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The Adbot's Revenge!



Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Forward recon team disappeared. Copper was just about to head out and scout the area for survivors." Burrito says, his expression unchanging as he looks over at Shrike "If all goes well, it was just a radio malfunction."


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike looks over to Copper, then back to Burrito. "Better to send two than one, I volunteer. One thing though. I still haven't gotten a radio, do you have one handy?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon had walked a distance, and now came upon the few shattered hulking remains of the Hive that hadn't been with the primary core systems. He paused now, looking over the field of debris. He would take his time to scan the area thoroughly, checking for anything their group could possibly use from salvage.

It would be out in the open he would be found should anyone happen by the area over the next twenty minutes.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Well, you're welcome to come along, but I was just planning on winging it, and I can't exactly take passengers when I do that. Your call, though, chief. I won't be offended if you want back-up going with, but it might be faster if I go alone."


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Go alone, Copper. I have something that needs discussing with Shrike." Burrito says, his right hand raised as he chuckles "And we'll get you a radio, Shrike. You can be sure of that."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"As you bid." She stands up on the railing, not quite possessing Shrike's balance, the fact that her arms are going out evidence of that. Of couse, that changes as she starts to shrink, her body starting to tip a little, the transformation little slower than in the heat of battle. She allows herself to pitch forward and by the time she would have hit the ground, a large black bird flaps its way upward. It circles once, calling out to the other two below, and then wings its way eastward.

Of course, she does have to stop and see what exactly it is the Wraith is doing, landing nearby with a bit of a "Hrrrr" sound and flapping wings and watching him in that twitchy, curious way that birds do when they're scoping something out.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike watched Copper change and fly off, then turned back to Burrito, leaning back against the railing and giving him an amused and questioning look, eyebrow raised and everything.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon had just lugged out what appeared to be some kind of weapon from amidst the wreckage when he heard the noise from behind him. Shaking his head with an amused smile he turned around to find the crow there. Since he knew there weren't any other crows around this area, he knew it had to be Copper.

"Well hello there. Sifting through the wreckage here, I knew some of it had to have survived given that hive's gargantuan size."

He then stopped, having an uneasy feeling she wasn't simply there to just scope out the ruins. "OK, what's going on? Something tells me your not just here to sight see. I've been having this bad feeling things aren't quite right. Please tell me for once I'm wrong."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

The blue streaks on the things wing kind of give it away, too. They're the same color as her hair. As he questions her, if birds could look peeved, she was doing it. That was, at least, until he heard in his head, That's right, ask the bird questions. Oi. Well, everything's fine back at the city, so don't worry. I'm heading over to scope the mountains. Apparently there was a recon team we lost track of. I'm going to find them. Or what's left of them. That last bit seemed to be a bit of a stray thought, obviously not one she meant to share. Shouldn't take long. I'll be back by dinner. She ruffles her feathers a little. You have fun poking around and if I need you to call in the cavalry, I'll give you a shout.

She wings off, circling above him a few times before taking off toward the east again.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

He was silent for a short period of time. Finally he nodded. Fair enough. Ya know, sometimes I hate being right. Just be careful out there OK? I'll be in this area for a while still. If anything comes up I'll swing over your way if you need me to. In the meantime, I think this thing is a weapon, I'm going to test it out.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Just don't aim it in my direction. And turn your radio back on, will you? That way if there is trouble, we can relay to one another and the city.

With that, she hopped a few steps and then took off into the air once again, circling once before aiming for the mountains, uncertain of what she was going to find there. Part of her hoped for the best, but the cynical part of her was prepared for the reality.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Fair enough, and the radio is already on.

When she was gone, he hefted the decent sized device, picked a spot and pulled the trigger, and watched a blue colored blast of energy fly out. Quickly he was scanning the energy field as best as he could with limited gear, but his impression was that this wasn't a weapon meant to kill, but rather a weapon made to incapacitate so the enemy could capture the victim.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Copper circled around in her flight once again as she barely caught sight of something bright and blue flashing behind her. Whatever it was had faded and it didn't look like Siphon had gotten himself into any further trouble, so she put her attention on the mountains. It wasn't all that far of a distance for her to wing it but she was glad for the opportunity to fly. Not exactly the type of walk she'd want to do if she could help it.

Dropping her altitude once she got closer to the foothills of the mountains, she began circling around, initially just trying to get the lay of the land. It was pretty rough terrain here, given all the fighting that had happened a while ago, likely before Burrito's cease-fire. Not to mention the fact that there could potentially be bots in the area, too. Still, she tracked better when she had access to all of her facilities, so she landed behind a crop of rocks and shifted back into her human form once more. She thought about testing to see if the radio was working, but didn't want to give herself away, should frequencies be monitored. For now, she was on her own.

Prowling around the area, she was turning up a whole mess of nothing, at least until she picked up on the smell of blood. Relatively fresh, too. Slinking along, she followed the trail as best she could until she hit a small crop of rocks that overlooked what might be a small clearing.

"Aw, shit," she muttered.

Lying below her were what she could only presume to be what was left of Gamma squadron. Most of them were intact, dead by the wounds she deduced came from some sort of projectile weapon. A couple of them, though, looked like they had tangled with something bigger and badder. Doing a quick head-count...or in this case, torso count...she found they were all there.

"Burrito's not going to like this," she muttered under her breath. As she started to draw back, she stopped, not quite believing she'd heard what she just did. But no, there it was again. Someone down there definitely groaned.

Climbing over, she dropped to the ground, hissing as the soles of her feet collided with the solid earth. Once she had feeling again, she stood still, trying to figure out where the noise had come from. The smell of blood was stronger down here and she was really glad she'd eaten before heading out on her mission.

There it was. Still keeping an eye on the surrounding area, she headed over to kneel down beside one of the soldiers. He'd gotten hit, and hard, but he was still alive. His eyes focused on her for a second and he sputtered in panic, trying to move away from her.

"Hey, hey. It's okay. I'm one of the good guys. Take it easy." She reached up and held out her tags. If he moved around too much, he might end up hurting himself more. "What happened here, kid? Tell me, while I see about getting you out of here, okay?"

Siphon! Quit playing with your new toys and tell Burrito I've got a wounded here I don't know if I can extract on my own. I'm about...oh, hell, head in a straight shot east from where I left you, then go right for about ten yards, then back toward the bigger cliffs. We'll be here. I'm not radioing, because I don't know if the area's free or not.

That done, she started checking the solider over as best she was able, not wanting to leave him, but she was probably going to have to look for something to help with that bleeding soon, not to mention keeping an eye and ear out for unfriendlies.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon froze in place as soon as he heard his name in his mind. By the time Copper had finished her sentence, he already had his radio out and hitting the transmit button. "Burrito, this is Siphon. If you can read this, Copper says she has found a single survivor from Gamma squad, and is uncertain if the area is clear or not. I'm near the area and I am moving to assist now, not sure if we'll need any other help yet or not."

This done, he shouldered the new weapon and took off at a run for the area Copper had mentioned, pushing to the limit and bounding great distances in a short time frame. It wouldn't be long before he had reached the area, stopping when he spotted the total carnage and lone survivor.

"Jesus... fuck. What the hell did this?"


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Burrito's hand instantly reaches for his radio, his ears hearing every word Siphon said "Control, Copper found Gamma. All but one are dead. Please advise." he says over the radio, his words going unheeded for a short time "Control here, we confirm your report. A chopper is already fueled and standing by. Captain, go with them. Bring any essential personnel you think should go with you" the voice behind Control coming over the radio "Roger. I'll be taking Shrike with me. Please tell me there's an extra radio on that chopper" he says, chuckling as he turns to Shrike "Feel like helping us? There may be more bots." he says flatly, a smile on his face "If we're lucky, it's just the bots. Here's hoping it isn't who I think it is." he says, crouching down and motioning for Shrike "If you would prefer, I can take you to the helipad myself."


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike just smiled at him a moment, still leaning against the railing, inwardly amused that whatever he had wanted to talk to her about seemed forgotten. Instead of answering his question, she simply kicked out, swinging herself upward until she was doing a perfect handstand on the railing, facing outward. She craned her head back to look at him, as her momentum started to carry her over the edge, and spoke two words, just before she dropped out of sight.

"Race you..."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Copper wheeled around, knife in hand, as she heard something coming up on her back. As soon as the Wraith crested the overhang, she relaxed, slipping the blade back into its sheath.

"Fuck if I know," she replied to his question. "Whatever it was, it was big and angry, I'm guessing. Perfect for you to keep an eye out for." She gives him a bit of a cheeky grin. "Unless you're feeling well enough to at least stabilize this kid for me. I know the group's fast, but I don't want to lose him before they get here."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon nodded, looking at the young man. "That is assuming he will let me, he seems to be terrified of something. I'm not picking up that other Wraith though if your worried about that, so for right now he's not in range."

Taking a deep breath, he moved in to attempt a heal of the younger man. He didn't know what had torn into the kid, but he knew at this point about all he could do for him would be to stabilize him. To heal wounds of this severity on short rest and feeding would be tricky, and could be dangerous to try a full heal. If the kid didn't move away, he'd restore enough of him so that he wouldn't die, and would survive, but no where ear what he fully could.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"That might actually be me." She gave him a toothy smile, her fangs quite visible. "Well, I haven't got the mesmer stuff like other vamps, but I'll see what I can do."

She let one of her hands slide down to cup under the kid's, taking hold of it rather gently actually. "Hey," she said quietly, giving it a little squeeze. "Hey, you know I'm here to help, right? Well, this guy here, he's a friend of mine, despite how he looks. I called him here so he could help you, okay? He can't make you all better, but he'll make sure you can get back to the city just fine." She reached up, carefully brushing some of his matted hair away from his face. Her eyes flicked over, looking for his tags, something that might tell her his name, but they were either missing or too coated in blood.

"Keep your attention on me, kid. I'm a helluva lot prettier to look at than he is at the moment, wouldn't you say?" She laughed lightly, though it was a bit forced, hoping to distract him from whatever it was Siphon might be able to do.


Nov 15, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Hearing some sort of commotion, Tsuki opened her eyes and sat up. She rubbed her eyes sleepily as she looked around. "Mmnnn...." she groaned. That was odd. She could've sworn she heard talking and yet she was perfectly alone. At least the hacker was able to get some sleep.

With no one around, Tsuki got out of bed and sleepily shambled out of the room. Okay, she was in the hospital.... Well, she didn't seem dead or mortally wounded, so that was good. Oh wait, those voices earlier. They were over the radio!

"Mm... what's... going on now?" she asked, still tired but much better now.