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The Adbot's Revenge!


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike emptied the last of the rifle's clip into the largest group of enemies and takes the loaded pistol from Pale. "Thanks." Is all she says, as she carefully takes aim and pops off a bot head, right as Copper appears. Leaving most of the work to the vampire, Shrike simply focuses on keeping Pale from bleeding out at picking off any bots that get too close with the pistol.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

The battle between the two hybrids raged on, uninterrupted by anything or anyone. They had been at it for nearly three minutes now, neither seeming really to have the upper hand in it, though one of Siphons eyes was now blackened where the bot had managed to get a hit in. Likewise, the bot was missing one of it's own eyes that Siphon had torn out, though it hadn't seemed to slow the thing down yet.

"Tell me, why do you fight on the side of these.... pathetic humans? Why do you not join your own kind?"

"I fight for them because they are the only family I have ever known. And frankly, if all of my kind are such as you and the other I've seen, killing for the sheer joy of it with no regards for innocent lives, then I'd sooner hunt the rest of you down one by one and terminate your existences rather than allow you to tarnish what we SHOULD be."

"As you wish. You could have made a fine soldier in our ranks, now you will suffer your fate."

There was a smirk on Siphon's face as he repied to this. "I'm already a soldier. Just not YOURS."

The bot growled at him and charged again, arm raised to club him. This time however, Siphon was ready for it, and managed to move out of the way, and sweep his leg out, cutting the bots legs out from under it. It came crashing down onto it's backside, and before it could move Siphon was upon it. "Let's see if you die like the rest!"

His hand smashed down over the area where the heart on a human would be, feeder making contact. The bot hybrid let out a roar of pain, seemingly not having expected this, and tried to move, but found the pain to be too much.

It took almost another three minutes for him to finish it off, the power supply this one had being quite large. By the time he was done, he felt almost super charged, and stood.

"Now then, time to shatter this god damned core."

He entered the hive, and soon found the device. Having no bots to encounter resistance with, it had been easy to move through the hulking ruins of the hive. Now that he had found the core, he grinned like a fool, and tore it out of it's receptacle. Still though, it glowed with power. It was now he got an idea.

Tearing out one of the power cables from the wall, he smashed it into the core globe itself, sparks flying. A screaming sound erupted from the hive, the destruct triggered. Siphon's grin froze when he saw the read out for the time left. He had exactly forty seconds to get out of there before the hive went sky high. "FUCK!"

The hybrid bolted, running as fast and as far as he could, barely making it far enough from the hive before it exploded. The sheer force of the explosion lifted him off his feet and sent him flying over fifty meters, but luckily he was tougher than a human and managed to survive the impact to the ground, though it hurt like hell. When he hit, it was hard, cracking a couple of his ribs, and forcing him to lay there while they healed. He managed to concentrate long enough to get off to Copper, Shrike, and barely to Pale a mental message. Core.... destroyed... go. Kill them... He silently wished them luck, then fell still, waiting out the healing process.

The screaming from the hive would reach the base where the others would, albeit slightly low considering the battle raging on. The explosion however, was audible, visible and felt inside of the base. To their Northwest, the skies lit up massively, as if they were on fire, while the exploding sound was clearly audible over the racket. The worst though might be the feeling of it, which shook the entire area. The bots, most of them were actually knocked down due to the sheer force, and took several moments to get back up.

The strangest part was, the bots on the roof of course were not knocked down, being too high to truly be taken off balance, though those on the roof still felt the tremor, just not as strong. As a group of the bots closed in on Copper and Shrike, something strange happened. They seemingly froze in mid stride for six seconds before moving again, albeit with the glow in their eyes that had been there now faded a bit. Whatever had just happened, it seemed the bots had been either weakened, or something else had happened to them. The stunning part was, as one of the few surviving snipers picked off a pair of bots on the ground that had just kept reforming, their heads exploded, and the bots did not get back up, nor did any take their places. He shouted out a warning to the others, just before his location was blown up by a terminator like bot with what seemed like a rocket launcher for an arm.

"HEY! They're not getting back up now! Something's happened to them. OH FUCK!"

The last part of course was said as he took a rocket between the eyes, a shower of powderized bone and blood splattering everywhere from his death. The others would realize soon though that he had been right. It seemed the tide was finally turning, the only question now was, did they have enough left in them to survive the final assault?
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Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Burrito, having slain as many as possible, stops, hearing the explosion and feeling it "Siphon, you crazy bastard! Thanks for the help!" he cries over the radio, winding up for a strike and swinging his sword down, slicing a bot down the middle "They aint getting back up! This fight is as good as over!" he yells, sheathing his blade and whistling as one of the few remaining soldiers comes over to him "Sir! The surviving soldiers are regrouping at the Palace. What should they do?" the soldier asks, a clear British accent in his voice "Everyone fall back to the Palace! We're gonna rest and let the snipers and royal guards take out the rest of these bastards." he sends over the radio, walking towards the palace, a soldier walking out and putting a black coat on Burrito's shoulders "First thing's first. We need to wash this blood off." he says, taking a cigar from his pocket and lighting it with a smile before taking a puff and sighing "When this is over. I'm never gonna complain about the weather."


New member
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Pale fights the dark. She couldn't pass out, though unconsciousness was merciful. Not until the core was destroyed. Through a flickering, murky haze across her sight, the mage watches the bots collapse before them, and smiles a weak victory. A cough sprays blood onto stone.

"Haha. Fuckers."

With those immortal words, the winged woman slumps into unconsciousness, her pulse weak, but present. Of a sudden, the shield shrinks in on itself, and collapses, opening the city to the sky. More dramatically, the rain changes in an instant, from blood, to water, bathing the crimson earth.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike checks for and finds Pale's pulse, hearing Burrito's transmission over the radio still on the ground. She gently picks her up, cradling the light form like an oversized baby, still with her other hand against the wound, keeping it from bleeding out. Turning to Copper, she yells over the sound of bots being smashed. "Hey, can we get a clear line to the Palace from here?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon had finally regenerated and now stood. He had seen a flicker of light from the barrier going down, and had the strangest feeling something wasn't right. It was confirmed when he tried to speak to Pale in his mind, but could not establish a link. Growling loudly, he took off at a dead run, tearing through anything that got in his way until he reached the city again.

Upon reaching there, he spotted a single bot coming after the group tending to Pale. Pushing off the ground and using another bot's face as a spring board, he extended the blades he had 'borrowed' from a corpse earlier coming back in, and landed, spinning around to cut the bot in half even as the others went to shoot it.

"Hey there. Sorry I'm late, what the hell happened?"


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Short version? Pale's been stabbed, everyone is re-grouping at the palace, and we need to clear a path. Lend a hand?" Shrike says quickly, gesturing with her head towards said palace.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon nods, then tosses the swords to one side. Out comes the Heavy Machine gun off his backside, having reclaimed it earlier. He takes aim at the bots moving behind them and says to her, "get her in there, the coast between here and there going TO the palace should still be clear."

Before she could ask what he was doing, he stepped in front of her, aimed the M249, and proceeded to squeeze off twenty or so rounds, leveling a small group of bots. "Go while I still have room to maneuver and not get overrun. Do what you can to keep her alive, and when you get there yell for me with your mind. I will heal her if there is time."

Unspoken was the simple thought that given how bad off she was, he wasn't sure she DID have the time.


Nov 15, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Through all of the commotion, Tsuki barely heard any of it. Except when her name was said. That she was needed to help. Unfortunately, Tsuki was quite drained from the sustained fire of her chain gun. In fact, it was glowing red hot and was steaming. Slowly the bots had drawn closer as the firing grew slower, and it started to burn her hands. Still he couldn't get away to go help. She was pinned down by fire and even took a couple shots.

At last, her strength gave out, the chain gun vanishing and she fell to her knees. Fortunately, that was right around the time of the explosion. When the bots paused in their advance, she took the opportunity to get away, mustering up whatever she could to summon her lightboard and zipped away.

Eventually, she found her way to the rooftop with the others. "Hi everyone! Heh heh..." she said weakly as she climbed off her board. "Someone call for a medic?" The board faded away and a replacement blob of the nanomachines appeared in her hand. A quick assessment before she rationed it out. She handed a small amount to Shrike and the kneeling and placing the rest onto Pale's wounds.

Tsuki's eyes faded in and out of focus. Whatever she had left was going into fueling the nanomachines.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"That crazy son of a bitch. He better get his ass back here and help clean up this mess," the vampire can be heard muttering as she catches sight of the explosion, inwardly grateful to see it happen and reassured as she heard Siphon's voice in her head after it.

She continues to play defense until Siphon makes his appearance once more. "Show off," she mutters as he lands, though from the look she gives him, if they weren't still fighting, he'd be getting tackle-hugged for making it back. When Tsuki finally joins them, she seems a little more at ease.

"All right, gals, we heard the man. Let's get while the getting's good." She'll do whatever's needed to help them move, be it support for Pale or Tsuki or scouting the path ahead to keep it clear of bots as they make their withdrawl. Pretty clear it's slow going, but without having to worry about waves of bots any longer, it makes things a little easier.

Eventually, the Palace came into view, bringing with it a measure of safety, given that the guards and other soldiers were closer to this area, picking off any of the unfriendlies that got too close.

"Home stretch. You guys doing all right?"


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike nods to Siphon just as Tsuki shows up. She gratefully accepts the nanobots, placing them on the lump on the back of her head while Tsuki tended to Pale. Almost immediately, the pain that had been plagueing her began to subside. She sent out her senses and found them a route that would avoid the majority of the bots, then turned to Copper. "You take lead, I'll bring these two along." She said, hefting the unconsious Pale on one side and the nearly unconsious Tsuki in the other. With the headache gone and having missed most of the fighting, she was nearly at full strength, and had an easy toime of it.

They reached the palace gates and Shrike left her two charges with a med team, then looked back to Copper with a glint in her eye. "What say you to going back and collecting our savior?" She says, conjuring her now-familiar shimmering double blade with a wicked grin. She had missed most of the fight, but intended to make up for that.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Get down!" Burrito yells into the radio, already in a crouching position and open-mouthed, his cannon sticking out, a blue ball starting to form at the tip as he aimed down the street towards Siphon, a distinct whine coming from the device before a massive beam of blue light shoots out, destroying anything that it hits


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave was standing a few buildings away from the rest of the group, fighting a swarm of bots and cursing. He was separated from his allies and cornered, but the warrior continued to fight. Unfortunately, he got a few minor wounds and his strenght was slowly fading. The fact that the bots stopped to regenerate was a blessing, and when Grave saw the energy blast fired by Burrito, he concentrated his efforts on breaking through the line of bots.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon heard the warning and hit the deck, fast. The beam went flying past where his head had been, killing the bots he had been fighting. With the bots he had been fighting now out of the way, and the path clear, he got to his feet and bolted for the palace.

"Pale took a hit, appeared to be bleeding out. Going to attempt to heal it before she dies."

He was half way to the palace before the sentence was even finished.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave tried to make his way towards the palace, but without success. The bots he was facing were stronger than the regular ones, and the warrior had problems with taking down such a huge number of them.


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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Pale stirs, half-heartedly, eyelids and wings fluttering. She was in someone's arms, being carried.. carried through a valley of destruction, it seemed, and the rain cooled her brow.

Is this Death, carrying me away? It feels... gentle..

The mage opens her eyes with a start, and a strong wingbeat buffets her saviour...just in time for her to be set down. She thrashes against the harness, weakly.

"Let me... let me go! I can fight.. I can.. I need to hold the shield!"

A well-timed morphine shot sends her back into a calmer state of mind, and she blinks, and glances at her stomach, finding the glob of nanomachines there, busily working on...

"Oh! I was stabbed, wasn't I.."

The winged woman gives in, and allows herself to be carted away, knowing there was little she could do with such a wound.


Nov 15, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Tsuki faded in and out of full consciousness, though she still moved as she normally would. She realized she was being helped.... somewhere. Then, medical something... then...? She finally completely out, getting a much deserved sleep. Still, the back of her mind was still running, making sure those nanomachines existed still on those who needed it.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon made his way to the palace, sparing a glance to Tsuki. It seemed she was simply resting, and not in any immediate danger.

This moved his attention over to Pale, who was definitely not out of the woods. Walking over to her, he whispered both mentally and verbally to her, "forgive me."

He straightened, closing his eyes for a moment, and anyone listening would catch him mutter something about, "figures, this looks so damn wrong, yet it is the only way. And now twice in one goddamn day."

Then his open hand came down on Pale's chest, a strange noise heard for a moment before it ceased. His body stiffened slightly as the reverse feed took effect, and slowly Pale's wounds began to knit. After several minutes they would be finally bound and healed, and he gently stepped away. He backed up until he found a chair, then slumped into it, seeming to rest there, unmoving but clearly awake.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike spent the next hour or so of the battle moving with small squads of soldiers, doing cleanup duty and such. When she finally wore down and came back, she found everything pretty much as she left it. She went over and sat down on the floor beside Siphon, and was quickly asleep.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Sounds like a plan to me." Despite looking a little paler than she had before, the vampire spun her blades around in her hand and headed after Shrike and back into the streets. Anything not leather was thoroughly soaked, be it blood, gore or rain, and she seemed to be loving it. Things seemed a little more relaxed, so she could tone down how much blood she was burning through, taking out bots as she and Shrike came across them.

At one point, though, she broke off from the other woman, making sure she had things in hand, and cut around one of the buildings. Amid his fighting, Grave would see her flanking the group he was currently dealing with, cutting her way through them to eventually meet him in the middle. "What say we blow this pop stand?" she asks him with a grin. "There's rest and reinforcements back at the palace. You coming?" She jerks her head back in the direction from whence she came, looking like she's going to stick with him until he's back there and safe.