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The Adbot's Revenge!

Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Actually, it's more like a dragon's breath, only dark-based. Grave uses only this element.))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Darkness IS negative energy.))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

The blast had the complete opposite affect of what grave wanted it to do. Instead of damaging him it merely served to increase Oni's power.

"Thank you," Oni said to him amidst maniacal laughter. With speed far greater than before Oni made to slash Grave, his blade leaving a trail of dark mist as it cut through the air.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((That depends on one's outlook. I believe that darkness is an element, just like light, fire and so on. It doesn't have to be negative in my opinion, just as light doesn't have to be positive. However, since Grave's a berserk killer and he fired it with a killer intent, we might assume it's negative.))

Grave quickly realized that he had to rely on physical weapons after all. His aura once more manifested as a shroud - a mobile, plastic, but material shroud, just like the sword Grave used earlier. It acted like a shield, blocking Oni's slash. Altough the blade pierced it, Grave avoided the blow. Black matter began to wrap around Oni's sword - the dark warrior obviously tried to disarm his opponent. Grave stepped back to analyze Oni.

'Ok, he didn't absorb my first strike, it definitely connected. Either he absorbs only energy, or there's some other kind of difference. However, I used an energy-based slash attack... There's something I'm missing. Perhaps I will have to use that move... It's risky, but if it hits, he's done for.'
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Oni was surprised that his attack missed, though as Grave tried to disarm him Oni dematerialised his sword to cancel Grave's attack. A moment later it reappears in Oni's other hand.

"Is that the best you can do?" Oni said, trying to goad him even further.

((Right, thats the last post from me for tonight you'll have to wait until tomorrow))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave scratched his chin. Perhaps his overconfident enemy could be fooled... Grave wasn't an epic talker, but he wasn't stupid either. The dark shroud surrounded him again as the warrior adopted a combat stance. He didn't summon a weapon, though. "Of course not. And speaking of capabilities, you have an interesting ability... You absorbed dark energy, but a physical blow enhanced with elemental power reached you without being weakened. That's an unusual reaction."
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon nodded only once. "As you wish." Notably, his voice had almost a slight accent to it this time. Perhaps he was experimenting, or perhaps the changes were going further than Burrito would have thought, it was hard to tell.

His head snapped up, listening to something a distance away, or perhaps he sensed it? "Hmm, a dozen wraith soldiers on foot, approaching. Distance roughly .... one sixth of a mile. Armed with rifle stunners, this should be fun."

He turned and waved to Burrito. "Be back in a few minutes, can't let them get a report back in. Sparky said there were stealth teams in place now, advance scouts for the hive. Your welcome to join me ... if your able to get there in time."

With a grin, he took two running steps, then jumped. His jump took him directly over the heads of Oni and Grave, high up into the air. He landed an impossible distance away, and repeated the procedure, rapidly vanishing from view.

((Leaving it open now for anyone to come across him and the soldiers for a bit, Bartnum that includes you too.))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Burrito sighs as he watches Siphon jump away, turning the direction he was going and bending his knees, his legs beginning to emit a whirring sound as he suddenly skates off, sliding back and forth as he goes from a crouch to a stand, the soles of his boots slowly revealing a set of what appeared to be skate wheels, which he uses to skate towards the Wraith on.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Copper had just lit another cigarette when her radio crackled.

"Hey, Copper? You in range or you off with the others dealing with that hive?"

"I'm in town, John. What's up?"

"We've got a bug problem." An aside. "Sorry."

She thought she heard another voice in the background before she responded. "Tell me where I need to be and what I'm going to need to kill."

"Squad of wraith. We've already got a few others en route." He relayed their coordinates.

"I'll be there with bells on." Stubbing out the cigarette, she glanced off into the distance, making a mental note of her destination. Beginning her transformation, she stood up and leaned herself over the edge, free falling toward the pavement, arms outstretched until they shrank into wings and she glided off, just skimming the street below before she beat her way upward, winging toward the enemy. Maybe mixing things up might help clear her head.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"You think that physical attack actually did much? All it did was cut me in half. And I'm guessing you felt a bit of resistance? That's because of my body absorbing the negative energy enveloping your blade. It wasn't enough to heal the cut on it's own though. But go ahead, try again if you want." Oni still tries to goad Grave into using more of his power against him.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave reviewed the fresh response in his memory - and then it hit him. Instead of saying darkness, Oni used the words "negative energy". No element was negative by itself. Grave knew that he shaped darkness with his mind - so the destroyed probably used the warrior's killer intent against himself. "Yare, yare... I've never been good at this kind of stuff... But hey. At least I think I know what makes you tick. You run on hate and such, correct? Feelings that follow destruction... I can't really empty my mind, but I wonder what will happen if I simply focus on not letting you cut me." Grave adopted a defensive stance. A small half-smile appeared on his face. The darkness around the warrior wrapped around his body. "I really dislike beings like you... But, that doesn't matter now. If you want to try and attack me, go ahead. I will not let you harm me."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"You wont let me take in any of your hate?" Oni asks, surprised by Grave's quick thinking. "Heh, I don't need your hate, this planet is bathed in the negative energies of it's inhabitants. It seems like this planet has been at war for a long time, and those wars have brought about suffering and that suffering is soaked into the very land itself. But have it your way, defend all you want Puss-Boy." Oni's sword dematerialised again and this time he held out his hand, his palm facing Grave. A moment later a barrage of negative energy orbs flew at Grave, using the orbs as cover Oni charges at him, his blade now materialised in his hand again and he swings for Grave hoping the orbs would blind him for a moment.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Unfortunately for Oni, Grave was the type that would rather dodge than block an attack. Dark energy focused under the warrior's feet. Grave surfed it like a wave, quickly moving away to the left, out of the danger zone. He noticed Oni's charge from this perspective. Grave materialised a sword, but didn't coutnerattack. Instead, he waited for Oni's move. "You can't understand anything but negative emotions, do you? You're quite pathetic." Grave sighed. It wasn't his usual sigh. This one was a bit... Sad. "You know what? You're so pathetic that I nearly started to pity you. You must be pretty lonely, right?"

'Calm down. Maybe there's something positive in him we can work with. Besides, I was supposed to take care of myself...'
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Pathetic? Hah! Negative emotions are all I need! After all, it's better to be feared than respected, and if Host truly means what he offers then you'll all be FEARING ME!" Oni made wild swings at Grave, a feint, but Grave was not to know this. "And what do you mean 'lonely'? I've had this demon with me for all these years, he's been more than enough company!" Using his inhuman speed Oni made to run around Grave and attempt to deliver a quick finishing blow.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave dodged and parried Oni's swings - the destroyer obviously wasn't very skilled, only powerful. That hardly bothered Grave - however, there was something Grave wanted to know. So the warrior decided to move out of the blade's range. Darkness gathered under Grave and shot up, launching the warrior upwards and forming a strange, twisted pillar. The darkweaver barely avoided the deathblow. Oni's sword cut right through the pillar - however, the structure regenerated just like Oni did at the beginning. Grave sat on top of it. He seemed to be quite relaxed.

"I assumed you wouldn't understand what I meant... However, one thing puzzles me. That Host guy... Is he, by chance, sort of a humanoid reptile?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Oni paused at the mention of Host's description. "Yeah, thats him. Why do you want to know? And what do you mean you assumed I wouldn't understand?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave shrugged. "Host is the leader of Lurkers... Potentially dangerous. And I have a good reason to punch his lungs out. That's why I want to know what he's planning." The warrior chuckled. "Wait. I think I know what I'm going to do with him when I get him. As for the second question..." Grave paused for a moment. It seemed that he was looking for proper words. "You seem to be unable to understand how your situation looks from my point of view. And I'm sure that a large number of people would share it. Is that demon of yours really a good partner for a discussion?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"He's a dangerous person? Heh, well either way he's pretty much said I can have this planet once the war is over, so if you want him you've got to go through me." Oni glared at Grave. He didn't like people looking down on him. "What do you mean by my situation? And I guess that someone who's always berating you and pushing you to your limits wouldn't be everyone's idea of a great travel partner, but it's thanks to him that I've got these powers. And he does make for good conversation sometimes."

"Damn straight I do!" The demon's voice says, unheard by all except Oni.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave laughed after hearing this response. "He let you have this planet because he doesn't own it! All he controls is a group of terrorists!" Grave stopped laughing and nodded. "Yes... Judging by his battle tactics, Host is a deceptive person... And since he's a psychopath as well, I believe he's treacherous. Don't trust him, and watch your back. He's more than likely to plot your downfall while you're unaware." Grave's face became more serious. "As for your last question... You just keep going, destroying, killing. Altough this is fun, I bet that every person would get tired of this... But you never stop, do you? You don't have a place where you can rest, spend some time with a kind soul... I have such a place, you know. Feels good to return there from time to time. By the way, are you satisfied with those powers of yours?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"He let me have this planet because it's a better alternative than me destroying it. And I wouldn't worry on that, there's no possible way to destroy me." Oni breathes deeply, as if trying to calm himself down. "You dont understand, I never stop because this demon won't let me. But the killing has never gotten boring. And like I said, this planet may very well become my home, whether you all accept me or I have to kill you all in the process."