories before, but they were sort of... Different. The warrior wasn't sure what to think of this place, but one thing was certain - if he followed the man called Dmitri, he would learn more. Grave began to move, casting curious glances at everything he found interesting.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike starts to follow Dmitri as well, but stops near one of the blackboards that had a small group of researchers huddles around it in an argument. She motions to the others that she'll only be a moment, then turns back to the group of researchers. "Well, using x=5 as the example like you have, you can make the equation true by just..." She grabs a piece of chalk and puts brackets around a small part of the equation, putting the chalk down after. "I don't think that will fix your problem for the entire range, but it might help a bit." She says as she jogs away to catch up with the others.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Tsuki followed like a zombie. Otherwise, she'd be practically salivating over all the amazing equipment in a research lab.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

As she walked, Copper caught the feel of something just brushing on the edge of her thoughts. She definitely must be starting to relax here, given that she usually didn't let things in where her mind was concerned. Thus far, what's tried to get in hadn't been unfriendly, but she was definitely going to have to concentrate on that, especially with the big oogga-booga being able to get in their heads.

Concentrating, though, she tried to catch what she felt, seeking it out and again, relaxing enough to let it in for the time being, curious as to who else would be looking for her.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon had made his way back to his small lab, and had taken some time to tinker with the information he had gotten. What had surprised him was how easily some of the concepts had come to him, almost as if he were remembering them somehow. He had lost track of time and what he was doing until he paused to stretch, then widened his eyes in amazement when he saw what was before him.

Somehow, while trying to figure out the basic principles of how that Hive had worked, he had completely recreated the same kind of interface from the hive, with no true knowledge of how he had done it. He quickly began testing it, and found that his new program chip did in fact bypass the need for the DNA. Excited, he copied down everything to report, and was about to leave when he noticed one other thing. The core he had made was no longer idle, it had begun to power up. Which meant that another hive was still intact somewhere. How he knew this he wasn't sure, but they had suspected as much. He reached out to Shrike finally and asked, please Shrike, PLEASE tell me your still with Burrito in the labs?