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The Adbot's Revenge!

Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Pale's second waking is somewhat less traumatic than the first. The throbbing pain has vanished, replaced by an easy warmth of true sleep. Finally, she stirs, and stares intently at the straps holding her on the gurney. After a moment or two, they flick open, released by an invisible hand.

She stalks among the exhausted soldiers, dropping first to check on Tsuki, feeling for a pulse without knowing if she could even look for one on a cyborg. Finally, she makes her way to Siphon.

"I have a suspicion you saved me again back there. You have my thanks, once again."

She spares a glance for the sleeping Shrike, beside him.

"She does, too. I'd be dead if not for her. Tell her that for me, when she wakes up."

After that, she was gone, pacing off through the corridors, looking for the roof. Finally, she emerges from a trapdoor, and nods casually to one of the snipers watching the ruins of the city. A muttered word keeps the rain off her, and in fact..

A moment taken to cast, revelling in actually having energy, for once, and the clouds that she called, she sends away. After a minute or two, the sky is as blue as ever. With that done, the mage sits herself down against an air vent, wings drawn close around her, and dozes off.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon nods twice. "I did bind your wounds and restore you as best as I could. I will tell her for you when she wakens."

Then with Pale gone, he leans back again in the chair, resting his body this time without a feeding. He simply needed rest now, not energy.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave was actually grateful for Copper's help, something that happened rarely. "That's a very convincing invitation. Let's move!" Grave resumed the fight, cutting down the bots in front of him. With Copper's help, he'd most likely break through to the palace.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Burrito walks through the palace, injured soldiers left and right groaning for help, medics rushing to and fro to help as many as possible "This is wrong." he says, noticing Siphon sitting in a chair "How's our resident Wraith holding up?" he says, his coat still over his shoulders and his arms not through the sleeves. If one looked closely, they would see his arm and lower legs were still exposed, missing the layer of artificial skin and clothing they were supposed to have "We suffered heavy losses today. But in return, our home survived. Even as most of our surviving soldiers mop up the streets and finish off the last of their army. We have won this fight. And all of you still alive to fight another day helped us. You should congratulate yourselves, men and women of the ULMF army." he says over the radio, smiling as he sits down next to Siphon and crosses his legs
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon grins back assuredly. "I am fine. A tad tired, but that can easily be rectified later. I should probably go see if there is anything I can do for some of the more critically injured."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Copper relays Burrito's words to Grave as they make their way back, the two not all that far from the Palace, since they're working together along mostly clear streets.

"Looks like we're actually going to get a bit of a breather after this one, thankfully." She smiles a bit, not wholly phased by the change in the weather yet again. "You going to be all right? I'm going to check in with the others and then find something to eat, myself. Little too risky, me being around the wounded when I'm feeling peckish." She chuckles and once she is certain the warrior's going to be fine on his own, she makes her rounds, silently watching the others sleep, except Pale, leaving her to her privacy, and also poking her head in to see if Siphon needs anything, but keeping true to her word and not getting too close.

That done, she allows herself a little 'me' time of her own, though she does keep her radio with her, in case there's an emergency while she's off taking care of things.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave arrived in the palace slightly later than Copper, but he still managed to get in. He wanted to go and see Burrito, maybe grab something to eat, but fatigue changed his plans. He had killed around 500 enemies and used up the energy coming from his temper in a shockwave, and now his body demanded a rest - the warrior was barely able to stand. "Oh, bugger..." Fortunately, Grave found an apparently empty corridor. He took a look around to check if anyone was coming, then slumped against the wall and fell into a deep slumber. He wouldn't wake up unless someone used extreme methods of getting him to stand up.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

With all of the wounded now taken care of, Siphon took the opportunity to leave notes for Shrike and Pale in their hands, then headed out to think. He wandered about aimlessly, half looking for Copper just to be sure she was alright with all the blood having been flying around.

Eventually he came to what had once been one of the blank page areas, and sat down. So much had been lost, much of it likely not recoverable. And so it would be there that if anyone happened by they would see a single person sitting there amongst the shattered remains of the area, silent.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Burrito, having made sure as many men were able to fight should the need arise, found his way to one of the balconies sticking out of the palace, his arms crossed as he thinks and looks out over the shattered remains of the city "We won. But, do we want to live in such a shattered land?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

A large black crow lands on the balcony beside Burrito, looking up at him and letting out a "Haw!" as it hops a couple spaces away. Very slowly, it starts to take shape and he's soon got the vampire sitting on the rail nearby. She's dried off some, though it's hard to tell what's water, what's blood and how much of it, if any, is actually hers. She looks put through the wringer and like she enjoyed every minute of it.

"That's the beauty of this place, chief. Even though things may get shattered, so long as we endure, it can be rebuilt. Files can be recovered, threads re-established, data brought back. As long as we, ourselves, remain uncorrupted," she coughs, "that is, bot-free." She flashes him a grin. "The forum will remain. Unless you're thinking of something drastic." She lazily kicks her legs back and forth.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"You're right. We can always come back and rebuild as long as we survive. They fail to realize our true potential." Burrito says, smiling as he hops up and stands on the railing with his arms still crossed "I hear that they found another underground hive. It's only a rumor, but Gamma disappeared off our tracking system a couple hours into the battle. They were nowhere near the city." he says, a concerned look on his face "And look at me. Missing most of my skin and clothes." he says jokingly
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Dude, it's a hentai forum. I'm surprised half the people here have clothes to begin with." She smirks. "Now the skin part, eh, some people are into that kind of thing." She shrugs, though she's being lighthearted about it. She's gotten the impression he's a little self-conscious about the whole robotics thing.

"Well, I'm okay to go scout, if you want me to look into things. The others, I think they could probably stand a rest, even Siphon, though I know he'll argue otherwise. Just give me their last reported position and I'll wing on out there and see what I can dig up. Hopefully it was just the chaos that caused us to lose 'em and not unforseen circumstances."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Their last known position was thirty miles east of the city, in the mountains that separate us and our mutual enemy's forums. We have a cease-fire, though. So it couldn't have been them. And they've always been ad-ridden." Burrito says, his eyes surveying the ruined city "I set the cease-fire up myself. After all, we're all just a bunch of Hentai lovers. I'd hate to see us fighting each other. Imagine the insanity that would ensue from that situation."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon had remained restive for too long. He was antsy, needing to do something, even if it was just walk around. It didn't help that his medatative resting had been plagued with visions of death and destruction, specifically at the hands of the other Wraith. Something wasn't right, he could feel it. He headed over to one of the gates, informing the guards he was heading out for a stroll around the area, and to inform anyone from his group who passed by them that he had done so, or if Burrito was looking for him.

This done, he headed out to walk around randomly, completely unaware of what it was Burrito and Copper had just said about the area he was moving towards.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Eh, from what I've heard, they invited it themselves, but that's just the rumors. But yeah, it'd be a bad scene all around. We'd have worse things to worry about than bots if that were the case." She starts swinging both her legs. "The radios'll reach out that far right?" She taps the little device in her ear. "Given our current state, I think it would be prudent to know of any threats that might be looming on the horizon so we can be prepared." She gets quiet. "Lord knows we wouldn't be able to stand another seige like that."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"The radios work fine to that distance. The problem is they either lost them or died. Here's hoping they're still alive." Burrito says, looking out at the destroyed city walls "Hell, if all goes well we may just have enough time to celebrate our victory."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike wakens slowly, noticing the room devoid of the others who were there. She peeks out a window to find that she had only been asleep a few hours. Stretching, she wandered around for a while, reading to note left on her lap, before spotting Burrito and Copper on the balcony, heself on top of the next building over. She carefully gauges the distance, gets a running start, and gives herself a bit of a boost as she leaps the twenty feet or so to the balcony. She stops most of her momentum by hitting the railing with her feet and absobing the shock, dumping the rest of it when she leans forward and steps down. "Looks like I haven't missed much." She says in greeting, smiling broadly.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"So...do you want me to go check on them or not?" She gives him a rather pointed look. "That way, if they need help, I can bring it back to them. If they're dead, we know we have a problem on our hands." She lets out a curse as Shrike lands. "Damn, girl, and you did that without wings. You must be feeling better if you're pulling crazy shit like that." She looks happy to see te other woman, though.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Much better." Shrike says with a laugh. "No wings, but I still cheated a bit though. The friend who taught me that could do it for real, she's amazing. So what's all this commotion about?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Tsuki still slept, quite soundly actually. The lack of rest from the earlier mission and the drawn out battle had really worn her out. She shifted in her cot, mumbling a bit, before settling back down.