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The Adventures of one foxxy Mahou Shoujo - IC

Battle Grace.jpg "Hmmm, yeah your right, sorry. I just like the thought that I'm contributing to your safety. " Grace back tracked a little, recognizing that insulting her friends wasn't the way to seduce her Blonde to be hers. Ranq pushed into the scratches, his eyes closing slightly and his tail started wagging, thumping against Grace's thigh. Seeing Julia trying to play off Grace's comment with ignorance, Grace simply smiled and allowed the girl her silent embarrassment.... for now. "Sounds good, hopefully we wont need his help but you never know." As for her own comment about collars, a very slight tinge of red flushed to her cheeks as it had her fantasizing about the girl in front of her wearing one of her collars! Ranq licked Julia with her pushing her face so close to his own and Grace laughed before saying. "Here, he's all your now. Dont forget the leash just in case." She sat Ranq on the floor and he went straight to his new Mistress's side!

"Ok, come with me. We're going to grab the other girls I wanted to bring with us and then we can be on our way!" Grace gave Julia a chance to attach the leash if she wanted to and the grabbed her hand once again, instantly lacing their fingers this time and dragged her out of her room. They would return to the bar room where Grace picked out two of her other girls. A short brunette named Tammy, and a girl about Julia's height named Lina. "These two are pretty new to the crew but they show promise and more importantly, the Reapers have no idea who they are so they cant trace them back to use very easily." Hmmm, hopefully Julia would start to see herself as apart of the 'us'. Maybe the next step would be Grace fully inducting Julia into her gang. Grace inwardly smiled at the idea. "They will be helping us scout out the warehouse, though, no offense girls, don't expect too much support from them if we go through with a raid." The duo greeted Julia, sending a few glances each towards the (lewd!) hand holding. "Ok T, we are off! Hold the fort and hopefully we wont be gone too long!" That same cat-girl that had opened the door nodded to Grace with the same cold expression she had Julia had always seen on her so far.

They would go deeper into the slums, getting on one of the main roads leading out of Redwater. They almost went to the edge of Redwater itself before turning into the dark side streets. They went down a confusing set dark alleys and paths, encountering people less and less, while the buildings grew bulkier and uglier. Warehouses. Eventually Grace brings the group to a stop, and Julia has a feeling they were just on the very outskirts of the city. "Ok, we should be really close now. If we get on top of one of these other warehouses we should be able to see it, and even get on its own roof if we are careful about it." The warehouses around them looked old and kind of abandoned. They were cramped together with only small alleys separating them, and if Julia looked up, she thought she had a good chance of making it from one roof to the next with how close they were, though she would still probably need a good run up. "Alright, lets look around the area. These warehouses should all have roof accesses, that is if they havent rotten away somehow. We just need to find one we can actually get into. Tammy, Lina, go take a look around those warehouses for one you can into, we'll take these ones." Grace directs her two girls at some of the old warehouses they had passed on their way into this alley while leaving the immediate area for Julia and herself to search! "All right, lets do this Blonde!" She says with a quite yet chipper voice.

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; Location: Liza and Julia's house; Tag: Grace; Mood: upbeat;
Core States: HP (40/40); AC 13; CMD 14; Init: +3; Fort: +5; Ref: +7; Will: +3
Mahou Rounds: 12/12

"Oh, you're helping a ton!" Julia quickly assured, waving her hands back and forth to accentuate that she meant no offense. Though taking up Ranq's leash Julia knelt down to pet the wolf again, going so far as to nuzzle him a bit, which the guard wolf seemed to enjoy, wagging his tail happily as his mistress showed him some affections. Julia still oblivious to Grace's fantasies, she saw herself as equal sexually with her partners, so the idea of something so degrading as wearing a collar, was exciting only in the taboo way that it might be nice for others.
Shortly after the duo left graces room, Julia watched Grace smoothly recruit two fo the bar's patrons. "It's very nice to meet both of you," Julia waved to the two girls which Grace had recruited. Though she found the statement about backtracing the girls a little odd, though she'd never worked in a gang before so she was confident that Grace knew what she was doing.

Wagging her tail slowly, Julia tried to keep her eyes and ears peeled as they navigated the city streets, somehow darker and more dangerous then she'd ever remembered. Though, holding Grace's hand, and Ranq's leash in the other, she could felt a strang safety regardless. It wasn't long before they arrived at their destination, a run-down warehouse on the edge of town... "We should be super careful," Julia agreed, giving Ranq a good scratch on the head as she began to follow Grace. Her eyes scanning the surrounding area for any way in.
[Perception: 12]
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Still holding onto Julia's hand, Grace leads them off into the nearby alleys, searching for any possible way to reach the rooftops while the other two backtrack slightly to search the warehouses they had already passed. "If we do manage to get to the top of the ware house the Reapers are using, we should be able to see a lot of it through the skylights." Grace commented as they moved towards the nearest warehouse. "We just need to find a way to get to the roof levels. It shouldn't be too hard if we manage to get inside one of these warehouses..." As she finishes talking, the two of them come up on the first door they find testing the handle only to find that its locked and doesn't look like it would be easy to bash down. Grace hums in displeasure before the duo move on.

They try all the doors on three separate warehouses before they finally find something that looks promising! They come upon a particularly run down warehouse, and the door that's in front of them is visibly rotted. Its so bad that there is even places on the door that have fully rotted away leaving very small gaps in it that allow them to see slightly through it! There is a bunch of what looks like furniture and crates behind it almost like a makeshift blockade! The ocean air can wreck havoc on wooden structures if not takes care of regularly so its no surprise that this place doesn't look so good right now. "Hey, I bet we could break down this door pretty easily. Might take a little effort to move some of that other stuff thats in the way but we should be able to get inside this way... What do you say Julia? Want to try it out?"
; Location: Liza and Julia's house; Tag: Grace; Mood: upbeat;
Core States: HP (40/40); AC 13; CMD 14; Init: +3; Fort: +5; Ref: +7; Will: +3
Mahou Rounds: 12/12

"That's what I'm thinking too," Julia nodded, her blond hair bobbing a bit as she tried to keep pace with the eager Grace. "I should have an easier time with my bow as well from up high... should we need it of course." She couldn't remember if Grace had actually seen her mahou from or not, either way she should know about Julia's abilities beyond Ranq. The husky wolf was following close behind the two girls, keeping deeply quite.
Looking up and down the building Julia takes a moment to consider if climbing up would be an option, however, the warehouses are quite tall and smooth, even an experienced climber like her might have trouble after all. "Ya, though we'll have to be careful not to make to much noise." She glanced back in the direction they had come. She began to move all the junk out of the way, making a clear path for the duo to bust down the door.
[Strength Check: 11]
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Julia would first have to break the door in order to get to the barricade that held the door shut from inside, though this would be an easy enough task with how rotten the door was. The door made a series of soft cracks as she basically was able to tear it into pieces with a good enough grip on the door. Once done, Grace would move to help Julia with clearing out the barricade. There was enough junk blocking the way that it wasn't too feasible to be completely silent about it. Grace huffed as they finally managed to clear a path through it that wouldnt have them tripping over everything. "Well that was annoying." Grace tapped the final crate they had moved with her foot. "Ight, lets hope theres still a way to the roof after all that effort. I think we should be able to get to the main area through here..." They were in a hallway that was bare for doors and lead straight forwards. Although dark, Julia and Grace could still see somewhat down the hallway though it looked like it entered into a large room, though she couldn't see anything of interest.

Grace took lead and they quickly got to the end of the hallway. Grace peaked her head into the room and suddenly said "Uh, oh." Julia quickly peaked as well and saw the main room of the abandoned warehouse that was lit by some rays of the sun piercing through dirty skylights.

Except it wasn't as abandoned as they had originally thought! Already, there was clearly a metal staircase along one corner of the giant, mostly empty room, that looked like it lead up and up till reached the roof and continued up! Next to the stairs was a collection of tents and damaged furniture that made up a little hobo encampment! In the middle of it was a fire barrel that lit the camp and its occupants. About five dirty thugs were loitering about, each one looking like they spent most of their lives in the slums. Some clearly carried clubs and the rest probably had weapons Julia couldn't see from where she was. Two of them were even sitting at a rickety old table playing cards while the others sat around drinking.

"Hmmm, what do you say? They probably wont take too kindly to us walking up to their camp though we might have some more trouble finding another way to the rood tops. Wanna continue and maybe convince them to let us through? We might have to try a few different methods..." She put a hand on a hilt of one of her swords and glanced towards the camp once again as she spoke.
; Location: Liza and Julia's house; Tag: Grace; Mood: upbeat;
Core States: HP (40/40); AC 13; CMD 14; Init: +3; Fort: +5; Ref: +7; Will: +3
Mahou Rounds: 12/12

Even with the two of them, it had taken a few tries to get through the door. But once inside Julia quickly turned to Grace, "You think they heard us?" Though, she then noticed the camp of ruffians not far off. With a little bit of a frown, she nodded along with Grace. "We should try to avoid them all together, they might be working with them. Or if we get to loud they'll give us away. Here, do you have a rope? I'll sneak around them and up to the roof, and send it down the outside of the building." Julia nodded leaning down to pet Ranq behind the ears. "Stay with Grace well I'm gone, you'll have to stay on the ground floor boy."
Once Grace handed over the rope, or worked out whatever, Julia would softly pad away, disappearing into the darkness of the warehouse. She would use any holds or machinery to make her own way up to the roof.
[Climb: 15][Stealth: 22]
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Grace eyed the ruffians before turning back to Julia to answer her. "Nah, they aren't scurrying around like rats right now. They probably didnt hear us, though if we do anything else loud now that we are inside they might. Hmmm, yeah your right. Desperate people like this would do anything to make it, including selling out a couple of girls. As for rope, I do have some, lucky us huh?" As she talked she unshouldered her backpack and searched through it before producing a rope. "I usually use this for different reasons than climbing, but it should hold out for its use." She figured she should probably grab something that might be useful for this raid, and she had this rope laying around her room so she had grabbed it. She initially had fantasies about using it on Julia when she first saw it... She handed Julia the rope, but didn't let go right away. "Promise me to be careful. If they see you or catch you then Ill deal with them before they can get to you." There was some visible concern for Julia in Grace's eyes as she talked and once she finished she let go.

Turns out, with quite a lot of darkness and imagination, climbing the machinery and tall warehouse shelves was a lot like climbing a tree. Ok not quite so similar, but the hardest part of the climb for Julia was making sure she was silent. A few times it felt like she might knock something off to the ground if she wasn't careful about it, and towards the top she found a crate still filled with something! It was hard to tell what they were in the shadows as they were black objects. Curiosity got to her and she pick one up only to find that it was covered in some sticky liquid like gel! She brought it closer to inspect it and see just what was on her hand. It was thick, long and had some big bumps at the end of it, some semi white/transparent stuff covering it... Oh, that was definitely a black rubber dildo! [Roll fort save!]

No matter what she did with her discovery, ether taking it or leaving it, she manages to make her way up into the rafters with some care and skill! Its a simple shimmy along them to the staircase above the encampment! Straight downwards, the hobo's still meandered about, unknowing that there was someone above them and if she looked hard enough she could somewhat make out Grace who waved and then started to head back the way they had entered with Ranq. Just one more flight of stairs still she reached the door to the roof.

It was unlocked and once past it she was on the flat roof! Now out from under those tall and shadowy alleys, the slowly descending sun shined down on Grace and illuminated everything brightly enough to see clearly. The roof had a short wall on its edges and she had no problem throwing the rope over, though she didn't immediately see anything she could tie the rope to, as she probably wasn't strong enough to lift Grace up herself...
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; Location: Liza and Julia's house; Tag: Grace; Mood: upbeat;
Core States: HP (40/40); AC 13; CMD 14; Init: +3; Fort: +5; Ref: +7; Will: +3
Mahou Rounds: 12/12

"That's what I'm worried about," Julia nodded taking the rope from Grace and returning a reassuring smile. "I'll be extra careful." Though she did catch the comment about the rope not being for climbing, she was pretty sure that grace intended to tie up the slavers if need be, obviously. She gave a wink, and wave of her tail as she disappeared into the shadows of the warehouse. First finding a few hand and footholds amongst the machinery, then starting to climb her way up slowly and silently. Occasionally taking a glace to make sure that the group hadn't seen her.
As she needer the top, she found a strange crate, curiosity overtook her, and she began examining the contents, which she soon enough found to be a box of sex toys! Almost immediately she felt her legs close together, as her body started to warm up again, thinking back to all those toys that Grace had... that she used on her willing slaves servants. Her cheeks became a bit flush, as her mind started racing with ideas again. Thoughts about all the secret treasures that she'd found inside of Grace's room. So... mmm... many... exciting things...
Almost without thinking, she began to rub the dildo between her legs, finding a level spot for her to lean back, and properly stimulate herself. Rubbing the rubbery coated cock against her privates, back and forth, lifting up her dress so that she could rub it's cold rubber against her soft white panties directly. She was imagining Liza holding her tight, the two engaged in their first act as lovers... so smooth, their kitsune tails would intertwine. Liza would softly whisper, 'Come on Blondy, you don't have to let her know' as she suddenly realized she was in Grace's embrace. The dominant cat rubbing one of her toy collection against her newest slave. Julia moaned a bit as the dildo began to spasm, a creamy white gel spurting from the tip, filling the air with the pungent sweet smell of sex... 'That a girl Blondy, that's the face I like to see. One of a nice submissive slave.' Julia couldn't even imagine what she looked like right now, dress flipped up, rubbing a squirting dildo between her legs. Moaning, melwing, "Grace... mmm... graceeee" She panted, but found herself unable to cum. something was stopping her, it was like she was a bottle and the cap was stuck, all the tight feelings just making her more and more on edge, but after a little while longer with the dildo, she knew she had to continue... continue with the toy...
After several long minutes, the rope would finally be thrown down to Grace. Who'd be able to scale the building, it seemed Julia managed to secure it after all. However as the leader of the Amazon's pulled up over the wall she'd find a very very horny kitsune, sitting knees spread out showing off her white panties to the cat-girl, Julia's eyes a mix of listlessness and desperation. She had smothered herself in the aphrodisiac but still hadn't climaxed in all this time.
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Back down on the ground, as Julia was scaling upwards, Grace was keeping a hawkish eye on her crush, making sure nothing happened to her while only glancing back at the hobos every once in a while. She noticed that Julia stopped climbing at some point and starred at her intently, worrying if something was maybe wrong when she saw Julia flip her own skirt! Staring upwards gave Grace a good view of Julia's bright white panties now that she had flipped her skirt, and she could already feel a flush washing over her face at the sight! She stared mesmerized at it looked like Julia was... masturbating? Was the naughty girl giving her a show on purpose? She started to get aroused herself at the sight and even started to rub her own panties as she watched the free show! By the time it ended she had a big wet spot in her panties and her heart was beating really fast, eager to reunite already.


Bracing herself against the wall along the edge of the roof, giving enough leverage for Grace to rappel up with Ranq! Grace was still flushed and aroused by what she had seen when she was cresting that wall, only to see the aroused and weak state Julia was in! "Blonde, you ok?" Still aroused but now also worried, Grace sat Ranq down and went over to the sitting Julia. Immediately the familiar smell of aphrodisiacs caught Grace's attention. Before the needy fox could answer her previous question, Grace continued talking. "Ahhh, ok I understand my dear..."

Gods the Julia was so fucking cute... she had wanted to try and take it slow, to worm her way into Julia's life but this was too good of a chance to still take it slow! She sank down to the floor next to Julia, and said "Look at you Blonde, oh soo needy for someone to touch you... This wont do. Im going to have to help you out before we can continue, you needy fox..." Grace's hand wraps around the back of Julia's neck and pulls her into a sudden kiss! Even in Julia's aroused and drugged state, the kiss blows past that for a brief second with perfect clarity. Grace was kissing her! And it felt so damn good! She... she wanted more! Only when both of them ran out of air would Grace pull back, panting for breath and eyes wide with adrenaline and arousal!

Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted the dildo Julia had rubbed herself with and brought with her. "Oh whats this? Did you bring your own toy?" Grace reached and picked it up. Even after Julia had played with it, there was still a good amount of the aphrodisiacs left on it and Grace suddenly had an idea, grinning as she did so. "Come here Blonde, Grace will help you out. Help you get off my horny foxie." Grace was strong enough to lift Julia up and pull her onto Grace's own lap, her back to Grace. She picked the dildo back up after sitting Julia down and uses her other hand to hold one of Julia's legs open and begins to slid the drug covered dildo up and down her panty covered neathers, letting even more of the drug soak into the wet panties and into her pet fox! "How about it Julia? How much do you need to cum? Beg for it!"
; Location: Liza and Julia's house; Tag: Grace; Mood: upbeat;
Core States: HP (40/40); AC 13; CMD 14; Init: +3; Fort: +5; Ref: +7; Will: +3
Mahou Rounds: 12/12

Julia had managed to stumble her way up to the rooftop, with the black toy still dripping in her hands. She wasn't really sure why she brought it with her, her mind was bubbling and churning as she'd never known, everything was a blur. Even throwing the rope over the wall, and using her body weight to help Grace climb up, it was more that she knew she was supposed to be doing something than actually knowing what she was doing per se. She'd fallen on her bottom as Grace let the slack out of the rope, her legs spreading apart to reveal the nice plump treasure hidden just behind the ivory cotan of her panties.
She looked at Grace, her dull eyes tracing the cat girl's figure as she came over to comfort her future slave friend. Mmmm... Julia melted into Grace's kiss, a few moments maybe, but to the horny fox, it was like a cool drink in the desert. Refreshing, slow, and oh so sweet. The horny fox didn't fight the kiss, but in her state she couldn't muster the power to do more than lean in, pressing their smooth lips together, sucking, licking, smooching just as she'd imagined over and over with Liza. But This was something more, something almost magical. As she kissed the head amazon she could feel her desire for more growing, doubled when Grace pulled back, looking at her with the hungry wild eyes of a wolf corning its prey.
"Not sure, why, heh," She smiled panting between her words looking at grace as the girl picked up the toy, examining it closely. Julia could guess what would come next, part of her fought it, it was wrong after all... but she'd been so excited after meeting Grace that her body wanted this, it needed to see just how much fun she could have with the gang leader. She was powerless as Grace lifted her up, placing her lovingly in her lap. So strong, so controlling, so loving... Julia spread her leps apart as Grace embraced her, whispering sweetly into the fox's furry ears. "Ah, p-please," She panted as Grace began to rub the toy up and down her pussy. "I-I'll d... do anything... Mmmm... I... I need to c-cum..." She panted for a few seconds in silence. "I erm... I saw some of the s-stuff in your room." She panted softly, her tail curling around Grace cautiously, "I... I am Liza's girlf-friend... hufff.... b-but I need to cum... and hmmm, only you can help me n-now... If you help me n-now without popping my c-cherry... I'll b-be you're s-servant f-for the r-rest of the n-night. I'll do a-anything you a-ask me to...." She gasped again.
When Grace had first gotten up, like a magnet, her eyes were almost instantly drawn to the barely hidden mound that was on display and Grace's seemed to just go on and on, greedily mashing her soft lips against Julia's own. Towards the end, her tongue even slipped between Julia's luscious lips to wrestle and dominate Julia's tongue! It was filled with a passion Julia only imagined she would be able to feel with Liza!

Grace snuggled her head into the side of Julia's neck and giggled as Julia admitted that she needed to cum so badly that she would do anything! She was about to say something else when Julia continued. When she mentioned that she still had her virginity there was a sharp intake of breath from Grace and she stopped to listen closely. She stayed silent for a moment after her naughty fox stopped talking before she giggled once again. This giggle somehow seemed full of erotic promises and dreams as Grace fantasized what she was going to do to Julia! "You have yourself a deal my Blonde!" Even as she said that, Grace restarted her rubbing with the big black rubber dildo, this time even pressing hard enough that it slightly penetrated into Julia even with the fabric in the way, but she never went through with it, simply teasing Julia and letting even larger amounts of drugs flow into Julia! She could feel the dildo jump and pulse as the remainder of what was in its storage was released, a good amount of it either soaked through her panties to enter her slightly spread pussy or just covered her mound in ropes! “Hmmm aren’t virgins supposed to be all pure and innocent Julia? You look sooooo sexy and naughty right now while you're begging to cum your brains out!”

Even as she did this, Grace's other hand moved from around Julia's waist to slip under her shirt. Grace moved Julia's bra and started to molest her tits, rolling her nipple between her fingers while squeezing that soft and sensitive flesh between her fingers! She also started to nibble on Julia's fox ear!

Now that the dildo had been drained of its package, Grace let it go and almost painfully slowly slipped her hand under Julia's panties! "Now we just gotta rub it aaallll in~ Got to make sure we don't waste any of that nice drug, isn't that right my love?" As she spoke, a small rivulet of the thick, milky white drug leaked from Julia's pussy. Scooping it up with two fingers, Grace pushed the drug back into Julia, slowly starting to finger her as she did so! With so much of the aphrodisiac running through her now, it was like every part of her was an erogenous zone, and that went doubly so for her pussy and breasts! The slow thrusts of Grace's fingers felt like they were melting Julia's brain down!

Grace expertly kept changing how she was finger fucking Julia’s cunt, thrusting in rapidly before suddenly slowing dramatically to twits her fingers about and then switching to long and slow thrusts! She could sense when ever she got Julia to the edge but didn't let her over it just yet! No, that would be a waste! She had Julia all to herself right now, and could play with her all she wanted to! She wanted to make this climax so immense Julia wouldn't be able to stop thinking about it and would want more! For almost 10 whole minutes, Grace toyed with Julia, purring into her ear about how good a girl she was being right now, and how much she was going to enjoy tonight! She also never stopped edging Julia constantly and with each denial that imminent orgasm grew slightly larger!

Finally, Grace decided it was time! She continued to finger fuck the uber horny foxie, but took her hand away from her breast, and very lightly brushed it through Julia’s tail, instantly bringing her once again to the edge! Grace giggled, “Good girl~ I guess its true that all you Kitsune are tail sluts~ Now are you ready to cum Blonde?” Grace stopped all her movements until Julia vehemently agreed that she was ready to cum! Once she got affirmation, Julia went back to rapidly and strongly finger fucking Julia’s sopping wet cunt and then suddenly fully grabbed Julia’s tail at the base! The unexpected pleasure that could rival what she was feeling from her pussy, finally sent her over! Even as Julia came, Grace never relented with her fingers, drawing out the orgasm as much as she could! Her other hand started to groom Julia’s tail, running her fingers through the soft and silky hair.

Grace managed to make the climax last almost another three minutes thanks to her efforts, and when it was all over, and Julia started to calm down somewhat, still in Grace’s lap, Grace hugged her from behind and rested her chin on Julia’s shoulder. “So what do you think? Looking forward to tonight?”
; Location: Liza and Julia's house; Tag: Grace; Mood: upbeat;
Core States: HP (40/40); AC 13; CMD 14; Init: +3; Fort: +5; Ref: +7; Will: +3
Mahou Rounds: 12/12

Julia wasn't able to put up much of a fight as Grace started kissing her. The cute fox just letting the pumping blood race through every bit of her body as her dominate friend set about relieving her aching. Graces tongue soon entering Julia's moth, exploring the warmth inside of her. As she leaned back she could feel the cold ground pressing against her tail, reminding her where she was, but not pulling her away from the magic spark that was the kiss.
Even after Julia pled, begged really, for Grace to sate her, she had no idea just what kind of deal she was making, she'd normally been pretty easy going, but with nothing but the burning need between her legs, there was no way for her to pick up on the subtle expressions and moves of Grace that gave away her predatory intent. "I a-am no prude," Julia panted softly as grace rubbed the toy up and down, teasing little pants and hiccoughs out of her. "I j-just... did think about t-that stuff b-bef~ aha!" Her defense was cut short as Grace began rolling the girl's chest, expertly moving her nipples sending in tight circles.
Melting on the spot, Julia became clay in Grace's hands. The drug was filling her body, making her feel such need, but Grace was there, there to rub her, to satisfy her, to love her, ~~to own her~~. She leaned forward grabbing onto Grace and pulling her a bit closer as the girl continued to rub her. On and on, for several minutes Julia was teased, and tugged brought to the edge and gently let down. It was clear that Grace was enjoying herself, but to Julia it was like no time at all had passed, so boiled in her own pleasure that she was unable to do more than make lewd moans and cry out.
"Yes, please gods, let me c-cum!" She begged strongly, waiting only a few seconds before Grace finally satisfied her, roughly playing with her, as she came. "Grace, mmm, grace... t-that, f-feels so g-good" She panted as her climax started to ripple throughout her. Julia lay in a heap on Grace's lap, panting and enjoying the long, lewd climax, feeling it wash over her again. "Y-yes..." She thought for a few seconds, "We should finish checking up on the girls though, m-mistress Grace." She blushed a bit as the words rolled out of her mouth.
"Oh you poor girl. Dont worry, Ill fix that for you! Its extremely healthy to have those thoughts all the time~!" Grace remarked right after Julia's sentence was cut off by her own moan! As she was bringing Julia to climax, Grace eagerly listed to her cries of pleasure and moans, giggling in pure joy at seeing Julia's sloppy expression of lust! "Good girl~." Grace purred into Julia's ear as she came, and once she crumpled into an exhausted heap in Grace's lap, Grace pulled her close and cuddled with her, enveloping her with love, safety, and most importantly, approval! She started to play with Julia's fluffy tail with one hand while she hugged her, twilring it around her fingers and grooming the soft fur! Grace was enjoying the feeling of having shared such an intimate moment with her crush when Julia spoke once more and she went still with shock and bliss! Her heart started to race! It was like her dream was meant to be! First her crush got herself so very horny and needed her help with it and then Julia called her Mistress on her own!

Once she recovered, Grace gave Julia a squeeze, and leaned down slightly to plant a kiss right between her fluffy ears. "Thank you so much Julia for that... I really like it! Why dont you call me that for now on when we are in private" She nibbles on Julia's sensitive fox ears as she awaits an answer. "As for the other two, dont worry about it. We'll get them up here in time..."

Grace looked towards the aphrodisiac dildo that was laying next to them. It's fake semen cover was now almost completely replaced by Julia's own juices instead! She reached over for it and picked it up, wrapping her arms around Julia so she held in front of both of them, giving Julia a good look of the toy that had gotten her so aroused. "Hmmmm, I quite liked playing with this... Here, this is yours now Blonde! Its probably your first dildo, or even first sex toy even!" She hands the wet toy to her Toy. "You should probably clean it before you put it away though. Licking it clean should work perfectly!" She said it in a dominating way that made it clear that she expected Julia to follow through with her 'suggestion'!
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; Location: Liza and Julia's house; Tag: Grace; Mood: upbeat;
Core States: HP (40/40); AC 13; CMD 14; Init: +3; Fort: +5; Ref: +7; Will: +3
Mahou Rounds: 12/12

Julia squirmed and mulled as Grace continued working her, pressing the toy against her needy swollen lips, bringing out such sweet desire. Though, Grace had said something troubling, was it right for Julia to feel this way all the time? That can't be right... to feel this good... to think about lewd thoughts at all hours.... mmmm... Julia's concern floated away with the sweet release of climax, leaving her a cute foxxo for Grace to cuddle with, all thoughts being covered in pink fuzz for some time after.
After relaxing in Grace's arms Julia had recovered and suggested moving forward, "I am, glad it makes you happy. I thought that if I was your servant for the day, I should address you properly... I erm... I o-only meant for today m-mistress. W-we are friends and coworkers after tonight," She felt a little bad turning Grace down, but it didn't seem right calling her mistress in private when they were equals after all.
"I, t-thank you m-mistress Grace" Julia took the toy from her, smelling the strong scent coming off of it. It smelled strongly of both girls, even though it was mostly covered in Julia's juices. She put it up to her mouth, timidly taking the tip to her tongue, and getting the first taste of the slightly salty taste of female cream. She stayed timid for a few seconds before moving on to licking the length of the toy, making sure to suck on the tip which contained the drug, small remnants, getting into her mouth, and making her body heat up all the more. Once it was all clean she turned around, and kissed Grace on the mouth, sharing some of the taste with her, some of the drugs as well. It felt so right giving her mistress a kiss then, she knew it made Grace happy, and that was making the cute foxxo happy too. "I-I'm happy to follow your commands, m-mistress Grace" She smiled after the kiss, a bit of drool running down her face. "Though... c-can I have a-another toy... f-from you, as a gift?" She asked with a bit of hunger showing that she'd already gone back on her prudish ideas about not being a sex hunger slut.
Grace pouted and audibly sighed in disappointment from behind Julia. "Come now, no need to be so callous and think of us as co-workers. We are friends who are helping each other out!" And hopefully soon more than just friends! "But if you insist that its just for today…. Then I'll have to milk out it out as much as I can!" Grace brushes her lips along the back of Julia's neck as she talks, sending numbing shivers of pleasure into her brain, leaving a few soft kisses ever once in a while! Grace could feel herself growing slightly more and more aroused each time Julia called her Mistress! Her panties were even getting wet as she watched Julia obediently follow through with her wishes and lick the toy clean! Grace was getting hot and bothered herself watching Julia service her toy when Julia finally finished and suddenly turned around on Graces lap to kiss Grace!

Graces eyes went wide with delight and eagerly accepted the kiss, invading Julia's mouth with her tongue while sharing the mix of Julia's juices and drug! She didn't immediately let Julia break the kiss, instead she moved Julia so that she sat facing Grace. Her hand then wrapped around behind Julia's back and embraced her, pulling her intimately close while her other hand found Julia's fluffy fox ears to give scritches to, like the good girl deserved for being so lewd! When she finally decided to let the kiss end, Grace pulled away, panting and red faced, now even more aroused thanks to the drug!

Experienced with the feeling, Grace bottles it for tonight! "Your such a good girl doing everything you can to please your Mistress~." Grace had a massive grin on her face as she said that, which grew even more as Julia asked for another toy. "Of course my blonde! Mistress will pick one out for you tonight~ and if you continue to be a good girl I'll even gift you some other things as well~" Grace gave her one more peck on the lips before she stood up, lifting Julia up as she did so before setting her back down onto her feet once she was up herself. She then takes a small hammer and a metal spike from her backpack, and hammers the spike into the roof after tieing the rope around it. "Ok that should hold if we go one at a time. Lets find the other two real quick and then we can check out the place we came to find."

Both of the girls descend one at a time and it takes roughly fifteen minutes to search and find the other two, who had unfortunately come up empty on ways to the roof. Everyone returned to the rood Grace and Julia had come from and Grace went back up first, and she had to help the others up as the stake was starting to grow loose from all the pressure, but despite this, everyone eventually made it up. Julia spotted Lina eye the big wet spot that had been created by Julia's climax before turning to Tammy and lifting a questioning eyebrow. Neither said anything, and Grace ignored them but Julia could tell they suspected something!

"Ok everyone, it should be a few hops over and we should be able to get a good view of the warehouse, and then if we are feeling adventurous, we might even decide to get on top of their roof and get a better view before we decide on what to do next" she flashes a grin towards Julia. "All right follow me!" And with that she backed up a little before taking off at a run towards the edge, jumping over to the next roof!

[Give me an athlethics check!]
; Location: Liza and Julia's house; Tag: Grace; Mood: upbeat;
Core States: HP (40/40); AC 13; CMD 14; Init: +3; Fort: +5; Ref: +7; Will: +3
Mahou Rounds: 12/12

Julia panted a bit as Grace teased her further, inching out every bit of pleasure as she tugged the girl along, "Y-ya! We're friends," She nodded agreeably gently putting her hand on Graces's head, "I just, erm, b-being your servant is a bit much. I~" Her thought was cut off by Graces's continued ministrations to her neck, sending the fox into shivers as she was so well taken care of by the strong smart Grace, it would be so easy to just go along with whatever the girl asked after all, and would it really be so bad? Her thoughts started to fade as she melted into the sweet kiss with her mistress letting their lips lightly dance on each other, their tongues twisting and turning. Grace took the lead of course, and the cheerful fox was more than willing to follow along, even getting her ears scratched as a reward. She kind of liked that feeling, not something that she'd expect Liza to do for her, more something a mistress would do for her pet.
As the two pulled apart Grace had a doey-eyed glee to her, feeling so happy so eager to please her mistress, though it was only for today! "Thank you mistress grace!" Julia beamed excitedly as she tugged on the catgirls arm a bit, leaning into her servant play a bit harder knowing how happy it was making Grace, and it didn't really hurt anyone...
They quickly gathered the other girls on the room, getting Ranq up as well with a bit of effort. Julia made sure to pat and comfort the big guard dog soon after who nuzzled her back excitedly. Even as the girl's inspected the sight of the two's adventure, Julia played it cool and calm, sticking to Grace closely and not paying to much mind to the girls questioning stares.
"Sounds good~!" Julia chimed in before following Grace across the rooftops. [Acrobatics: 22]
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Grace stared down into the doey eyed foxo'x eyes with joy, as they broke the kiss. A strand of mixed saliva briefly connecting their lips still. She was smiling like she had been enchanted by some spell as she looked at her pet. Grace couldn't help but think that Julia was being such a good girl right now~. And seeing her lean even further into the servant play brought a giggle of excitement from the cat girl. "You know~, I think you've already won another reward once we get back to base for being such a good pet." Grace gave Julia one last round of ear scritches and a kiss on the head before they left to get the others


Grace eyed both of her subordinate's reactions and then Julia's lack of embarrassment. She suddenly grinned evilly before, in full view of the two other girls, she reached down and grabbed one of the Julia's supple ass cheeks and gave a kiss full of her love to the top of Julia's head, showing off her new prize, even if she could only claim Julia for one night... The other two girls got a good view of it and didn't remark about it but both got big knowing grins. With that done, Grace lept from their roof and Lina and Tammy swiftly followed after, each gang member moving with a grace that only came with experience!

Perhaps even to her own surprise, Julia found roof hopping to be quite easy! She actually started to outpace Lina and Tammy, managing to keep her momentum from each roof and using it to keep on jumping without having to stop to get any run ups! The warehouses were quite far up but she fearlessly traversed the gaps between the buildings! It was a little tiring but thankfully they didn't have to travel far. About 10 warehouses down from where they were, Grace suddenly slows from her runs, and stops at the edge of the roof. Julia had just enough time to slow herself without having to skid to a halt or have something else happen in her attempt to slow!

"Hmmmm, the Reaper's warehouse should be right around here..." Grace muttered as her head swiveled back and forth, surveying the nearby derelict looking buildings trying to pick out the one they were looking for. Down below the edge that they were standing on was a road that was just slightly larger than the one they had traveled on previously. Julia could see down it pretty well and it looked just as empty as the one they had just came from, except for a few people coming their way. There were two people with dark cloaks covering them and preventing Julia from making out anything about them under the cloak. Each one was walking a large dog and as they got closer and closer, Julia couldn't help but feel like these were guard dogs with the way they were sniffing everything around them! As soon as they got right below the group, the turn and head towards an ally just across from them giving the group a view of them traveling down it till they reached a door on their right side, entering it and closing it behind them...

"Well, that totally didnt scream suspicious looking people to me. I should know, Im supposed to be suspicious looking sometimes."
Grace suddenly cut in with a joking tone. "Thats a good of a place to look as any." She looks towards Julia and says, "Since this is your first time doing one of these, how do you wanna go about it Julia? We'll follow your lead." Julia got the sense that Grace probably wanted to test her a little and give her a little experience at the same time with this.

The gap between roofs was a little larger than the previous ones but she got the feeling she could still make it if she ran fast fast enough. The warehouse in question had some skylights they could look through and they might give a good look of the place, though it might now let her see everything. At the same time, she knew which warehouse they had gone into and she had seen a staircase a little ways back that she could use to go down to street level and try to find a way in from there. Searching the interior would be much riskier but she would be sure she wouldn't miss anything...
(Feel free to ask for more info if you can think of another way you want to approach the situation).
; Location: Liza and Julia's house; Tag: Grace; Mood: upbeat;
Core States: HP (40/40); AC 13; CMD 14; Init: +3; Fort: +5; Ref: +7; Will: +3
Mahou Rounds: 12/12

A shudder ran down Julia's spine as she heard grace put special emphasis on the word 'pet'. That's what she was right? She told Grace anything, so if that meant being a submissive pet, so be it. "I-I look forward to it, m-mistress Grace. You're tamed f-fox pet is happy to s-serve." A few minutes later, as Tammy and Lina were watching the Grace slid a hand down Julia's skirt, grabbing her firm ass and planting a kiss on the fox-girls forehead. It was clear that Grace was laying claim to her, showing off a prize she'd won... so why being treated this way so arousing! I-it must have been the aphrodisiac, still affecting her. Yes, that was it... she was just enjoying this because of the aphrodisiac, and the fact she promised Grace. "Mmm, t-thank you m-mistress. Y-your p-p-pet is at your command," She stumbled over, trying to look devoted, loving, and blissful to the two girls. That she was Mistress's cute little fox pet, only for the evening! Though she had a face as red as a beat, her words unbelievably embarrassing, though she'd say them again, it was true after all.
Hearing seeing the duo heading over toward the building Julia looked around. Taking in the surrounding for a moment. "We should check the skylight, then if we see anything I have a hight advantage with my bow, and we can use the rope to get down quickly." She nodded a bit, looking toward her mistress Grace for approval of her plan. Though she was put in charge, she needed to take charge, show mistress Grace that she was a capable pet... servant... teammate! Maybe she'd get a reward for doing this well. Mmm, her sex was starting to ache again, the aphrodisiac was acting up again. Her face split into a lewd smile as she thought of just what sort of kinky reward her mistress Grace might give her. A nipple massage, getting eaten out, a nice collar, lessons on how to be a submissive pet, hell, maybe mistress would give her so much she'd want to make this 'night' go on for a little longer.
She stood up and looked across the gap, a bit wider, but she thought she could make it with a running start, then they could tie a rope between the two buildings and the rest could shimmy across. She backed up, holding the rope in one hand she reared up for attempting the long jump across! She flung herself over... though it was clear about halfway over she wasn't going to make it. So she shifted to bracing herself for the landing, falling to the ground and landing in a stylish tumble, dirty but unharmed. She'd signal up to Grace to take the rope back and she looks around the building again. Either for an entrance for her to use, or even better a way to climb up the building!
The blush over Grace's face only grew deeper as her arousal grew thanks to Julia fully being committed to her role as Grace's pet for the day! After squeezing her ass, Grace lightly slaps Julia's bottom before whispering into her fuzzy fox ear, "I cant wait for us to go back home... Im going to make it a night you wont forget..."


Grace nods in approval as Julia makes a decision. "Be careful now..." She added as Julia backed up for her run up. Even before Julia saw that she wasn't going to make it, Grace was lunging to try and grab her but she too missed and watched as Julia managed to, for the most part, land safety. Although she avoided crying out, when Julia signaled up to Grace that she was ok, she spotted her Mistress friend sighing in relief before signaling back that she understood. The ally way was filled with trash and if Julia hadn't seen the two men walk into the adjourning building, then it would have been very hard to spot the building as being any different from the other derelict warehouses of the district. Its dark and shady of in the alleyway but Julia can still make out a still standing roof access staircase towards the end of the ally! Before she can get far though, something catches her eye in the trash! Under some miscellaneous items was an assortment of frayed and worn dog collars and leashes, with... were those used condoms littered around the trash pile? They were tied closed and looked recently used... The gross view was probably thanks to the gang using this warehouse, though it only alluded to what she might find inside! One of the collars still had a name tag on it though she couldn't read it without reaching into the trash to pull it out!

Either way, if she investigates further or not, as she passes by the door the two men and their dogs disappeared into, her ears twitch and swivel towards the door as she thinks she can make out some muted sounds coming from within! It takes a moment to process what she is hearing but it sounds like... a lot of growling with quite moans echoing out between the growls... Julia could try and investigate further or continue on her way to the roof!

[23 for perception from Julia, lets her notice all sorts of things :3]
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; Location: Liza and Julia's house; Tag: Grace; Mood: upbeat;
Core States: HP (40/40); AC 13; CMD 14; Init: +3; Fort: +5; Ref: +7; Will: +3
Mahou Rounds: 12/12

Julia made her way up the side street trying to avoid as much of the trash as she could, the rancid smell causing her to breathe through her mouth and keep her fluffy blond tail well above the ground. She kept all her senses open as she snuck along, trying to see if she could hear anything from inside, or maybe see anything suspicious. Her diligence was soon rewarded! She saw what seemed to be a pile of leather and rubber. She looked a bit closer and saw that it was in fact a pile of discarded condoms, and collars! It was clear that the collars weren't for dogs at all form all the condoms, they were for humanoid pets. She reached up to her neck, touching the bare skin. She was a pet, mistress's pet. She didn't have a collar though, she could feel her newly awakened sex drive kicking into high gear again, as she shuffled, almost in a trace over to the pile of dog collars, eyeing them enviously. She'd reach out, grabbing the collar with a name tag still on it, barely able to keep herself from trying it on herself!
But no, she managed to calm herself down a little bit, these collars were from evil men, who enslaved and raped girls. She'd never want to ware one of their collars... She'd take a few moments to examine the name on the collar and depending on what she found toss it back where she found it, or keep it for later. In any case she continued past the door, taking a moment to listen to the noises echoing from beyond. Nothing good.... she needed to get to the roof and save those girls fast!
If nothing stopped her from getting to the roof, she works with Grace to toss the rope across and get the whole party across. Once there they would look for a way to peer in through the skylight and see if they could see anything going on.