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The Dividing Line - Command

Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Caitlin enters command ((hopefully)) with Vance in tow, looking around for Nadia and enjoying the impressive view of the planet. Not seeing her in the main control room, she starts towards the door to the blacked out captains quarters, opening it and peering in hesitatingly.

"Hello? Is anyone there? Nadia?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"Yes. Just a moment." As the darkness turns into a dim light Nadia has donned the dark blue, hooded robe again. With a quick movement she puts on her ocular modules. "Ah, you must be the expert that General Finster sent. Please come in." Her voice is a bit muffled from the cloth that protects her face.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"umm, 'kay." Caitlin looks a bit hesitant, seeing as she seems to have caught Nadia at an inopportune time.

"Hello, you must be Nadia, I'm Caitlin Hall, and yes, I guess I would be that expert. Krysta sent me with a list of supplies she needs you to call in, I also figured I'd introduce myself at the same time." She pulls the list out of her coat pocket and passes it over, extending her hand in greeting at the same time.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Nadia reaches over her desk and shakes Caitlin's hand with her own three-fingered one. "Yes, I'm Nadia. Or, if you want to be formally, Commander Hrrrthu. I'm here to keep this bunch in check", she says with a bit of a smile as she looks at the list. "I really need an assistant", she says mostly to herself. "Sure, I'll call this through." The Garik looks at Caitlin, though the hidden face makes it hard to read her emotions.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Caitlin takes up the conversation carefully, most people in chatge that she meets seem to get annoyed with her pretty quickly, and if she's going to spend a lot of time here, she doesn't want to start off on the wrong foot.

"Yeah, it does seem to be quite the group, though I haven't met them all yet. Actually, apart from you, Vance, Krysta, and Mara I haven't seen anyone else on the station since I first arrived, and I barely got a look at those two... or three, I'm not sure. How many are here, exactly?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"I believe there are four others here" Vance says, entering from the hallway, listening on the entire conversation, skittish about entering the office after how much he pissed off Nadia "Draven, though, is someone you have to meet when you get the chance." he says, holding his hands behind his back in a refined manner as he smiles "And it's good to see you again, Nadia." he says, the smile fading as he looks at her clothes
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Nadia leans back and folds her hands in thought. "Well, there's me, of course. Then we have two Telarin - Mara and Thall. Then Vance, Krysta, Senkek and Umbral representing the humans. Furthermore Kars of the Kopak, Cyrus of the Tiberion - long story - and Zachery. Oh, and Draven of course. Not to mention our... guest, the Ashotur. We don't know his name."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Draven had made his way back to command, and if it was possible for a being resembling a walking cloud of mist to look pissed, he certainly managed the part well. He stopped short when he heard Nadia mention his name, and decided to give them a slight surprise.

"What about me now?"

If they turned, they would see him standing there, in full out mist form, although he didn't look to be quite happy right now, even though he was trying to force a smile for their sakes to show he wasn't mad with them, but rather something else.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Caitlin looks over in surprise at being snuck up on, then greater surprise at what she sees. "Is this Draven then?" she asks, a bit uncertainly. She recieves a nod from the other two in the room, and for the third time in a little more than an hour, she dissolves into another storm of excited babbling questions...

"Really!? What kind of species are you? I've never seen anything like that before! Where do you come from?" She pauses a second to rush over and stick a finger in his belly, swirling it around a bit and watching intently as the tirade continues, trying to see if the particles return to the same place. "How do you stay corporeal? (small giggle here) Do you have central intelligence, or is it more like a hive mind? how many chromosomes do you have? Do you have the same four base pairs as humans? Do you even have a gene structure at all? How do you handle a vacuum? Whats your early existence like?..."

This goes on for about a minute more, then she suddenly snaps out of it, yanks her hand back, and laughs nervously. "Sorry about that, I seem to be doing that quite often since I arrived here... I'm Caitlin, nice to meet you." She puts on her best smile and trys to shake his hand. It goes through twice before she gives a little giggle and stops trying.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Draven smiles some, this actually seeming to break him out of whatever bad mood he was in. He does his best to answer her questions in the order she asks them. "My species is called the Ingrali, perhaps you have heard rumors? We come from just outside of your own galaxy, each one of us is independent, and has our own intelligence, much like humans. Our gene structure is quite complex actually, you'll see why in a moment. Vacuum, as in space? We don't actually breathe, so I can survive in open space. Early existence, I'm not sure, we don't really keep track of time the way other people do."

He notices her attempts to shake his hand and chuckles. "As for how I maintain my solidity...."

He trails off, and a moment later his body ripples slightly. When it stops, he's standing before her, appearing very much to be a human male, and extends his hand outward, grasping hers and shaking. "My entire race, we are all shape shifters."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"Amazing, simply amazing, I had no idea that was even possible. And maybe
I should rephrase the intelligence question, I meant to ask how you are capable of maintaining higher level thought processes. It usually requires a central 'brain', if you will, those creatures with a less centralized mental organ tend to not rise up very far above basic instincts. And I really am sorry about my enthusiasm, my work keeps me pretty occupied so this trip has been full of surprises."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"Ah, then yes, by your definition we would have a central brain."

He chuckles slightly and adds, "it's fine really. I'm not bothered by it at all. Am I to take it then your our biologist?"

After a moment longer, he shifts back to his normal form.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"Yep, that I am. No idea how I'm going to get around to studying our friends the spore and Ashotur though, I'm having far too much fun just meeting the other people around here." Caitlin accompanies this with a grin, all while trying not to stare into Draven's head to see if she can spot a thicker area that might be his 'brain'.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Nadia gently clears her throat. "Draven, is there something you wanted to talk to me about?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"Actually yes Nadia. I attempted to access the experimentation logs as I said I would, and it seems as if it requires authorization from a one Dr. Elliot Rosario, at least that's what the damn AI said. Apparently it seems too that the room has some sort of automated defense system we didn't detect earlier. So unless we can find some way of getting that access code we might be stuck there. Something tells me any attempt to bypass it is going to turn out rather ugly."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Nadia growls. "That Dr. Rosario seems to be quite the dubious character. After my talk with Zachery I did a bit of research, and it seems that the doctor... disappeared. There is no employment file, no bank account and no death certificate on that name. If he's still out there, he's either working on something super secret - or he doesn't wish to be found."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

A low hissing sound can be heard, and it might take them a moment to realize it was coming from Draven. "I was afraid you would say that. For the time being, it looks like we're not getting into those files. I suppose I could shut down all the power to the room and manually remove each drive and connect them elsewhere, where that damned AI can't activate defense systems, but that is going to take quite some time."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"Right, well, as you two seem to have other stuff to worry about, I'm going to go ahead and get back to work. Still want to help, Vance?"

Caitlin waits a moment for his answer, then head towards the docking bay, to get supplies and equipment from the Pillar.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"Right away, miss!" Vance says, walking out of command with Caitlin to the docking bay
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Krysta's Voice came through Draven's comm, "Hey, Mistman. Guess who's awaaaaake."