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The Adventures of one foxxy Mahou Shoujo - IC

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Lexie blushed even more and lowered her head as her black and white hair hid her tomato red face, simply replying with a "Mhhhh..." Though she did lean into Liza's head pat, even though she was so embarrassed already. She squirmed in place, her own breasts also slightly wet with some milk after having been squished against Liza's own. "I... Uh, mmmhhhh... wish I-I could have some actual real breasts of my own if they are really like this." Lexie let out a short and quite moan as Liza's hand brushed against Lexie's breasts, interrupting her own words. Her voice was quite enough so only Liza could hear as she confessed her own desires. She was hyper aware of her new additions, making any sensations she felt with them all the more noticeable and pleasurable for her!


The crowd around the two cow-girls continued to have wondering hands, people groping her ass and hands running over her body a pair of hands constantly cupping her large cow tits, fondling them, but not squeezing them! Liza could recognize that there were at least half of the immediate ring of people around them were the culprits responsible! She even managed to hear one of them say, "See, told you anyone who drank that stuff was a slut even if they aren't in the barn." Immediately after who ever had talked, one of the strong hands cupping her breast grabbed her right milk tank and squeezed the sensitive tit! Some milk trickled from the tip of Liza's nipple and a lightning bolt of pleasure hit her! A small need to feel herself lactate even more was born then. Barely any milk came out even though her breasts felt sooo heavy, and she for some reason, she felt like if she continued to spend more time as a cow kin, and drank even more milk she would lactate more and more! Unknown to her, that energy that had taken root in Liza was a little seed of corruption which could possible start to warp her if she continued to collect more corruption, changing her, like making her lactate even more...

Lexie was just in front of her getting the same treatment, moaning and squirming as she was felt up! She looked torn between aroused, and terrified! Enjoying it, yet feeling like she shouldn't be! If Liza did nothing, then eventually the song would come to an end and the crowd would disperse slightly as the band changed out and there was a lull in the song. She now had space around her and a very red faced Lexie, squirming in place with a slight pant to her breath. She was so clearly hot and bothered from the entire affair! "L-Liza d-did we just get m-molested?" Her thighs her rubbing against each other, like she was unconsciously desiring even more...
; Location: The Bull's Horn; Tag: Alex; Mood: horny and milky;
Core States: HP (40/40); AC 12; CMD 14; Init: +2; Fort: +6; Ref: +4; Will: +4
Mahou Rounds: 14/14

Liza was entranced, feeling the other patrons running their excited hands over her body, touching her nice heavy jugs, giving her the pleasure she'd wanted from the barn, while just dancing with Alex.... it was great. Her distraction as doubled as one squeezed her breast, sending a small jet of milk out. Shuttering and moaning, she could feel the pleasure of being milked echoing throughout her entire body. The dance floor started to melt away, her mind focused solely on the pleasure of that moment. How nice it felt having her heavy breasts, squeezed, how much she wanted the man to keep doing it, she could make a right proper cow too... but only if she kept drinking milk, letting herself get milked like a cow...
Once the song started to slow down, Liza was still in a fog, her body had been moving on its own for minutes now. LEaving her mind to wrestle with all the nice new feelings she'd been experiencing. "Huh?" She blinked a bit, remembering Alex how they'd drunk the milk together... was she feeling the same way? Probably so judging by how much she was blushing. "Maybe a bit, but it was just cause we were dancing so well," She smiled, "Did you like them touching your breasts? I kind of liked it," she admitted without hesitation.
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The one who was groping her breasts answered her silent plea for more, reaching around for her other breast as well and alternatively squeezing them, over and over again, egged on by her moans! Each time Liza's breasts unleashed little fountains of milk from her nipples, and by the time the music and dance had ended, the front of Liza's shirt was practically drenched in her own milk!

As the song finished and the molesting crowd dispersed and while Liza's mind was still fogged up from the pleasure, her breasts throbbed in withdrawal. She had felt how amazing being milked was and now that it was over, it was so uncomfortable not being milked! When she looked upon the blushing Cow Lexie, another one of those insidious thoughts she had vowed to ignore wormed its way into her mind. What if she got Lexie to help her with her need...?

"I-I dont know how I should feel after that.... It did feel really nice to be touched like that... I-I think I was even lactating a little..." Her voice grew quieter as she admitted what she had felt during the dance! If Liza looked hard enough she could see that Lexie's shirt was also a little wet, especially around where her nipples where, though it wasn't nearly as milky as Liza's own! Liza had been much more susceptible to the milk's corruption than Lexie!

Their dance/molesting session had lasted for almost a half hour. There was an almost perpetual blush stuck on Lexie's face and her breaths were sounding pretty husky with arousal! Liza fared no better, both of them worked up to being close to an orgasm yet the teasing hadn't been enough to push them over! Now that there was a break in the dance they had choices on what to do next! The arousal was hard to ignore, though possible to do. They could go and get drunk some more, wait till the next session of dancing started and hopped some more molesting would happen to push them over, or maybe since Lexie wasn't comfortable with The Barn (yet), they could find somewhere more private and try and deal with their arousal on their own?
; Location: The Bull's Horn; Tag: Alex; Mood: horny and milky;
Core States: HP (40/40); AC 12; CMD 14; Init: +2; Fort: +6; Ref: +4; Will: +4
Mahou Rounds: 14/14

Unable to resist enjoying herself for a bit longer, Liza smiled and ran a hand down Lexie's cheek. "It's ok to feel a bit confused, that's a whole new body for you right," She smiled warmly, her eyes tracing down to the slight wet spots on Lex's shirt. "Though.... maybe it's enough for today, let's finish our dance and head home," She leaned in, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
Liza's mind was horny, that much was clear, she wanted so much to get milked, to have a nice strong man fill her with a few calfs even.... but the fox part of her was finally starting to gain control again, fighting back the urges to be a lewd cow-girl, and seeing Lexie in this state, it was only right to head home. "Come on," She grabbed his hand once they were done, the magic of the milk starting to fade. "We can always come back another time," This was a pretty eventful day after all, best to call it quits and head home before anything more happened.
Alex Cow-girl.jpg Lexie bit her lower lip and shivered as Julia's fingers brushed her cheek. Her thighs were rubbing together and even through her transformed short-shorts, the clitty could be seen bulging, fighting to keep the fully hard clit inside! "I-It is really confusing, b-but I think I really like it. these breasts are amazing, I can be a real girl like this!" She let out a small smile while still shifting about in arousal. A splash of embarrassment was added to her blush as she leaned into the cheek kiss! "A-all ready? I guess... You know best Big Sis..." Lexie grabbed Liza's hand, threading her fingers into Liza's own. They were on their way out when Lexie stopped and tugged on Liza's arm. "S-sis? Do you think we could grab some milk to go?" Already Lexie's transformation was starting to slowly fade, though Liza could feel hers still had a little longer to go before hers started to fade even though they drank at the same time. Either way, if she agreed or not, they would be on their way to Liza's home shortly after!


Meanwhile, back with Julia, shortly after Alex and Liza left the house for their 'date'.
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Julia had just finished doing the dishes when a knock was heard at the front door. Of course, Liza's warning about having been stolen from right out of their home rang out in her head when she heard the knock. No matter how cautious she was when she opened it, it only revealed a friendly sight to Julia. "Heya Blondie! Sorry that I'm late, meant to head here earlier in the day but got caught up in some stuff." She stepped into the door way and smoothly wrapped an arm around Julia's waste and pulled her into a side hug. She seemed to really like physical contact, of course it meant nothing at all. "Hmmm, the bastards got you all nervous to open your own door now?" Grace suddenly asked, an intent yet caring expression on her face as she was staring at Julia's face.

She squished Julia into herself slightly as she hugged her a little tighter before continuing on. "So, Blonde, is there anyone else here? I wanted to talk to you privately about something. Something I think only you can really do to help me out. "
; Location: The Bull's Horn; Tag: Alex; Mood: calm;
Core States: HP (40/40); AC 12; CMD 14; Init: +2; Fort: +6; Ref: +4; Will: +4
Mahou Rounds: 14/14

Liza had anticipated this request, so when Lexie asked, "Sure, we can get a couple, though remember they don't keep for very long." She smiled. Taking Lexie back up to the bar with her. "Two to go," she requested, putting the gold on the counter. She wanted to make sure that Lexie was happy, though in a way she thought it might be more fun to experience her cows-ona in the bar, where there were lots of horny bystanders to see her... to milk her... mmmmm.
Shaking her head she took the milk and left with Lexie, the duo happy for the experience, one they would surely have again before long.


; Location: Liza and Julia's house; Tag: Grace; Mood: upbeat; 1562798002819.png
Core States: HP (40/40); AC 13; CMD 14; Init: +3; Fort: +5; Ref: +7; Will: +3
Mahou Rounds: 12/12
It hadn't been very long since Liza and Lex had left, leaving Julia humming to herself as she scrubbed away the dishes, when she heard a knock on the door. The bubbly kitsune finished what she was doing, and scooted over silently to the door, curious who might be on the other side. She readied herself for an intruder as she slowly unlocked the door, prying it open while giving herself plenty of room to react to a sudden home invasion... but on the other side was a familiar face. "Hi, Grace!" She giggled, letting her guard down a bit, "Why don't you come inside," She offered before closing the door behind her guest, trying not to make it super obvious how on edge the visit had made her. Though the friendly hug did wonders for calming down her adrenaline-fueled mind. "It's ok, I'm glad you could come over at any time! ... Well, with what happened to Liza we can't be too careful." She added a brief nod When grace hugged her a bit tighter Julia happily returned the show of friendship, curling her tail around Grace's leg in a fluffy hug. "Ya, Liza and Lex just left, they said they were going shopping, so it could be a while before they come back. What do you want to talk about!?"
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Grace gave Julia a silly smile as Julia giggled, finding the giggle cute. "Oh, anytime? I think Ill have to take advantage of that offer Blondie!" She smirked as she said that, her cat tail waving back and forth in happiness from the offer. "Its good to be cautious, though Ill try and keep my own eye out for any more baddies out for you and your friends." Grace's eyes widened slightly and she smiled brightly as Julia's soft fox tail wrapped around her leg. Her own cat tail slinked from under her skirt and went and winded around Julia's tail, interlocking them while Grace still had Julia in a side hug. "Ah, good! I have you all to myself then!"

"So onto what I wanted to talk to you about, and make no mistake I only wanted to ask you and no one else on purpose. Do you mind if we sit down?"
Even as she asks, Grace leads Julia over to the living room couch that she can see, her hand firmly on Julia's waist. Still entwined, Grace brings the both of them down onto the couch, basically cuddling on it! Though of course friends cuddled! Julia did it all the time with Liza and Alex! "So, its actually about the Reapers... I don't remember if I ever mentioned it, but I run with a crew of other girls, alot of them other victims of the Reapers, and we think we might have a lead on something that might finally really hurt the Reapers." Grace's confident grin faded slightly as it grew a little grim/serious, though it still had plenty of her own usual pep. "The reason Ive brought this up is that I'm asking if you would come with me and watch my back while we check this out." Her eyes turn into crescents and her previous smile returns. "Having a Mahou Shoujo watching my back would make me feel a lot safer, especially if it would be you Julia."
; Location: Liza and Julia's house; Tag: Grace; Mood: upbeat;
Core States: HP (40/40); AC 13; CMD 14; Init: +3; Fort: +5; Ref: +7; Will: +3
Mahou Rounds: 12/12

Julia nodded along with the commendmant for her caution, "We probably need to come up with a secret knock or something, if Liza's ok with it, maybe I could give you a key!" She suggested in a bout of sudden brilliance. No need to knock if her friend could just let herself right in... though she was pretty sure that it would need to be something she talked over with Liza first in any case. "Yep! I've gotten all the chores done, and I'm all yours for as long as you need me," She smiled letting the two wander over toward the couch. The cuddling wasn't that strange to her, she was a girl, and well her and Liza had cuddled before, it was nice to have someone close, even if it wasn't your romantic partner. She listened along to Grace, hearing about the Reapers, "I hate them," She grunted. "What they did to Liza... I can never forgive them." She looked toward Grace as she explained about the counter crew, one that Grace lead. "Wow really! I'd love to help out, though... I think your right not letting Liza know about this, she'd want to help but there is no telling what would happen if shew as around them again." She pulled grace in a bit closer, using her tail to wrap around the girl's waist in a fluffy hug. "You have my full support! When do I start, and what should I do?"
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Grace casual 1.jpg Grace was really interested in perhaps getting a key for herself, and she snickered to herself as she thought just what she could do if she did have a free key to enter Julia's house when ever she wanted to! "Well I would be absolutely honored if you did trust me enough to give me a key. Id be able to come and check up on you easily that way!" And do more than that, but Grace was crushing hard on Julia and she did care if she got into trouble! Grace's kitty tail coiled further around Julia's fluffy one as Julia declared that she was all Grace's! Oh it would be so good to hear those words leave her pretty lips when they meant something else entirely. "Mmhh, they are probably one of the oldest gangs in the city. Turns out Redwater's great position also makes it a huge hub for slave trading. The Reapers are one of the biggest players in that field and its going to be hard to take them down." Grace went slightly more serious again as she talked. "My girls try their best, but we have a hard time with it, and its even worse when one of them disappears only to end up as a trained slave for the Reapers." Julia was not the only one to hate the Reapers and it shows through the grim expression on Grace.

"Enough of talk like that!" She suddenly declares and presses even closer to Julia on the couch, and she brings her face closer to Julia's, her cheek rubbing against Julia's own! "Anyways, my Blonde, this might not be a one and done thing, so make sure not to tell Liza. Ill be honest, I dont know Liza, but from what Ive seen she can be a little impulsive and that could do more damage than usual here." Plus then she could have Julia all to herself when she calls her out!

Grace smiles brightly at Julia's enthusiasm. "Well I was actually wondering if you could start helping today? I wanted to try and follow up on that lead I hit. We think we found one of the Reapers smaller storage places for… something. I dont really know whats inside but its probably slaves. Are you up to go now?"
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; Location: Liza and Julia's house; Tag: Grace; Mood: upbeat;
Core States: HP (40/40); AC 13; CMD 14; Init: +3; Fort: +5; Ref: +7; Will: +3
Mahou Rounds: 12/12

"Well, I think that you having a key is the best idea, but like I said I'd just need to check with Liza... though if I can't tell her why it might be hard to explain, hmmm" She puzzled for a few moments, not noticing just how close she and grace were getting, how the thin feline tail was starting to wrap around her vulpine one, claiming it like Grace wanted to claim Julia. "We've been fighting them on and off for a while now too, though it's hard when we don't have many leads, we've just been following rumors. So this might be really good..." She was silent for a few moments after Grace mentioned the girls who never showed back up, both out of respect for Graces fallen friends and for the fact that Liza was very nearly one of those girls too, only to escape by some miracle they still didn't understand.
She snaps out of her thought process as Grace nuzzles her cheek against Julia, causing her to blush. Grace must really be touchy to do something like that, not that Julia minded. "I understand, I won't say a word to her..." She nodded firmly. The idea of hiding things from Liza wasn't great, but this was ok, it was to help people and it's not like the two had never kept secrets from each other before... "Oh! Well then let's go! I'm ready to go!" She giggled hopping up suddenly from the couch, her tail untangling from Graces as she quickly dusted off her low skirt and turned around with a big smile.
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Grace casual 1.jpg "I'm sure you'll find a way Julia." Grace added as Julia trailed off, thinking about how to get Grace a spare key to her house. "Yeah, the Reapers will finally feel the blows we are dealing out! It will be great!" When Julia blushes, Grace smiles brightly and giggles, enjoying Julia's embarrassment. It also really helped that Julia looked even cuter with her red cheeks! Grace was really happy with herself for getting Julia to keep Liza out of the loop. She could now have her Blonde all to herself, slowly getting her to fall for herself instead of Liza! Having her help with the Reaper stuff was just a side benefit. A big one, but it still wasn't the most important thing about this arrangement she was setting with Julia!

When Julia lept up from the couch and from her cuddler, Grace looked slightly unsatisfied for a second before it was hidden away. The dense blonde probably didn't even pick up on it! "Sweet! I'll need to pick up some stuff at one of my places before we go on." She stands up and brushed at her own short skirt before suddenly holding out her hand towards Julia. "Wanna hold my hand while I lead you there?"

Either way, Grace would lead Julia down a couple of streets of Redwater's slums, heading deeper into the slums, eventually arriving at the front of what looked like a restaurant. A kind of poor restaurant, but a restaurant nonetheless. It was slightly familiar? If Julia took a moment to think about it then she would realize that it did look similar to the place she had first met Grace at! “Here, Ill take you into the back of the place!” Grace said as they entered the place. There were a few customers spread throughout the place and the all girl staff all nodded or acknowledged Grace, not questioning or stopping her as she boldly marched into the back with her date guest. Behind the first few doors she leads Julia through what looks like normal rooms for restaurants, but she would eventually open a door that immediately reveals a set of stairs downwards.”Come on, our stuff's right down here.” There was one more door at the bottom of the door that Grace proceeded to knock on in some pattern. Once she was done, a little slit opened in the door and a pair of intent eyes darkened with shadow appeared. They looked at both Grace and Julia before the slit closed again and Julia heard multiple locks unlocking then the door opened! Amazon 2nd.jpg

"Welcome back Boss Lady." A cat girl greeted Grace, stepping out of the door way and giving Julia a good view of the room behind her! The cat girl was dressed in body fitting leather armor, and a rapier on her hip. Behind her, in the room was what looked like a bar. Multiple round tables were spread throughout the room with a few other girls with Amazon waiter uniform!.jpg assorted armors and weapons sitting at each table. There was another group of girls that stood out among the crowd, moving around with platters full of drinks and serving them to the others! They all wore the same, lewd uniform!

"Welcome to one of the main hideouts for The Amazons, Julia!" Grace's sudden words break Julia's focus which had been drawn to the uniforms and Julia notices that particular detail. "Hmmm? What do you think of those waiter uniforms? Picked them out myself!"
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; Location: Liza and Julia's house; Tag: Grace; Mood: upbeat;
Core States: HP (40/40); AC 13; CMD 14; Init: +3; Fort: +5; Ref: +7; Will: +3
Mahou Rounds: 12/12

"Can't wait to make them pay!" Julia giggled, practically pulling on Grace to get her to start heading toward the door, her bushy blood tail waving about excitedly. When grace offered her hand, Julia excitedly took it, transferring her tugging to the girl's hand instead. "Sure!" She let Grace lead the way from the house, making sure to lock it behind them, but she would keep hold of the girl's hand. She didn't really think about the signals it might be sending to others, or even to Grace, she was just happy to have a friend to hold hands with on their way to striking at the Reapers!
"Huh, isn't this like the place we first met?" She asked, looking around at the dinner, wondering if she had somehow come back to the very same restaurant. Though she wasn't given long to dwell on that, following Grace through to the back, where they found a set of stairs going down. "Wow, this is pretty cool!" She gasped excitedly. Liza didn't really set up a secret hideout for their activities, so seeing a group that was so put together really blew away the blond kitsune! "Oh hello!" She greeted the cat lady at the door, taking note of the leather uniform she was wearing, how much skin it exposed... and as they ventured further in, she couldn't help but notice most of the staff was wearing a similar uniform... "W-wow," she said softly admiring the uniforms, "Q-quite the tastes..." They were very sexy, so very revealing, it felt like a bar that some seedy men might go to, but there were no men, only women. She knew that women could like other women, she and Liza liked each other in that way after all, but seeing girls displaying themselves like this, "They are very sexy, I don't think I've ever seen girls dress like that outside of performing for men." Her honest admission wasn't met to cause offense, but she also couldn't deny that something about the uniforms where alluring, so free, and dominate...
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The smile that blossomed on Grace's face as Julia took her hand was perhaps the brightest one Julia had seen yet on Grace, and it made her all warm on the inside to see it!


Grace pulled Julia closer and quietly said "Well, that's cause that was another one out 'our' places." while she continued into the building. Grace grinned like a child who was showing off a cool toy when Julia was impressed by the entrance to her hideout. "Heh, thanks! I tried to make them as sexy as I could! As for why they are dressed like that, Ill tell you in the back. Lets not just stand around!" While she said that, Grace laced her fingers in between Julia's, sending out a secret signal to any of her girls who noticed that she had claimed dibs on this one! Grace had been very tempted to use one of the servant girls in her explanation of whats going on with them, but that might send the wrong signals to the dense fox, and Grace wanted to avoid that happening! Instead she weaved through the tables with Julia held close heading for a strong looking door next to a bar counter which had a few more girls sitting at it. Julia gathered quite a few looks from the girls sitting around, many of them making her feel like they just might be undressing her with their eyes!

Through the door and only partly down a hallway on the other side and Grace finally brought Julia into a room that looked part bedroom, and part armory. There were a few weapons hanging on the walls and a few armor stands with actual armor on them as well, while on the other side there was a dresser, a really big bed and a few other personal possessions! "Come on, lets sit down on my bed!" Grace's scent was almost overwhelming on the bed, as it and a slight smell of sex wafted from the sheets. "SO! To begin with, let me tell you about some of the beliefs of The Amazons." Grace shifted around and pulled closer to Julia. "One of the reasons we are so against the Reapers is because we value personal freedom alot. We choose what, when, and where we do things. It makes it hard to run the gang, making it like herding kittens, but me and the others manage. Anyways, as I mentioned before, some of us are victims of the Reapers, some fully trained slaves, others only just barely in training." Grace's right hand still holds onto Julia's but her left totally 'accidentally' brushes against Julia's exposed thigh. It makes them... more desiring to a guiding hand. We like freedom, but some decide to voluntarily give up their freedom. I put them to use and make sure to treat them nicely, while they get that guidance they've been trained to crave..."
; Location: Liza and Julia's house; Tag: Grace; Mood: upbeat;
Core States: HP (40/40); AC 13; CMD 14; Init: +3; Fort: +5; Ref: +7; Will: +3
Mahou Rounds: 12/12

It made sense that it was another one of their hideouts, Grace was working there after all, and thinking back on it, it seemed like only women were working at the cafe too, though in that case, it seemed like a few men frequented the cafe as well. "I think you did a great job then!" Julia was quick to Grace's designs when she knew that the sexiness was what she was going for. As they continued Julia didn't even notice Grace changing their hand holding to the interlaced hold. She was still wide-eyed, looking at the waiters, taking in the establishment, how Grace was in charge of all this. It was amazing! Even as the continued past the section of girls with hungry eyes, the dense fox was just marveling at the operation, not feeling their eyes at all.
"Wow, this is a pretty crazy bedroom," She smiled joining grace on the bed, though as soon as she did she got a nice strong whiff of the cat's scent. The scent of sex and pleasure, stronger then Liza or Alex's scent... She could feel a strange itch between her leg's suddenly, she couldn't place it, but her body was somehow attracted to the dominant scent of the kitty girl sitting next to her. She blushed strongly as Grace pulled her tightly, even the dense fox girl was able to connect the dots that Grace wasn't inviting men into her bed. "I... I see," She said looking at Grace quietly as she explained the role of the Amazons. "It sounds like you're really helping those girls, and it's good that you value freedom so much. I agree with your core message for sure, and I think that you guys fighting against the Reapers is great, someone needs to stop those slaver. As for the girls you save... if that's what makes them happy now, then it's good you're willing to help." She smiled, wondering if Liza needed something like that, she had been trained, but she seemed fine... maybe a bit more forward then before, but not clambering over herself to get fucked or anything like that. "So... where do I fit in?" She asked, not noticing Julia touching her thigh.
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"Thanks! I try and keep it practical for what I do the most!" She said as she sat down onto her bed. Seeing the blushing Julia, Grace could guess the reason and giggled but didnt follow up the other girls slight arousal other than her hand holding and light 'accidental' brushs. It was hard not to do so when they were sitting so close together. Julia would eventually start to feel tingles running up her spine as Grace 'accidentally' touched her.

"Im glad to make those girls lives easier. You know some of those girls weren't even captured by The Reapers? They weren't even trained and yet they still wanted to give up their freedom..." Grace inwardly sighed in relief that Julia wasn't put off by the 'servants'. It was totally different from what The Reapers did! Yeah, totally! It would have been a shame if she was repulsed by the idea of the slaves servants. Grace had multiple fantasies of Julia as her personal one which had required her to relieve her arousal... multiple times!

Grace bit her lower lip. "Well... As I said before I want your help with following up on my leads against the Reapers, but... It might be too much to ask, but I was also wondering if you would help out in the gang with other things all well? Help me help my girls?" Grace shot her shot. This would be the first real hook she would be able to get into Julia and if it didn't sink it might be a bit harder to get another one in soon.
; Location: Liza and Julia's house; Tag: Grace; Mood: upbeat;
Core States: HP (40/40); AC 13; CMD 14; Init: +3; Fort: +5; Ref: +7; Will: +3
Mahou Rounds: 12/12

Giggling Julia nodded, taking a second look around the room since it seemed to be a reflection of who Grace really was. "That makes sense, I just have girly stuff around my room..." She admitted sheepishly, it wasn't that she and Liza never trained, only that... well she didn't think that the bedroom was a place for weapons... Julia did start to notice Grace getting more handsy now, feeling a bit conflicted, her body screaming that she liked this, that this was good. But her mind calmly reminding her that this wasn't something that friends do... they didn't touch each other like this... and, she was Liza's...
"Wow, I didn't know people like that existed... wanting to give up their freedom to be told what to do." She thought about it, and it actually did kind of make sense, some people didn't have the drive to make their own choices, having a strong leadership figure in their life would be nice, lovely... but on the other hand, she and Liza had fought many times with both of them trying to be 'in charge' so maybe it was just she'd never been around such a submissive girl.
Julia cocked her head to the side a bit listening to Grace give her proposal. "Help you help them?" She wasn't really understanding what was being asked of her, "I'm all for helping you in any way possible, the work you're doing is super important, and I think that working together we can maybe wipe out the Reapers! So I can help out in the gang, I'm here to help for more the just the Reapers," She affirmed again. Letting the tingling on her back fade a bit, it wasn't important after all.
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Grace let out an interested 'Hmmmmm' when Julia mentioned just girly things in her room. Well, now Grace was going to have to make a trip to Julia's room for sure! And it definitely wasn't for lewd reasons!


"Yes! Thanks so much!" Grace took both of Julia's hands in her own and shook them up in down! She did it! She couldn't wait till she could make Julia her own! Julia was completely ignorant of Grace's inner thoughts, seeing her only as really excited for her help. "I'll let you know when ever I need help with anything. Yeah that key would be helpful with letting you know if you could find a way to get it to me..." Grace pushed the idea once again, but didn't push too hard, making it seem more like a strong suggestion but not that she really needed it. Of course she really wanted it, but that was different.

"As for what we wanted to do tonight..." Grace let go of Julia's hands and stood up, leaving Julia on the bed. "Its a warehouse over in a more deserted part of the slums. Not alot of people live around there but the warehouses that are around are popular squatting spots..." She continued to speak as she walked over to her armor stands and turned her back to Julia, dropping her skirt, revealing the back of her black panties. "One of my girls noticed something weird going on there and managed to spot an officer of the Reapers enter the building." She pulled her shirt up and over her head and tossed it to the ground. Julia could now see the black straps of Grace's bra. Grace started to pull a leather set off of its stand and began to put it on. "I want to go in there and take a look around, and if we think it safe, to actually go in and raid it." She put it on with practiced ease and was about done. "Any ways, only a few of my girls will be able to come. The rest will do as they normally do and hopefully if no one sees us, then the Reapers wont suspect it was us who raided the place..." She finally finished and turned around with a grin on her face, hoping to find a red faced Julia!

"Oh! I do have a present to you for accepting! Ill be right back!" Grace left the room like a breeze, leaving Julia on her bed. Left alone in Grace's room, Julia had the chance to poke around a little if she wanted to. If not, she was left to wait on the bed that just stunk of Grace!

It was almost 4 or 5 minutes before Grace returned. She entered the room with a large... was that a wolf in her arms?! She held it up against her body and under its front paws, the rest of it dangling above the ground! Somehow it looked both really cute and kind of ferocious at the same time and Julia suddenly felt this attraction to this wolf! Not sexual, but more of a relation ship with it for some reason! "I thought of you when I picked this guy up from an auction. Hes fully trained but I didn't give him a name so you could pick!"
; Location: Liza and Julia's house; Tag: Grace; Mood: upbeat;
Core States: HP (40/40); AC 13; CMD 14; Init: +3; Fort: +5; Ref: +7; Will: +3
Mahou Rounds: 12/12

Julia giggled, getting a bit giddy along with Grace, happy that she could be so helpful to a just cause like the Amazons, still totally innocent to the inner desires of Grace, and how she'd just been caught. She listened quietly as Grace explained the plan, though a few seconds in, grace undressing in front of her made it quite hard to focus on what Grace was actually saying. Her cheeks turned bright red as she began tracing the outline of the kitty girls tight panties, showing such a firm butt, toned and practiced... then the shirt came off, Julia couldn't see more than the back, but just seeing the bra was enough this was a level of intimacy she'd only shared with Liza, her roommate, wait, no her lover! They were girlfriends now... She could feel urges coming over her now, thoughts invading her head, how cute Grace was, how toned her body was, how much fun they could have cuddling!
By the time Grace turned around Julia was not only red in the face but seemed almost in a bit of a daze, "T-that sounds g-good," She agreed with a hesitant nod, watching as Grace left the room, promising to return to her with a gift. Left alone with her thoughts, Julia kept thinking back to Grace showing off her panties... how nice her thighs looked, how cute her little tail was poking out just above her butt cheeks. Julia softly moaned, they'd been touching all day and she only just thought about how much Grace had been coming onto her... She was so forceful too, her smell so strong... Julia leaned over and took a big whiff of the bed, letting Graces scent burn into her nostrils. She closed her eyes and took another sniff. Grace definitely had sex in this bed, probably with the girls she was showing off... the ones that she said elected to be servants... she slipped a finger between her legs... touching her engorged labia through her panties rubbing up and down, touching herself just the way that Grace probably touched her girls. Did that mean Julia wanted to be one of her girls? The thought of Grace, k-kissing her... t-touching her... it excited her in ways she'd never imagined. "She s-strong" She panted, rubbing a bit harder, smelling the sheets all the more. The heady smell of female sex making her a bit dizzy, her finger rubbing harder and harder, as she thought back to Grace stripping, her so tight panties... her braw clasp... so much soft skin....
Julia stopped suddenly, hopping out of bed. "No," She shook her head, "I shouldn't be thinking about other girls like that..." She affirmed to herself, deciding instead to poke around graces room a bit more to take her mind off the lewd desires that had suddenly come over her.

She first goes over toward the wardrobe, wondering if Grace had some really frilly dresses hidden away, or secretly hoping to see what sort of kinky stuff Grace had hidden away... When she opened the wardrobe she found first a stash of dresses and lingerie, the thought of Grace wearing the lingerie flashes through her mind. So sexy... graceful... powerful... her hand floats between her legs again, touching her aching sex, rubbing it as hard as before, with one hand she opens the next drawer, filled with high heels. She rubs a little harder, it's not hard to think of such a dominant woman wearing them, showing off her toned thighs.... next, she opens a drawer filled with collars... something that each of the servants where wearing, She gently touches one of the leather ones. The sign of submission, of ownership... she was getting so hot thinking about all the girl's Grace must have made to wear those. She closes the wardrobe, careful to put things back where she found them, all while still touching herself, edging her mind along with the lewd thoughts... She moved over to the drawers next. Opening them up she'd see quite the array of panties, some cute, some lewd, some even crotchless! This didn't help Julia's arousal at all, and by this point she was nearing climax, rubbing herself, thinking about Grace's smell, about how sexy she looked... about how lewd she was... something caught her eye, something shiny under the crotchless panties... she reached in, but as soon as her hand's touched the crotchless panties her mind went racing again, thinking about Grace wearing such a lewd thing! Her hot dripping pussy just waiting to have one of her servants pleasure her. It was hard to resist thinking about her... Julia was even starting to faintly wonder if she might be called on to be lewd with the girl... to kiss her down below... she pulled up a silver key, though looking around quickly she didn't see anything that a key could be used for, so she slid it back into place, moving the panties so it didn't look like anything was disturbed. Next, she moved onto the next drawer, finding the bras matching to the panties! She couldn't resist touching them... feeling the fabric the silks and cotton, the different designs, each one seeming to compliment her imagined grace perfectly! The following draw revealed chains and manacles. Things designed to restrain people... it wasn't hard to tell why Grace had these things, some of the girls that the Reapers took must get pretty rowdy when Grace is helping them, she was so very nice after all... so mmmmm helpful...
Next, she moved onto the nightstand. Looking inside she could see a huge variety of toys! All shapes and sizes, some she couldn't even place, Grace must have used all those, to satisfy herself... why would she do that when she has so many cute girls to satisfy her... mmm... She closed the drawer, falling onto the bed face first. Taking the deepest whiff she could of Grace's scent. "Mmmm G-grace..." She panted, rubbing her pussy, grinding her hips against the sheets, as her fingers flexed. "So nice... so strong... so lewd..." She panted smelling the scent again. The image of the half-naked catgirl, cuddling with her, touching her, loving her... she came. a small wet spot began to ooze through her panties, as she orgasmed thinking about Grace... Her mind finally released from the trances the smell had put her under she finally felt the weight of what she'd done... cumming for a girl other than Liza... she felt a hint of shame, knowing she couldn't tell either girl about this fresh secret.

When Grace returned with the wolf Julia squealed, shooting up so she could go pet the cute wolf. "Wow, he's so cute!" She smiled. "He'll make a great guard dog, and I think that he'll be able to help me sniff out crime too" She smiled triumphantly. "I'll call him Tranquility, maybe Ranq for short," she smiled a bit, the name reminding her a bit fo the girl that gave him to her, well not being so obvious that Liza would be suspicious when she told her his name.
Julia would be noticeably disheveled, possibly adding her own scent to the room, though nothing would seem disturbed.
Battle Grace.jpg
Grace smiled proudly, her tail excitedly flicking behind her when she turned back around to see a very red and glazed over Julia! Oh the girl was just too cute right now! She wanted to go much faster than she had planned to and try to take her right there! Thankfully, Grace had a much stronger grip on her urges than that. You needed to if you were in control of a large group of slaves servants who desired sex. A lot of sex...
By the time Julia had masturbated to completion, her was head filled with shameful desires and her panties were a complete mess! They were filled with her fem cum, so much so that it was starting to leak through the fabric and down her thighs! Some of it staining onto the bed! And she didn't get really any time to clean it up as Grace returned a few moments later!
Grace giggled in happiness. "I'm glad you like him! He will guard you and keep you company while I'm not there for you!" This guy's former trainer was a specialty trainer. His wolfs did more than just guard for their owners, though Grace didn't expect Julia would let him 'comfort' her till she could convince her it would be a good idea! She had some toys to help with that!

"Awww, what a cutie!" Grace said after Julia gave the wolf a name, though she was also looking Julia up and down taking in her disheveled appearance at the same time! It was hard to tell if she was referring to the wolf's name or to what Julia had done while Grace was away! It was just too embarrassing to even think that Grace suspected her of what she did! As a cat-kin, Grace also had a slightly better sense of smell, maybe not as good as a kitsune's but she could still somewhat detect the new scents Julia added to the concoction that was in the room!

"Do you want to take Ranq with us to the warehouse or drop him off back at your house before we go on? He is supposedly trained to fight for his Master.... Oh yeah!" Grace ruffles around in a pocket and pulls out a collar and leash and then holds them out to Julia! "Here, put these on." Julia's recent fantasies immediately makes her fantasize whether this collar and leash were supposed to be hers! "On the wolf I mean! He's been trained to accept who ever collars him with these to be his owner!"
; Location: Liza and Julia's house; Tag: Grace; Mood: upbeat;
Core States: HP (40/40); AC 13; CMD 14; Init: +3; Fort: +5; Ref: +7; Will: +3
Mahou Rounds: 12/12
Though Julia had been avoiding directly brining up Liza, since it seemed like Grace wasn't as keen on her, she couldn't ignore the comment about Ranq keeping her company. "Ya, he'll be a good boy, though... having Liza and Alex around I'm not usually alone," she assured cautiously, her legs still dripping with her shameful acts. "You're a good boy, huh Ranq," She gingerly scratched behind his soft white ears. The cutie comment caught Julia a bit off guard, as she thought that maybe she got away with her carnal moment, but it was hard to tell what the playful grace was thinking with her comments, so Julia tried to play it cool by nodding and continuing to pet Ranq.
"We should take him with us, I think. If he really is trained then he might be helpful both in and out of combat," She nodded a little bit, thinking about the way's she'd be able to command a trained attack dog in her mahou form, though she wondered how he would know she was his master... Grace answered, though again with the vague wording, cause a brief flash of red across the kitsune's face, she couldn't mean her, she had so many collars, she had so many servants... but she didn't think about Julia that way... right? "That makes sense," She took the collar and slipped it around Ranq's neck, pulling it tight but not to tight and then nuzzling with him.
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